
Sunday, November 24, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Transcript, 19 November 2020


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 0:00
Carolyn, you're fixin' to live the vial judgments. That's what you're fixin' to do.

Carolyn 0:05

iON 0:06
You're fixin' to live the vial judgment, so you're gonna have something to gird yourself a little bit, darling, that's all we're sayin'.

Carolyn 0:12
Wow, that's interesting. Can I... I want to ask more about that, and I have been wanting to. Can you tell me what the vial judgments are, or direct me to where I can read them 'cause I, you know...

iON 0:29
Oh, that's the Revelation series vial judgments [Carolyn laughs] where it lists them all from the... They're lateral, the seven levels,-

Carolyn 0:37
Ah, yeah.

iON 0:38
- seven churches, and they go in, and they go in order, and they're gonna fall. And this is now coming into that stage where that's where Trumpitis was mentioned and went through and kinda [inaudible].

Carolyn 0:50
Ah huh.

iON 0:50
This is why it's so much fun because Bob was so against the whole thing. He was just like the martyr doing that. [Carolyn chuckles] Now he would, now he'd kill you. He'd kill you over saying anything regarding Revelations and Revelations Revealed. He has now, he has now become Ezra Pound of the biblical John of Patmos' version of Revelation, which is just the delight before men and many. It's very resourceful how he [indistinct] it into the zeitgeist.

Carolyn 1:20
Right. So, are the vial judgments just the churches, or are they the seven aspects of the seven things?

iON 1:32
No, they are separate.

Carolyn 1:35
Ah huh.

iON 1:36
They're separate.

Carolyn 1:37
So, they're the lampstands, the everything mentioned is part of the vial judgments?

iON 1:40
The Revelation 16.

Carolyn 1:51

iON 1:55
Yeah, the seven bowls.

Carolyn 1:58
Yeah. Okay, so there's the seven churches, the seven bowls, the seven lampstands. Like that?

iON 2:08

Carolyn 2:09

Bob 2:10
So, Carolyn...

iON 2:10
The six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto me. Here we go: A proud look. Where would you find that today? A lying tongue. Where would you find that today? And hands that shedeth innocent blood? Where would you find that today? And hearts that deviseth wicked imaginations. Can't be possible today. Feet that be swift and running into mischief. Oh, that's not possible. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Now that reference comes back from Proverbs 6:16 through 19, but that's where you come in, honey, sugarlove.

Bob 3:02
Hey, Carolyn, how about this, iON? You got seven levels of heaven, and they're all kind of the mob acting up in different ways. And you don't want to get involved with that, so the press conference today is the beginning of the Civil War vial judgment. Correct, iON? The press conference by Giuliani and Sidney, is that the beginning of the vial judgment of Civil War?

iON 3:27
Ah, you got seven vials that introduced and itemized and in this particular modality -- or you might say a chapter, Bob. If you're gonna go back to Ezra Pound, you could say a chapter -- they've been compared to the seven seals, and also, Bob, to the seven trumpets, especially in the latter, the trumpets, hahahahaha, Trump's Trumpitis, those that are suffering from early onset Trumpitis. The one form of the interpretation, Bob, has been to view the vials that's merely an enlargement of the Trump syndrome, or trumpet judgments that would normally respond numerically to them. There's undoubtedly much similarity between the trumpet judgments, Bob, and the judgments inflicted by the pouring out of the vials of the wrath of God! That's what you're fixin' to feel. In both the trumpets and the vials, the first in the series deals with the earth; the second the sea; the third with the rivers and the fountains of water; the fourth with the sun; and the fifth with darkness; and the sixth with the river Euphrates; and the seventh with the lightning, the thunders and the great earthquake. And thus the principle is often overlooked, Bob, however, similarities do not identify. A careful study of the seven vials as compared to the seven trumpets will reveal numerous differences, Bob. The first four trumpets will deal only with one-third of the earth. That's significant. While the vial judgments seems to be universal in their application and greater in intensity, the petition is therefore taken in the exposition of the vial judgments as the subsequent of the trumpet judgments to proceed out of and they will constitute the seventh trumpet. That's what you're getting ready for, Dobbstown. You got, you got it, Bob. By god, you can't run it. We're gonna see if you're gonna run it. We're gonna see if the Church of the SubGenius can hold. The judgments described in the trumpet pronouncements and the vial pronouncements, they'll fall in rapid succession like Trump-hammer blows, and they will allow all consummated within a short period of what you say, time for the close and the great tribulation, the vial judgments. The climax of God's divine dealing with a blasphemous earth lead up to the second coming of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to come show you how the milk got in the coconut. [chuckles]

Bob 6:29
Oh yeah, what you're saying is coming rapidly, is that within the 120 days? We're in the first quarter?

iON 6:36
Yeah. First vial, 16:2. And the first went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them that worshiped his image.

Bob 6:56
Well, would that be the press conference today? Is that a pouring out of violence?

iON 7:00
Yes, as found in Exodus 9:9 through 11.

Bob 7:08
So, that's... I call that a media event, and not all the vials are media events.

iON 7:14
It's blandishment. No, it's not a media event, it's blandishments of the beast, Bob. Come on now.

Bob 7:20
Blandishments against the beast. Of the beast.

iON 7:25
Well, blandishments of the beast.

Bob 7:26
The beast, yeah. And those three people, Rudy, Sidney and Jenna are high-standing, worthy soldiers to start it off.

iON 7:36
No, no, no. It purports the anticipation of the ultimate doom of the beast worshipers, Bob. Come on now.

Bob 7:47
Yeah. Well, they're worthy at making that happen.

iON 7:51
Well, okay, so, okay, whatever that means. The second vial, 16:3. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: -- just like on Rudy Giuliani's face today -- and every living soul died in the sea. Did you watch the blood pour out of Rudy Giuliani today?

Bob 8:17
Yeah. Well, Carolyn says it was hair dye.

iON 8:20
That doesn't run like that. The rest of his hair wasn't running. He doesn't have that color red dye. It's blood.

Bob 8:26
Why was he bleeding?

iON 8:29
Okay, the second vial, Revelation 16:3. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. It's just like that. Literally. Jesus experienced the same thing in the Garden of Gethsemane, where his -- basically, his sweat glands opened up and poured with blood over the subjugation of the wiles of you, Bob, Dark Soul, devil, teasing Jesus into turning the stones into bread 'cause he was hungry and they couldn't break into the Bergdorf Goodman to get good Wonder Bread anymore, Bob. They didn't have a loaf bread. They didn't have a loaf bread. They couldn't break into Bergdorf Goodman, so they were teasing the Christ to turn the stone into bread.

Bob 9:27
Right. So, the sea, the second vial judgment, is the Niagara Falls of information and news people, news junkies. The whole news information is the sea?

iON 9:39
Yeah. That's Exodus 7:20 through 25.

Bob 9:44
Okay. So, the Exodus out of Cairo, out of Egypt, is a parallel to Ascending or going through the seven levels of heaven.

iON 9:58
[whispering] Hey, Bob. It's gonna kill all the fish in the Nile River and make the water unfit to drink. That's gonna be [inaudible] water.

Bob 10:07
So, the fish is the CNN? The sale of CNN?

iON 10:12
Oh, your business is gonna go real good, Bob, [Bob chuckles] 'cause they're not gonna be able to drink, they're not gonna be able to drink the water. You're gonna be the only fountain, you're gonna be fountain going. It moves you way up the food chain, you see.

Bob 10:29
Well, I become the first public trillionaire in that case.

iON 10:34
Well, you've loaned them that much, so, yeah, I guess you could -- hey, if you'll just collect what you've already given the numbnutmotherfuckers, you'd already be there, Bob. You just had to wait. You'll have to bury 'em and get your money back. That's what you have to do, or at least get a tax credit maybe. We'll see if Janet, we'll see if Janet Yellen can give you a little -- can sell you, can sell you -- what does the Catholic Church sell? They sell, they sell -

Bob 11:01

iON 10:57
- they sell [indistinct] printing. Oh, the Catholic Church with their printing press. Maybe Janet Yellen can sell you an indulgence, Bob. Won't that be nice? Try that.

Bob 11:01
They're bringing her back. Does Trump like her?

iON 11:14
We love Janet Yellen.

Bob 11:16
No, you do, but Biden, Biden may appoint her.

iON 11:21
We don't know. It's all good whatever you call it.

Bob 11:23
It's still "Biden who?" right?

iON 11:27
Yeah, "Biden who?" In all these cases, it is possible that the sea becomes literally human blood.

Bob 11:37
Okay, Carolyn.

iON 11:37
And it corresponds to it in appearance that is loathsomeness. The area of the judgment is similar to that of the second trumpet which one-third of the sea is turned to blood and one-third of the creatures of the sea die. Hint, the judgment is universal, Bob. Reverend Stang cannot object to JR Bob Dobbs. And the reference to the sea may be limited to the Mediterranean, but that same word would be used if the judgment were extended to all large bodies of water, including Maui and Kihei. In the latter event, a major portion of the earth would be involved in the judgment, as most of the earth is covered in water. That'll bring you up to 16:4 through 7, which would be the third vial. This is so fun. Here, Carolyn's doing great, Bob. You need to give her a bonus or a pony, or an atta boy or some'um. She's doing really good tonight, Bob. [short pause]

Carolyn 12:50
Are you awake, Bob?

iON 12:51
[laughs] Are you in the shower, Bob?

Bob 12:58
Do you want to do the rest?

iON 13:00
Are you in the shower, Bob?

Bob 13:01
Do you want to do the rest of the judgments, Carolyn? He did the first two. Are you gonna lead him through the next five?

Carolyn 13:06
[in background] I don't have that many other questions.

Bob 13:13
Well, okay, do it. Do the third judgment, the third vial judgment.

Carolyn 13:59
iON, can we -- tell me about the third vial and where to find it.

iON 13:28
Oh. Revelation 16:4 through 7. And the third angel poured out the vial upon the rivers and the fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Molokini, thou art righteous, [Carolyn chuckles] O Lord, which art, and wast, and shall be, because thou hast judged thus. Darling, don't you think you're gonna stomp down that hill and not cause the wrath and the anger of God. Don't think that you're gonna stroll down there and not make a stir. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets. They'll have given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Bob 14:26
[in background] Carolyn, relate that to the 120 days.

Carolyn 14:34
I don't -- you come on. I don't know anything about the 120 days.

iON 14:37
You do. It's great. That's the time window that you're working on that you start from turning the water into blood to the rivers and the fountains, apparently, with the same devastating effects, Carolyn Dean. You sit here saying you don't know anything about it, and you goddamn caused it.

Carolyn 14:52

iON 14:52
You caused it, and you say, oh, I don't know anything about all that. Oh, hell no, darlin', hell no. Them's pretty words, but good luck with that. Good luck with it. You think this is a Greg Duffell bag you fucking with, baby, you got another thought acomin'. No, the rivers and the fountains are not to be symbolic. There's no reason for not taking this as a literal sense as the sea in the second vial of death island, and the men in the first vial. The physical affliction stems from a spiritual apostasy. You'll see.

Carolyn 15:34
Spiritual which?

iON 15:37
No, apostasy.

Carolyn 15:40
Apostasy. Don't know that one.

iON 15:44

Carolyn 15:47
S-y. Okay.

Bob 15:50
[in background] Heresy, Carolyn.

Carolyn 15:57
Heresy? Bob says it's heresy.

iON 16:01
It would be the -- no, no, if you had heresy, it would be known as spiritual apostasy. But yes, but you have to be convicted of it first. So...

Carolyn 16:13
Departure, of revolt, of defection, of rebellion.

iON 16:16
Right. After the fact. See, you gotta tunk a lo pizen and then be found that way to be judged by it. So, that's good. You're doing great, darlin'. Now, the angel of the waters. You called on the angel of the waters this week! And you sit here askin' us, tellin' us you don't know. You called on the angel of the waters this week to deliver a justification of God for this judgment. Apparently, Carolyn, this angel you called is apparently a holy angel and has some jurisdictions over water.

Carolyn 16:51

iON 16:51
There is a remarkable variety of ministries assigned to the angels as recorded in Revelation. The angel declares that because men have shed the blood of saints and prophets, God is righteous in judging them in kind in that they have been given blood to drink. Even the saints are worthy of rest and reward, so the wicked are worthy of the divine chastening and judgment. The bloodletting during the great tribulation, as saints are slaughtered by the thousands, is without parallel in the history of the race.

Carolyn 17:33
And I only walked on one -- on Monday. I was probably avoiding walking so I couldn't cause too much harm, but it looked like that didn't work.

iON 17:45
No. Matthew, 24:21.

Carolyn 17:49
Okay, Matthew. Darn. Okay, so that's the third one. Can I, can I possibly take the fourth one? Will I be able to handle it?

iON 18:09
Oh, sure. Oh yes, darlin', you doin' great. You got, you got a tiger by the tail it's plain to see. [Carolyn chuckles] That's Revelation 16:8 and 9. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; the power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. So, instead of God bless the United States of America, it was goddamn the United States of America. Oh, so it's... Okay. So, so, so, the fourth version of Trump or trumpet, the fourth vial is the judgment which affects the variety and affects the starry heaven, specifically the sun. The fourth trumpet is the judgment extends to the third part of the sun, moon and stars, resulting in the darkening of the third part of the day and of the night. By contrast, the fourth vial relates only to the sun, and increases rather than decreases the sun's intensity with the result that men are scorched with fire and that the electromagnetic field is severed. The divine judgment thus inflicts, apparently, upon the entire earth does not bring men to repentance, but only increases their blasphemy, even though they recognize that the plague come from God who they reject! whose power they spurn. The expression "and the power was given unto him to scorch men with fire," is rendered according to the best manuscripts, "and it is given to him (the sun) to scorch the men with fire." The use of this article with "men" seems to refer to the judgment of the same class in verses 2, 5, and 6. But the article is also used in connection with the men mentioned in verse 9 (literally, "the men"). The implication is the saints from this period who are true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, they won't suffer from the plague and possibly creatures other men may also escape. The wishful thinking of some that men would repent if they only knew the power, the righteous judgment of the God they should become, which is shattered by frequent mention in this chapter of the hardness of the human heart. The little "c's," the little, the little Cheerios, the little carbon trying to lay in the face of the most stringent and evident divine discipline.

Bob 21:06
Okay, iON, it's too many words. To make it simple, is number 3 the Civil War, and number 4 is the plagues and EMP?

iON 21:25
Yeah, of the sun. And the 5th is 16:10 and 11.

Bob 21:33
Well, what comes after the EMP, Carolyn?

iON 21:37
That's after the 4th. That is the 4th. The 5th vial, 16:10 and 11, which is: And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pain and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

Bob 22:08
That's the distribution of our products, the amino acid level.

iON 22:13
As in the fifth trumpet and in the ninth plague of Egypt, Exodus, 10:21 through 23. Nobody's gonna give a fuck about that, about Virginia. Well, let's see. No, we don't...

Bob 22:27
Or Georgia.

iON 22:28
We say...

Bob 22:29

iON 22:29
Naw. No, no. Ginney Belle Gunther Sanders, that's the only person on this planet that will give a fuck about that but her. She will. The Revelation 13. As the fifth trumpet in the ninth plague of Egypt, Exodus 10:21 through 23, there's a darkness over the earth, but this is only part of the divine judgment. Ophenel Hobab will stand as a witness that both trumpets in the vial judgments, there's also pain and torment. They're sittin' here wondering why iON's being terse and being shocked when the wicked in their suffering are declared to gnaw their goddamn tongues out. They're fixin' to start eatin' themselves in the description of the severe agony. And they're saying we're being terse. If anything terse, the sore inflicted in the first vials were in this judgment, aggravated and increased. Again, we also see a sad note that they blasphemed God, the NonPhysical representation of their power on this earth and this realm as the author of these judgments. They didn't repent of their deeds. They didn't look at where they came from. They didn't offset their vial judgments and what Greg Duffell bag had to say about the world as we know it. Though they are declared once more in verse 21 to have blasphemed God, this is the last reference to their failure to repent. 2:21, 9:20 through 21, and 16:9 Revelation. The scriptures plainly refute the notion that wicked men will quickly repent when faced with the catastrophic warnings of judgment. When confronted with the righteous judgment of God, their blasphemy is deepened and their evil purpose is accentuated.

Bob 24:45
That's all in Revelation 5, iON?

iON 24:48
[laughs] Yes, Bob, that's all the semen that was left. We, we cleaned that one dry, Bob. Yep, we got it.

Bob 25:00
Well, EMP, that's pretty big. Earthquakes is in number 7; that's the caldera.

iON 25:13
You're fixin' to do the 6th vial, Bob, which is 16:12 through 16. Ready for it?

Bob 25:19
I know. What's the words for that that you said earlier?

iON 25:17
Oh, okay. 16:12 through 16. And the sixth angel poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, the way the kings and the East might have prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs that came out of Bert's pond, come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophets. For they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garment, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Bob 26:32
Yeah, that was the 6th one. Now the plague and the Tigris, Euphrates River, Euphrates, whatever you said, that's dealing with our living water and doing the oases in the Middle East. But then...

iON 26:48
The river Euphrates is called "the great" one, is the prominent river of the world, and forms the eastern boundary of the ancient Roman Empire -- that's what you're missing -- as well as is prophesied as the eastern boundary which was laid which God promised to the seed of Abraham. Don't fuck this up, Bob. Genesis 15:18, Deuteronomy 1:7 and 11:24, and Joshua 1:4. In Genesis 15:18, in Deuteronomy 1:7, and Joshua 1:4, it's called "the great river Euphrates," and it is here. These references seem to establish unmistakably a geographic usage in the passage. In Isaiah 11:15 and Zechariah 10:11, there are similar predictions of the drying up of the Euphrates River though the name of the river is not mentioned.

Bob 27:48
So, that was 6. Where is that? Is Trump, Viceroy during that period, Revelation 6?

iON 28:04
Yes. Yes.

Bob 28:06
Is he Viceroy during 5?

iON 28:09
No. The relationship between the drying up of the Euphrates River and the battle that follows sometimes has been connected with the sixth trumpet. That'd be 9:13 through 21. In the sixth trumpet in an army of 200 million men is loosened to slay a third of men. That's 9:15. The army is related to the Euphrates River, even as the army of the Kings of the East watch the East. That's the sand negras. You gotta be careful. Probably the best explanation is the seven vials follow very rapidly after the trumpets and the events of such great invasion are pictured in their early stages, the six trumpet of statement of their ultimate purpose that is actually realized in the sixth vial. So, it kinda gets ahead of itself a little bit. The time sequence here may be in terms of days rather than months or years, Bob.

Bob 29:09
Yeah, so...

iON 29:10
It's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic.

Bob 29:15
So, you're describing the tribulations. Is that 18 to 24-month period that started back in March, say?

iON 29:25
Rhymes with coroni. [chuckles]

Bob 29:28
Right. Right. So, while these apparent disasters are happening while we bring in our ecology of the new.

iON 29:40
Well, your media ecology is restrictive, Bob, because you only go, well, what Matt Drudge says. So, you're not really qualified to be involved in this conversation are you?

Bob 29:50
No, I can look at Dan Bongino anytime I want.

iON 29:50
[iON laughs] Yes! But do you?

Bob 29:52
Now listen. No, it's nothin' to do with that. I'm saying, what we unleash, the Coldplay, the amino acids and all that stuff is accompanied by these global or huge disasters; EMP, blood running.

iON 30:12
Oh, that's the next one. That's the next one. You ready? That's the 7th vial. That's 16:17 through 21.

Bob 30:20
Okay, well, we are, we released our stuff in 4, 5 and 6?

iON 30:25
You're gonna see. Just don't get ahead of yourself, Bob.

Bob 30:28
No, no. But and you have the complimentary disasters. To our good news, there's all that bad news.

iON 30:35
Bob, Beefheart's dead. You don't have to prove anything. You got this. You're okay.

Bob 30:42
No, I'm saying what is to see what you say. You don't need to chide the action of speaking. [iON laughs] Deal with the content of what I say.

iON 30:49
Hey, hey, don't you go goddamn Thompson on us! We got him on our side now, Bob. You're in trouble. [Bob chuckles] Okay, the 7th vial, that's 16:17 through 21. Ready? And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. This is what you were tryin' to say before, it's in the air. And there came a great voice out of the temple of The Church of the SubGenius of heaven, from the throne saying, It is done. That's what you were saying before from the 5, 6 and 7, or 4, 5 and 6 up to 7?

Bob 31:31

iON 31:32
It is done. And there were voices. Voices? There were SubGeniuses. SubGeniuses. There was JR Bob Dobbs. No, Bob Neveritt. No, Dick Dobbs. No, the thunders. No, the lightning. Oh, no. And there was a great earthquake, such that was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, so great that the Mississippi River went exactly a perpendicular path for which it flows daily. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the city of the nation fell: the great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her a cup of wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and every mountain were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blaspheme God because of the plague of the hail, and the plague thereof was exceedingly great.

Bob 32:46
So our... That's when we're in stealth during that period.

iON 32:53
Yeah, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're an apostrophe, Bob. You become parenthetical. [laughs]

Bob 33:02
Right. Well, that's in Nostradamus when...

iON 33:04
Bob is the, Bob is the vial of the 7th judgment is declared to be poured about out upon the air as a resulting action in a catastrophic position is accordingly accompanied by the great voice out of the temple of heaven and from the throne, stating in emphatic terms, "It is done!" In the Greek, Bob, this statement is one word, "gegonen," in perfect tense, indicating action accomplished in the final act of God preceding the second coming of Bob.

Bob 33:43
Yeah, the the air is the electric broadcasting air. That's one of the meanings, right?

iON 33:48
Now, there's been speculation about that, as to why this vial should be poured upon the air, insomuch as Satan as the Dark Soul and the prince of power of the air has already been cast down from heaven. See, we have inner, outer and middle kingdom. The fact that Satan has been cast out of the third heaven, outer kingdom, however, doesn't mean that he still doesn't have great power in the atmospheric heaven which are here in view. So, you can't count the devil out of the Tech Body's influence as part of the angelic realm. It's also clear...

Bob 34:24
Did you say, did you say, in "you," in Bob, or in "view," v-i-e-w?

iON 34:30
View. In view. You will be able to see it in view. It is also clear in our modern day...

Bob 34:35
Well, that's what Nostradamus...

iON 34:36
Right. And that's why also...

Bob 34:37
That's what Nostradamus says when I'm at that battle in Belgium and have someone else doing the battle, and I'm watching from the sidelines. That's the -- part of the view.

iON 34:46

Bob 34:47

iON 34:47
Try not to, try not to overspeak us, Bob. It's also clear that our modern day that the control of the air as well as the space, the visual space, has become increasingly important in military matters. Undoubtedly, air and space travel will increase rather than decrease at the end of the ages to come.

Bob 35:13
Yeah, our activities will increase, Carolyn.

iON 35:16
Some have compared, this goes back to, Bob, this goes back to the prophecy from Ezekiel 38:9, 16.

Bob 35:28
All right, you wanna care to say what that is? What is that?

iON 35:32
Where the host... Well, we'll tell you what it means. It's where the host from the north is said to "ascend and come like a storm" and "like a cloud" -- note the reference -- "to cover the land." While this may imply an air attack, it is perhaps reading too much in the passage to assume this. In any event, the seventh vial which is poured out in the air is the principal resulting action on the earth as the verses in which follows indicate. The solemn accompaniment of this affirmation "It is done" by the great voice of JR Bob Dobbs from the temple of the SubGenius in heaven, from the throne of the most omnipotent introduction to this final and complete judgment intestate. As in the case of the final seal of the seventh judgment trumpet, 8:5 and 11:19, the final vial is introduced by the sound of voices, Bob; thundering, Carolyn; lightning, Bert; and the great earthquake, oh, maybe iON. The earthquake is declared to be the greater than any previous earthquake. The earth literally convulses as the times of the Gentiles come to an end. The voices, like thunders and lightning, are the prelude to the earthquake which the express judgment of God shall ensue.

iON 35:42
And that's all within the next 24 months.

iON 37:18
Or less.

Bob 37:19
Or less. So, that's pretty fast, Carolyn.

iON 37:26
Well, you'll have to see. Before the King of kings and the Lord of lords, there's no escape with the divine judgments except for those who avail themselves of the grace and God of Bob and the faith of their process of coming into their place of God called ascension. The utter perversity of the human nature, which will reject the sovereignty of God in the face of such overwhelming evidence, confirms that even the lake of fire will not produce repentance as a part of those who have hardened their hearts against the grace of Bob.

Bob 38:17
Right. Now, that's Exodus you were just doing?

iON 38:22
It was the finish of it, yeah.

Bob 38:08
Yeah. So, part of this, this is all the trumpet, Carolyn. The seventh trumpet period is the next 120 days, and then the next 24 months or less. Trump is a figure in the middle of all this. Trump is the figure and social mortar.

iON 38:30
He's the mystery, he's the mystery landscape now because now they don't know what he is. Trump -- hey, Trump ain't even tweetin'. Trump ain't sayin' shit. Trump's not being physical, Trump's not presenting himself. People are shakin' themselves and wished not the Spirit had departed from them. You'll see.

Bob 38:48
Yeah, he did his last couple of tweets a couple days ago where "I won." You know, he just said, "I won the election. Case closed" was his last declaration. So, he's following Sidney's will, desire, that he shut up for a while. Correct?

iON 39:03
We're sorry we -- we're sorry you didn't get at least one sound bite out of this, Bob. We're sorry about that. We'll do better next time.

Bob 39:09
We'll see. We'll see. [iON laughs] But, but the thing is that Trump steps back to give that press conference the highlight. He's not distracting from the press conference today.

iON 39:24
No. No, no, no, no, no, you're overthinking it. All that happened today is Zion. The boundaries of Zion were marked.

Bob 39:38
In that press conference.

iON 39:39
The contemporary, the contemporary... Ah, what's that... Priory? The Priory of Zion?

Bob 39:39
Sion. S-i-o-n.

iON 39:50
Oh, okay. They both apply, but the boundaries are set this far and no further. This far and no further. This far and no further. Prove it! Prove it. Okay, we will. Okay, you need to back up. If you were doing your job, we wouldn't have to prove it. We could take this to court and have the judicial branch decide. it. Prove it! That's not true. Joe Biden is president. You know we heard it from the office of the president elect, he's the president. Why you all talkin' about -- it's very clear. You better hurry up. You got to hurry. We have plenty of time, this is the judicial branch. We have all the time in the world. No, you don't. He's gonna be president. You gonna get evicted. We're gonna take a double-barrel butcher knife and we're gonna run you out of that goddamn White House. No, you're not. Yes, you are. Oh, hell, yeah. Oh, hell, yeah. You're not gonna say... You know, y'all better hurry. Y'all better, hurry. Y'all better hurry. We got to prove this fraud. We have to prove this fraud. We have to, we have to check this fraud off of our roles. You'll see.

Bob 40:52
Yeah, the the battle over the White House is part of this battle. And what is Brussels, the beast, doing since this?

iON 41:04
Oh, 16:1. That's 16:1. That's when you pour out the vials.

Bob 41:11
When we bring out the virals?

iON 41:14
Vials. Command to pour out the vials, v-i-a-l-s. Remember the vial judgments?

Bob 41:23
Yes, well, you're talking about the 7 or the particular one, like number 5?

iON 41:28
There are 7, and they're all inclusive.

Bob 41:32
Okay, they resonate like the ten thunders of "Finnegans Wake."

iON 41:35
Matthew 24:21 is what you're talkin' about now.

Bob 41:39

iON 41:39
Now you're talking about the multitude of martyrs in heaven instead. That would come from chapter 7. Now you're trying to say that this is proper time that in inexorable in the judgment of those who persecuted the saints.

Bob 41:55
Right. But can we say the third movie in "The Matrix" series is part of what we're talking about here?

iON 42:01
We don't care. It's okay with us. We're not very nice. It doesn't matter to us.

Bob 42:05
"The Matrix" doesn't make it. "The Matrix" doesn't make it.

iON 42:08
No, we like, we like the Oracle. The Oracle, we like the little black woman. We love the little black woman making the cookies. She was smart. They made her look stupid, but she's real smart. We like her.

Bob 42:20
Well, was she -- is that me or Carolyn or someone else? Who is... Or iON?

iON 42:25
We don't know.

Bob 42:27
The black Oracle.

iON 42:27
No, you're askin' all these goddamn questions. It's kind of ridiculous. Move on to some'um profitable.

Bob 42:35
Okay. So, Carolyn's finished. Right, Carolyn?

iON 42:39
Wait. She might have had some'um else good. What about the amino acids? Yeah, they're doing real good. We got two more trials; one made it, one didn't. You have to start over. One said that it's not a protein, and proteins have to be amino acid, but they sent it off to Boston. To Boston, University of Boston to let them have another view of it. But it's all going real good, and we're gonna send it back to New Capstone. So, inadvertently, the study got reverted to New Capstone Incorporated. [Carolyn chuckles in background]

Bob 42:39
So that'll come here, Carolyn? This is New Capstone here?

iON 43:27
But don't, but don't... Well, you can't tell. You can't tell goddamn Jimmy what he don't fuck off. He don't swim, so yeah, you better find some other way to get it there. We have to have, to have a runner bring it to you. Hard to run over the sea, but I guess it'll be alright. [Bob chuckles]

Carolyn 43:46
[in background] New Captone's name got put on the trial.

iON 43:50

Bob 43:54
In this, during this period -- 24 months or whatever, 18, 24, months and the tribulations and seven trumpets -- what is the Mountain doing in this?

iON 44:06

Bob 44:08
Like I am. I watch. [chuckles] No, what is, what is Trumpitis? Is the whole seven vials Trumpitis, or is Trumpitis people who hate Trump or people who are dominated by Trump? What is Trumpitis, iON, as you were saying a little while ago?

iON 44:29
We don't know.

Bob 44:32
Okay, go ahead, Carolyn.

Carolyn 44:32
So, yeah, what I was asking about, iON, was a lot of... Every once in a while, it surfaces that people say there's no proof that viruses exist. There's, you know, it's just they aren't there. But isn't that simply because a virus is just a collection of RNA and DNA? It swoops into a cell, and the RNA and DNA just makes copies of itself in the cell.

iON 45:09
M. No, m. mRnA. The messenger RNA.

Carolyn 45:14

iON 45:15
RNA. Messenger. mRNA, that's what they -- that's the new catch word. So, you got them into, you took 'em from DNA to RNA. Now they've moved to mRNA to say, that's the whole, that's the whole dog sperm CRISPER.

Carolyn 45:33
Yeah, yeah.

iON 45:35
Ridiculous thing. It's ridiculous, darling, but what they're showing is... Ooh, sorry, we digress.

Carolyn 45:41
Yeah, I just got to get it clear before you tell me what they're showing, but it's, is it -- am I right in those words that because they don't have a viral object, because it's just the little bits of RNA and DNA, they can't find it as an object, and therefore they say it doesn't exist?

iON 46:10
It's 50 cents, one in two quarters. The other, I mean, is it live or is it Memorex? In about one second, you won't be able to tell. We appreciate the question, but it's obfuscated by the outcome. See, if you have the outcome, the question becomes moot because it's like, oh, okay, this is what that was. Which was it? Okay, which came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know, I have both.

Carolyn 46:34
Yeah, because you do get a viral infection, so something's happening, and they don't see the virus in the [indistinct], then they can't...

iON 46:44
The impetus doesn't cause the reaction. The impetus doesn't cause the reaction. So therefore, it can't be part of the predicated outcome, can it?

Carolyn 46:58
So, none of that gets into my brain as a reason. Are you saying viruses don't cause an infection?

iON 47:09
They can't. They can't. That would be... Now, if you, if you didn't say, if you didn't say infection, if you said an irritant, we'd say, yes.

Carolyn 47:19
Yeah. Well, viruses...

iON 47:20
Is an irritant that? I don't know, we'll have to see.

Carolyn 47:23
Yeah. Viruses cause inflammation, true or false?

iON 47:29
Maybe. Maybe. Some do, some don't. Everyone doesn't, so therefore, none of them may.

Carolyn 47:38
So, with the COVID, what is it designed from?

Bob 47:43
Okay, Carolyn, I might be able to... Here's something that has to be said to see if this is a factor. The electric environment brought in what physics called virtual particles. So, you got a mixture of biology, electric effect, which makes virtual particles which is the virus. That's why it's half here and not here because we don't know how to visualize the electric tactility.

iON 47:59

Bob 48:07
So, what I just did, iON, is that a factor in this?

iON 48:10
Maybe. Maybe.

Bob 48:12
Yeah, that might help. That's how you would bring McLuhan into this, Carolyn.

iON 48:16
No, that's how you'd bring Ezra Pound into this.

Bob 48:20

Carolyn 48:25
I don't really care about this question, but...

iON 48:28
Okay, We do. We do. We do because you're asking it.

Carolyn 48:32

iON 48:32
See, darlin', we care because you're asking it. So, it's important to us.

Carolyn 48:37

Bob 48:38
And I'll do it if you won't. Are you talking about what I just added to that question?

iON 48:44
New question.

Carolyn 48:42
No, no, no. No, it was the foster daughter, Shannon, who said, "Well, some people say viruses don't exist." and, you know, Richard said that too. You know...

iON 48:57
No. Viruses exist, just as Ascension is malignant.

Carolyn 49:05

iON 49:04
Viruses -- now listen to the words. Viruses do indeed exist, just as Ascension is malignant.

Carolyn 49:06
Yeah. Right.

iON 49:06
Good. So, Shannon was right on point. She was overcompensating the obvious. She was overcompensating the obvious, which is great.

Bob 49:28
No. But listen, I said...

iON 49:29
So, you did so care, you did so care about your question.

Carolyn 49:33
Ah, I know.

Bob 49:35
At the moment -- hey, Carolyn, did iON just say at the moment that your Ascension fails is when you get the virus?

iON 49:42

Bob 49:45
You get the virus as you Ascend.

iON 49:48
No, the Ascension is malignant. It's malignancy. You can't overcome it.

Bob 49:56
It looks like malignancy. It looks like malignancy.

iON 49:59
You can't overcome it. It's over if its taken over. It's the perfect cell.

Bob 50:05
Right. And that looks like to the Emory University people as a super disease.

iON 50:12
It's a dopamine-driven capacity right now.

Bob 50:18
Yes, but then they're gonna...

iON 50:20
Carolyn's ears... Hey, Carolyn's ears just perked up on that. Did you hear that?

Bob 50:25
Yeah, but, but you, you have said that Emory will say you have Ascension disease. There was some phrase you had -- super something. Yeah, you know what I mean, Carolyn?

iON 50:38
You died. You died. You're Ascended, but you died. You didn't pass the test. You're done. You're over. Your days are numbered. You're through as a Little Man. You're human, you didn't make it. We're tryin' to save human beings. We're tryin' to save human life, and you didn't make the cut. So, step away.

Bob 50:53
Right. So, you don't go back to them -

iON 50:53

Bob 50:53
- and you continue to Ascend.

iON 50:58
Well, no, you do. You become the exception to the rule. See? You become -- what do they call it? A sur... What do they call it? We don't know the word. Survivor. Oh yeah, I'm a survivor. Okay. Isn't that a series, " The Survivor"?

Bob 51:13
Yes. So, what you have here, the larger level is the electric environment eroded the Guf over 150 years.

iON 51:23
You're going very esoteric. And we say okay, but it doesn't mean anything.

Bob 51:27
Yes, it does. So, I'm saying the virtual particles -- this is what Shannon and them don't understand, Carolyn. The electric content, the electric form, the electrical reality that is part of the new nature that we're in.

iON 51:41
Oh, okay, okay, okay. No, wait, that's better. That's better. That's better. That's better. Okay, okay, okay, that's almost like Kroker. Good. Okay.

Bob 51:50
It is Kroker. Yeah, McLuhan and Kroker. So, McLuhan said mechanical bride back in the early 50s, that biology served as the framing metaphor in the 19th century. The amount of information science was classifying in the ninth century, they found that biology, the idea of biology, was the framing. So that is the image of humans, a bag of chemicals and whatever else they...

iON 52:16
Biological, "biological inferencing" was the framer is the actual quote, Bob.

Bob 52:22
Right. So, Carolyn, we moved beyond biology with the discarnate, disembodied, and those terms McLuhan used, and that is the new factor that Tariq and Shannon don't understand, the natural aspect of the electric tactility environment we're in. And the virus...

iON 52:39
So, that's called, that's called introspection, Bob.

Bob 52:45
Yes. And so the virus is in the gap, Carolyn, between the old biology and the new electric eminence.

iON 52:53
We don't like your word. You're sloppy. Why are you so sloppy? You're being sloppy.

Bob 52:57
I'm being precise as far as I know.

iON 52:59
That's not precise.

Bob 53:01
Yes, it is.

iON 53:01
That's like, the blig-a-blig is blogger, the blogger is... You're not being specific.

Bob 53:05
No, no, no. The biological inferencing is superseded by the electric nature. And you like that word nature.

iON 53:13
That is ridiculous. What is ... But, no, till you added electric. Now what is the electric nature, Bob? You're going back, you're going back to... You're gonna, you're gonna take up Wyndham Lewis or CS Lewis? Which way you wanna go with this, big'un?

Bob 53:26
Wyndham Lewis. So what it is...

iON 53:28
[chuckles] Well, see? That takes care of the electric part of this conversation now, doesn't it?

Bob 53:34
No, listen. No, no, no. It is the resonance, the interval, the gap, all those terms for this strange condition that people are addicted to their black mirrors. They're addicted to the electric ecstasy.

iON 53:46
Yeah. So, the aberration of the natural ecstasy. The aberration of the natural ecstasy.

Bob 53:54

iON 53:54
Well, see, that's very different than what you were precluding before. So, it's okay, be clear.

Bob 53:59
No, no, what I mean... No, I'm saying what you mean, and that's summarized by the term Chip Body. The Chip Body, Carolyn, rather than the chemical biology body.

iON 54:09
Why didn't you say that? We fuck with that, Bob. You talk all this gibber glabber stuff.

Bob 54:14
So, our instruments, our new electron microscopes, discover viruses, but they're created by the electron microscope, Carolyn.

iON 54:22
That aren't viral. These virus -- listen. Bob is referring to those viruses which presently are not viral.

Bob 54:29
What are they if they're not viral?

iON 54:34

Bob 54:37
Right. I mean, in a way, MIHR worked with this stuff I'm talking about, Carolyn.

iON 54:41
Right. That's the whole point. That's the whole point.

Bob 54:44
Okay, so Carolyn, are you following what we're saying?

Carolyn 54:49

Bob 54:49
See? [iON laughs] She doesn't wanna know this. Carolyn wants to remain at the level of...

iON 54:53
God love you. God love you. God love you, honey. [indistinct]

Bob 54:57
Fuck you. Fuck you.

iON 55:00
She’s not countin' on Kroker to save her living soul, that's what you need to know. [laughs]

Bob 55:05
Your indifference is not appropriate to what we're exploring here. This is what Tariq and Shannon don't understand.

iON 55:11
That may, that may be, but that's relative, see. You're, you're not... Here's the thing, Bob. You're trying to say...

Bob 55:13
Everything's relevant.

iON 55:14
No, it's not. Bob, you're making references to things that have not been charted. So what Carolyn only responds to is what's been charted. Because if a doctor doesn't chart it, it doesn't occur. So, you're taking the esoteric and trying to make it part of the, of the -- what do you call the promulgated view that the doctor gives an order which is the edict or the solution or the prescription or post-prescription if it didn't go well?

Bob 55:53
I'm talking about the air -

iON 55:53
That's why she's not...

Bob 55:54
- and the fuckin' sixth judgment, the air.

iON 55:57
Baby, baby, you're right. Baby, you're right, you're right, but that's why she's not interested, because you didn't put, you didn't connect the air to the meatsack body and how the air affects -- effects -- the meatsack body that causes the aspect for it to respond to Wyndham Lewis.

Bob 56:14
That was exactly what I was talking about last night. I was going to develop it from Hans Selye and the stress of life.

iON 56:14
Right, right, right.

Bob 56:22
The pharmacology of dirt. Okay?

iON 56:25
Yes. Perfect. And that, if you would have done that, then Carolyn would have been interested and you wouldn't look like an idiot of being dismissed once again by the non-boss.

Bob 56:24
[chuckles] Well, you have to be interested now, Carolyn.

iON 56:32
By the non-boss.

Bob 56:32
Get out of your old habits.

iON 56:38
By the non-boss who's actually running shit. That's what you need to know. That's right. [laughs]

Bob 56:43
So am I. So, Carolyn, you need to get out your Hans Selye and read a little Hans Selye in your eBook world, the Kindle world. So, you ignore this at your peril.

iON 56:59
Oh, lord Jesus.

Bob 57:01
Now, do you have some'um to say about it, Carolyn?

Carolyn 57:07
Viruses are little particles of genetic material that infect cells, but the word infect is probably more like inflame cells. Case closed.

Bob 57:22
What do you -- what were you reading, Carolyn?

iON 57:24
So they affect. So they affect.

Bob 57:25

Carolyn 57:26
Viruses are just bits of genetic material that get inside of a cell and replicate and cause inflammation.

Bob 57:36
That knowledge would not be known without the electric tools.

Carolyn 57:41

Bob 57:41
The medium is the message.

Carolyn 57:44

Bob 57:44
Okay, let's end on that. I get the last word. Okay, here we go. In reference to the press conference today, Kidney is pointing at Venezuela, Maduro, Chavez. Is that accurate? Are they the people who created the software and are controlling its marketing?

iON 58:07
Bobby's dead.

Bob 58:09

iON 58:09
He's dead, so dead people can't run elections today, but his predecessor set all this up that the American Democrats have embraced, and they use that as a tool so that the Germans can count votes on behest of the failed Venezuelans to effect the United States election. So, they have the pin the tail on the donkey. And this is that very thing...

Bob 58:09
Who are the people who -- who were the people before Chavez? Who's his predecessor?

iON 58:46
Oh. Oh no. No, no, no. Chavez is dead. After Chavez, Maduro is effecting it now.

Bob 58:57
Despite what Greg Duffell says about how great Venezuela is, Sidney is right to name Venezuela as the source of a complicated process of distribution.

iON 59:06
Well, Venezuela is nothing, Bob. Venezuela is nothing. It's the people in Venezuela that are left. Their country is gone; there's nothing left. They have nothing. He's talking about how wonderful Venezuela is. They're starvin' to death. They have no food, they have no water, they have no medicine, they have no nothing! They left. Everybody of significance in Venezuela is gone. The point is that they set up before it went away to nothing, they created this machine that's run through the Canadia that applies that has the ability to change and to shift votes. But Venezuela has nothing.

Bob 59:06
And also, is it connected to Frankfurt, Germany?

iON 59:52

Bob 59:54
And someone was telling me yesterday that that's the CIA, the CIA run it. Do you agree with that?

iON 59:59
Ehhh, well, if you have Chavez in your campaign, maybe, but not so much.

Bob 1:00:08
That's an older world that Soros is part of. They like to say -- some of the people... Sidney brought up Soros; she uses that as a guilty sign.

iON 1:00:22
Soros? Soros? You're talkin' about Smartmatic.

Bob 1:00:22

iON 1:00:24
Soros is connected to Smartmatic. Smartmatic, that's what you're talkin' about.

Bob 1:00:35
Yes, yeah. So did... Kidney's accusation today is that there was a plan last couple years built up for this election. Do you agree with that?

iON 1:00:46
It was done in 2016 only it didn't work. It didn't work. This time it wasn't gonna work again, and they called Florida for Trump too quickly. Trump won, but they called it too quickly. So therefore, five states, 10 states actually, but five states -- that wasn't obvious -- five states, but it's actually 10 states. Five states at 10:30pm, Eastern Standard Time, those states stopped counting for no good reason. No reason. And that reason was so that they could get up to enough votes. The algorithm knew that Trump was gonna win. He was over 100,000 votes ahead and it was over. You can't overcome 100,000-vote run like that. It was most of the vote was in. They stopped counting to bring more vote ballots in to be counted to obfuscate. Then everybody went to bed, and they woke up and Biden won, and that's the [inaudible].

Bob 1:01:55

iON 1:01:56
See, Bob, here's how this goes. Trump had to win by a landslide before the landslide hit. You see?

Bob 1:02:08
The second landslide is Biden's landslide.

iON 1:02:11
Right. Right. The second landslide came from Dominion software and Smartmatic conditions.

Bob 1:02:20
He knew that was coming? He knew that.

iON 1:02:22
Tech Body. Tech Body is a bitch, Bob. Did you know? Have you noted that yet?

Bob 1:02:27
Okay. So, he knew.

iON 1:02:28
Bob. Hey, Bob. Tech Body's a bitch. You know that?

Bob 1:02:32
Yeah, he knew; Trump knew.

iON 1:02:35
And told... Wait, wait. And not only did he know, he told everybody that'd be still. He said there's trouble. There's trouble with this. You can't do this. You can't mail out ballots all over the place. You can't just have indiscriminate ballots all over the place. It's not gonna work out. You have all these other places where they've done mail-in ballots. 60% of the votes are thrown out. Nothing applies. They still haven't decided. It's a big ol' mess. You can't do it like this. You can't change all of the damn election laws 30 minutes before the election and think it's gonna be a fair fight. It's not gonna work. And that's exactly... Now, was that a self-fulfilling prophecy? No. He knew what was gonna go down, and he was ready. He had all the right people in all the right places to note the anomalies.

Bob 1:03:31
This part we're saying we can broadcast?

iON 1:03:34
Yeah, you can. It's a little bit extreme. It's a little bit extreme, but it's okay because it sets modality. You know what modality means, Bob?

Bob 1:03:47
Sort of like a methodology for a lifestyle.

iON 1:03:50
Can be. Well, it can be. That's a good word. That's a good word. It's completely inappropriate, but it's a good word. What modality means, it says the methodology for how this is gonna flow. Is it live, or is it Memorex? Is it prophetic that before, before the winds of time this has to be this way? No, it's what you made out in Revelation Revealed. Remember that series you don't remember doing?

Bob 1:03:51

iON 1:03:51
Oh, yeah, that one. You laid this out exactly like this. And those that have engaged -- except but if you steal it, it don't do you no good -- but if you actually got Revelation Revealed and you listen to it, you find out that this lays out the parody of exactly what was goin' down, and the last trump of God shall stand. That's what's occurring despite all their best efforts and all the king's horses and all the king's men that can't figure out what the fuck happened to Humpty Dumpty in the first place.

Bob 1:04:54
Okay, a side thing. So, so he ran around the last week building up an excuse for having a landslide by being super-energized in many rallies. But he knew, he knew there would be a temporary second landslide that would make him lose. He knew he would appear to lose at first. Correct?

iON 1:05:17
On purpose. On purpose.

Bob 1:05:21
Well, they were out to have him beat, and they pulled it off. So they think they did it, but he decided that that will work to his advantage?

iON 1:05:30
Yeah. It was obvious.

Bob 1:05:31
So this him losing to Biden is part of that whole thing you predicted that he would get down to zero and minus 12 in the polls -

iON 1:05:45

Bob 1:05:45
- before the election and have his concession speech released. That low,-

iON 1:05:49

Bob 1:05:50
- low level happened after the election.

iON 1:05:52

Bob 1:05:52
He's still in the low thing, maybe until today. Today, it starts to turn around.

iON 1:05:57
That's right. He had to wait for 10 days, and then they had to kickback to see. That's why... It's working out perfectly the way Revelation said, the way every fuckin' religion said, the way the Council of Nicaea said. Shit, everybody agrees, and the whole, whole modicum, even goddamn Nostradamus got it right before it was over with, but just wait. We thought Trump was gonna win a landslide and they were gonna fight, it was gonna be wars, and they boarded up the building, and Democrats gonna shoot firecrackers and throw Molotov cocktails. Then they were gonna have a Civil War, and the Democratic cities were going against the states. It was gonna have a Civil War, and it's gonna dispute Trump being president. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now it turns around the other way to where they said, you need to step down President Trump, because you causin' a... And the office of the Vice President, of the president elect, they say that they're in charge now. It's like what? There is no office of the president of elect, God, for God's sake. So, it went completely too far over the other side. Then all of a sudden, the veneer was removed, and you could see, indeed, that it was just as we said it was going to be a problem and a problem and a constitutional convention and a World War and a Civil War, [Bob chuckles] just as Sidney Powell laid out tonight that it's on. And we're not gonna put up with this no more. [Bob laughs] And we got pistols, and we'll shoot you in the fuckin' face! And you don't run us, you don't run nothin'! We got this, Venezuela, goddamn Chavez. You think Chavez gonna get in our hoo-hoo? Well, I got a hoo-hoo. I'm gonna show you what Chavez is gonna do with hoo-hoo. Them goddamn Germans, you countin' our ballots. Oh, hell no, we're on this. And so she quietly called to arms the tenets of the Civil War.

Bob 1:07:59
The tenets, t-e-n-e-t-s. Right?

iON 1:08:02
Correct. Yes.

Bob 1:08:04
Now is this, is this getting back to 1869 -

iON 1:08:06

Bob 1:08:07
- which we looked at -

iON 1:08:09

Bob 1:08:09
- years ago. No, that's not that.

iON 1:08:11
It's better. It's bigger than that. It's bigger than that, Bob. It's better if the war... No, no. Well, your words aren't completely wrong, they're just abjectly incorrect. [chuckles]

Bob 1:08:24
No, it's media ecology. It's a media ecology [indistinct].

iON 1:08:27
Well, you sound like a... If you'd have said, oh, iON, is this like the War of the Roses? And we'd go, absolutely yes, it's the War of the Roses. That's exactly what it is.

Bob 1:08:38
Yes. But I would say there's a modern media ecological aspect of whether you engage the media or not. Or if you're going to engage, you better do it with awareness.

iON 1:08:47
But, but that's not fair. That's not fair 'cause you have your bi -- you have a bias. You... Well, now this is not -- well, yeah, we're gonna say it just like this. There's people like you who only look at goddamn Matt Drudge and judge media ecological events, where there's other people who only watch Fox News and they see a totally different picture. Or you look at Newsmax and you go, goddamn them Democrats, kill every goddamn one of them motherfuckers whore bitch motherfuckers. Kill em. Kill 'em. Kill 'em. I'm gonna go kill two of them myself. I'm done with this. I ain't listenin' any more. Or you got MSDNC. It's like, when Rachel Maddow is like, I don't know why [indistinct] Biden didn't... I think, I think Hillary Clinton is the President right now. [Bob chuckles] She should give it over to Biden. She needs to go and let go. She needs to let go of that 'cause it's very clear, it's very clear that Biden won. I don't know why Hillary's holding back on him, you know? And then you got goddamn Stacy Abrams who's gonna undo all of South Georgia and put them all, put all the niggers in the cotton field. It's gonna get ugly here -- just sayin' -- pretty quick.

Bob 1:09:53
Right. So, I'm not biased. When I go over to Drudge, I like looking at how he tries to pull the wool over people, so I look at it.

iON 1:10:01
Well, but that's all you see.

Bob 1:10:04
I look at Ron Rosenbaum.

iON 1:10:06
Oh, my god, listen to you. You don't goddamn speak... Yeah, hey, hey, hey, you're like Wyndham Lewis; you talk a good game, but you don't live it.

Bob 1:10:15
Yes, I do. I live it because I don't take any of those guys seriously because I've got iON scenario in my mind.

iON 1:10:24
I got that. Duly noted.

Bob 1:10:25
Justin Trudeau talked about the Great Reset, and Canada's for it. Is the Great Reset a crummy scene, mediocrity?

iON 1:10:35
We don't care. Do it all. Do both of them. Do set, set, reset. Do all of them, we don't care. We don't care. Don't make any difference, the motherfucker's dead. Who the fuck is listening to him? It don't matter.

Bob 1:10:45
Right. Right. So, is it a mirror of our reset?

iON 1:10:49
No, it is not a mirror of your reset, it is a dichotomy that has been judged. His version is a dichotomy that's gonna be judged. Everybody that embraces that dichotomy is gonna tunk a lo pizen, and they're gonna be tried and found wanting. They're gonna slit their throat or be ground up by the machine that comes to collect the dead.

Bob 1:11:11
And AOC is part of those guys who are gonna be ground up.

iON 1:11:16
Well, we're not sure. We really fuck with her. We really fuck with her. It's kinda like Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga fucked up. She got messed up. She got sideways. But there's redemption. There's redemption. She came a long way.

Bob 1:11:33
I got that.

iON 1:11:33
You didn't diddle her. You didn't diddle her in New York City, 76th [indistinct].

Bob 1:11:39
No, I get the redemption part. Okay. Next point. Old Testament versus New Testament. I know you like the Old Testament, -

iON 1:11:54
We do.

Bob 1:11:54
- and we're going back towards Gen, we're going back towards Genesis. So, iONdom...

iON 1:11:59
Genesee, yeah.

Bob 1:12:00
Genesee. iONdom is Old Testament. What would be New Testament? The Great ReSet bullshit?

iON 1:12:06
No, no, no, no, no. That's the Hebrews that we laid out that points you back to Old Testament. This is about the Hebrews, the reference that we did with, with inappropriate Eben. Inappropriate in every way, Eben Rey. See?

Bob 1:12:08
No, I get that. So, the New Testament is necessary to get pointed towards the Old Testament.

iON 1:12:32
Well, it cleans it up. It gives the reparation. It gives the reformation a reparation. Gives the reformation a reparation. So now you're gonna take the thesis off the Whitten House door. Sinners -

Bob 1:12:48
And what?

iON 1:12:48
- [indistinct] to the name of God. You're gonna take -

Bob 1:12:48
We take it off the door.

iON 1:12:51
- it off the wall.

Bob 1:12:53
We take it off the door and we apply it? Is that what you mean?

iON 1:12:56
Yeah. So, it goes back to original Protestant values, which allows you to be your own god.

Bob 1:13:04
Okay, next point. And then the next point, we did a talk with William Irwin Thompson, or we talked to you about Thompson. What about Thompson himself saying something to us; can that be done?

iON 1:13:20
We told you it's as bad as we said. We told you it's as bad as we said.

Bob 1:13:28
All right, so he's stickin' to his guns, his position that caused him to be turned upside down. He's stickin' to it anyways. Correct, iON?

iON 1:13:38
Well, for him, the upside down isn't upside down. To him, that's normal. That's what he said, you see.

Bob 1:13:45
So, he sees gloom and agony.

iON 1:13:50
He was blinded. He was blinded by the light. Wrapped up like a douche, another roamer in the night.

Bob 1:13:59
So, he can't see my solution, our solution.

iON 1:14:03

Bob 1:14:03
Can't see it.

iON 1:14:05
It was a bloody flux, Bob.

Bob 1:14:08
Right. Okay.

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