
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 2, 12 August 2021


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:49:01
Okay, so I guess I'll go to my questions, Carolyn.

iON 1:49:04
Oh, Carolyn, Carolyn, here it is quittin' time, and now he wants to begin. Isn't that nice? That's good. Go ahead, big'un, go ahead. Carolyn says, where's my time, damn it, where's my time? You obfuscate her right out of it. But she's gotta ask her first question, the one you got on the soup. Did you get that settled with the syncope stuff and the frequency? That's key. Now, tell Carolyn to watch because what's gonna happen is you're gonna start having interaction with the thalamus and the pineal gland. And you go, what would that interaction be? Carolyn, you've done more work on the fuckin' thyroid than anybody on the Earth. You know that, right?

Bob 1:49:47
Do you mean research, or she did it on, did work on her own thyroid?

iON 1:49:52
All of them. She wouldn't care otherwise. Everything she's ever done she does to herself 'cause she won't give drugs that she won't take herself. So yeah, none of it. That's understood. You're preaching to the choir, Bob. So, what happens is is that those connections, you're gonna be able to hook up the thalamus, the pineal gland vis-a-vis the thyroid. The thyroid is gonna be the telltale heart. Telltale heart. So, put those together in your little soup. You know it, you already know it, but nobody ever told you. So, that's the connection. That's why the thyroid... Well, you already know all that: hypo and hyper, and who shot John, and the cow jumped over the moon. We don't care about all that. What we need to know is make sure you know that when it occurs, that's the answer, so you're ahead of it. When by the way, your liver cleanse is almost perfect. It's still strong, but it's almost perfect. You can't give that to compromised people now, you'll kill 'em. You can't give that to compromised people, they gotta be pretty stout. Don't give 'em to these brokeback bitches. You better not give it to 'em or you'll take 'em right on out. It'd be worse than the vaccine. [laughs] Unless you know they're vaccinated. You can give it to them then, it won't matter. You'll be in the clear. You'll be in the clear then, so that's good. But it's very strong. You might, you might weigh it down or maybe do it in such a way where they can do a smaller -- a tincture event. A small event till they get it in their system, because it's strong yet. You know it.

Carolyn 1:51:26
Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna use the freeze dryer to powder everything.

iON 1:51:31

Carolyn 1:51:31
And then they could start with a pinch and then work up.

iON 1:51:35
That's good. That's good. That's good. That's good. That's good, but now, don't get too fancy 'cause they'll fuck it up. Make a small capsule and a larger capsule, if you're gonna do it that way, or make it into something like a small one and another one. Don't make it... You can't -- you gotta, you gotta keep this simple or they'll fuck it up. I mean, when they can't understand how to pour magnesium ReMag in water with some salt, when they can't do that, Carolyn, you're not in the brighter -- those are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, I give you that.

Bob 1:52:04
Who aren't, Carolyn?

Carolyn 1:52:06
My customers.

Bob 1:52:06

iON 1:52:06
The people who can't understand, the people who can't understand when she puts six little vials of bottles and puts the date and the time on every single one of them [Carolyn chuckles] so all you have to do is go by that time and drink that little bit right there. Hammer it, then do that several times a day. The same people who can't do that, Bob, those would be the caliber of people she's havin' to deal with. Yeah, that would be the case.


Bob 1:57:06
Okay. So, here's what my questions are. iON recently said -- opened up something I posted, forget the general theme, might have been about the economy, RNA drops being the foundation of the coming new economy. iON starts off, "The bifurcation of Canada..." Where's the split? The bifurcation of Canada, what's that? What are you referring to?

iON 1:57:34
The references. Same thing that happened in Mongolia, Bob. Same thing that happened in Mongolia.

Bob 1:57:41
I don't know what happened.

iON 1:57:43
It split right down the middle.

Bob 1:57:44
Is this earthquake talk or government talk or provinces seceding and going to the States? What is the bifurcation of Canada?

iON 1:57:54
Yes, yes, yes and yes. All four of those will apply.

Bob 1:57:59
Right. Why will Alberta go to Washington and southern states below it? Why will Ontario go to New Hampshire, Vermont, whatever's below it? Is it because they recognize there's no power in Ottawa? There's something empty there?

iON 1:58:24

Bob 1:58:26
Okay. Are more and more people finding out that Trudeau is no longer with us? Justin Trudeau is no...

iON 1:58:33
Yes. Well, you can't say that out loud. You can't say that out loud, but they are most certainly noticing it.

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