
Saturday, June 29, 2024

What Youth?, Partial Transcript, 5 May 2021, 1900 Hour

What Youth?

Transcribed by Nan

Bob 47:28
Okay, go ahead, Madeleine.

Madeleine 47:32
iON, I'm wondering what the distinction is -- because you seem to make a distinction -- between the angels and the "original angel." I'm wondering what's the original angel.

iON 47:44
Yeah, there's a difference. There's a difference. Okay, the archangels for what it comes from. Angels have genealogies too. No one's asked this, ever, ever, ever, ever, and we did promise a really big "shew," so we might as well bring it out here so y'all don't go crazy. So poor, poor Bart doesn't have a nervous breakdown. We gotta give him a little some'um sharp and slow and easy so he can keep -- so he can digest it. There are degrees and levels of angels, and that was the conversation with the Aethyrs. That's why there's more than several Keys and many Aethyrs. And it's why they took the Maccabees out of the Bible because they had to unloose the old hag angels, or we say, the older, more mature ones who were doin' stuff. Like a regular, little everyday angel, he can help with the red light or doing the laundry. But if you need, like, the Berlin Wall to come down, that takes a little bigger angel. Kinda like people that are Ascending, they're not quite God yet; they can make lightning, which we showed y'all on the Goobersnatch how to control lightning. And that is exactly how you do it, but, you know, that's a parlor trick unless you want to strike somebody dead. Now, that's fun. You can do that. You can do that. And you got the whole inside part of the Conjure of Sacrifice, too, of how it applies, where you trick 'em into making the spell that doesn't end. Ooh now, that's a big ol' good one right there too. You get practicin’ on that. Then what happens is you start comin' into your power just like the angels come into their power. Okay? Let's take Rene. Rene would have been an original angel because he knew the lay of the land. He knew what was up, what was down, how to get it, how to get right and get with it. He knew. There was no conversation or question, he was right on. Some [inaudible] brand new and a little Hazel comin' in there. Hazel don't know nothin', she's just tryin' to figure it all out. An upstairs maid, as it were, which is a little bit different. So, that's the difference that we make, and that's why we make that difference. You got that?

Madeleine 49:48
No. I mean, I still don't... I'm not sure what the original angel is. [silence/pause] Uh-oh.

iON 50:03
Well, that's 'cause we didn't say. That's 'cause we didn't say. [Bob chuckles]

Madeleine 50:08

Bob 50:09
Okay, Madeleine, just before you -- did you just talk about my father, iON? Rene? You [indistinct] time, but Rene. You talking about my father?

iON 50:18
The paterfamilias, the very one, Bob. The paterfamilias.

Bob 50:22
Thank you. Okay, back to you, Madeleine.

iON 50:25
He was actually interesting.

Madeleine 50:29
What was interesting about Rene?

iON 50:33
He had no biases and very little social perception.

Madeleine 50:49
I'm good, Bob.

iON 50:53
That was fun.

Bob 50:54
Madeleine, that was a tremendous question. You got new information out of iON. You should pursue it a little bit. It was pretty awesome what you did.

Madeleine 51:07
Well, they...

Bob 51:08
He didn't tell you about the original angel. Pursue the original angel idea.

Madeleine 51:13
Oh, I guess I shouldn't... Okay. I assumed when they said, "We didn't say," -

iON 51:19
Ohhhh, there you go. There you go.

Madeleine 51:19
- they have no intention of saying. Will you, will you... [chuckles]

iON 51:28
You're laughin' now, but you'll be cryin' before you go to bed, y'all. You can't get [inaudible] and lay that ass out there. Don't you lay that ass out there.

Madeleine 51:37

iON 51:37
Yeah, you assume.

Madeleine 51:37
Will you say?

iON 51:37
We'll tap that ass. You better be easy. You better be easy. We'll tap that ass. You be careful now. [Madeleine chuckles] The point is he’s gotta say bring it forth. You got more out of us than it's never been said. Why not go with it? Take some of that power that you've been gleaned, okay, that you've embraced. You got something... You got us to actually decipher and say there's a difference between the angels. We wouldn't even tell Ginny Belle that. We tell Ginny Belle most everything. We wouldn't... We ain't even told Ginny Belle that. Well, but she didn't ask, but if she had asked, we'd have told her. But you did, and so you got the euphoria for today. A1. Yay. It won't last but -

Madeleine 51:28
All right, I have not...

iON 52:18
- you're top of the class. It won't last long, but you're top of the class today. So, embrace it just a little bit and ask another, nother, nother question.

Madeleine 52:27
Well, I would, I would have to ask about the Keys and the Aethyrs because I don't know those. I lost my Revelation.

iON 52:35

Madeleine 52:37
So, I mean...

iON 52:39
You can borrow Sara's. Hers is in the interstate; it's in the middle of the median of the interstate. You can borrow hers.

Madeleine 52:49
Oh, I should get the angels to fix my hard drive that has my sessions on it.

iON 52:54
Just defrag it. All you gotta do is defrag it. You just gotta defrag it. That's all you gotta do. Now, be sure you don't do a hard boot, though, it will go badly. Just sayin'.

Madeleine 52:54
All right. Thank you.

iON 53:07
Yeah. It's "fra-gee-lee." You know what "fra-gee-lee" means?

Madeleine 53:11
Ahh, delicate, sort of?

iON 53:17
Yes, that one is. It's kind of propped up. You know, they have been making technology since 1937, honey. You might get a little one within this generation. It might help you.

Madeleine 53:28
[Bob, Madeleine chuckle] Yes, thank you.

Bob 53:33
"Fra-gee-lee" means fragile. Or did you already know that, Madeleine?

Madeleine 53:37
Well, I knew that, but I didn't think... Fragile seemed a little flip. I didn't want to say fragile.

Bob 53:43
Okay. Right, right.

iON 53:44
See that's like "fra-gee-lee" -- "What does fra-gee-lee mean?" when they're throwin' the Christmas package up against the wall. They got Romanian accents, and they're throwing -- the US Post Office -- they're throwin' the boxes and they say, "Asse[?] Asse, what does fra-gee-lee mean? What does fra-gee-lee mean?" [Bob laughs] He didn't know what "fra-gee-lee" meant as they're throwing the crystal boxes against the wall.

Bob 54:08
Okay, Madeleine.

Madeleine 54:09
So, without knowing about the Keys and the Aethyrs, iON... Let me squeeze this out, Bob.

iON 54:19
Oooh wee.

Madeleine 54:14
Like, you're saying that the Keys and the Aethyrs relate to the different types of angels? Do we use different Keys and Aethyrs?

iON 54:27
Degrees. Degrees. Yes. Degrees and classes. We told you the classifications. We did that in the, we did that in the work, you see. Bring the Aethyrs that line up the Keys to the Aethyrs, that one binds and one controls. You'll start matchin' like two to six and three to nine. You just match and compare. No one's ever asked us this, Bob, and we don't know why.

Madeleine 54:52
And this is... But you're lining them up with different classes of angels or different lineages of angels or...

iON 55:01
Classes and jobs. Maybe. Well, their Legion, so they'd be Legionated. Legionated.

Madeleine 55:07
Different Legions.

iON 55:07
These are Legion, Legionnaires. They're Legionnaires. That's where the disease -- hey, by the way, you know the, in the Beauregard, the Bellevue, where they got Legionnaires disease, you know who done that? An original angel that did the Legionnaires disease.

Bob 55:27
Yeah, 1976 in Pennsylvania.

iON 55:30
In the Bellevue in Philadelphia.

Madeleine 55:32
An original angel. Oh. Hey...

iON 55:33
It's on South Market. It's on South Market Street. It's fabulous. And that building was sold for pennies! Pennies! Did you hear us?

Madeleine 55:44
iON, angels are...

Bob 55:44
[laughs] Did you hear iON gave you the address of the building that used to be laid out in a Dr. Beter tape in 1976. Madeleine, I just want to tell you -

iON 55:54
Peter Beter!

Bob 55:54
- you miss out on things, Madeleine.

Madeleine 55:54
I think I'm onto something.

Bob 55:56
Jean just told you you don't listen. You're onto -- we're gonna get back to it. But this is what's glaring. You know, you need to take things in your own possession. You have no Revelation stuff, you lost it. Do you know that if you call me, I will email you the fuckin' Revelations so you could listen to 'em?

Madeleine 56:14
It felt like, it felt like a lot to ask.

Bob 56:17
Well, stop thinking these crazy -- no, we don't think! We suggest you don't think! You're a fuckin' asshole, you're a wonderful person, who gives a fuck what we say? But say what you want.

Madeleine 56:29
Bob! Send me the Revelation, please!

Bob 56:29
If you properly email me.

iON 56:35
What happens... That's right, that's right. That's right.

Madeleine 56:38
So, but iON...

iON 56:39
No. Then properly, properly, as he says, send Bob an email and say, "Bob, if you get a chance, send yourself an email to remind you to send me the Revelation stuff." And then he'll make an email to himself. And when he gets that email back, it's good. Sometimes he emails us, and then emails us back, and then we email him, and then we email him to send an email about email. And then we tell him, well, look in your inbox, and he's like, "What? There is an email I sent to myself and said that's what I'm supposed to do." So now it's confirmed; it's in his chart. He's gotta do then. It's all good. So, just ask, don't worry about it. If he says fuck you, no, you're still, you're still where you are now. Why not ask? Bob's not hard to deal with. Y'all got him all wrong.

Madeleine 57:23
Do the angel movements give birth to angels?

iON 57:25

Madeleine 57:26
Since... Yes!

iON 57:26
Said yes.

Madeleine 57:27
Ha! Ha!

iON 57:30
Good girl. Good girl. Where do you think angels come from?

Madeleine 57:35
Bob! Did you hear that?! Oh, my gosh. Cool! Very cool.

Bob 57:42
I'm speechless, Madeleine.

iON 57:44
That's where the, that's where the Nephilim and the Seraphim come, but with the interaction with God. The interaction with God makes Nephilim and Seraphim. Yes. Good, good, good.

Bob 57:50
Wait till Jean hears that, Madeleine.

Madeleine 58:01

iON 58:02
She'll have a gizgasm.

Madeleine 58:09
Wow. Alright.

Bob 58:09
It kinda gets into Gurdjieffian stuff where symbolic movements of consciousness -

iON 58:17
Oh, yeah, Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff.

Bob 58:17
- evoke things.

iON 58:19
Yeah, but, and then yeah, but don't forget them Yabba dabba doo people, Bob. The Yabba dabba doo people. Don't forget the Yabba dabba doos!

Bob 58:28
[chuckles] Who's that?

iON 58:25
The Gurdjieff jackball people, the Yabba dabba doos. [Bob laughs] Yeah, that whole cultivation thing they tried to make. That dogs were the monkey butts of the world, and they lined up with the sticks of the...

Bob 58:28
Oh, yeah, Darwinian. The Darwinian cult.

iON 58:46
Oh, yeah! Yeah, yeah. That's it! The Yabba dabba doos. [Bob laughs] That's the one, you got it. See, Bob knows everything. He checked his inbox. It was in his inbox. That's what it was. We knew that. We knew that.

Bob 58:58
Okay, do you want to develop this, Madeleine, or are you stunned?

Madeleine 59:01
Well, yeah, no, I was for a second, but...

iON 59:04
She don't -- now wait. Now, be careful. Now, be careful. You don't wanna get too much now. You don't want to get too much.

Madeleine 59:09

iON 59:09
Take a little bit.

Madeleine 59:10

iON 59:10
A little bit. You don't want to take too much. Take tiny little bits.

Madeleine 59:12
Yeah, that was, that was pretty great. That's pretty great. [iON laughs]

Bob 59:17
[chuckles] You believed iON. You can take all you want. Not within time restrictions.

iON 59:20
Don't do it. Don't do it. Take it. Force it. Force it. Force it. Push [indistinct]. [exit music gets louder]. Push the envelope, honey.

Madeleine 59:26
Do we create our own Legions?

iON 59:29
You do!

Madeleine 59:28
Yes, yes, we do.

Bob 59:32

Madeleine 59:33
Yes. [end]

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