
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Germaine 53:37
Okay, I have some questions about the cloud from last time you talked to Bert. You know, you said, "There's no more information, so iON's cloud is what holds the energy that is power." And then you said, "iON's cloud attaches." What does it attach to?

iON 53:59
The [inaudible] to your new terra firma.

Germaine 54:07
Okay. Oh, okay. What was the first word?

iON 54:10
Wait now. Wait, wait. To your terra firma.

Germaine 54:15
Terra firma.

iON 54:15
It attaches. Terra firma. Because here's what happened now. We've already got you ready for it. Now everything you need to know is in your, in your iPhone. Everything. There's nothing you need to know that's not in your phone or that you have access to. And if there is something, you can call somebody and ask them, and they can tell you the information. Right?

Germaine 54:37
Yeah. Right.

iON 54:38
So, we got it ready for everything to be instantly accessible. And then when that all fails, you're gonna be so lost that we'll be the only game in town.

Germaine 54:51
Well, that's my next question.

iON 54:55
We know.

Germaine 54:54
Why would if you're Ascended -- we're Ascended -- why would we need your cloud if you said that you don't want our power?

iON 55:06
You don't, you don't... No, no, no, no, no. That's just a resource. That's just a resource. That's like Bob's stupid books that he doesn't read in his library. What's the point of those? He doesn't read 'em, he just stacks them up, hides the bodies behind them in the piles of lime. He doesn't read those stupid books. Well…

iON 0:00
…comin' on July, he'll read "Gravity's Rainbow." Time to do that. He reads it once a year, whether it needs readin' or not. And then after that Pynchon, then after that, then after that, he'll just thumb through shit. He don't read. Bob doesn't read. That's ridiculous. He says he does, but he's readin' while he's -- somebody has to kick the chair to tell him to turn the page. So, that's always good. [chuckles] But anyway, so what good is that? That doesn't have anything to do with anything, but that's a resource that's available. And if you're Ascending, you want access to stuff so you'll know stuff, and you'll either get it or you'll send somebody to get it. It becomes the Aka -- it becomes that ridiculous word called Akasha that everybody slings around which we despise! because it becomes some place you can't get to and something you can't know about that has all the information in the world, and la, la, la, la, la kind of crap.

Germaine 0:58
Okay, so when you're Ascended, it's just something that you have access to whenever you want to find something. Okay.

iON 1:09
Yes. It's like if you forgot, if you're God and you forgot how to make lace okra hoecakes, then you'll be able to pull it up and watch it and see how to remember how to make lace okra hoecakes. You should make those, they're amazing.

Germaine 1:28
Okay. And then, so you said we would access that through the frontal lobe. So, the Ascended will access the cloud through the frontal lobe.

iON 1:38
Basically, yeah.

Germaine 1:39
So, this wouldn't... Is this gonna be something that we are able to do in Andromeda?

iON 1:49
Yeah. Same thing will apply. That's what they're already using in Andromeda. And so, that's why it's easy, that's why it's easy to get you to figure out your smartphone; it's making you smart. But that's all it is, is it's smarter than you are. It'll tell you.

Germaine 2:06
Yeah. Well, that's the case here, that the phone is smarter than, than the people.

iON 2:12
Yes. Then you put the watch on, and it tells you when to stand up; when to go to bed; what time you're done; how far you've walked; what you need to walk; you're eatin' too many calories; stop eating, you're eatin' too much; don't do that; don't cross the street. When you fall down it says, oh, you fell down, and calls somebody to come pick your ass up. It's very smart these days.

Germaine 2:34
Yeah. Okay.

iON 2:34
Lose your phone, push the button and it'll tell you where your phone is.


Germaine 3:11
And then, also, when you said iON's cloud would obsolesce Wi-Fi. So, there ain't gonna be no Wi-Fi when iON's cloud comes in? So, is that why the blackouts and...

iON 3:24
Whatcha gonna have, whatcha gonna have to support a Wi-Fi communication? Even if you had Wi-Fi, whatcha gonna have to use to pick it up? They’re already gettin' used to it. They can't even get enough chips to make you a car right now -- if you can afford it. [laughs]

Germaine 3:42
Yeah. Yeah. So that, yeah, that was my question. Is that why all the blackouts are happening, and that's how eventually the cloud, iON's cloud, is gonna come in as soon as all that is done?

iON 3:55
It's ushered. It's ushered. It's ushered. It's all gettin' ready now. We're in a kind of in a hurry, kind of in a hurry now fightin' fire to get it all done 'cause it's gonna be... You can't create it in a vacuum; it's gonna be replaced. Well, everything they got now works great, no problem, until it doesn't work. And when it doesn't work, then we're gonna have a different conversation.

Germaine 4:19
Okay. And then I heard you tell Ginney, [inaudible] talked about CERN and the different timelines. That was my question, that if that was gonna be switching timelines. I mean, I've seen it on TikTok a lot -- that's why I have these questions -- and how these timelines have switched, and that's what was gonna happen July 5th. I mean, how many timelines can be changed when this happens? Is it infinite?

iON 4:50
All of them.

Germaine 4:50
All of them?

iON 4:51
All of them.

Germaine 4:53
So, can we pull like a timeline into our experience, individually, and then...

iON 4:59
Do you practice the OA movements?

Germaine 5:03
Every day. All the time.

Bob 5:04
Hey, Germaine. That's the problem. If you're, if you're listening to TikTok all the time, you're hearing the wrong words. There's no such thing as a timeline. You're gonna hear it described in the private session tonight.

Germaine 5:15
Ah, okay.

Bob 5:17
What string theory is, not the academic string theory, but what is actually string theory that iON...

iON 5:23
What they're doin', what TikTok, what TikTok's doing is it's tryin' to fill in what normal -- what we used to turn on 11 Alive News, or Nightly Business Report, or the things that you could trust to tell ya some'um. But see, you can't even trust Fox anymore 'cause they're just giving you opinions of what they're opinionating about, of how Fox is right over this one.

Germaine 5:46


iON 7:36
See, after CERN, Bob's gonna remember everything.

Bob 7:39
Yeah, I'm gonna wake up. Where in the hell... What is this, Maui?

iON 7:45
Bob's gonna forget every date. He's gonna forget every number and every day.

Bob 7:44

iON 7:50
And he's gonna be able to replay everything he ever ate in his entire life, in order; every glass of water; every bite of chocolate; every Snicker bar; every puff; every single -- piles of rotting fruit that Carolyn brings home that he has to eat that he doesn't like.

Bob 8:08

iON 8:08
It’s either green or rotten. It's either green or rotten. There's nothing good, it's always [inaudible]

Bob 8:12
[chuckles] That's right!

iON 8:13
And then every food, every food that's ever been drugged through the house, he'll be able to know it. And he'll know where -- he'll find where she hides the good chocolate. He'll find that. Then he'll remember, he'll remember, and Carolyn will be in trouble then!

Bob 8:31

iON 8:29
Eleven hundred dollars’ worth of chocolate in one sitting, that's our Bob.


Germaine 8:50
Well, I was gonna ask if that date is gonna have any effect on Bob's -- on the fifth gate that they're living in.

iON 8:57
Just gonna have to see. Everything's topsy turvy right now because you gotta realize it's merging. You don't merge worlds, you step... You are independent. Worlds are worlds. Remember, we've been talking about dynasties and kingdoms and worlds, and we've been talking about these realms-

Germaine 9:17

iON 9:17
- and sorting it out. And then Bob got into the Thompson quadrant and throwed everybody into a rip, [Bob chuckles] liked to killed everybody, and kind of got over that a little bit ‘cause he had a little bit of flatulence. We don't know what Carolyn fed him, but he got a little flatulence and threw us in the upside down. And, oh, y'all got to finish up -- you know, the last, the new "Stranger Things" is up.

Germaine 9:45

iON 9:46
It's up. Went up the first. You better watch it, it's very enlightening.

Germaine 9:51
Okay. And then, what are...

iON 9:53
It'll give you an example. It'll give you an example of how you undo these shifts, these other worlds, these slipping worlds, or the -- they do it as a mirrored world. Okay? A mirrored world. So, what happens is, that's the way we present it, is that you navigate through them. What CERN does, it opens up a whole nother capacity, collapsing a world. See? A black hole, it will collapse a world. Okay?

Germaine 10:23

iON 10:24
No light in a collapsed -- collapsing a world. And that's like when a star goes supernova, that's where it goes is into a black hole.

Germaine 10:33
Okay, so it's collapsing a world, not opening up a portal.

iON 10:38
Correct. That's right, it's not.

Germaine 10:41

iON 10:41
Because all the portals are already, all the portals are already open.

Germaine 10:47
Already open. Okay.

iON 10:47
You can't open a new portal if they're all -- you can't open a door that's already open.

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