Transcribed by Nan
Linda R 28:05
So, I was going to ask about ReCore. So, on What Youth on 12/14 of last year, it was said: "Carolyn's amino acids balances core temperature. It rewrites your metabolism. It's an alien interaction to give you a new code so you can get home."
iON 28:28
Linda R 28:28
And so, the question is, I wasn't aware of alien interaction involved with the coming up with Carolyn's formulas, so would you explain more about that alien interaction?
iON 28:46
Yeah, it's a two-part, there's a two-part thing. ReCore is not about amino acids. ReCore is mother's little helper to lower your core temperature so that your body will metabolize food differently and better. And basically, you won't be morbidly obese.
Linda R 29:04
iON 29:04
It makes you skinny.
Linda R 29:05
Well, what's interesting...
iON 29:06
Okay now, wait. We gotta, we gotta finish the, we gotta finish the sentence. So, that's what that's about. Now, the other aspect of that, the amino acids are... Okay, Adam -- God came from where?
Linda R 29:26
God didn't come from anywhere, God just is.
iON 29:29
All right. All right. Who lived in Andromeda?