
Friday, August 9, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 1, 12 August 2021


Transcribed by Nan

iON 20:46
Okay, here's the, here's the gig, Bob. You got yourself into a position now to where humans can no longer go forth. Startin' like now, humans can't go forth. Now, you either gonna come hard into Ascension, or you're gonna go hard into the zombie apocalypse. We have mentioned something about the zombie apocalypse, haven't we? We mentioned the purge? We may have mentioned the purge once or twice, maybe?

Bob 21:17
You mentioned the term. I don't know if he had any details about it.

iON 21:21
Never. Oh, probably not. Yeah, likely not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. Call, call call Melissa or Melody or memorandum or Madalooney or some'um. Let her figure it out. She knows stuff about what we know about what we know. Anyway, she's gonna be okay. We're not, no, we're tryin' not to ramble, but we brought you full circle from the Pope to Astro to the virus to the insert [virus package paper insert] to the end of days. Okay, end of days.

Bob 21:55
Yeah, that's what you mean by the chickens come home to roost. The hens come home to roost. That's what you meant.

iON 22:00
That is exactly correct. So, now all the stuff that we said, however errant, is startin' to occur 'cause everybody's still waitin' on this to happen or that to happen or tit to happen or that to happen. Then all of a sudden, it starts hittin' and they forgot. That was a tiny cog in a very large wheel. Spacely sprocket. A sprocket. Sprocket, that Eira pronounces. Sprocket. She's very good with that.

Bob 22:26
Yeah, what did they forget? What did people forget?

iON 22:29
The details. The larger details of the gamut. Whether or not the Mississippi River flows in the reverse direction really doesn't have anything to do with someone who lives in, say, Switzerland. Okay? It's a current event, that's okay. It's somethin' that Rex Humbard might be noteworthy in a Sunday sermon in his Cathedral of Tomorrow, maybe. Oh, and Maude Aimee. We love Maude Aimee. Maude Aimee Humbard, we love her. That's some good people. And then Toledo -- oh, no, actually Akron, Akron, Ohio. Yeah. So, so, so, so, they'll report on that, but it really won't matter. That doesn't change today. Everybody's waitin' on these things to happen. You know, everybody's waitin' on the Statue of Liberty to get her pedicure.

Bob 23:20

iON 23:20
Where the water, where she soaks her feet in the water. They're waiting on that to occur. The bigger picture of what has to happen for that to occur, that's what they're not asking.

Bob 23:30
Right. Now,...

iON 23:30
Nobody's asked! We said it and nobody's asked.

Bob 23:32
People have brought up that the statue will be, will be supine, will be lying on the ocean, not erect when the water comes up to its toes. Is that true?

iON 23:42
No. No, that's not true. That's not true. And even if it were true, it would hang on the base. So, if her head was laying in the sea, okay, if her head was laying in the sea, the foot would still be attached; it would be on the base. It's going to the top of that base. You can look that up. You can look up the base of the Statue of Liberty. Carolyn Dean could do it right this damn second. And where that toe connects, it's gonna cover that. And it's gonna -- if you do the, if you protract the sea level of what the new sea level is gonna be, how far back that goes, don't buy any property in Connecticut. [laughs] Could be a bad day.

Bob 24:21
Right. So, the statute is not knocked over. It'll be erect.

iON 24:25
No no, we didn't say that. We didn't say that. We said even if it IS knocked over, the toe will still be attached to the base. And all we've actually said was that water was at one point gonna cover the toe of the Statue of Liberty. We don't give a fuck if you take the Statue of Liberty down, the toe will still be stuck to the top of that base. And that's actually called a plinth. Imagine that. You're so clever. Aren't you clever?

Carolyn 24:55
Okay, I'm trying to find how high the base is, but I did find in Revelation that there's 37 mentions of Armageddon.

iON 25:09

Carolyn 25:09
37, but purge was only mentioned I think once.

Bob 25:16
What, purge?

Carolyn 25:17
The word purge.

Bob 25:20
Right. So, iON, we don't know whether the statue will be supine or wrecked.

iON 25:27
Doesn't matter. But here's what you need to know. The star polygon with its 11 vortices will be covered.

Bob 25:40
And that's a part of the statue?

iON 25:43
It is, of the plinth.

Bob 25:45
Okay. Oh, plinth is the base.

iON 25:50

Bob 25:50
Okay, but we're doin' chickens, the hens come home to roost. Oh, so you were saying the next person who gets Moderna...

Carolyn 26:09
Oh, yeah.

iON 26:09
Wait, wait, wait. You can subtract, Carolyn. Here you go. The top of the torch to the base, empirical measure, is 151 feet, one inch. Okay, okay, okay. The ground -- now, wait now, look here. The ground to the tip of the torch is 305 feet and one inch. Okay? The heel to the top of the head is 11,11; 111 feet and one inch. So, if you know how much it is from the ground to the tip of the torch, and the top of the base to the torch, and you subtract that, what does that equal to?

Carolyn 26:57
A lot of feet.

iON 26:58
305, 305 -

Carolyn 27:00
[indistinct] a hundred.

iON 27:02
- no, no, no. 305 and one inch minus 151 and one inch.

Carolyn 27:10
Yeah. 154 feet. So, the level is...

iON 27:16
Okay. Where the ground is now, it'll be -- water will be 154 feet from the ground. Not sea level, 'cause the ground is a little bit above it 'cause it's an island.

Carolyn 27:17
To reach the top.

iON 27:28

Carolyn 27:28
To reach the top, Bob.

iON 27:31
That's right. That's exactly right. So now you know exactly. So now you can, now Kaylee, Kaylee and the boys can run that all the way back to see what if that were the new sea level, how far back that would bump into the earth for the typography. From typography you can see what sea level is gonna be, and then you go to an inside spot and see what sea level is and you can tell if it's gonna have water. Now, we never said that that was gonna be the new sea level, we just said it was gonna reach that level. That's what we said, specifically.

Bob 28:06
Yeah, you used to say 53rd Street, 52nd Street in the city -

iON 28:11
In the city, yeah.

Bob 28:12
- is where it would get to, but now you're saying it goes all the way up to Connecticut?

iON 28:16
Well, it's ever how high that goes. Yeah, cuz see, when you protract it from sea level if you move sea level up. That's what happened to Venice, isn't it, Bob? They raised sea level. Right?

Carolyn 28:27
Yeah, cuz Connecticut is right there by the Long Island Sound, so the water there will rise.

iON 28:34
Correct. And it will all just wash.

Bob 28:36
But iON, is this caused by a massive -- the big earthquake? Is this caused by the huge earthquake?

iON 28:40
Yeah. Or, or as we lovingly say, flatulence from Bob.

Bob 28:47

iON 28:48

Bob 28:50
Bob's poetry.

iON 28:51

Bob 28:52
So, hear that, Carolyn? This massive earthquake will cause a kind of big tidal wave?

iON 29:02
One foot on the land, one foot on the sea; they have an intermerged effect. An intermerged effect.

Bob 29:11
And the caldera happens after the earthquake?

iON 29:16
Ah... Well, but see, if you're talkin' about 3-22-2022, no, that's a different conversation. That's when they're gonna find...

Bob 29:29
That's March 22nd.

iON 29:30
Yeah, that's when they're gonna find Atlantis.

Bob 29:35
On March 22nd. That's not the date of the earthquake.

iON 29:39
No. No, no, but it's in that window of time 'cause they're like saying... Here's the conversation. We're gonna give you the Drudge update.

Bob 29:50

iON 29:50
Minor explosion or eruption of the painted pot and the blu-de-blu-de-blu of Wyoming, of the Cheyenne Valley of the gigala-gagala-gerd has caused a flux in the ocean and has now exposed this thing called Atlantis.

Bob 30:14
It's exposed right now.

iON 30:16
No. Will be then, before March 22nd of 2022.

Bob 30:25
Yeah, this would be -- it's exposed because the earthquake shifts the ground of the ocean around.

iON 30:32
Correct. But we're not necessarily, we're not necessarily calling caldera alert.

Bob 30:38

iON 30:39
We're not causing that 'cause see, we can't flood the bunker.

Bob 30:44
Right. Does the earthquake give a kind of warning eight hours before rumblings happening or is it just a big bang?

iON 30:50
Sardinia, Sardinia Island in Italy. Sardinia Island in Italy, that'll give it to you. That'll give you the [inaudible] hours before. Sardinia Island in Italy.

Bob 31:04
That's the popular tourist place? Very popular?

iON 31:08
I don't care. Not very popular now, but yeah, it was, but -

Bob 31:12

iON 31:12
- not now. They're all lining up for the dead people.

Bob 31:17
Yeah, there won't be echoes of the Sardinia earthquake happening. The earthquake in Sardinia, it won't be echoes of other places, mainly just be the warning comes out of Sardinia.

iON 31:29
Yeah, and the Fitzroy Falls will stop.

Bob 31:35
Where are they?

iON 31:35
Fitzroy Falls, Sydney, Australia, Bob. Sydney, Australia. Aren't we clever to give you all these little details?

Bob 31:42
Okay. Do the seismologists... What did you say? What was your noun or adjective?

iON 31:48
Aren't we clever to give you all these illicit details?

Bob 31:53
Well, is there anybody in this seismologist world, guys who have access to the latest equipment, do they see this coming now or it will catch them unawares too?

iON 32:05
As well, yeah. It's like Pat Hitchcock, it's too wet to plow, Bob.


Bob 34:20
The seismologists, are they gonna know? No, they're gonna be surprised. They don't see it coming.

iON 34:27
Yes. Yes.

Bob 34:27
They won't even, they won't even tell by Sardinia shaking. They won't even see the significance of that.

iON 34:32
They won't. See, Bob... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay, maybe. Maybe. There's a few people gonna figure things out. But look, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob. Do you remember when you and James Curtis -- oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, Martinez -- sat and talked day after day after day about what he knew about Walter Bowart and how wonderful it was [Bob chuckles] that he could not have interaction with a noninteraction of a pretend interaction with Walter Bowart? Remember those days, on and on and on?

Bob 35:02

iON 35:02
Okay, okay, okay, okay, check this out. In that laying out, there not gonna be time to connect the stitches. Connect or collect the stitches. We've given you the clues, the keys to the kingdom. And if you don't think Mr. Bertron ain't gonna be on this like a bad habit, you can play this for sure 'cause he's on this hard. He's gonna quit being Mr. Nice Guy. Everybody's gonna have to get it on their own. He's gotta get his mask on first before he starts helpin' everybody else, just so everybody knows. And if you get pissed off, he most certainly will understand. He will understand. [Bob chuckles] It's not a problem. He understands if you get your feelings hurt, he understands it's not a problem. It's gonna be alright. One way or the other, it's gonna work out. It'll come out wash day. That's what Carolyn says, it'll come out wash day. It will come out or NOT, but we'll know wash day how it came along. Okay, so the connection of connecting these little dots, you'll know what to watch for. So when you get the memo that something happened in Sardinia, some'um, some'um, some'um, you'll go, uh-oh, that was 12 hours before, and then kablam, you'll get the, you'll get the memo. You see the rub?

Bob 36:13
Right, but the...

iON 36:14
You know where to look. You, unlike most folks, will know where to look. But it really won't matter because you're not gonna be too hard lookin', you're gonna know. See the rub?

Bob 36:25
Yeah, but I'm gonna know to look at Sardinia and everybody who hears this will know to look at Sardinia.

iON 36:29
Well, if they do, yes, so good. There's your memo. There's your memo. It's kinda like Sean Hannity on Telegram, Bob; it'll tell you some'um if you look at it.

Bob 36:41
Right. So, you're saying people will be hearing this and they'll forget on March 22nd. They won't notice.

iON 36:46
No. No. Well, maybe, maybe not. We're gonna see. See, life is for the living, Bob. They say that glib, cliched archetype on purpose is because you're fixin' to have an occasion where there's gonna be a lot of people here who are NOT living, so they have nothing to do with life. See, Khert-Neter was quite a sumbitch 'cause it gets you hemmed up. For now you're in life without the living.


Bob 1:34:28
Okay, so we were talking about the drowning of New York, and that's caused by the earthquake, and that's triggered by what? What is triggering the earthquake? Astro dying or transitioning? What is triggering this intensity right now?

iON 1:34:46

Bob 1:34:47

iON 1:34:48
When you have heightened frequency.

Bob 1:34:50
Oh, frequency, not sequence. Frequency.

iON 1:34:53
Ah-huh. Correct. Well now, if you heighten the frequency enough, you'll shut down the normal sinus rhythm of the meatsack body. Now, Carolyn will tell you all about syncope and how that applies, 'cause see, they're actually kinda merged together really.

Bob 1:35:09
What are? What are the things merged together? Just to clarify, what's merged together? Frequency?

iON 1:35:15
Sinus rhythm and frequency. Sinus rhythm. Bodily normal sinus rhythm and frequency. And if you turn the frequency up... Now, this was the Freud and the MKUltra crap. This was all that pushing, pushing, pushing of the mind that allow these other experiences to occur if you got too far out. Now, they all blamed that on the LSD and KBD and ADT and transdermal DMS, all that shit. They bump all that stuff up, that's fine. That's just what they call it. That was the excuse. That wasn't the outcome, that was the excuse. See, it's not that your body has a seizure, it's what's causing you to have the seizure that's the issue. You can doctor the seizure problem, but until you find out what's causing the seizure, then you're gonna still have trouble. And that's what you're running into now from this side. The merging between the two parts.

Bob 1:36:11
What causes the seizure problem? What causes the seizure problem, the flipping of the poles?

iON 1:36:15
It would, and also the body's condition won't allow normal rhythm to be sustained. See, you become not lucid. Not lucid.

Bob 1:36:29
Right. So, the combination of the frequency and the cause of something, but you call that syncope.

iON 1:36:39
Yeah. It also rhymes with -- and also if you get backed up if you're not regular enough, you can die of semen poisonin'. That'll do it too.

Carolyn 1:36:48
[in background] What?

Bob 1:36:50
Okay. So, Amazing Polly...

iON 1:36:53
Carolyn said, what? What? Carolyn said, what? Carolyn said, what? Here's what we mean what. We mean you gotta get, you gotta get busy or the backed-up semen will kill ya. You gotta, you gotta turn loose. [Bob chuckles] You gotta open up or you'll die of semen poisoning. That's what the standard joke is, Bob. If I don't have engagement with you, I'll have too much and I'll die. I'll die if I don't have you. You know how that goes.

Bob 1:37:15
Right. So...

iON 1:37:16
So, semen poisoning will kill you for sure.

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