
Sunday, February 17, 2019

iON | Words No Longer Create

Transcribed by Bart.


25 February 2017, Hour 10

Bob: I make the point that people have got to learn how to talk right …

iON: You said it correctly. They’ve got to talk right, rather than the grammatically, ‘speak well.’

Bob: Do they have to text correctly now?

iON: They don’t.

Bob: Right. So they can be sloppy in texting, and they may not talk as much. But they’ve got to talk.

iON: Right.

Bob: They can’t let that slide.

iON: Right.

Bob: It’s the most important human function; talking about talking right. That is not being creative, is it, with your words? That’s a different matter?

iON: Words don’t create.

Bob: Words don’t create? Everybody thinks they do.

iON: It's over. That’s over now.

Bob: Well, that’s a big revolution.

iON: That’s the new part. That’s your new part … But, see, what's happening now is the body's starting to acquiesce to all of this. It's starting to get better.

Bob: Well, what’s it mean to acquiesce? Not have headaches?

iON: To shift. Or get used to it. Or move with it. Or come to the place that it is.

Bob: So, if words don’t create, what creates now?

iON: Didn’t say … Some more people are going to have the occasion and the occurrence and this is going to be what you call a theme. And when we say a theme, we mean it’s something that people are going to come into and go, "Wow! Wait a minute. OK." And they’ll start experiencing it …

25 February 2017, Hour 12

iON: Now, words don’t create. What’s the difference between power and creation? There’s the rub.

Bob: Listen, this is a key point. New insight. I never worried about word power, because I was operating on the post-word power world you say we're in now. Right?

iON: Correct. Words are powerful, but words on longer create. That’s the difference.

Bob: And my explanation of the post-word multimedia world is the reason why …

iON: It’s mortarless. It’s a mortarless reality now.

Bob: Ah, that’s what you mean - beyond media ecology, beyond the Android Meme. Social mortar is gone.

iON: That’s right.

Bob: So, David Worcester said to me in '93, "How much of Rhyee will be left over, Bob?" You’re saying none of it is leftover. But there’s still a public zone; some kind of shared people …

iON: Really? CNN was a public zone. Edward R. Murrow was a public zone. Walter Cronkite was a public zone. Walter Winchell was a public zone. We can’t tell.

Bob: So, Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper get together with management, privately, and say, "We're fucked." Do they acknowledge that to themselves?

iON: Yeah. They do now. When the sitting President of the goddamn United States of America says, "You're 'fake news.' And don’t worry about your 10 o'clock show because no one watches it anyway." And does it from the fucking East Room of The White House, while you're there – President - and kicking you in the head and says, "I know what you are. I’ve renamed you. You’re no longer 'fake news', you’re now 'very fake news.' We're not going to regard you at all."

Bob: OK, it’s a mortarless world. That means there’s no communication. That means that Trump is doing Bob's will. That’s all he can do. That’s the only public part that’s allowed.

iON: Or left.

Bob: Or left. That’s it. Bob gets the final word.

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