
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Office Hours

Office Hours

Congratulations to you, on your graduation from Mirror University and entrance into the greater world! The faculty and administration would also like to belatedly thank you for having enrolled, and compliment you on your refinement and sense of discrimination in choosing MirrorU … the only available choice.

Monday, September 2, 2024

What Youth?, Partial Transcript, 3 May 2022

What Youth?

Transcribed by Nan

Bob 0:41
Go ahead. Alissa.

Alissa 0:43
Okay, thanks, Bob. Okay. Hello, iON.

iON 0:48
Hey, darlin’, what’s up?

Alissa 0:50
Hi. What are the dry bones?

iON 0:54
Oh, you talkin' about Ezekiel?

Alissa 0:57

iON 0:58
Look 'em up.

Alissa 1:03
Okay, I got Ephesians in here, so let me pop over to Ezekiel. Which chapter?

iON 1:14
37:1 through 10. What the fuck! We've done this about a million times. You new here? You've been here before?

Alissa 1:22
Well, I've heard you, yeah, I've heard you talk about it, but I don't know what they are so I wanna find out.

iON 1:33
Well, read it. Ginney hates this part. Ginney hates this shit. [Alissa chuckles] We love Ginney, but she hates this shit. She lived it for so long, she's like, she's like sick of it. She likes the striptures. The striptures are like when you get on the pole and take your clothes off. Get some striptures. We got stripping goin' on! We have the striptures. She hates that account of King James.

Alissa 1:54
Okay, so the valley of the dry bones, you said verses 1 through 10.

iON 2:01

Alissa 2:01
Okay. "1) The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was [Alissa: and there's italicized "was"] full of bones." And is this Ezekiel? Ezekiel talking?

The Perfect Pitch, 22 September 1986

Posted on FB, Aug.31/22:

Bob Marshall and Nelson Thall put out THE PERFECT PITCH in September, 1986. [open PDF]

They had Marshall McLuhan's complete Coachhouse mailing list (organized by Marg Stewart) to send all 3 editions of THE PERFECT PITCH to, for the purpose of promoting Bob Marshall's Toronto CKLN-FM radio show called, "The International Connection".

The knowledge in those quotations was pretty well all you needed to understand, to prepare for the 21st Century.

The few dingbat McLuhanites that responded could only complain about the mystery of how we got their addresses.

Mind you, this is 6 years after McLuhan "died" during which period (President Reagan's two terms in office) his work was completely suppressed.

McLuhan had predicted Reagan would become President in a 1976 PEOPLE Magazine interview. (Nobody ever mentioned that until I did in 1987 or so on CKLN - no "McLuhan scholars" {always a joke} even knew of the quote - they were too busy reading books that ignored McLuhan.)

Where were Derrick De Kerckhove, Robert Logan, Carl Scharfe, Michael Edmunds, Eric McLuhan, Bruce Powe, Jim Paterson, Philip Marchand, Terrence Gordon, Wayne Constantineau, regular attendees of the McLuhan Coachhouse Monday nite seminars in the 60s and 70s, and Frank Zingrone et al., at this critical juncture in LOCKDOWN BOBRULE?

They all had an open invitation to come on Bob's show. The only person who ever dared to be actively (not passively) discarnate on CKLN was the immortal Barrington Nevitt!!

Another sign of the absolute failure of McLuhan's effort to "educate the people".

Let's always remember that the only afterimage of McLuhan's work was the forlorn Neil Postman and anemic MEA...

Now that the TECH BODY is in charge, nobody has a prayer unless they get right with iONdom.

P.S. We, of "Club 22", however, went on to spark the McLuhan revival (first MONDO 2000 magazine, then WIRED magazine) in the early 90s for the Generation Xers via the two BOB'S MEDIA ECOLOGY CD's, produced by Dave Newfeld.
Bob Dobbs

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Zappa’s Early Influences: R&B—Doo-Wop Vol. 1-10

Bob on Zappa

Vol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Frank Zappa often complained by the Eighties that he found it difficult to find musicians who were familiar with the Doo-Wop and R&B records of the Fifties.

So his love of that music could not be featured in his later concerts as much as he would like.

Frank would occasionally mention that he had a sizable collection of 45s from the Fifties.

I now encounter young people who never even heard of this music, not even from their parents.

When I lived in New York City between 1993 and 2008, I would listen to WFUV, broadcasting from Fordham University in the Bronx, almost every Saturday night between midnight and 2am, and record Dan Romanello’s “GROUP HARMONY REVIEW”.

Romanello was one of the most knowledgeable DJs of the music from the Fifties and early Sixties in the world.

We have now made 45 of his shows available – that’s approximately 90 hours of this incredible music!!!

His commentary throughout the shows is exemplary for its scholarship, including interviews with many of the musicians, who performed in those years on the street corners, since so many of them were still living in the New York City area.

This collection may not interest all Zappa enthusiasts but we are making it available to those who already enjoy this music as well as those who have never experienced it before. Frank showed me this collection occasionally and we would often listen to a few records.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript, 11 March 2021


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:08:00
To be clear, talking to angels is obsolete because there's no more grace.

iON 1:08:05
Yeah, you're not talkin' to angels, you give 'em orders.

Bob 1:08:08
Right. Can you give them orders in a post-grace world?

iON 1:08:13
Yeah. The Keys and Aethyrs still apply.

Bob 1:08:17
Right. Dave Emory used to say, you know, when he talked about Hitler, people thought there was a "lone nut" theory of history, and it was caused by this one guy, Adolf Hitler, the whole WWII. Do you agree with that?

iON 1:08:31
Ah, okay it's okay, the "lone nut"; it's kinda ridiculous, but yeah, we'll go with it, it's kinda fun. You're gonna transubstantiate against something, so yeah, it's okay, it's fun. It's fun enough. It's a glib clicheable archetype, but we'll play with it. It's okay. It's some'um you can recover from, the "lone nut syndrome"; it might be fun to land over or outside of.

Bob 1:08:58
There are many causes that caused WWII; a national fact, many factors.

iON 1:09:04
Most of it was the Britain's economy.

Bob 1:09:08
Alright, the British economy. Okay. We did analyze Dolores Cannon like 10 years ago. Was she silly that she claimed she had people remember their past lives? What was she actually making people remember, their present?

iON 1:09:23
Their knownness. Their knownness. The parts that were known.

Bob 1:09:32
Were there other selves that were around?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Bob Dobbs at McLuhan Coach House, 24 November 2003

On Nov.24, 2003, Bob Dobbs presented a dialogue concerning his recent ideas developed over the previous decade.

Michael Edmunds, Co-Director of the “McLuhan Program for Culture and Technology”—which nomenclature had replaced ”Center for Culture and Technology” in 1983—had invited Dobbs to speak.

The talk was titled:


Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Skeleton Key to Zappa’s Project/Object

BOB on Zappa

Bob Dobbs, the Sherlock Holmes of the Android Meme, has meticulously pieced together clues from Frank Zappa’s work and interviews that reveal the crux of his conceptual continuity. Dobbs’ latest essay, “Zappa Exegesis”, hands you the key to understanding the “hidden ground” behind Zappa’s mammoth work. Once you read and understand this essay, Zappa’s work will take on a whole new dimension of enjoyment. You’ll realize that Zappa was WAY more than a musician or even a composer – he was a “Satellite Conductor” who was pointing to something that was almost impossible to notice, let alone articulate.

UPDATED August 15, 2024: Now featuring 14 hours of audio commentary from Bob Dobbs! Bob fills in the details on the larger meanings behind Zappa’s screenplays and the conceptual continuity of his albums.

Download this 73-page PDF to get a preview of how Zappa will be studied by future generations!

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 4, 12 August 2021


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 2:42:19
So, does Astros' transition affect the disappearance, the evaporation of the Milky Way?

iON 2:42:28
We're gonna see. It very well may. It may close the gaps. There's gonna be some gaps closing. It very well may.

Bob 2:42:36
Right. Is that what happens when the... The Milky Way is an occupant of the gap, and when the gap closes, that's an -

iON 2:42:44
We'll see. We'll see.

Bob 2:42:45

iON 2:42:45
It folds... Stop. Stop talkin'. It folds. You remember -- well, if you ever folded a towel, you'd know that, but you take it out of the dryer and it's warm and you fold it, and you fold it to make it compacting within a certain space. That folding is what will happen to the Milky Way. It'll be as dense as it ever was. Just like every human being on the earth, if you took the space, the ionosphere, out of every cell in the body, every human on the planet would fit in the size of a sugar cube. Granted, it would be a very, very dense sugar cube. But if you took the space out of all those cells, it would fit in the size of a normal sugar cube.

Bob 2:43:24
Right. Now, you use that phrase talkin' about time, "the folding over". That's an important phrase, the folding over. So, a lot of the...

iON 2:43:33
But now, we're talkin' about the Milky Way. We're not talkin' about time; we're talkin' about the Milky Way Galaxy.

Bob 2:43:37
I know.

iON 2:43:37
Dismissing of it, it's not gonna dissipate, it's gonna fold over. And that's huge because then worlds will bump into worlds. That's why you're bumping into some of these other worlds already now that are very close -

Bob 2:43:48