
Sunday, October 13, 2019

iON | Angels Sustain the Rh Factor

Transcribed by Bert.

[5 October 2019 01:00 AM Hour]

(42:27 mark)
Bob: So, in the past, the Angels sustained the Rh factor in our blood.

iON: Yes, they caused it so you could have the separation in Little men, and then they’re going to change it.

Bob: That’s how they caused the Little Man, Carolyn?

Dr. Dean: I don’t know!

Bob: Is that part of the making of the human? Is that how humans got made?

iON: Well, that’s how they lived their process.

Bob: How? How did they live their process, with the Rh factor?


Bob: MIHR?

iON: Um-hmm!

Bob: You mean what Carolyn worked with?

iON: Yeah!

Bob: Are you following this, Carolyn?

Dr. Dean: No!

Bob: No, that doesn’t make sense. So, the…

iON: What do you mean? What do you mean, it doesn’t make any sense?

Bob: Why do you bring up MIHR?

iON: Because of the way the blood is processed - because of the way the blood is. Now, it has to have an Rh-negative or Rh-positive, an Rh factor. As you Ascend, that will change. Not every single time without fail or exception at the same time in the process of Ascension. That’s why we were cleaning it up, but the negative or the Rh factor is going to be removed. You won’t have an Rh factor.

Bob: We’ve talked about how Angels created Humans. Is that something to do with the Rh factor?

iON: It is! They applied that qualification... is included in the Little Man directive, yes.

Bob: So, did they make the Human form, or was the Human form the same before Angels and after? You’re saying they made the internal… they changed the internals.

iON: They changed the cells, so that they would only run fifty copies and then die.

Bob: So Angels didn’t create the Human form?

iON: The Human form is a cellular structure, which they did create or mold.

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