
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 3, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 45:18
I was listening to Rewrite and listening to Bob and Ginney and Gregg and Brian talk about the beast of the land and sea. And so, the beast of the land and sea, wouldn't a direct representation of that be maritime law and common law?

iON 45:48
That's the two sides of it, yes, but it can do a little more than that, but that is a representation of one side of that coin because that's what they do when they put the fringe on the flag like they do on ships, and that's what they're running on now. That's the difference. Now, hold on, that's the difference between a circuit court judge and a federal court judge. See the difference?

Linda R 46:12
Well, the gold fringe I thought was martial law.

iON 46:15
Maritime. No, that's... No, it's maritime. That's maritime.

Linda R 46:16
Maritime. Okay.

iON 46:24
Ships. Because martial law, it doesn't... Okay, here's the problem with martial law. Who's gonna enforce it, the elites or the Deists? The Deists are the only ones that have the right to bear arms. Are they gonna go shoot you if you don't behave? Uh-uh. See, that ain't how it works. You get the other side of the coin then. So, who is this militia? Well, we're gonna take the citizens that we have put in the, in the, in the field, and we're gonna make them fight for us, and if we don't, we'll court martial 'em, or kill 'em or some'um, some'um, some'um. See the rub?

Linda R 47:00

iON 47:01
The problem is, the problem is these words you're saying, there's no reason to get tangled in 'em, 'cause after about 30 minutes, nobody's gonna do it. And the ones that's gotta do it -- if you think Bob's gonna go police somebody, you got another thought acomin'. He won't even go out of his house except for his morning walk to the beach to go pet... He's got a new project. He goes to pet the sharks now; he likes it. He likes them.

Linda R 47:28
Okay, so the beast of the sea would be maritime law, and the beast of the land would be common law, or the UCC codes, the Universal...

iON 47:37
Oh, that's not...No, no, no, no, no. The common law only affects Virginia. That's the only place you have a Commonwealth; nowhere else has that. Even the great state of Georgia, even the great state of Georgia is not a Commonwealth. It's only, it's only her virginal queen. It's only Virginia. That's why everybody's in the Delaware side where they made a little place to put your corporation so that you could be exempt from "fill in the blank."

Linda R 48:08
Right. So, law of the land would be just the Universal Commercial Code then.

iON 48:14
Yeah. And UCC, you can't even get a lawyer to fight UCC 'cause UCC, you can do anything!

Linda R 48:22

iON 48:22
You can create medium-term notes and write a piece of paper that says it's ten million dollars and take it to the bank and deposit it 'cause they have to buy an instrument that you have to process by their own fictitious rule. That's how they made up all this money, out of money, out of money, out of money, at 100 times the rate. They have to take them, and then you can go borrow the ten million dollars with a piece of paper you created that you just handed them, and they have to give it to you because it's your damn money. And they go, "Well, that's not true, you can't do that." What is money but a debt?

Linda R 48:56

iON 48:56
Who makes the debt? The writer of the piece of paper. People have been doin' it all the time. You turn around, you turn around and look at these corporations. They said, "Oh, well, we secured the financing; it was nine trillion dollars. We secured the financing. It took us about 35 minutes, and there's -- it's all, it's all worked out. All the details have been settled now, it's no problem." That's the problem. See the problem? 'Cause that's exactly what's happening. It's fiction. It's Bob's, it's Bob's fault 'cause he could have fixed this. He could have fixed every business, and he didn't do it. He says, "Oh, there's no problem, just keep typin'." Ha! [Linda chuckles] The motherfuckers went to typin' and you went from, you went from $11 trillion to $30 trillion in about two years. Oh, no problem, just keep typin'. Just keep typin'.

Linda R 49:47
Well, I thought the main problem was the upside-down world where Biden ended up being in office instead of Trump getting reelected.

iON 49:57
You owed... Trump spent a ton of money, too. Trump spent a ton of money, too. Don't think he didn't. He spent money, too. Why is nobody asking... Okay now, Space Force is paid for. Why is no one asking how much Space Force cost? Google that right quick and say, how much money did it cost us to secure Space Force? Nobody knows.

Linda R 50:30
[short pause] So, how was that financed? $13 billion.

iON 50:44
It took a piece of day trade[?].

Linda R 50:44
It says $13 billion.

iON 50:49
All right, so it was just created like a line item, where you just rate[?] it. And then see, like Congress spends money, but then they have to send it through something else to get it approved. And they approve if somebody has to make a piece of paper so that we can just keep typing, typing, typing, typing, typing,

Linda R 51:08
Right. Right.

iON 51:08
Out of the blue to create a whole new branch of government, and then nobody vote on nothin'. Huh! How you do that? I need to, I think we need to have an Army and an Army two. I'm a member of the Army. And I'm a member of the Army, too, so let's just make a whole another army. Well, that's gonna cost a lot of money. Okay, here you go. See that? That's the example of what we're talkin' about.

Linda R 51:38
Which is one of the reasons why they're -- we're trying to get into the Ukraine war is that's the only way the United States knows how to make any money -- through war.

iON 51:49
No, they don't make any money. That's the only way to absolve, absolve the issue. So they can say, they can say, what is it, rivetin' ravioli? What was her name? The woman who had to go work to make rivets?

Linda R 52:16
Rosie Riveter.

iON 52:16
They built... Rosie the Riveter. Yeah, ravioli Rosie the Riveter. Had to go build ships 'cause they had to have a war. Well, if all the men were at war, why did they need ships that they had enough to all get there? Well, what they gonna make the ships for if everybody was gone? I'm just saying. I mean, you know, it's not very logical after a second, but that, that became the whole thing. And then people gave up their scrap iron so they could make guns. They gave up their, they gave up stuff for the "cause," a "cause" that everybody could get behind, so that everybody did without everything to survive. And then a lot of people died, and you had the Gold Star families, and la, la, la, la. And then they do all that stuff to a point now you come back full circle around so now we have solved it. So now everybody comes home, and everybody goes to fuckin', and everybody then goes to work, and then they build an economy after the war. See the rub?

Linda R 52:43

iON 52:43
And that's the geographic, geopolitical, inferred representative government; and they present it. And so now you're right -- now they got Finland. Now this is gonna be World War. We mentioned, we told y'all how this goes 'cause we laid it all out with the countries, the less number of countries and who's gonna be involved, and how its gonna go, la, la, la, la, la. This is no big deal. Now what's happenin' is everybody's surprised that it's actually comin' to place. They're stunned.

Linda R 53:48
Ah, so that's how we end up with 28 countries is because everyone's gonna be shootin' each other in the face.

iON 53:54

Linda R 53:54

iON 53:54
How many people's in NATO, honey?

Linda R 54:00
I don't know.

iON 54:03

Linda R 54:05

iON 54:07
And two more: Sweden and Finland's fixin' to join. Well, that's 30. So that tells you right there two of them ain't gonna make it.

Linda R 54:19
Oh. Huh.

iON 54:21
Or they'll be combined. But now, see, we have fun talkin' about geography 'cause that involves time. 'Cause then we're gonna go back to Prussia and what happened to Czechoslovakia, and then where's the Czech Republic? And why did they split Latvia? It wasn't big as your front porch, and they split it last year in half. [chuckles] And Estonia. Whatever... We don't know what happened to it. Somebody, somebody ate Estonia, it's gone. They don't even know where it went to. They misplaced Estonia somewhere.

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