
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 3, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 45:18
I was listening to Rewrite and listening to Bob and Ginney and Gregg and Brian talk about the beast of the land and sea. And so, the beast of the land and sea, wouldn't a direct representation of that be maritime law and common law?

iON 45:48
That's the two sides of it, yes, but it can do a little more than that, but that is a representation of one side of that coin because that's what they do when they put the fringe on the flag like they do on ships, and that's what they're running on now. That's the difference. Now, hold on, that's the difference between a circuit court judge and a federal court judge. See the difference?

Linda R 46:12
Well, the gold fringe I thought was martial law.

iON 46:15
Maritime. No, that's... No, it's maritime. That's maritime.

Linda R 46:16
Maritime. Okay.

iON 46:24
Ships. Because martial law, it doesn't... Okay, here's the problem with martial law. Who's gonna enforce it, the elites or the Deists? The Deists are the only ones that have the right to bear arms. Are they gonna go shoot you if you don't behave? Uh-uh. See, that ain't how it works. You get the other side of the coin then. So, who is this militia? Well, we're gonna take the citizens that we have put in the, in the, in the field, and we're gonna make them fight for us, and if we don't, we'll court martial 'em, or kill 'em or some'um, some'um, some'um. See the rub?

Linda R 47:00

iON 47:01
The problem is, the problem is these words you're saying, there's no reason to get tangled in 'em, 'cause after about 30 minutes, nobody's gonna do it. And the ones that's gotta do it -- if you think Bob's gonna go police somebody, you got another thought acomin'. He won't even go out of his house except for his morning walk to the beach to go pet... He's got a new project. He goes to pet the sharks now; he likes it. He likes them.

Linda R 47:28
Okay, so the beast of the sea would be maritime law, and the beast of the land would be common law, or the UCC codes, the Universal...

Friday, October 18, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 30:02
Okay, so I just had some, I had just a beginning question about Volodymyr Zelensky. What happened with him? How did he die? I know they say he died of cancer, but did he get "offed"?

iON 30:17
Yes, he was removed.

Linda R 30:20
He was removed. I thought so. Okay. And it's obvious why. What's going on with the Convention of States? Is that even a possibility or probability now?

iON 30:34
That's, that's what, that's what was on set with Roe versus Wade. That's exactly where one of the last acts of the SCOTUS was to move things back to the States. And by moving things back to states, states immediately started to make their own rules regarding abortion and what's an abortion and when's an abortion and da, da, da, da, da. You know, you know, we've got a solution. We got a simple solution for that, it's no problem, but they don't wanna listen to us, so I guess it'd be okay, because, you know, it doesn't really matter anyway. That's the first step. Then the next step is shifting the rest of the governors, shifting the rest of the governors so that they would be, you know, inclined. We don't want to say Democrat or Republican, because we don't know what that means anymore, but, but a Federalist -- maybe that's a nice way to say it -- or something futile-based, maybe that's one way to say it; to do it from that line to say, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, gotcha, let's do the Convention of States -- if it lasts. But I don't know what they're gonna decide unless it's old-school, 1850, Wild Wild West.

Linda R 31:49
So, what about...

iON 31:50
If you look, if you look around, that's kinda what California has become now, hasn't it?

Linda R 31:59
Yeah, for sure. So, I thought one of the reasons to get the states together would be NESARA and GESARA. Is that still a possibility?

iON 32:12
Well, except there's no money, so I don't know what NESARA and GESARA's gonna give you.

Linda R 32:21
Well, wouldn't it be like...

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Office Hours

Office Hours

Congratulations to you, on your graduation from Mirror University and entrance into the greater world! The faculty and administration would also like to belatedly thank you for having enrolled, and compliment you on your refinement and sense of discrimination in choosing MirrorU … the only available choice.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Germaine 53:37
Okay, I have some questions about the cloud from last time you talked to Bert. You know, you said, "There's no more information, so iON's cloud is what holds the energy that is power." And then you said, "iON's cloud attaches." What does it attach to?

iON 53:59
The [inaudible] to your new terra firma.

Germaine 54:07
Okay. Oh, okay. What was the first word?

iON 54:10
Wait now. Wait, wait. To your terra firma.

Germaine 54:15
Terra firma.

iON 54:15
It attaches. Terra firma. Because here's what happened now. We've already got you ready for it. Now everything you need to know is in your, in your iPhone. Everything. There's nothing you need to know that's not in your phone or that you have access to. And if there is something, you can call somebody and ask them, and they can tell you the information. Right?

Germaine 54:37
Yeah. Right.

iON 54:38
So, we got it ready for everything to be instantly accessible. And then when that all fails, you're gonna be so lost that we'll be the only game in town.

Germaine 54:51
Well, that's my next question.

iON 54:55
We know.

Germaine 54:54
Why would if you're Ascended -- we're Ascended -- why would we need your cloud if you said that you don't want our power?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Shirley MacLaine Uses Dr. Carolyn Dean's Knowledge for her Book

SAGE-ING WHILE AGE-ING by Shirley MacLaine

[[ I have been blessed in my life to be healthy. Good genes, exercise from dancing, and a fairly balanced dict. So to experience anything physically wrong has been difficult for me. My surgeries have been expected. Knee surgery from dancing, neck surgery (from sticking it out, I would say), kidney surgery for a cyst that wasn't cancerous, and a face-lift when I was fifty. All in all, that's not too much anesthetic. But lately I've been having such problems with allergies that I thought it was causing very bad acid reflux.

DEATH BY MODERN MEDICINE [2005] is not just the name of a book by DR. CAROLYN DEAN (whom I will quote extensively). It's a condition afflicting doctors and patients. The statistics are staggering. From 1990 to 2000 about 7 to 8 million people suffered death by medicine. There have been thousands of fatalities linked to the drug Vioxx (prescribed to me after my neck surgery). Close to one third of the millions of women who took fen-phen to lose weight suffered heart or lung damage. Celebres causes heart disease as do other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Suicides are occurring, resulting from Prozac, and the list goes on.

All of these treatments focus on treating the symptoms, not the cause. Drug companies thrive when people remain sick. Modern medicine itself is the number one cause of death every year. The figure is 784,000 deaths a year due to medicine related causes. That's 2,150 deaths a day just in this country alone.

Medical doctors are licensed and regulated by their own medical boards, and increasingly these boards are populated with representatives of the drug industry and doctors who are paid advisers for the drug companies.

The failure of modern medicine began with its overriding desire to create a monopoly…. ]] - Shirley MacLaine, SAGE-ING WHILE AGE-ING, 2007, p.58

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 3, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 28:05
So, I was going to ask about ReCore. So, on What Youth on 12/14 of last year, it was said: "Carolyn's amino acids balances core temperature. It rewrites your metabolism. It's an alien interaction to give you a new code so you can get home."

iON 28:28

Linda R 28:28
And so, the question is, I wasn't aware of alien interaction involved with the coming up with Carolyn's formulas, so would you explain more about that alien interaction?

iON 28:46
Yeah, it's a two-part, there's a two-part thing. ReCore is not about amino acids. ReCore is mother's little helper to lower your core temperature so that your body will metabolize food differently and better. And basically, you won't be morbidly obese.

Linda R 29:04

iON 29:04
It makes you skinny.

Linda R 29:05
Well, what's interesting...

iON 29:06
Okay now, wait. We gotta, we gotta finish the, we gotta finish the sentence. So, that's what that's about. Now, the other aspect of that, the amino acids are... Okay, Adam -- God came from where?

Linda R 29:26
God didn't come from anywhere, God just is.

iON 29:29
All right. All right. Who lived in Andromeda?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 21:58
All right, I have some questions about the Constitutional Convention. How many states are we going to need? Some are saying 22, but I think it's 30. Was it 36 states we need?

iON 22:16
No, no, no, no, it's not 36. You only need a, you only need -- you have to look up the rules. Have you not read the Silence Dogood letters? Have you not read the Dogood letters?

Linda R 22:16

iON 22:29
Well, of course, then it lays it out. In the representation, you have to have a simple quorum. And now what a quorum is is by a quorum is by definition. And the body or the staff at arms, you know the little, the little -- used to be the little colored man that would open the door and announce the President at the state of the "un-ion" speech, the charter of arms, or some'um coat of arms, or Chiclet holder or tic tac lover. I don't really know what he is, but he's that person. He was to call what a quorum was; we have enough to vote, and he would decide what that number is. So, it could be as many as 22, but now are you gonna involve Puerto Rico? Is Guam involved in this, or... And Washington, DC is certainly NOT involved in it. It's not even in the United States of fucked up America.

Linda R 23:22
Okay. And the last number I have...

iON 23:25
Donald Trump's, Donald Trump's taking options on it. He's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna turn it into an amusement park. Flood it, flood it and make it an amusement park. It'd be fun.

Linda R 23:37
The last time I heard, 16 states were on board, but I've been hearing other states wanting to form their own committees around this whole Constitution Convention.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 11:28
Can we get back to...

iON 11:28
No, we can't get back. We aren't goin' back. We've arrived at a new place here.

iON 11:33
Dorothy! Dorothy! There's no place like home. Dorothy! There's no place like home. [laughs]

Bob 11:34
[laughs] And Tom, Scott or whatever his name was, first half of 20th century, he said you can't go home again. He wrote a book, "You Can't Go Home Again."

Linda R 11:49
[chuckles] Okay. So, back in 12/18/2021, you said: "So, meanwhile, instead of doing those simple little things, the rudiments, instead of doing those things, you get lost in the five bodies. Well, I guess that would be bodied because they are past tense, so, the five bodied. You get lost in it, then it gets absorbed. The Tech body in a post-human future absorbs all that. Then you get to ask something to get it back."

iON 12:22
Oh, wait. Wait, wait. Is that what you're sayin' happened to the... Hey, Bob, is that what really happened to the model? It got absorbed?

Bob 12:32
Maybe. That's pretty interesting. iON's saying all that, or the Tech Body's saying that.

iON 12:38
Som' of a bitch. Som' of a bitch. It's absorbed. [indistinct] Okay?

Bob 12:41
Right in the middle of the private session on Thursday, Dorothy, I mentioned the Tech Body, and iON, whom I'm talking to, starts giggling. And I realized, ah shit, the Tech Body hijacked a private session. And it was all Tech Body from that point on because, because I just mentioned Tech Body, so they thought that was their entry. So they started giggling, and I realized, ah, no more iON, right halfway through the session.

Linda R 13:08
[laughs] I know the feeling.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 26 March 2022, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 45:47
So, on 6/16/2020, Bob says, "As it turns out, Andromeda is imaginary." And you asked, "What is imaginary?" And then on Payday on 3/12, this year, Jean was asking you about the Tree of Life being grounded in Andromeda. And in previous sessions, you made reference to Andromeda being six inches away. So, putting that all together makes it a little...

iON 46:18
And don't -- whoa, whoa, whoa. You forgot some. You forgot some. You forgot some. And the roots to the Tree of Life are in Andromeda, even now.

Linda R 46:26
Yeah, that's what I said, yeah.

iON 46:29
The tree's not. Well, we say things over and over and over and over, that's what we do. So, we thought we'd do it now, too. [laughs]

Linda R 46:37
Oh, I said the base of the Tree of Life. So, that's what I meant, roots.

iON 46:42
Roots, not the base. The base is here in Eden.

Linda R 46:47

iON 46:47
The roots are in Andromeda.

Linda R 46:50
Okay, thank you for that clarification. All right. And then...

iON 46:52
And the branch, and the branch of Jesse. Yeah, don't forget that. The roots and the branch of Jesse. There's a quiz about that later, so don't forget it.