
Saturday, October 26, 2019

iON | Ankh

Transcribed by Bert.

[“CASH FLOW“ April 2010_Egyptian door to the afterlife]:

(07:13 mark)
James Martinez: What was the significance of the Egyptian Ankh?

iON: An Ankh is what the Christian church picked up as the cross with the loop on the top of it. Well, that was a symbology that was used originally for stamping of keyholes and/or the Hara. It represented the Hara or the essence of life, and the high priestesses - higher than before the “Pharaohisms” really kicked in - because it’s actually older than your Egyptian lore - because they borrowed all, you see. It was the beginning place in most works with symbols for activating portals and/or markers that give the inclination that this is important. OK! And so, that’s sort of how that was, and then it lead into the - believe it or not - the priests transferred those symbols and symbologies. And it trickled through all, and even those Mayans had it - even the Tibetans had it. Oh gosh, even some of them Lemurians started using it because there are strange Ankhs on many of your Easter Island statuary right here - right now.

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