
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 3, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 28:05
So, I was going to ask about ReCore. So, on What Youth on 12/14 of last year, it was said: "Carolyn's amino acids balances core temperature. It rewrites your metabolism. It's an alien interaction to give you a new code so you can get home."

iON 28:28

Linda R 28:28
And so, the question is, I wasn't aware of alien interaction involved with the coming up with Carolyn's formulas, so would you explain more about that alien interaction?

iON 28:46
Yeah, it's a two-part, there's a two-part thing. ReCore is not about amino acids. ReCore is mother's little helper to lower your core temperature so that your body will metabolize food differently and better. And basically, you won't be morbidly obese.

Linda R 29:04

iON 29:04
It makes you skinny.

Linda R 29:05
Well, what's interesting...

iON 29:06
Okay now, wait. We gotta, we gotta finish the, we gotta finish the sentence. So, that's what that's about. Now, the other aspect of that, the amino acids are... Okay, Adam -- God came from where?

Linda R 29:26
God didn't come from anywhere, God just is.

iON 29:29
All right. All right. Who lived in Andromeda?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Office Hours

Office Hours

Congratulations to you, on your graduation from Mirror University and entrance into the greater world! The faculty and administration would also like to belatedly thank you for having enrolled, and compliment you on your refinement and sense of discrimination in choosing MirrorU … the only available choice.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 21:58
All right, I have some questions about the Constitutional Convention. How many states are we going to need? Some are saying 22, but I think it's 30. Was it 36 states we need?

iON 22:16
No, no, no, no, it's not 36. You only need a, you only need -- you have to look up the rules. Have you not read the Silence Dogood letters? Have you not read the Dogood letters?

Linda R 22:16

iON 22:29
Well, of course, then it lays it out. In the representation, you have to have a simple quorum. And now what a quorum is is by a quorum is by definition. And the body or the staff at arms, you know the little, the little -- used to be the little colored man that would open the door and announce the President at the state of the "un-ion" speech, the charter of arms, or some'um coat of arms, or Chiclet holder or tic tac lover. I don't really know what he is, but he's that person. He was to call what a quorum was; we have enough to vote, and he would decide what that number is. So, it could be as many as 22, but now are you gonna involve Puerto Rico? Is Guam involved in this, or... And Washington, DC is certainly NOT involved in it. It's not even in the United States of fucked up America.

Linda R 23:22
Okay. And the last number I have...

iON 23:25
Donald Trump's, Donald Trump's taking options on it. He's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna turn it into an amusement park. Flood it, flood it and make it an amusement park. It'd be fun.

Linda R 23:37
The last time I heard, 16 states were on board, but I've been hearing other states wanting to form their own committees around this whole Constitution Convention.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 11:28
Can we get back to...

iON 11:28
No, we can't get back. We aren't goin' back. We've arrived at a new place here.

iON 11:33
Dorothy! Dorothy! There's no place like home. Dorothy! There's no place like home. [laughs]

Bob 11:34
[laughs] And Tom, Scott or whatever his name was, first half of 20th century, he said you can't go home again. He wrote a book, "You Can't Go Home Again."

Linda R 11:49
[chuckles] Okay. So, back in 12/18/2021, you said: "So, meanwhile, instead of doing those simple little things, the rudiments, instead of doing those things, you get lost in the five bodies. Well, I guess that would be bodied because they are past tense, so, the five bodied. You get lost in it, then it gets absorbed. The Tech body in a post-human future absorbs all that. Then you get to ask something to get it back."

iON 12:22
Oh, wait. Wait, wait. Is that what you're sayin' happened to the... Hey, Bob, is that what really happened to the model? It got absorbed?

Bob 12:32
Maybe. That's pretty interesting. iON's saying all that, or the Tech Body's saying that.

iON 12:38
Som' of a bitch. Som' of a bitch. It's absorbed. [indistinct] Okay?

Bob 12:41
Right in the middle of the private session on Thursday, Dorothy, I mentioned the Tech Body, and iON, whom I'm talking to, starts giggling. And I realized, ah shit, the Tech Body hijacked a private session. And it was all Tech Body from that point on because, because I just mentioned Tech Body, so they thought that was their entry. So they started giggling, and I realized, ah, no more iON, right halfway through the session.

Linda R 13:08
[laughs] I know the feeling.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 26 March 2022, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 45:47
So, on 6/16/2020, Bob says, "As it turns out, Andromeda is imaginary." And you asked, "What is imaginary?" And then on Payday on 3/12, this year, Jean was asking you about the Tree of Life being grounded in Andromeda. And in previous sessions, you made reference to Andromeda being six inches away. So, putting that all together makes it a little...

iON 46:18
And don't -- whoa, whoa, whoa. You forgot some. You forgot some. You forgot some. And the roots to the Tree of Life are in Andromeda, even now.

Linda R 46:26
Yeah, that's what I said, yeah.

iON 46:29
The tree's not. Well, we say things over and over and over and over, that's what we do. So, we thought we'd do it now, too. [laughs]

Linda R 46:37
Oh, I said the base of the Tree of Life. So, that's what I meant, roots.

iON 46:42
Roots, not the base. The base is here in Eden.

Linda R 46:47

iON 46:47
The roots are in Andromeda.

Linda R 46:50
Okay, thank you for that clarification. All right. And then...

iON 46:52
And the branch, and the branch of Jesse. Yeah, don't forget that. The roots and the branch of Jesse. There's a quiz about that later, so don't forget it.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Clinton Says This Is The Best OFFICE HOURS Show, Yet

Office Hours

2 October 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 26 March 2022, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 20:46
Okay, so I've got quite a few questions here.

iON 20:48
Now, do you feel qualified now? Bob's gotta eat pizza, so just... So, you feel good with it. You feel good about this. Don't get him in a bad mood. It's too early for him to be in a bad mood.

Linda R 21:00
Yes, I feel good about it. Okay, so, Payday, 12/18/2021, you made a statement: "The elders had the power before the Garden of Eden." So, did the elders come from Andromeda?

iON 21:17
They did. They stand in the bastion. They stand in the bastion that can validate. Somebody's got to validate your Ascension. Remember when they stand around the throne? Remember?

Linda R 21:28
Yes. Okay, and then, and they never descended.

Bob 21:35
Are you finding out the elders are still there, Linda?

Linda R 21:40
No, the elders... I haven't asked that yet, but I just asked: "the elders had the power before the Garden of Eden." So, I was asking whether the elders came from Andromeda.

Bob 21:53
Well, you're gonna hear all about the Garden of Eden tonight. New knowledge.

Linda R 21:57
Okay. And then...

iON 21:59
Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob. Look how, look how this is, look how this is goin' on. You were topical in the process. Now they're having the Ascending, potential Ascending ones, are havin' to go back into the things that are their knowing, like if they were studious with it or not, and look how they're bringing up point after point after point after point after point askin' the questions without any prompting from "youuu" of how on point it is for right here, right now. Pretty amazing.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript, 26 March 2022, 1900 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

UJean 18:56
Okay, so first question. Is it a fact, iON, that in the chemical body of the Ascended being, every cell contains 144,000 double helix strands of DNA.

iON 19:10
Computer says yes, every single time without fail or exception; and it does, indeed, the process starts with one. Remember when you only had to take one drop to start?

UJean 19:11

iON 19:23
That's one. Then after one, then it becomes prolific, obviously.

UJean 19:31
Now, does that mean that one drop of RNA drops affects one cell?

iON 19:37
Begins, begins... No. No. It begins the process.

UJean 19:38

iON 19:40
It begins the process.

UJean 19:46
Okay. Now, our bodies are host to bacteria.

iON 19:51

UJean 19:53
So, please describe the changes to the relationship of bacteria to the Ascended body.

iON 19:57
Okay. Used to when you had too much candida, it made you sick. Now if you got too much candida, it makes you well; that's the difference.

UJean 20:10
It makes, it makes us more well? It makes us...

iON 20:15
It makes you well. You feed off that integral part. The stuff, everything -- it's just like they said -- everything that they said hurts you don't really hurt you. All these years, sugar's bad, sugar's bad, and now Supersugar's gonna save your damn life. Ta-da.

UJean 20:35
Interesting. Okay. So, the bacteria in our body, they don't change. The bacteria is not a part of our chemical body.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

30 September 2024

*Lockdown BobRule is becoming more obvious!

It’s Brian Taylor’s birthday TODAY!

That shows you there’s still something worth preserving in Toronto… and the significance of the HQ “reality" of our weekly Wednesday show, OFFICE HOURS (4pm ET to 1:30am) .

It’s also the final implosion of the Book of Revelation, James Joyce, and Marshall McLuhan “Industries”.

Now I can go forward and write the most comprehensive essay on FINNEGANS WAKE.

All will be explained.

Posted 6 days ago on Facebook:

[[ The THIRD PHASE of the "Sept.22 - KAPUT Syndrome" has occurred right on time:

Sept.22, 2022: —the TRIUNE (Vatican City [sovereign state], Buckingham Palace [and surrounding Environs], and Washington, D.C. [the hijacked "federal district"] had dominated for 100 years) "collapsed".

Sept.22, 2023: —Bob's bank account became the only one extant.

Sept.22, 2024: —iON declared the "WAR HAS BEGUN" (the "world" is not prepared for this). ]]

Southern Company’s stock going up.

Here is the June 4, 2024, news release.

SOUTHERN COMPANY is our company.

Carolyn, JW, and Bob did this:

It is a new energy source - nothing to do with nuclear reactor energy.

We don't let them say what the source is or how it works.

That will come out later.

* "Lockdown BobRule" has always meant in the main, among other lesser satirical levels, the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BEST SOLUTIONS/TECHNOLOGIES THAT iON WOULD HELP US WITH since 2010.

It has gone way beyond what I thought was meant way back then.

Not many people—nobody basically—have understood this fact except the people directly affected technically by what we're doing… and they're not happy about it.

As iON and Sun Ra have said: "This is the first time Non-Physical has spoken to humanity."
Bob Dobbs