Congratulations to you, on your graduation from Mirror University and entrance
into the greater world! The faculty and administration would also like to
belatedly thank you for having enrolled, and compliment you on your refinement
and sense of discrimination in choosing MirrorU … the only available choice.
That's why I reported to him and became his archivist.
Nobody in his family knew he was in charge of the CIA.
Barry Nevitt knew. He reported to MI6.
Claude Bissell knew and took MM to the Bilderberger meeting in May ’69.
1969 was a major "crisis" year for the info-elite... and they blew it.
Look at the name of McLuhan's institute at the University of Toronto: CENTER FOR CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY!!!! = center of the "world"!!!!
Listen to this (I reveal a little there - you won't hear about this version of "media ecology" from Bob Logan, Derrick de Kerckhove, Lance Strate, or their forlorn students):
"Must we continue to mow down the Kennedys in order to illustrate that the hot politics of the old machines won't work on the cool and involving TV medium?" - Marshall McLuhan, Forward to THE INTERIOR LANDSCAPE, 1969, pp.xiii-xiv.
And read this (Richard Barbrook was a British Marxist Professor given access to the Soviet archives after the Berlin Wall went down. He found some hints):
RICHARD BISSELL (one has to click on "Richard M. Bissell" twice to get to his Wiki entry) and ALLEN DULLES vs. CLAUDE BISSELL and MARSHALL McLUHAN:
Allen (“It's a CIA world.” - Marshall McLuhan, 1966) Dulles and Richard Bissell vs. Marshall (“Why Canadians Must Be Dull”) McLuhan and Claude Bissell.
Dulles becomes head of the CIA in 1952 = McLuhan gets his tenure in 1952.
Richard Bissell becomes head of the CIA’s Deputy Director of Plans in 1958 = Claude Bissell becomes President of the University of Toronto in 1958.
Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell conspire with the Italian Mafia and German "ex-Nazis" from 1958-62 when Richard Bissell then leaves the CIA in 1962 = McLuhan and Claude Bissell conspire with the local media from 1958-62 when McLuhan then drops specialist literary criticism and moves into a comprehensive “media ecology” role in 1962.
Dulles becomes ill in 1967 and dies in 1969 = McLuhan becomes ill in 1967 but recovers in 1969.
"Rhyee" (the original separateness) returns to the "Plane of Essence" (terms from Cosmic Awareness channeled by Ralph Duby from 1962-66) in Hawaii on Jan.22, 1967, when Duby dies.
Bob is invited by McLuhan to assist McLuhan at the Coach House under the cover of the role of “unpaid archivist” in late 1968 since Harley Parker was becoming ineffective due to illness.
Bob (with his "Secret Council of Ten" employer) encourages Claude Bissell to take McLuhan to the Bilderberg conference in May, 1969.
Bob encourages McLuhan to hire his brother, Maurice, to replace Harley Parker.
Claude Bissell retires from his role as President of the University of Toronto in 1971.
Barrington Nevitt (“British” intelligence) is brought “in” to replace Claude Bissell’s role with McLuhan.
Maurice McLuhan is replaced by George Thompson in 1972.
Bob attends every Monday Night seminar from 1972 until late 1979, basically “monitoring” (on behalf of McLuhan whose health is up and down) the many interlopers dropping into the Coach House.
McLuhan and Bob conspire to make Bob the Chairman of the "Secret Council of Ten" (“Echelon" {front for the Solar Government} modeled on the secret “star chamber” in the medieval empire of Venice):
McLuhan, the victor, is full steam-ahead as the Director of the CIA for the Solar Government until the Battle of the Harvest Moon on Sept.27, 1977, when the Rockefellers are toppled and replaced in the Pentagon by exiled Bolsheviks expelled from the Soviet Union.
The Bolsheviks in the hijacked Pentagon put the USA on a "nuclear first-strike" posture while weakening McLuhan and Bob’s “conspiracy”.
Bob is forced to leave Dallas and move to Toronto in late 1977.
McLuhan has a stroke on September 26, 1979.
The Monday night seminars end on December 3, 1979, with Walter Bowart (author of the breakthrough book, OPERATION MIND CONTROL {1978}) sponsored by Bob - Bowart being the last “guest” speaker.
The Coach House closes in June, 1980, and McLuhan dies on December 31, 1980, ending the “Toronto” influence as the new “Illuminati” during the former decade.
Bob teams up with Dr. Peter Beter, Walter Bowart, Sherman Skolnick, Frank Zappa, David Worcester, FINNEGANS WAKE, Lyndon LaRouche, and Mae Brussell to counter the huge “detour” implemented by the Pentagon Bolsheviks under the “virtual" Presidency of Ronald Reagan ("The automated presidential surrogate is a superlative nobody." - Marshall McLuhan and Barrington Nevit, TAKE TODAY: The Executive as Dropout, 1972, p.157) as we move into the new environment of the Universal Government, sidelining the Solar Government.
Professor R. Foster explaining the moon is made of plasma. I'm surprised this aired on TV. They probably weren't ready for it.
iON 40:30
Washington DC is empty because the Tech Body is running everything.
Today on X, Elon posted 👇
A friend of mine had a meeting with senior officials at the SEC and they hadn’t been in the building for so long that they couldn’t figure out how to turn on the lights!!
So they were just sitting there in the dark with cell phone flashlights looking like demented burglars 🤣🤣
Digital technologies do not extend human Chemical Body faculties (Marshall McLuhan described that phase).
The last extension of the Chemical Body was the technology extended from the central nervous system.
Then we had the satellite/rocket which extended the planet.
Eric McLuhan wrote that digital technologies extended parts of the brain's functions.
I disagree.
Digital technologies extended machines, the "machinic", not human bodies. I called THAT the phase of the "Android Meme".
Now we live within the extension of the Non-Physical, or iON, which includes the "Tech Body" and its baby, "AI".
My Bride and I, and another human - JW - have a world monopoly on this new Non-Physical GROUND. We are working with iON to create an environment of "Cold Play" (endless electricity). We now have 7 nuclear reactors (that's $42 billion worth) to install the device. We are also making incredible medical solutions.
Mainstream science says, 'Don't worry, it's 1,000 years away.' But they can't prove that.
We've never lived through a pole shift to document it.
Someone should ask Elon what he thinks about this."
Besides the magnetic pole shift post [above], the Earth’s axis of rotation has ‘pitched’ as iON predicted.
From: 24 September 2021—Private Session
iON 1:24:05
Look at a pre-1953 Encyclopedia Britannica. Look up the South Pole. It gives complete description of that hole in the bottom of the earth. We've talked about this… Spaceship and all kinds of shit going on. That's gonna close; it's open right now. It's gonna close.
And that, when that closes, it causes the rest of the -- now you got a series of unfortunate events. Once that stopped spinning, once the center stops spinning, then the electromagnetic field goes. And once the electromagnetic field goes, that becomes a pitch. It sets it up, getting' ready to go home.
More proof McLuhan was the head of the CIA by 1970—just released today, 22 November 2024.
Exclusive details about Bob and iON, Ted Carpenter, his inlaws—the Jean De Menils (see photo at 1:44:08), and Richard Bissell—head of the UFO FILE in the 60s.
Bob 0:00
Carolyn, you're fixin' to live the vial judgments. That's what you're fixin' to do.
Carolyn 0:05
iON 0:06
You're fixin' to live the vial judgment, so you're gonna have something to gird yourself a little bit, darling, that's all we're sayin'.
Carolyn 0:12
Wow, that's interesting. Can I... I want to ask more about that, and I have been wanting to. Can you tell me what the vial judgments are, or direct me to where I can read them 'cause I, you know...
iON 0:29
Oh, that's the Revelation series vial judgments [Carolyn laughs] where it lists them all from the... They're lateral, the seven levels,-
Carolyn 0:37
Ah, yeah.
iON 0:38
- seven churches, and they go in, and they go in order, and they're gonna fall. And this is now coming into that stage where that's where Trumpitis was mentioned and went through and kinda [inaudible].
Carolyn 0:50
Ah huh.
iON 0:50
This is why it's so much fun because Bob was so against the whole thing. He was just like the martyr doing that. [Carolyn chuckles] Now he would, now he'd kill you. He'd kill you over saying anything regarding Revelations and Revelations Revealed. He has now, he has now become Ezra Pound of the biblical John of Patmos' version of Revelation, which is just the delight before men and many. It's very resourceful how he [indistinct] it into the zeitgeist.
Carolyn 1:20
Right. So, are the vial judgments just the churches, or are they the seven aspects of the seven things?
iON 1:32
No, they are separate.
Carolyn 1:35
Ah huh.
iON 1:36
They're separate.
Carolyn 1:37
So, they're the lampstands, the everything mentioned is part of the vial judgments?