
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 26 March 2022, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 45:47
So, on 6/16/2020, Bob says, "As it turns out, Andromeda is imaginary." And you asked, "What is imaginary?" And then on Payday on 3/12, this year, Jean was asking you about the Tree of Life being grounded in Andromeda. And in previous sessions, you made reference to Andromeda being six inches away. So, putting that all together makes it a little...

iON 46:18
And don't -- whoa, whoa, whoa. You forgot some. You forgot some. You forgot some. And the roots to the Tree of Life are in Andromeda, even now.

Linda R 46:26
Yeah, that's what I said, yeah.

iON 46:29
The tree's not. Well, we say things over and over and over and over, that's what we do. So, we thought we'd do it now, too. [laughs]

Linda R 46:37
Oh, I said the base of the Tree of Life. So, that's what I meant, roots.

iON 46:42
Roots, not the base. The base is here in Eden.

Linda R 46:47

iON 46:47
The roots are in Andromeda.

Linda R 46:50
Okay, thank you for that clarification. All right. And then...

iON 46:52
And the branch, and the branch of Jesse. Yeah, don't forget that. The roots and the branch of Jesse. There's a quiz about that later, so don't forget it.

Carolyn 47:05
The roots and the branch of Jesse are in Andromeda?

Linda R 47:09
That's what I was just... Yeah. Oh.

iON 47:14

Carolyn 47:14

Linda R 47:18
The roots and the branch of Jesse are in Andromeda.

iON 47:25
True part sons of Moses, true part sons of God! Yes, the root and branch of Jesse.

Bob 47:30
Brought to you by Dobbs production.

iON 47:36
Dobbs Inc.

Bob 47:36
Owned by Dobbs.

iON 47:39
Owned by Dobbs. And we would like to take this time for this new hour that we're just fixin' to start up, we would like to thank our kind patron, the Church of the SubGenius, for sponsoring this hour's broadcast and another good night at CKLN, 88.5.

Bob 47:55
Marshall McLuhan Foundation, too.

Linda R 47:58
Okay, so I've asked you about the...

iON 48:00
That's not this hour. We can't double back it, Bob.

Bob 48:02
Oh, okay, I doubled backed it.

iON 48:02
Another hour. Come on now, you're spoilin' the private station. You just, you just, you just, you just, you just ruin everything. You just ruin everything.

Bob 48:13
He says that once a week during the show.

iON 48:15
At least. And then, and then our new one that we say is, Bob, you just crush our every dream. [laughs]

Bob 48:21
Yeah, yeah, I can't get anything off the ground with Carolyn. [iON laughs]

Carolyn 48:32
Crushing something means you eat it up. Crushing something means you eat it up. That's what the kids are saying now at the market.

iON 48:40
Crush it up, that's it. And if you put it, if you see an emoji with a school bus, that means you're ordering heroin.

Carolyn 48:48
Yeah, the kids say, like in a concert, Carolyn, say, "he crushed it." Where he crushed the crowd.

iON 48:58
And down in New Orleans, and down in New Orleans when you go to the grocery store, they call it "making groceries." Making groceries, that's Cajun. [chuckles] Now, did you get that in your notebook, Linda with an "R"?

Linda R 49:17
[chuckles] No, I did not.

iON 49:17
Well, what in the hell are we gonna do when a whole religion gets based on making groceries and you didn't write it down the first time? And you're gonna have to go back and change all that, 'cause it's not Jean. Her name is UJean. So now when you say Jean, we're not gonna know who you're talkin' about anymore, 'cause we call her UJean now. So now you gotta go back and change every time you said Jean in your 4,265 -- 66 now -- composition notebooks,

Linda R 49:45
All right, so... So, in a previous session, and one of my sessions, I was asking about the roots and the branch and the stem of Jesse, and I'm not sure which one were which, but you were connecting them with the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the vagus vagal, and the pineal gland. And so...

iON 50:08
Vasovagal. Vagal. Vasovagal.

Linda R 50:14
Vago. Okay. And so are you saying that -- so which one was the...

iON 50:22
Carolyn does that, Carolyn does it all the time. "You sayin'..." She does it all the time. She's says, "you sayin'," and we go we're not sure now. [laughs] That's when she challenges us. It's like, oh no, I don't know. Go ahead.

Linda R 50:37
So, which one of those is the roots of my notes about that?

iON 50:42
The first, the first part. The thing that people have, the vagus syncope, when you pass out you have the drop in blood pressure. The nerve, that would be the root. The nerve.

Linda R 51:01
Root. Okay. And then the branch would...

iON 51:05
Syncope. Syncope. With the "y."

Linda R 51:09
And then, and then the branch would be the thalamus?

iON 51:15
Connection. The pineal, which affects the thalamus. See, what you're doin' is you're tryin' to -- Carolyn, she's doin' into the lymph system. We can't do this, Bob will go to screamin' again, and I'm so tired of him screamin' That's all he does these days, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream. So, she did it again. So, how do we do this?

Linda R 51:39
So, are you saying that the vagus vago and the pineal gland are in Andromeda?

iON 51:46
Absolutely. Absolutely. And every time they're not, you are a Little Man and you will die. That's exactly right. We're tryin' to get you ready to live back at home so you won't have to be homesick, 'cause if you go back without that change in your body, we promise before a sovereign God, you will be home sick when home makes you sick. Yep. We brought some of the stuffed animals, we brought some of the stuffed animals while you're down here to remind you of home, something you can cuddle with, something you can snuggle with. You know, those things, you know.

Linda R 52:28
Okay, so is Andromeda...

iON 52:30
We didn't bring the gin, but we brought the tonic. We brought the tonic, but not the gin, so y'all have to get your own gin up. [indistinct]

Linda R 52:38
Is Andromeda a spatial location, a place we travel to from here to there as in miles or light years, or is it a shift...

iON 52:47
No, no, no. There's no time.

Bob 52:47
No, because heaven and Earth are together. The war in heaven is happening here, Andromeda is here.

iON 52:54
Now in your notes, and you put in a note right there: Bob's made reference to "Fringe."

Bob 53:04

Linda R 53:04
Okay, so...

iON 53:04
You remember when the red-headed Olivia... You remember when the red-headed Olivia, and then the blonde-headed Olivia was -- in the beginning, it was this long place, this terrible, long thing away falling through the ice when he went to get Peter when Peter was a little boy when the real Peter died when he went and got the other Peter, and there was this big, long thing. And then before it was over with, they built a building they could just walk across. It'd be like steppin' over the Mississippi River as a stream. Just like that. That's the process, the merging. Because you remember this -- remember, Nina? Remember Nina Sharp? Remember Nina Sharp?

Linda R 53:42

iON 53:43
Remember them big snow globes? Them pretty snow globes. Those were really nice snow globes. They were, they had substance. They were good. And she took them things and she smashed them, and both of them never break, only one.

Bob 53:56
There ain't no Khazarian Mafia.

Linda R 53:56
Yeah, one broke.

Bob 53:59
[iON laughs, Bob chuckles] A little delay there.

Linda R 54:03
What did you say? So, one broke...

Bob 54:11
There ain't no Khazarian Mafia.

Linda R 54:11
[chuckles] Khazarian Mafia. Okay...

iON 54:12
[laughs] That was funny the second time.

Bob 54:19
Clif High, he went off his beam at that point.

iON 54:22
Yeah, it crushed their dreams, so it's terrible.

Bob 54:28
I don't think Scott Talkington knows that Putin is an alien, so he's lurking here. So, we'll see that in Scott's next Substack, since he's pretending to be censored on Facebook.

iON 54:40
Oh, okay, pretending to be?

Bob 54:42
He claimed he was censored; he still shows up. Like Facebook doesn't give a fuck where Scott posts or what he posts. [iON laughs] You know it comes[?] to me.

iON 54:52
Yeah, just don't, yeah, just don't post Ukraine, and don't post Biden, and don't post Pelosi. And don't say nothin' about, don't, don't say Ivermectin. Don't say Ivermectin in any place. Don't ever mention Ivermectin, or you'll be put in front of the firing squad. If Ivermectin, you're gone, it's over. You through. You through. You through.

Linda R 55:14
You're not responding to me. [laughs]

iON 55:15
And the readout... I know. And the readout, and the readout will say bad things about your, your, your body. They'll dispatch Warox[?] and Ajax to bring back the body.

Linda R 55:31
Okay, so let me get this straight. So...

iON 55:35
Forward. Now, we have gay people here. Forward, never straight, Linda with an "R." Come on now.

Bob 55:41
Mark Sweat has returned to lurk.

iON 55:44
Yay. See, we have to be, we have to be, we have to be conscientious. It's forward, never straight. Hey, girls, how y'all doin'?

Linda R 55:54
Okay, so when you hit the two snow globes together, one breaks, and one remains solid. And so you're saying-

iON 56:02
Whole. Whole.

Linda R 56:03
- that when we...

iON 56:04
Say whole. Say whole.

Linda R 56:06
Whole. So when we're bringing heaven, when we're, when we're Ascending, only one can remain. The whole would be our Ascended state, and our Little Man state would break.

iON 56:25
It's bitch back broke. It's bitch back broke.

Linda R 56:30

iON 56:31

Linda R 56:31
Okay, so now...

iON 56:33
That was, that was, that was the acronym for BBB. Build Back Broker. It's bitch back broke. That's it. That's what -- every level that's what they're tryin' to do to your world. They're ruinin' your economy, they fuckin' up your family, they fuckin' up your money, they fuckin' up your -- you can't make grocery, they're fuckin' up your way to travel, they're fuckin' up your liberty, they're fuckin' up your right to take a gun and blow your brains out. They're takin' away all the good ways to die! They're taking them away from you! It's terrible. You can't travel, you gotta stay in the FEMA "cramp," you gotta get vaccinated until you can't hold blood in your body, running you through a sieve. They gotta get a sieve and run through the body so they don't cross over the needle marks. Oh, wait, we digress. Sorry. What were you talkin' about?

Linda R 57:20
So when we talk about traveling through the sun and going through a wormhole and going to Andromeda, what we're talking about is just that shift from the Little Man to Ascended being, and that's not going "to" someplace, that's an inner shift.

iON 57:47
Naw, I don't like that. I don't like it 'cause we worked real hard building up this dulcimer; you know, the lap harp. We went through a really big deal laying that all out just to find out that all you gotta do is roll your bitch asses out of bed? No, you're not gettin' away with that. It's a journey, it's not a destination. So, you gotta go through this process. Now, this Earth is gonna get more and more and more and more and more virulent and ugly, but decidin' to Ascend is gonna be the easiest problem you'll ever have, you see.

Bob 58:23
And there ain't no Khazarian Mafia. Do not put that in your note. [iON, Linda laugh] You didn't write that down.

iON 58:32
Did you not write it down? Linda, you gotta write it down.

Linda R 58:35
It's written. It's written. It's written down.

Bob 58:37
Write down: Clif High goes off the beam. Add that as a subtext.

Linda R 58:45

iON 58:45
No, no, no. You should say: Bob called Clif High the rocket man. That's it.

Bob 58:55
Scott doesn't know, Scott doesn't know that Putin is an alien. He doesn't know how the War in Heaven is now here, and we're witnessing the battle of the War in Heaven. But Scott will use that as his next Substack column which will show up in Facebook.

iON 59:12
That he's banned from.

Bob 59:13

Carolyn 59:16
Bob, you already said those words. You're repeating yourself.

Bob 59:20
Yeah, because Scott wasn't here; now he's here. I want him to hear this, so I'm repeating it [indistinct/overtalk]

iON 59:24
[chuckles] Carolyn, Carolyn, that's what we do, too. We say it, and we'll say it again in a minute, and he'll say, "Oh yeah, that's a good point. I wish I had of thought of that." And there we go again. It's always fresh and new with Bob. He's always wonderful. [Carolyn laughs in background] Always good content, over and over and over. [laughs]

Bob 59:45
[laughs] You guys are so stupid, I can just repeat my good content over and over and I still [inaudible]

iON 59:49
[laughs] And have!

Bob 59:53
And have. And have led right to the end.

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