
Monday, July 29, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 4, 12 January 2023


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:08:48
Headline: "Trump says Biden convinced Putin to bomb Ukraine in Mar-a-Lago campaign speech." Now, on the surface, yes, Biden's an alien, Putin's an alien, they communicate as a team. So, is that what Trump is talking about?

iON 1:09:08
It's what he's pointing out.

Bob 1:09:10
He's actually pointing out Bob knowledge. Yeah, he's pointing out Bob knowledge there.

iON 1:09:14
Correct. Just like the same way the Democrats, the Democrats are saying that the documents that were found at Biden's house was planted. That Trump planted those [Bob laughs] Top Secret documents in 2006! He planted those documents! [laughs]

Bob 1:09:30
Wow. That's their defense. Okay, so the article says, "Donald Trump claimed in his speech to a Mar-a-Lago audience over the weekend, that President Joe Biden convinced Russian President Vladimir Putin to go into Ukraine." Now, that's obviously to the Little Man fucking ridiculous.

iON 1:09:48

Bob 1:09:48
Why would Trump do it?

iON 1:09:49

Bob 1:09:50
Why would Biden do that? And then it says, -

iON 1:09:52

Bob 1:09:53
- without evidence..." Okay, go ahead. Because?

iON 1:09:56
But he does have evidence. The evidence, the evidentiary position is is what's in Kyiv that Zelensky is tryin' to keep? Remember the "one bad phone call" Trump had with Zelensky? One bad phone call? He's an actor. He's like, he's like a comedic relief person, and now he's runnin' around Vanity Fair, he's on the -- Zelensky on the fuckin' Ticky Tok! How can he run a country and a war and all this kind of stuff on the Ticky Tok? How you doin' this?

Bob 1:10:24

iON 1:10:24
It's just ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. So, they had to cover up their tracks. That's why he went on the other side. That's why Trump was on Zelensky's side. Biden is on Putin's side.

Bob 1:10:41
But they're aliens playing a game; they're friends.

iON 1:10:44
Correct. Correct.

Bob 1:10:44
They're partners in the Pentagon enterprise.

iON 1:10:46
Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course. Of course.

Bob 1:10:48
Okay. I don't know if I followed that. So, Trump had a "bad call" with Zelensky.

iON 1:10:52

Bob 1:10:52
And then what happened after that?

iON 1:10:53
They impeached him! They impeached him over a phone call! They said he was gettin' in bed with Zelensky, the telephone call.

Bob 1:11:02

iON 1:11:03
"Well, check on Joe Biden. What about the billion dollars? Well, research that. Find that person that got fired; I wanna know who that is. Biden is in the bed. This is the problem. I can help this." Zelensky was the new prime minister, sinister minister or some'um. They impeached him over it! Come to find out it WAS Biden. So, just sayin'.

Bob 1:11:25
It was Biden doing what?

iON 1:11:28
Doing dirty business deals over the billion dollars' worth of financing for Ukraine.

Bob 1:11:33
Okay, so, how did Biden convinced Putin to invade Ukraine? It was over the Kyiv tainted virus?

iON 1:11:44
Gazprom. No. Gazprom. Gazprom.

Bob 1:11:47
Yeah. No, we got these very lethal viruses in there that nobody knows how to blow them up.

iON 1:11:51
I know. That's not about that. No, they want, they want that. This is about Gazprom. Russian Gazprom.

Bob 1:11:58
The aliens talking.

iON 1:12:01

Bob 1:12:01

iON 1:12:01
They're tryin' to stop all petroleum. They can't stand petroleum. They don't want any petroleum. They're gonna take away your gas stove. Take away your gas stove.

Bob 1:12:10
Why? Why don't they like petroleum?

iON 1:12:11
They don't want any petroleum. They don't want any petroleum. They don't want it. They don't like it. None of 'em do. They don't like it.

Bob 1:12:15
Because they don't need petroleum to travel around.

iON 1:12:19
Correct. And or live, and or heat or cool, or, or, or fill in the blank.

Bob 1:12:24
Yeah. Okay. So, what you have is Trump is pointing out that there's collusion between Joe Biden and Putin. And Trump is basing that on him listening to our show and hearing iON say that they're aliens, and they cooperate.

iON 1:12:41
And, and, and the things that he's actually witnessing. The things that he's witnessing with the Q drops, and the other side of the same position. Yeah, it's gettin', it's startin' to get ugly 'cause we all laughed about the conspiracy theorist and all that kind of stuff, but now it ain't -- there's no conspiracy now, it's all being uncovered, exposed, which means that it's becoming more and more and more and more an adjunct professor. These things that you're saying, they gotta start happening fast, or you're gonna run out of gas. That's the point.

Bob 1:13:12
Well, that's what I'm saying. You gotta have what iON's predicted start happening.

iON 1:13:18
Bob, it is. It is, darlin'. It is. It is. It is. They're stackin' up bodies in China like cordwood. And now they're havin'... They said, "We got three bodies, three COVID deaths this year." They're showin' 'em in the crematorium lined up and stacked up in piles! [Bob chuckles] They're burnin' 'em up. Can't even bury 'em. Can't dig a hole deep enough. Yeah, and the new variant's hidden here. The B368984299 and some'um, some'um, some'um; the new one that they've made up. So, yeah, don't worry...

Bob 1:13:51
It's hidden where? In North America?

iON 1:13:53
United States of America.

Bob 1:13:55
Okay, we'll get to that. So, the article says, "Trump, without evidence, said Biden told the Russian leader it would be no problem if you took some parts of Ukraine in the invasion Russia began in 2022." [chuckles]

iON 1:14:08
[laughs] But no, what they should have said: Well, we consulted with Bob and Bob says Ukraine’s got too much property; give a little back. [Bob laughs] You're not usin' it. Crimea isn't that big a deal. You can't even pronounce Kiev or Kyiv, or Kiev or Kyiv. [Bob laughs] Go ahead and take that, too. Why don't you go ahead. The Crimea is not that big a deal. They'll never notice. They'll never notice. Go ahead and help yourself, it's fine.

Bob 1:14:36
Now, we can broadcast this stuff, eh? There's nothing dangerous about...

iON 1:14:41
Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah.

Bob 1:14:41
Okay. Then it says, "Biden...

iON 1:14:43
I don't know. We don't know what dangerous is.

Bob 1:14:45
I know. Yeah, yeah.

iON 1:14:46
You stepped past dangerous some time ago.

Bob 1:14:49
Yeah. "Biden actually sought a peaceful solution to Russia's war mongering and condemned the invasion. It was Trump who called Putin's invasion genius at the time" [iON laughs] Okay, so that's the Democrats -- this is Adam Schiff's version. So then,...

iON 1:15:06
No, no, no, no, it's Hakeem Jeffries the one who can't talk right. He don't talk right.

Bob 1:15:12
Oh, yeah. Right, right.

iON 1:15:14
He's majority whip. He's a minority whip. He talk about, he's a talk about talkin' thing, and he can't even talk right with his speech impediment. It's ridiculous. [chuckles]

Bob 1:15:22
[chuckles] Yeah. Okay, "The Mar-a-Lago event, a mini campaign speech reportedly was leaked to the Conservative Political Action Conference. Trump also told his audience he invited professors to the White House to explain how horrible a nuclear war would be if it came up in the presidential debates."

iON 1:15:41
Yeah. Yeah.

Bob 1:15:42
So, he talked about, and then he talked about the lunatic who shot Ashley Babbitt, the woman who was shot on January 6th. So, they run through...

iON 1:15:56
Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Here's a little insight on that. You do know that they have somewhere over the rainbow they have released the footage showing that they had magnetic locks on the Capitol doors, and the guards from the inside went and motioned to the cameras to tell them to release the mag locks so that the people could get in. That's when they were marching in the front door on the carpet, walkin' through the Capitol.

Bob 1:16:23
Right. Yeah.

iON 1:16:24
And had them open the doors on the inside. So, it was a nasty Pelosi setup, just as was prescribed.

Bob 1:16:32
And that came out today.

iON 1:16:34

Bob 1:16:35
So, this stuff, the pro-Trump view, it's coming out rapidly the last -- yesterday and today and tomorrow. It's pouring out.

iON 1:16:43
Yeah, it is, but it doesn't matter because it doesn't matter. 'Cause the pistol packing Grannies about had enough. [Bob chuckles] The pistol packing Grannies, they're about pissed. The pistol packing Grannies are pissed, and they're fixin' stop askin' all these questions and start havin' all this double talk. "I'm not interested in your double talk. Is it gonna be right or am I gonna shoot you in the face? You're gonna do right or I'm gonna shoot you in the face." We don't have -- there ain't no law no more. Ain't no law no more. You can't even arrest the bad guys. The bad guys is even arrestin' themself. [Bob chuckles] Or they're purgin' themself. They go killin' little Asian woman. Shootin' the leg, take a baseball bat and bashin' little Asian women in the head. Yeah, you cannot go like this because it becomes just as we said -- as you are prescribing while you're waiting on our words to come true -- when we said, Bob, it's gonna be like The Purge. You said, iON, what is The Purge? And we said it's a movie where one day a year they can come and you can kill anybody you want to, and nobody says nothin'. You can do what you wanna do for one day; it's called The Purge. It thins things out. So, if you've got a problem with somebody and you need to go kill 'em, that's the day to go do it, on the Purge. There's like a series of movies. Well, that's what's happening now. It's called The Purge.

Bob 1:17:57
And if that's happening, Oscar is watching 'cause Bob might have to go to the -- Bob and Carolyn have to go to the bunker under those conditions. Could be shot.

iON 1:18:06
Maybe. Maybe. Well, now, you're okay from that side 'cause you are in the fifth gate.

Bob 1:18:11
Oh, yeah, we're not even there. We're not perceivable. Okay.

iON 1:18:14
Correct. But that doesn't mean, that doesn't mean that that won't change. So, just go easy. Don't, don't... Simmer down now. Don't get too crazy 'cause yes, you don't wanna do that 'cause it disrupts things and you don't like disruption. But if we have to do it, we have to do it. But you don't wanna... I don't want you in a disruption because if you get disrupted, then you're not focused and then that's a problem. We're not gonna... And then I have to teach you how to -- you hadn't figured out the turbobridge yet. How the fuck are you gonna run a monolith? This could get ugly.

Bob 1:18:42
Okay. Yeah. So, Trump says, "There was no reason, we're not going to let this go on. These people are horrible, horrible people." And "What they did to the protestors is bad." So, they had a few quotes, and they make fun of Trump. The topics, idiotic what he's saying. Now, what did he say in the speech that's not reported that is of great significance? Why did you point out the speech? Why did you say wait for the speech?

iON 1:19:10
It's all available. It's all available. He exposed it. He basically explained what's up. He told them the whole deal. This is what happened. This is how it happened. This is the proof of it.

Bob 1:19:20
Oh, yeah. Yeah. What he says, Biden convinced Putin to bomb, he knows that he's talking about the aliens. He doesn't say they're alien, -

iON 1:19:28

Bob 1:19:28
- but he's speaking from a Bob perspective here. Okay.

iON 1:19:32
Correct. Yeah, 'cause Donald Trump is not tryin' to say I represent QAnon in this conversation. He's not tryin' to say that, Bob. And if he said that, that they're aliens and then there's nothing you can do, that's not gonna go over well with Joe America.

Bob 1:19:47
Right. So, he is trying to say... So, you were impressed that he's gonna try to say something close to Bob knowledge, and that was the significance of his January 7th speech.

iON 1:19:58
He did. He did. He did.

Bob 1:20:00

iON 1:20:01
He did everything but poke 'em in the eye!

Bob 1:20:05
All right, so that's what the people...

iON 1:20:06
And a lot of people... And here's the thing. And you think, well, nobody's listening to Donald J. Trump. Yes, they are. And there's, there's now that it's not necessarily through Truth Social. Not through Truth Social. It's all over the place. There are a subculture that's following you, Bob. They're following you every step of the way. And that's why you're havin' all these problems with the turbobridge, and Bill, and all this mess. They're tryin' to quelch it. And you're sayin', we're not gonna be quelched, we're gonna continue on 'cause this is what we do. We know this. We're gonna make sure you're alright.

Bob 1:20:41
Yeah, I thought you were talking about Trump when you said he's all over the place.

iON 1:20:45
We are. We are.

Bob 1:20:46
But then... No, we're part of that too. We are all over the place.

iON 1:20:49
Oh, no, no, no, no, you got it wrong. We're not a part of Trump, Trump's a part of you. Don't mess that up.

Bob 1:20:55
Right. So, we're all over the place via Trump being all over the place.

iON 1:20:59
Correct. Correct. 'Cause he's doin' all kind of crazy things. It's like, sheesh, okay.

Bob 1:21:03
Yeah, 'cause I'm lookin' at the -- look at the second article. "Trumpian election rejection goes global."

iON 1:21:10

Bob 1:21:10
And they're talking about the protests in Brazil. That's Lock -- in other words, that's Lockdown Bobrule, Trumpian rejection goes global.

iON 1:21:19
Correct. Correct. And then they had a bad day in France, in Paris, and they burnt Paris. Nobody's talkin' about that!

Bob 1:21:26
[chuckles] That's right. Well, no. Yeah, and the Tech Body ain't talkin' about it for its reasons!

iON 1:21:31

Bob 1:21:31
It's orchestrating it the way it wants to do it. Okay,

iON 1:21:35
Correct. Correct. Calm down. There's nothin' -- aw, it's just a few bodies. People die every day. Why y'all gettin' so excited about? Ain't nothin' serious goin' on here. Just relax. Go, go play the Ticky Tok. You'll be okay. Get you some twitters. Get you some twits. Get you some twitters, it'll be all right.

Bob 1:21:50
Okay. Right. So, we have to say that iON predicted significance will be uttered by Trump on the 7th and it happened. Okay.

iON 1:21:59
Correct. And is recorded, is recorded and available probably on information right now.

Bob 1:22:10
Are you helping -- like you helped Sidney Powell -- are you helping the Jim Jordan and the committee, the Republican base, goin' after Biden and them? Are you helping them with finding stuff?

iON 1:22:22
No, we're not finding stuff, we're exposing stuff. We don't find things, we have things. We're tryin' to keep this thing, we're tryin' to keep this, we're tryin' to keep this boat floatin' in the harbor as long as it may.

Bob 1:22:33
Okay, so this, this attack on Biden and the flipping of the situation where Biden's going to jail is all part of Bob Lockdown because -

iON 1:22:43

Bob 1:22:43
- you're doing this on our behalf and Jim Jordan and them are channeling it. They don't know they're being used.

iON 1:22:49
The pendulum... Okay, okay. You know, JW's long case clocks, right? You know, the long case clock.

Bob 1:22:56

iON 1:22:56
They have a pendulum. It swings one way, and as far as it swings one way, it swings the other way. Back and forth, back and forth. Melodiously tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. But that's not time, but that's how it keeps time. So, what's happening now, the pendulum is swinging the other way. And everybody's like, "Well, we've had enough of this bullshit!" [Bob chuckles] “You can't spend trillions of goddamn dollars! You don't even know what a trillion dollars is and now you got... We're gonna make interest rates 10%. [Bob laughs] So, 10% of $31 trillion is how many billions of dollars that we owe every day? How are we gonna pay it? You can't print enough! We're gonna have to borrow Zimbabwe dollars to make this work out!" This is crazy. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. It's more than you can spend.

Bob 1:23:41

iON 1:23:42
It's more than you can spend, Bob.

Bob 1:23:44
I know. We don't know about that.

iON 1:23:45
That's the thing that nobody figures out. No, no, no, no, no, you don't know. 'Cause now what happens is when you have, when you reverse it, you're gonna have, you're gonna have a very different conversation. You're gonna have deflation instead of inflation. You'll see.

Bob 1:23:59
Okay. And I have something to say about that, but that's later.

iON 1:24:01

Bob 1:24:02
Okay, so, iON's prediction came true about January 7th, so that's a good one for you.

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