
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 3, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 28:05
So, I was going to ask about ReCore. So, on What Youth on 12/14 of last year, it was said: "Carolyn's amino acids balances core temperature. It rewrites your metabolism. It's an alien interaction to give you a new code so you can get home."

iON 28:28

Linda R 28:28
And so, the question is, I wasn't aware of alien interaction involved with the coming up with Carolyn's formulas, so would you explain more about that alien interaction?

iON 28:46
Yeah, it's a two-part, there's a two-part thing. ReCore is not about amino acids. ReCore is mother's little helper to lower your core temperature so that your body will metabolize food differently and better. And basically, you won't be morbidly obese.

Linda R 29:04

iON 29:04
It makes you skinny.

Linda R 29:05
Well, what's interesting...

iON 29:06
Okay now, wait. We gotta, we gotta finish the, we gotta finish the sentence. So, that's what that's about. Now, the other aspect of that, the amino acids are... Okay, Adam -- God came from where?

Linda R 29:26
God didn't come from anywhere, God just is.

iON 29:29
All right. All right. Who lived in Andromeda?

Linda R 29:37
Adam and Eve, the Andromedans, the angels, everybody.

iON 29:40
Okay. Well, so there were aliens. So, there's an alien interaction with this whole process. You see? When you become God, you'll be alien by definition. Remember the, remember the binomial nomenclature?

Linda R 29:59
Oh, okay. So when we Ascend, we'll be...

iON 30:05
You're just tryin' to get your other name.

Linda R 30:05
So, we're... Okay. So, we become aliens to Little Man once we Ascend.

iON 30:06

Linda R 30:10

iON 30:18
For sure. And then what happens, and then when that gets worked out, then we're going home. And then you won't be alien, you'll be home folks. You can have home squeezin', and you won't be fat or too fat. We have to be careful. I mean, Carolyn's down to 11 ounces, and she's trying to get that one more ounce; it just won't come off that one more ounce, but I don't know what you're gonna do.

Linda R 30:40
Well, it's interesting because when you listen to physical therapists and these dietitians and these doctors and these scientists say, they all talk about raising your core temperature because that increases your metabolism -

iON 30:56
Oh, no.

Linda R 30:56
- so that you can lose weight.

iON 30:59
No, but it doesn't. No, that's exactly opposite. That's completely opposite because when you run hot -- okay, that's like drinking corn liquor; it just makes you hot. So, on a big sprite, hot, sunny day, you gonna drink alcohol to cool you down? Well, alcohol will cool you down. No, it makes you hotter. So, you're trying to lower that core so that you go, basically, you're in almost like a hibernation mode, and your body doesn't store anything, it just lets it go so you're able to consume more. And it's also in the process of Ascension you're trying to close the canon. Just like the Council of Nicaea, you're tryin' to close the canon. So, you want to lower that core temperature. You don't want it hot.

Linda R 31:06

iON 31:08
You had all that -- and to wrap yourself... Oh, yeah, I'll do it like this. Ask that -- what is it? Esthetician. Yeah, that's what they are, the people who work on your skin, an esthetician. Do you need to get your nails did? Get your nails did. Wrap the body in saran wrap and stay there for two weeks and see what happens to your body temperature. Right?

Linda R 32:03
[chuckles] Right. Okay, so you were mentioning lycopene and milk thistle, and I was wondering if...

iON 32:18
Damn. Damn. We just spillin' all the beans, wasn't we?

Linda R 32:21
Yeah. So, I was wondering if, before ReCore comes to the market, would it be worthwhile to take lycopene and milk thistle?

iON 32:32
Okay, we agree, but we have to be careful 'cause now everybody's gonna jump in and do it. So, see? And it's kinda like buying that, those Prussian blue. You know, everybody's tryin' to buy the iodine, the iodine, the Prussian blue, the radiation pills.

Linda R 32:55
Mm-hm. Right.

iON 32:56
You can't buy one in the world right now; everybody's buying 'em up. But see, Ascending people don't need 'em. They like -- you'll like the radiation.

Linda R 33:04
Right. Okay, I get ya.


Linda R 37:26
So, one last question. Has there been any landing on the second Moon? I've asked you this before.

iON 37:35
Yes, there has.

Linda R 37:37
Okay, and that's landing from the Earth?

iON 37:43
No, none from the Earth -- yet.

Linda R 37:47
Not from Earth. Okay, so Bob's theory that we did land on the second Moon is not true. We never -- no one's ever from Earth landed on the second Moon.

iON 38:03
Well, you have to be careful. There's angels that are here on Earth, and those, those angels were here before you were here, so they could be from Earth, and they certainly have as well. So, you have to be careful with the words because we're literal.

Linda R 38:19
Okay. So, humans...

iON 38:21
We don't have, we don't have pronoun problems. Yeah, we don't have pronoun problems.


Linda R 46:22
I was doing an inventory on the process of Ascension, and so what I have is, you know, you take the products at the prescribed dosage, and you do that regularly, you don't miss a day. You do the Keys and the Aethyrs and the OA movements and the Vitruvian exercise. You do your homework, you engage with iON, you talk to Bob. You keep your lamps trimmed and burning. You have coitus at least three times a day. [Bob laughs] You stretch yourself out. You stretch, you stretch out because your muscles are changing into ligaments. You keep moving. Attitude of Gratitude, faith, never mind, obedience is better than sacrifice. So is...

Bob 47:06
You have to talk to Bob again. And you have to say talk to Bob again.

iON 47:10
And remind Bob, and remind Bob what he didn't say the last time he didn't talk to you.

Bob 47:17

iON 47:17
So, you gotta do that.

Linda R 47:18
[chuckles] So, if you're doing all of those things, are you fully engaged in the Ascension process, or is there something...

iON 47:29
You're so busy, you're so busy, you don't have time to have your mind wonder if you're not Ascending. [Linda chuckles]

Bob 47:36

Linda R 47:37
Ah. Okay.

iON 47:36
Three orgasms a day, and if you ain't in... Three orgasms a day, if you ain't in heaven, you'll be in the insane asylum.

Linda R 47:40
[laughs] Okay, so you're just... This is basically just keeping the mind busy as you're...

iON 47:53
Busy work. Busy work. Busy work to keep you out of your mind ala qu'est-ca que c'est insane asylum. Insane asylum. When you're out of your mind. Remember?

Linda R 48:07
Yeah, okay.

Bob 48:10
We'll call that inventory of Ascension tasks.

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