
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 3, 12 January 2023


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 50:26
Okay. So now, what is going on with the Pentagon aliens, who I assume killed Biden, and they killed Putin, and the Pope? These Pentagon aliens are waiting for the Eastern Gate aliens; they're not sure if they can, how they can handle that. But these Pentagon aliens, are they merged? I think the A1 is the Tech Body and the aliens working together, what I call the People Magazine level of ridiculous gossip.

iON 51:01

Bob 51:01
That's going on, but the Pentagon... So, Putin, the alien that took over Putin's body, and the alien that took over Biden's body, they're not fighting!

iON 51:01

Bob 51:06
They're faking that.

iON 51:14
That's right. That's exactly right. They for sure are doing just that. And now what's happening is now all of a sudden, Putin is startin' to get nervous about it because he don't want to lose his press.

Bob 51:27
No, no, not Putin. Not Putin, the alien impersonating Putin. That's all there is.

iON 51:31
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. But Putin's been long gone. He had, like, gut cancer long ago.

Bob 51:38
Yeah. So, Putin, the Putin angel, is having second thoughts about what? Fighting it's buddy?

Carolyn 51:47
Putin alien. Putin alien.

iON 51:49
The Putin alien is ready to start Armageddon, and he hadn't got permission yet. So, he's havin' to vie for permission to start Armageddon, the World War, the nuclear proliferation.

Bob 52:03
Yeah. Yeah. But the Putin alien is not operating [indistinct]. He's part of the collective known as the Pentagon aliens.

iON 52:10

Bob 52:10
So, the Pentagon aliens want to start something. They want to start it.

iON 52:13
Hell, yeah! They want, they want DC back. That's why they put all the fences up and everybody's fightin' back. And then, you know, we go into why they're cordoning off the Capital again.

Bob 52:13
What is, what is saying you can't do it yet? It's whether Bob makes it at the wall or not? Or is there other factors?

iON 52:31
Correct. That's the, that's step one. That's step one. Step one.

Bob 52:35
Right. And the other factors would be the 10 things you laid out. The aliens are a part of that.

iON 52:42
Yeah. Those would be inclusive of the capitulation with how it all falls. Because when you have the successful meetings, and then they start making the announcement, well, what if Drudge doesn't announce it? Does that mean it's not true? No. Then just give it just one second 'cause it'll catch up real quick. Just like what's happening now. Now, everybody is -- now Joe Biden had to go to the fuckin' wall. He wasn't -- "Well, I'm not goin' to that wall; ain't nothin' goin' on down there. It's just a bunch of sand niggers down there tryin' to cross the road. Ain't nobody give a care about that." Then it got [indistinct], and he had to.

Bob 53:16
Wait, wait, wait! Are you referring to my wall there in that sentence: "...there's somethin' goin' on at the wall." Were you referring to Bob and the aliens? Is that what you just said?

iON 53:24
No. No. It was a parallel for Biden havin' to go to the southern border because everybody's crossing over.

Bob 53:31
Oh. Right.

iON 53:31
A parallel. A double entendre.

Bob 53:33
Okay. Right now, the Pentagon aliens are saying okay, it's time to look like Biden. Put this out into the TV body. Let's make Biden or the Android Meme or the Tech Body itself, the People Magazine part, and say make it look like Biden is losing. And you know, Trump's not an alien; that's where he's, like, biblical. He's not replaced -

iON 53:44

Bob 53:45
- yet, you know.

iON 53:52
Correct. That's correct. That's correct.

Bob 54:03
Yeah, but the Pentagon's gonna say...

iON 54:05
We're gonna be real careful. We're gonna be real careful when we say yet.

Bob 54:08
Say yes? Y-e-s?

iON 54:10
We will let... Yet. Yet. Y-e-t. But we will let you know.

Bob 54:15
Yeah. So, the Biden alien, and the Putin alien, and all the aliens in the Pentagon are saying, okay, let's fuck with them. Let's pretend Biden is guilty and goin' to jail. So, that's another distraction. That's a distraction.

iON 54:30
Yeah. And then you got your, then you got your faithful "TikiTalkers" talkin' about everybody's lined up with all these people that have been murdered or hung in Guantanamo. [Bob chuckles] You couldn't stack the bodies high as cordwood for the people that's been killed in Guantanamo. They said there's so-and-so is dead. So-and-so... [Bob chuckles] How do you have a Pope bury a Pope? How does a sittin' Pope bury a fuckin' Pope? How do you do that? [Bob chuckles] That hasn't happened in 600 years! How does a Pope hold a funeral for a sitting Pope? Yeah, it just don't -- it ain't right. Just sayin'.

Bob 55:07
Well, why not? You can only have one Pope.

iON 55:09
He ain't the Pope. He ain't the Pope.

Bob 55:12
No, no, wait a minute. What's the basic point? The Pope is there till he dies.

iON 55:16

Bob 55:16
So, there's only -- always only one Pope.

iON 55:19

Bob 55:19
You can't have a Pope that resigned that's still there. And then there's the new Pope and then the old one dies, and the newer one buries it; that can't be done. I see now.

iON 55:28
Correct. It can't be done. I mean, where's the smoke up the flu? Where's the smoke up the flu? [Bob chuckles] Did they vote for the new one in? How does it work? They just pass him on the ass that he gets the the last tap? Yeah, you can be Pope, I'm tired. I'm done with this. You can be Bob this week, I don't wanna be Bob this week. [Bob chuckles] You can be in charge. Carolyn, you can run this for a week or two, Bob's gonna [inaudible]... He's gonna take up reading. He's gonna take up reading and see what he can accomplish with his life. However frugal, however frugal.

Bob 56:01
Alright, so we're talking about... Pelosi's been dead for a while, too. And the Clintons. No, Bill Clinton's still alive, isn't he? For some reason, Bill Clinton...

iON 56:09
No. No, no, he's just now dead. They just killed him. Apparently, they just killed him this last week.

Bob 56:14

iON 56:16
You sure don't see him. You sure don't see him anymore. You sure don't see him anymore.

Bob 56:19
Yeah, that's right.

iON 56:18
That Enola Gay, that Enola Gay fucked stuff up now. It was ugly.

Bob 56:20
Do you mean the flying with Epstein? Is that what fucked him up?

iON 56:28
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what we call, that's what we call the, you know, the plane that dropped Hiroshima's atom bomb, the Enola Gay.

Bob 56:36

iON 56:37
That's what we call the flight logs for the -

Bob 56:41
Epstein. It was Epstein.

iON 56:42
- pedophile island. Pedophile island.

Bob 56:45
Okay, so Hillary was killed a few years ago. Pelosi was killed recently, but Adam Schiff and the nobodies are still alive.

iON 56:56
Swalwell. So far. So far. We're gonna have to see, but now, there's gonna be some, there's gonna be some pain that goes along with this 'cause you can't do what they've done. Everybody's getting angry. They're getting upset. They're tired. They don't like things. They're not -- basically, Bob, they don't believe anymore. So, a lot of people have stopped watching.

Bob 57:16
Oh, wait, are you talking about... Yeah, you're not talking about congressional people, politicians. You're talking about the people. The little Americans are getting pissed off.

iON 57:23
No, no. We The People. We The People. We The People are sick and they fixin' to say fuck you. And so now they just go in the store, and they can't afford eggs, they just take the eggs. Well, they're $10 a dozen. You don't even know how much an egg is, it wouldn't make any difference. [Bob laughs] Well, they just take 'em! They just steal. "Well, I can't afford this goddamn it, so I'm just gonna steal it. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me! I wish you would."

Bob 57:43
Okay, great.

iON 57:44
And they're like walkin' out. And that's why stores are closin' 'cause they say, "I can't sell my price for these eggs, they keep stealin' 'em from me." Too much fun.

Bob 57:52
[chuckles] Okay. All right. I'm going to...

iON 57:56
As Bob laughs. [Bob laughs] Carolyn, listen to him as he laughs. Bob laughs. People starvin' to death as Bob giggles. [Bob, iON laugh]

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