
Friday, October 4, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 26 March 2022, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 20:46
Okay, so I've got quite a few questions here.

iON 20:48
Now, do you feel qualified now? Bob's gotta eat pizza, so just... So, you feel good with it. You feel good about this. Don't get him in a bad mood. It's too early for him to be in a bad mood.

Linda R 21:00
Yes, I feel good about it. Okay, so, Payday, 12/18/2021, you made a statement: "The elders had the power before the Garden of Eden." So, did the elders come from Andromeda?

iON 21:17
They did. They stand in the bastion. They stand in the bastion that can validate. Somebody's got to validate your Ascension. Remember when they stand around the throne? Remember?

Linda R 21:28
Yes. Okay, and then, and they never descended.

Bob 21:35
Are you finding out the elders are still there, Linda?

Linda R 21:40
No, the elders... I haven't asked that yet, but I just asked: "the elders had the power before the Garden of Eden." So, I was asking whether the elders came from Andromeda.

Bob 21:53
Well, you're gonna hear all about the Garden of Eden tonight. New knowledge.

Linda R 21:57
Okay. And then...

iON 21:59
Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob. Look how, look how this is, look how this is goin' on. You were topical in the process. Now they're having the Ascending, potential Ascending ones, are havin' to go back into the things that are their knowing, like if they were studious with it or not, and look how they're bringing up point after point after point after point after point askin' the questions without any prompting from "youuu" of how on point it is for right here, right now. Pretty amazing.

Bob 22:05

iON 22:31
Eugenia, Eugenia was pretty good at it, too. So, so that hive mind, you remember that? Remember the telekinesis shit in the hive mind?

Bob 22:42

iON 22:42
If you're Ascending, you'll start thinking that way; like, seeing the dead people...

Bob 22:47
So, think like me; you'll pick up on my thoughts. My alien thoughts.

iON 22:50
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Have you ever had one of those for sure? [Linda chuckles]

Bob 22:55
Have you ever had one of my thoughts, Linda?

Linda R 22:58
Actually, I have.

iON 22:58
No, have "you" had any thought to share, Bob? Have you ever had a thought to share you were thinking? You don't think. You don't even know what you're thinking, so how could you know what you're thinking? You don't even know.

Bob 23:09
I need other people. That's why people are allowed to pick up on my thinking -- so I can find out what I was thinking.

Linda R 23:14
Actually, the first time I picked up on what you were thinking is you were sending me the information about Andromeda base being the -- what's the? -- the Tree of Life, the base was in Andromeda. I believe that's what it was. Yeah, and that was the first time you were sending me that information, and I picked it up during the call.

Bob 23:43
Very good.

Linda R 23:46
Okay, which is interesting 'cause that's very topical to what we were just talking about. So, the...

iON 23:51
Yeah, and isn't it funny, isn't it funny how Biden doesn't wanna start World War III when he gets up on the stage and says that we're gonna respond "in kind" when he was asked the question what if they use chemical biological agents? And Bitchin’ Biden says, "we will respond in kind." That means he's gonna take biological chemical weapons and attack Russia? And then he says that, for instance, Putin cannot remain in power. If that's not callin' somebody out there, you know, it's like -- or no, what is it that Donald J Trump did to the head of the Taliban? He sent him, he sent him a picture of his [the Taliban's] house. Trump sent the head of the Taliban a picture of his house. And the Taliban asked him, "Why did you send me a picture of my house?" And Trump says, "Well, you know, if you gotta think about that, you should think about that." You should... [laughs]...why I gave you a picture of your house, it might tell you somethin'." If you get in this Taliban business, you might pick up on that a little bit. It's a, is it peace? You call it peace through power. Peace through power. Yeah, that's what they call it. That's what Bob does. That's what -- no, Bob said that's his duty due to dichotomy. Duty due to dichotomy. That's what Bob does.

Linda R 25:10
Okay, so the elders never descended then.

iON 25:14
Nope. Nor did they Ascend.

Linda R 25:17
Oh, they -- yes, it's true, they never Ascended.

iON 25:20
They're the elders. They weren't ever prescribed to the human condition. They weren't ever prescribed to the human condition.

Linda R 25:28
Oh, okay.

iON 25:31
You see? That's 'cause if it was a human condition decidin' if you Ascended or not, you might not be -- you might be pretty far back in the gas line.

Linda R 25:40
Right. Okay. Also, back on that session, you said that Y2K was the beginning of the Tech Body. Is that still accurate?

iON 25:54
Well, no, that's not, no, that's not exactly accurate. We could say the Tech Body always was, but in the Y2K is when it was all supposed to end and be over 'cause the one and the zero was havin' a problem. And of course, that didn't make any difference. So, what that did is it converted the system that allowed the Tech Body to flourish in a socioelectric age. Socioelectric because what it did is it got you off the wire. See, now you're on the wireless. Everything is on the wireless. When you don't even run the wire in your houses anymore; in your anything anymore. You don't even have to plug in the car. You don't even have to plug your phone in to have Waze tell you where you are, where the police are, and how fast you drivin', and exactly to the minute what time you're gonna get there, through whatever grueling traffic it may be. It tells you to the minute when you're going to arrive. And more times than not, it's right on the money.

Linda R 26:52

iON 26:53
But now, sometimes Waze knows, sometimes Waze knows that when you drive by a Krispy Kreme donut place and it says, "hot donuts now," that your car automatically is gonna turn into that. As a matter of fact, it'll send you to that if you're not careful 'cause it knows, and it builds in the time for the moments it's gonna take you to get some Krispy Kreme donuts, if it's "hot donuts now." [Linda chuckles] And takes that time away if they know that the "hot donuts now" sign won't be on when you go by the store. See? So, it's pretty smart, pretty smart. Y'all depend on it. Y'all depend on it.

Linda R 27:28
Okay, I had a question on Payday on 1/15 of this year. You said: "Where we are now, there's another lampstand; it shows you about brick and mortar." So, in which way is it teaching us about brick and mortar?

iON 27:45
East. The gates of pearl and jasper.

Linda R 27:54
Jasper. What does that have to do with...

iON 27:58
Caroyn, Carolyn, did a whole set... Carolyn did a whole -- well, that's what the, that's what the gates are made of--brick and mortar. That's what the wall was supposed to be, a barrier. That's what it's supposed to be. It wants you -- either to keep you in where you are or to keep you out of where you wasn't supposed to go. And so you're in a condition and you're tryin' to take a different position. Once you get to that position, you're gonna want a Nasty Pelosi-sized wall to keep the roughage out.

Linda R 28:30
Okay. And so that lampstand, the eighth lampstand, is different than the others in that respect, correct?

iON 28:39
Differently the same.

Linda R 28:44
Okay, because I thought everything had to do...

iON 28:46
Differently the same.

Linda R 28:48
I thought, really, all the dross has to do with brick and mortar, doesn't it?

iON 28:53
Dross, did you say? You mean, like the welder's dross?

Linda R 28:57

iON 28:57
Well, we would like to say, we would like to say yes, but that doesn't work every single time. So when that's true, you know how we have to back that up just a little bit, but esoterically, certainly it would stand with the caveat that you can adjust it.

Linda R 29:17
Okay. So, all the lampstands, all eight of them have, in one way or another, something to do with brick and mortar.

iON 29:28
Indirectly, yes.

Linda R 29:29
Indirectly. Okay.

iON 29:31
They're either brick and mortar, either indirectly brick and mortar, or they control brick and mortar.

Linda R 29:38
Oh, control brick and mortar. And in which way...

iON 29:41
Remember Brian Johnson? Remember... Well, remember Brian Johnson talkin' like he's gonna tell us what the, what the lampstands are? Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda. Remember that for about 40 years?

Linda R 29:53
Yeah. Okay.

iON 29:57
That never got answered.

Linda R 30:02
Okay. Okay, I'm gonna come back to that. So, do the B1 aliens have ships, or they've never needed to have ships -- not the B1...

iON 30:15
They don't... No, sorry, you mean A1.

Linda R 30:21
Yes, I meant A1.

iON 30:23
Yeah, they don't require them, but they have them.

Linda R 30:29

iON 30:29
You have to have a buffer. You have to have a buffer. Okay, that's like, okay, that's like, sun... We could do it like this. That's like sunscreen. Do you have any sunscreen?

Linda R 30:42

iON 30:44
Do you "have" to have sunscreen?

Linda R 30:49

iON 30:49
Good. Same thing applies. You asked about a ship. Do they need a ship? No, but that's a buffer.

Linda R 30:58
Okay, how about the B1s? Do they have ships still?

iON 31:03
They're here. They have 'em, but they're in the ground.

Linda R 31:09
Okay. B1s are in the ground. Okay. And what happens to the A1s...

iON 31:14
But see, they're not stuck. They're not stuck. They're not stuck. So, they make it -- it's not like they're bound to this realm. The angels are because it's where, this is where the third of Lucifer's angels were cast into the earth. Okay? There's other people that have joined them, but they don't have -- Lucifer's angels are bound here. That's why they're so devilish, impish, and they're not your problem. It's the Gabriel and Michael; them's your trouble. There's them’s your troubled ones because they're the ones, they're tryin' to fuck you up. They're tryin' to fuck you up so it will settle the war in heaven.

Linda R 32:02

iON 32:03
It won't be long they'll make it so uncomfortable, they gonna make it so uncomfortable that you're gonna choose to Ascend or you're gonna exit stage left.

Linda R 32:13
What happens to the A1s in the tunnels when the Earth goes to Andromeda?

iON 32:20
They'll go on this -- this is a spaceship, just like barnacles on a boat.

Bob 32:24
Ahhhh! Don't say thaaatt! Don't say anything. That's out of order. It'll be on the private session tonight.

iON 32:32
See, Bob? She did again. This is pretty good.

Bob 32:35
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 32:35
You got, you got a, you got a bad case of hive mind, honey.

Linda R 32:42
[chuckles] Okay.

iON 32:44
But it don't bother us 'cause we feel like we say the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over anyway, so we can't tell the difference. It's all normal for us, we've done this a few times. But in Bob's defense, he likes it that way. You tell him, and then you tell him, and you told him, and you tell him that you told him. You tell him one more time what you told him, and then he tells you what you said, and then he tells you what you heard, or he said that you heard, and then he forgets, and then we start all over again tomorrow. It's great.

Linda R 33:12
Okay, so on the session on 12/18, you said -- someone asked you does the process of Ascension... Oh, you said that "the process of Ascension takes inflammation away," and I'm asking if that's still the case.

iON 33:31
Yes, it is, 'cause in a perfect cell, that can't be inflamed. But now, there can be inflammation in the process. Ask Bob, he's crying like a little bitch. Oh, it's terrible. Even Bert's grumbling. Even Bert's grumblin'. It's wonderful. We're so excited.

Linda R 33:51
And that has to do with our blood... You said it should...

iON 33:57
That has to do with your little mind. You just can't embrace the process that you're not gonna go, that the storyline is not ashes to asses and sluts to dust. You just can't embrace that.

Linda R 34:13
[chuckles] During that session you said, "it should balance the blood flow, and that would take care of it." So, once our blood gets balanced, then the inflammation goes away?

iON 34:23
We can't talk about that because those are the leukocytes and the leukopenia issue with the white blood cells droppin' that attacks the very said inflammation issues or causes the shifting in the cause of the inflammation in the first place. See? So, we can't talk about that, or Bob would be screaming. Bob would be screaming right now but he's got a greasy mouthful of pizza [Linda chuckles], so he can't talk right now. We got that out, but we know we have to stop. We know we'll have to stop, or he'll punish us, and he'll, he'll put us back in the box, and we hate that. We don't like being back in the box, we hate that.

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