
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 2, 12 January 2023


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 36:22
Okay. So, I wanna finish up the roosters. That was our first topic when we got sidetracked. So, the roosters, they're communicating in response, but they're conditioned responses [indistinct].

iON 36:41
Correct. Now, nobody else knows what that means but you. You understand that, right? Nobody has a clue what a conditioned response is, but you do 'cause you've actually lived it. You've lived it.

Bob 36:53
So, did iON or the aliens quiet and control the rooster?

iON 37:03

Bob 37:05
Well, yes would be both, iON and the aliens?

iON 37:10

Bob 37:11
As the Australian journalist interviewing Dylan years ago, he was trying to get Dylan to admit what religion he was, I'm gonna do that. What's iON compared to -

iON 37:28

Bob 37:29
- aliens, -

iON 37:31

Bob 37:29
- angels? You're a happy condition?

iON 37:31

Bob 37:33
You're a condition of happy?

iON 37:35
We're a happy condition. Condition of happy. And far as angels goes, we're a condition of control.

Bob 37:44
So, is that within the 10th level of the mind?

iON 37:50
Yes, it would be the mosh pit of the mind. Yes, 'cause you can't, you can't embrace it. You can't embrace it. See, we can control the angels, have all along, but we never said that out loud. But you said don't hold back, you're just talkin' to Bobby. Just talkin' to Bobby.

Bob 38:07

iON 38:07
We controlled them all along. But it's not enough 'cause now they're beefing amongst themselves. We could put 'em all in a box like you, put you in a box, in a cardboard box, livin' in a box. Well, we've got it where you don't even go outside much except for to the ocean and to the wall. Otherwise, you're a homebody. So, it kinda hems you up, which we ain't mad about that, and you like it, seems to like it pretty good. But the whole point is if we could do it all that way, we would, and we'd have this settled and we wouldn't have all these quadrants that we're havin' to deal with. You would, you would quell Quadrophenia, but you don't like that. You like that interaction, that, that, that, that interplay, that vulgar part, that risqué part, the references to the Marquis de Sade and all that kind of foolishness. You don't have a regard against anything. And we ain't mad about that 'cause that's the way it is. If you don't like it, get out; that's your position. [chuckles] You're like, there's a whole lot of people that I don't wanna talk to me. That's Bob's, that's Bob's -- that's what we'd put on Bob's tombstone if he ever had one, is that, "There's a lot of people who never wanna to talk to me again." [laughs]

Bob 39:14
[chuckles] Now that I'm gone. Now that I'm gone. Okay. So,...

iON 39:21
From that side -- now, don't lose track now. Don't, don't let us, don't let us throw you off the mare. Don't let us throw you off the mare here. Hold tight to the reins. 'Cause what's happening is you're startin' to see the shift. Now, Carolyn was pickin' up on the capacity earlier; nothin' wrong with that, that's well noted. JW agrees, no question, but that's not where we are.

Bob 39:43
The capacity of what? That capacity of what?

iON 39:45
We can't -- we don't wanna ruin your recording. The things you were talkin' about earlier.

Bob 39:48
Well, you can't -- no, we're not doing the ruining, you ruined the recording. It's not for people, it's just for me.

iON 39:54
Oh. Oh, okay.

Bob 39:54
So, what is... You know, I told you not to worry about any of that! I decide what’s gonna be [inaudible].

iON 39:59
Okay. We were just tryin' to keep it, we were just tryin' to keep it, we were just tryin' to keep it clean.

Bob 40:02
Well, don't. Don't try to keep it clean.

iON 40:02
The yucky stuff where we go crazy, where we go crazy and pick up on what their minds, where their minds takes them. That they find it normal that Carolyn...

Bob 40:11
Is that capacity?

iON 40:12
Yeah. 'Cause Carolyn's sayin' nobody thinks about the things that we would say live on the air. But the people we were talkin' to did and do. And she said, yes, but why would you tell it to 'em? 'Cause that's where they are.

Bob 40:14
Yeah. Carolyn's not realizing...

iON 40:19
We say nigger because they say nigger. You don't like that word, quit using it. We will too. We don't care. We don't find that a bad word.

Bob 40:35
Carolyn has a traditional view of God. Carolyn has a traditional view of godliness, and she sees everybody’s a God, and she misses this fuckin’ disgusting part of themselves as part of their godliness too.

iON 40:45
Well, no, but now in her defense, Bob, nobody is really interested in how the sausage is actually made. They all like the sausage, but they're not interested in the process by which the sausage is created. That's the rub. And she's saying, she's saying just 'cause that is doesn't mean you should talk about it. That's what she's saying. She's right from that side.

Bob 40:48
Yeah. No, no. What it is, is that people, because they're Gods, they don't care about the mind. To figure out how the sausage is made is mind stuff. So, people naturally ignore the mind as much as possible! They ultimately can't 'cause they're...

iON 41:20
And yet -- that's right. That's right, but yet, that thing, that vulgar, nasty thing that you never would ever want to have a conversation about is the thing they do on Saturday night. [laughs] That's the thing they do on Tuesday afternoon. That's what they're out chasing out things on and doin' stuff that are ridiculous. So, yeah. That's alright, we ain't mad.

Bob 41:20
Okay, so, the roosters, I assume that they're being quieted.

iON 41:44
They are.

Bob 41:44
And so that's what was being done. They were being quieted.

iON 41:48
They are.

Bob 41:48
Okay, that's the rooster topic. That's topic number one.

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