
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

iON | Bone Marrow & Radiation

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 19, 2016 Part 4 (59:31 mark)]
Bob: Are you talking about Comenius, iON? Did he line that up?

iON: No! No! “Revolution,” the series!

Bob: Oh! Bad TV again!

iON: Yeah!

Bob: You’re quoting bad TV!

iON: Yeah!

Bob: Remember, that series failed.

iON: But the words didn’t!

Bob: Oh, OK! I’ll take you on that point. I’ll take… I’ll acquiesce ability.

iON: See, it’s lined up so now you can bump into it. Now, you get to bump into it. So, we can make a complete storyline that’s totally and completely developed. However horribly, that you can then lay back and go: “Oh, so that’s what it’s about! Oh, so that’s what it’s about! Oh, so that’s what it’s about! Oh, so it affects the bone marrow. So, that’s how you’re able to eat the radiation. It’s in the bone marrow. Oh well, hells bells, why did you just say that?” And we kind of say: “Well, we did but you didn’t hear that part. So, you get to sit through three to four to five stupid seasons of bullshit to figure it out, à la 'Gene the fucking cow'! Yeah, your only friend, Walter!”

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