
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 5, 12 January 2023


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:45:36
If California is wiped out, that kills off Congressmen, and that changes the numbers of people in Congress. Right?

iON 1:45:41
Everything. It changes everything. That's why they're havin' such a big loody-doody-do about figurin' all this stuff out. We're gonna do this and we're gonna do that. You ain't gonna do shit. You hadn't done shit. So, if you was gonna do shit and do shit now. Well, you can't. Okay. Good. So, don't worry about it. So, now they're just talkin'. Now they're just chewin'. It's kinda like eating a meal, Bob, and chewing, but never swallowing. What's the point?

Bob 1:46:03

iON 1:46:03
They're chewin', chewin', chewin', chewin', chewin', but they never swallow.

Bob 1:46:06
So, they're talking about investigating things, but stuff's coming out that proves what Trump's saying. So, Trump has -- let's imagine they investigated the Democrats for the next three months, and then there was a big conclusion in May or June that Trump was right. While we're waiting for that, it's already in the mind; the public is seeing his comeback, his revenge.

iON 1:46:29

Bob 1:46:29
You know, it's happening faster on the information level.

iON 1:46:30
And it's also, and it's also causing the aliens to respond quicker 'cause they realize that when people stop listening, or when the people turn off the radio, or people, as you said, just keep typing, well, when they stop typing, it's over. When they stop typing, it's over. And then nobody cares anymore what you think.

Bob 1:46:55
Well, that's where the Tech Body loses. It doesn't matter what it's saying.

iON 1:46:59
Well, okay. Now there's a rub there. The answer, the obvious response, the tort, the tort response would say you're right, Bob, but if you don't have a tortious claim, then it may NOT be right. Because now what you're saying is, is that the position has to undo the relative capacity, and it may or may not. 'Cause when you're sayin', okay, I don't want no Social Security. I don't want no Social Security. You keep my Social Security. They're still gonna send it to you. You don't cash it or if you don't use it, that's fine, that's your business. But you're sayin' that this position turns off Social Security, and that's where it gets a little, there's a little hard rub in there if you're not careful.

Bob 1:47:46
It may not happen. It may not turn off the Social Security.

iON 1:47:50
Correct. Correct.

Bob 1:47:53
So, yeah, it's on the meme level Trump is winning this week.

iON 1:47:56

Bob 1:47:57
So, Trump can strut around for a couple of weeks, but then there's gonna be more fuckin' disasters, and more other things that will distract everybody.

iON 1:48:03
Well, they'll forget. They'll forget it. They'll forget it. Because you got angels from the realms of glory; they're tryin' to tear up shit. And they're fixin' too, hard. Hard, hard, hard. They're gonna undo things. So, like I say, that's what we were talkin' about. You won't be worried about if your drapes got quiffed or coiffed.

Bob 1:48:20
Yeah. Right.

iON 1:48:21
We're worrying about the state of your drapes.

Bob 1:48:24
So, this is what the aliens, the Bob aliens, not the Pentagon aliens... And you were saying something... Yeah, it's always Pentagon aliens in terms of what we see in the Tech Body. But meanwhile, the Eastern Gate aliens, they're watching these events and trying to figure out, calculate, when to zap Bob. Right?

iON 1:48:48
Correct. Or try to. No, they're tryin' every day. They're tryin' every day. They're tryin' every day. They're tryin' to get it. They're tryin' to get it every day. No question. There's no question there. But see, you got, you got...

Bob 1:48:51
They're trying to get me through, but I ain't comin' through so far.

iON 1:49:03
Correct. And then the other side, they have to be very careful so that you don't get exposed and get swept up by the angels. Because if the angels get you, this meal is terminated. It's not good.

Bob 1:49:04
Yeah. Part of this disaster that's happening in California is done by the angels. So, the angels are gettin' their way right now.

iON 1:49:23
Los Angeles, yeah. The lost angels. Yep.

Bob 1:49:27
Right. Okay, here's some topical points. Kari Lake. Is it true that they rigged the election against her? Did Hobbs and them cheat?

iON 1:49:37
They did. They did, and she proved it. They did, and she proved it.

Bob 1:49:43
Tech Body won't show that right yet, but she might...

iON 1:49:46
Ehhh... It's an appeal of an appeal of an appeal, and they're lookin' at the cases. That's the same thing with your Brunson case in the SCOTUS.

Bob 1:49:56
That's happening too.

iON 1:49:57
Don't worry.

Bob 1:49:57
And all of that stuff, she might become governor, but it'll be an Arizona that's, you know, the coastline. The coast of the Pacific Ocean.

iON 1:49:57
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, oceanfront property in Arizona. From your front porch you'll be able to see the sea, Bob. [laughs]

Bob 1:50:17
Yeah, you're gonna see -- a lot of new issues are gonna erase the whole problem that she thinks she's got right now. She might become governor, but then...

iON 1:50:27
Not a problem. It's not a problem. The one you gotta watch is Sarah Sanders. Sarah Sanders.

Bob 1:50:34
Where is she?

iON 1:50:35
Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Bob 1:50:37
Oh, yeah.

iON 1:50:38
"Ar-kansas." Arkansas.

Bob 1:50:40
Why do we need to watch her? Why watch her?

iON 1:50:42
She's gonna be, she's gonna be a driving force in this whole thing 'cause she's sane. And she follows you like a bad habit.

Bob 1:50:50
Wow. Does she...

iON 1:50:52
That was Trump's, that was Trump's press secretary, remember?

Bob 1:50:57
Yeah, I remember her. So, Tucker Carlson, there's a little documentary or he's being interviewed by a guy, and he was talking about his personal life. Like, he just hangs around where he lives out in the suburbs or country, and he thinks. He just sits there every day and thinks, okay, this is some good stuff, I'll read this and that; then he does a show on it. He's actually listening to us is what he's done, apparently.

iON 1:51:17
Correct. That's exactly right. And then he does the counterpart and then he looks at you real straight in the face and asks the stupid backward question like, "Well, you don't think they really meant us harm, do you? You don't think they really meant to do us harm. Did al-Qaeda mean to do us harm? Do you think that's the case?" [Bob chuckles] It's kinda like, I will punch you in the fuckin' nose. Fuck, don't ask that question like that. He's tryin' to be the, tryin' to be the counter-intuitive meme in the room. It's ridiculous. You can only take so much.

Bob 1:51:46
Yeah, he's looking for the anti -- he's trying to be anti-environmental, and that's very hard under present Tech Body conditions to be an anti-environmentalist.

iON 1:51:53
Now especially, especially when, when he's the one that's the voice tryin' to tell people somethin'. He's tryin' to tell people somethin', and he asks a question like, "Well, you don't think they meant to do us harm." We're like, come on now. Yes! They meant to do us harm. Okay, what you got to say about it? "Well, that's just ridiculous. I can't believe that. That's terrible. Why do you think they would feel that way?" It's like Greg Gutfeld on dope.

Bob 1:52:14
Right. Okay. Has Elon Musk, or whatever that image is that they call Elon Musk, did he borrow some technology from the aliens to do -- or was he given some technology to pull off what he's done?

iON 1:52:29
From you. Yes. From you. Wasn't from the aliens, it was from you. If you didn't approve it, he wouldn't get it. We're fixin' to do a Starlink. We're fixin' to do a Starlink now. We're fixing to go, we're fixin' to put a rocket to the star. To a star.

Bob 1:52:44
So, he gettin' it from -- does he listen to our show? That's how he gets it from me or there's some other level I'm not aware?

iON 1:52:50
No. There's other levels. There's other levels.

Bob 1:52:54
Okay. Here's the next question.

iON 1:52:55
It's back to the sausage grinder, Bob. You don't care how the sausage gets made.

Bob 1:53:00
Right. Okay. On at the beginning of the December 28th, 2022, private session number 186A which hasn't been broadcast yet, you say the phrase, "we got your six." S-i-x. What is that about?

iON 1:53:24
Okay, in the military when somebody says, "I got your six," that means that you have my back. That if "I got your six," that I got your back. Nobody's gonna shoot you in the back 'cause I got your back. "I got your six," I got your back.

Carolyn 1:53:38
[in background] You never knew that, Bob?

Bob 1:53:40
I never heard the phrase, no. Well, why would I know about it? I don't care about anything. I don't know much, Carolyn. [iON laughs]

Carolyn 1:53:46
[in background] Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Bob 1:53:52
What do you say, Carolyn?

Carolyn 1:53:53
Boy, oh, boy, oh boy.

Bob 1:53:56
Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

iON 1:53:56
That's our Miss Brooks. That's our Miss Brooks.

Carolyn 1:54:00
And we're still sure that Bob is in charge. We're still sure about that? [Bob chuckles]

iON 1:54:06
[laughs] Well, Carolyn, the good news is he can't lead us astray 'cause he can't lead us in the first place! [laughs]

Bob 1:54:14
And there's nobody to lead. It's all written since before the foundations of the Earth, Carolyn, for fuck sake. [iON laughs] Yeah, okay.

iON 1:54:23
That's okay. Now you're gonna get a half an apple to eat tonight. Half an apple is all you're gotta get now.

Bob 1:54:29
Right. Next question. Do humans, Little Man, do they, he, she, deserve to be wiped out, which is what startin' to happen now?

iON 1:54:38

Bob 1:54:38
Do they deserve...

iON 1:54:38
Yes, they certainly do. If you don't Ascend, then you're doomed to die. If you don't Ascend, you're doomed to die. So, you deserve to die. That's the point. That's the point.

Bob 1:54:49

iON 1:54:50
If you don't like that, if you don't like that, then Ascend. And if you do like that, then you certainly won't mind dying. It's your time. That's what the Primitive Baptists would say. What is to be will be. So, let it go.

Bob 1:55:02
All right. They were saying in a TikTok a week or two ago, that there were 250 million Chinese people dying -

iON 1:55:10
At least.

Bob 1:55:10
- from COVID or something. Are they dying from the...

iON 1:55:10
The new COVID. The new COVID.

Bob 1:55:17
Which Carolyn told me the name last night.

iON 1:55:20
D693828477, some'um, some'um, some'um. Yeah.

Bob 1:55:25
You know that name, Carolyn?

Carolyn 1:55:26
[in background] No.

Bob 1:55:27
She hasn't seen that one. Did it come out of Kyiv this new virus?

iON 1:55:32
No. No, it came out of Wuhan.

Bob 1:55:36
Okay. So, the Kyiv supervirus that's sittin' there in Kyiv hasn't been released yet. Okay, so, is this virus...

iON 1:55:45
That's the Black, that's the Black Death. Call that one the Black Death. That's the one people will recognize.

Bob 1:55:50
Okay. Right.

iON 1:55:53
That's the one -- do you remember 100,000 years ago when we were talking about the little Zika babies, the Zika babies with their little eyes poppin' out? Yeah, that's the one that's in Kyiv. The little Zika virus. That's the one you can't get over.

Bob 1:56:06
That one's gonna happen at some point.

iON 1:56:09
Yeah. Oh, yeah. We've seen it.

Bob 1:56:11
So, you got millions of Chinese dying. Is that gonna spread through Asia and into North America? Whatever they're dying....

iON 1:56:17
It's in America. It's in America right now.

Bob 1:56:21
And people are dying.

iON 1:56:23
They are.

Bob 1:56:25
Do you think, do you agree -

iON 1:56:27
We don't think.

Bob 1:56:27
- with many people's -- do agree with many people's suspicions that these athletes that are dropping dead are dropping dead 'cause they got vaccinated? Do you agree with that?

iON 1:56:39
They are. That's what happened. That's exactly what's happened. You changed the DNA. That's what... Well, you don't have to -- we didn't even say that, Carolyn said that for fuck sake! [Bob chuckles] Listen to Dr. Dean. She's the smart one in this crowd, for Pete's sake. [Bob chuckles] You can't change the strata of the human condition and wonder when some'um happens funny. Well, every time I get a gallon of corn whiskey, somethin' bad like this happens. You can't, [chuckles] you can't use that as a logical repose too much.

Bob 1:57:07
And so more athletes are gonna -- people who got vaccinated are gonna be dropping dead every day.

iON 1:57:12
Correct. Correct. It's all this weird neuropathy, heart condition, arrhythmia, "I can't figure it out." The heart electrical current from an AFib turns into bradycardia. And then they can't recuperate and just gives out. Like what happens to old people. That's what happens to old people.

Bob 1:57:36
All right. Yes, you mean before they got vaccinated. Whether they got vaccinated or not, that what happens to old people is happening to 20-year-olds.

iON 1:57:46
Yeah, like that's the people that go to bed and die in their sleep. They went to bed and died in their sleep. That's what happens to them. Well, that's what's happening now to 30-year-olds.

Bob 1:57:55
Next question, are we gonna make what they call an "Everything" app?

iON 1:58:01
We have already. It's being worked on right now. But the Tech Body is helping you. And the Tech Body is gonna try to take credit for it, but they're not gonna get the credit for it. But we're working on that. That's, that's what we call the "God" app. We got that, that's pretty much together.

Bob 1:58:21
Okay. Oh, is that what we put in people's watches or whatever they -- computer, their cell phones?

iON 1:58:25
You don't have to do that. This will be driven off the monolith. Monolith.

Bob 1:58:30
Ahh, there's monolith effects coming. That's the main headline there.

iON 1:58:34
Yeah, it's already, already started. It's already started. It's kinda, it's relatively activated, but we don't want to speak out of turn 'cause if it doesn't happen in the next 30 minutes, you'll get on the show and say, "That goddamn iON, he don't know nothin'! He can't figure out nothin'." [Bob laughs] So, you better calm down. [chuckles] We're gonna jet down. We're gonna jet down, Bob, make it easy till it catches up.

Bob 1:58:57

iON 1:58:57
We'll let the ebb and flow catch up so you won't be embarrassed with your wonderful words of wisdom.

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