
Saturday, May 23, 2020

iON | Hendiadys Is Replacing the Doublet

Transcribed by Bert.

[February 27,2016 Part 3 (25:30 mark)]

Bob: Is there a danger in the Higgs field, iON? What are they getting backwards, upside… what are they inverting on with that situation… with that observation?

iON: Well, they’ve got wrong is what we’ve been saying is the case all along.

Bob: They don’t get that! What you’ve been saying is the case, and they don’t get that. So, they think the Higgs field has some…

iON: Well, but see now! Now, they’ve got to change gravity. You’ve changed gravity!

Bob: We have?

iON: You have already!

Bob: We’ve changed gravity?

iON: Because see… the “doublet” doesn’t work anymore, Bob. “Hendiadys” has trumped the “doublet”!

Bob: The “doublet”? Has the trebler replaced the doubler, iON? Oh, you were saying “doublet”, I think.

iON: No, “hendiadys”! Yeah, the “doublet” - the bosons – the gauge for mass is now “mass-less”.

Bob: Yeah!

iON: So, that doesn’t work. If you have the Higgs quantum field, the Higgs field says that it must permeate all space to show that’s how it works in the same spontaneous symmetry breakage or breaking during interactions. Well, it doesn’t, and that’s what they’re saying that it’s a… that it doesn’t break anymore.

Bob: And “doublet” is your word for “hendiadys"?

iON: Well, hendiadys is replacing the doublet - the SU(2) doublet.

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