
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript, 26 March 2022, 1900 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

UJean 18:56
Okay, so first question. Is it a fact, iON, that in the chemical body of the Ascended being, every cell contains 144,000 double helix strands of DNA.

iON 19:10
Computer says yes, every single time without fail or exception; and it does, indeed, the process starts with one. Remember when you only had to take one drop to start?

UJean 19:11

iON 19:23
That's one. Then after one, then it becomes prolific, obviously.

UJean 19:31
Now, does that mean that one drop of RNA drops affects one cell?

iON 19:37
Begins, begins... No. No. It begins the process.

UJean 19:38

iON 19:40
It begins the process.

UJean 19:46
Okay. Now, our bodies are host to bacteria.

iON 19:51

UJean 19:53
So, please describe the changes to the relationship of bacteria to the Ascended body.

iON 19:57
Okay. Used to when you had too much candida, it made you sick. Now if you got too much candida, it makes you well; that's the difference.

UJean 20:10
It makes, it makes us more well? It makes us...

iON 20:15
It makes you well. You feed off that integral part. The stuff, everything -- it's just like they said -- everything that they said hurts you don't really hurt you. All these years, sugar's bad, sugar's bad, and now Supersugar's gonna save your damn life. Ta-da.

UJean 20:35
Interesting. Okay. So, the bacteria in our body, they don't change. The bacteria is not a part of our chemical body.

iON 20:45
Oh, yes, they do. Oh, yes, they do.

UJean 20:49

iON 20:49
They do change.

UJean 20:50
Do the cells of bacteria transform and increase to 144,000 double helix strands?

iON 20:59
The first part, the first part of those words you said was the, what, what? That's what, what? Say it again.

UJean 21:09
Bacteria. I'm looking at "prok..." I can't pronounce it. Prokaryotic, karyotic cells, and eukar... eukaryotic, euka...

iON 21:21
Leukocytes. Leukocytes. Leukocytes. Okay, that's fine, but that doesn't exactly apply, because the both of those processes are gonna change in the Ascended body. It's easier to Ascend than it is to die a Little Man, believe it or not. Y'all just kinda takin' the long road home. And that's all right, we don't mind.

Carolyn 21:39

iON 21:40
We got much more goin' on. Go ahead, Carolyn Dean.

Carolyn 21:44
Okay. Yeah, this is very cool. Hi, UJean. With the Total Biology of what we know is that yeast, they help break down rotting tissue, so they are not the problem in the final analysis; they can be the solution, but we got it screwed up. So, what iON's talking about, you know, even according to, you know, fucked-up Total Biology is very true. In the Ascended state, our organisms will be in balance, and like mold and like what molds and fungus does in the forest to chew up trees and whatnot, yeast is supposed to just help get rid of our cells that have a turnover, and our debris. And they did get distracted with sugar, but now that iON is working with us on Supersugar, that's all gonna change back to what it was supposed to be in the Garden of Eden. So, it's about the balance.

iON 22:59
Mm, no, don't say it that way. Don't say it that way. Don't say it that way 'cause then you're gonna get imbalanced. Then you're saying that you're not balanced. It's a completely different -- it's a different operating system. You know this. It's a completely different operating system. So, what you're saying it is, so with a balanced flora, fauna, in the meatsack body, regardless what it is, fungi or amoebas or some'um nasty or what is that? Asbestos, mesothelioma, all those fun things that that becomes some'um you just use as your armor. You'll see.

UJean 23:44

iON 23:44
But it's a different system.

Carolyn 23:50
Yeah, in terms of bacteria, we can't say that they have the same RNA and DNA as humans. So, we can't say that they'll ever get 144,000, but it's a good question, iON. Will the bacteria change in some way in the new environment in the new Ascension?

iON 24:14
Yes. Yes. With the, with the leukopenia, with the leukocytes in the white blood cells, when that changes -- 'cause, see, when you're a God, you don't need to be protected from a cold. See? So, it's gonna -- remember your blood, the RNA negative, it's all gone. And then the Queen will no longer be a hemophiliac, so that's really good.


UJean 26:59
Well, okay, now... See, I'm trying to wrap up a number of subjects so that I can move on.

iON 27:04
We know. We know. Carry on.

UJean 27:09
You had mentioned Fringe, a certain episode of Fringe, season four, -

iON 27:14
Did you watch it?

UJean 27:14
- episode three. I did. And the same week I watched...

iON 27:18
Episode three. What season? What season?

UJean 27:20
Season four.

iON 27:21
Got it. Okay. Bert knows. Bertron knows about that.

UJean 27:26
Sure. And then the movie The Privilege. The same week I watched the movie The Privilege, and they were both about fungi taking over the body and mind.

iON 27:40
Correct. And if you're not in an Ascended condition, if you're not in an Ascended condition, it will. It will eviscerate you. Where the earth and worm have their domain.

UJean 27:58
The worm. You mentioned the worms in India. Did you mention the worms in India?

iON 28:07
We have several times, several ways.

UJean 28:10
Okay. Okay, so in the Fringe episode, the boy had to let go of his attachment to the fungus.

iON 28:21

UJean 28:21
He became emotionally connected to the fungus.

iON 28:27
Correct. Well, you do. That's how emotions work.

UJean 28:32
Okay, so it was... So, Walter said, "this is a single organism, one with rapidly evolving..."

iON 28:40
Single cell. Single cell organism. Go ahead.

UJean 28:44
"one with rapidly evolving communication skills, enablingЕФ

iON 28:49
Like yourself.

UJean 28:52
"enabling it to form a psychic bond with the boy."

iON 28:57
Correct. That's what it does. How else would you convince somebody to be a dope addict? You get a psychic bond with it. And if you don't do it just right, you become dependent on it. Then you get what they call dope sick. [chuckles] Your body will get sick 'cause it ain't got the dope. What about dat doh?

UJean 29:15
Ahh. And the link appeared connected to the emotional center of the brain.

iON 29:27

UJean 29:28
Okay. And in The Privilege, it was a parasite disguised as medication that was used to take over body and minds of people. It was a mass effort of aliens taking over humans. Very good, iON. Thank you very much.

iON 29:46
You're very welcome. Always.

UJean 29:52
Okay, that's enough for me, Bob,

iON 29:56
That was good. That was short and sweet.

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