
Friday, October 18, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 2, 2 July 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 30:02
Okay, so I just had some, I had just a beginning question about Volodymyr Zelensky. What happened with him? How did he die? I know they say he died of cancer, but did he get "offed"?

iON 30:17
Yes, he was removed.

Linda R 30:20
He was removed. I thought so. Okay. And it's obvious why. What's going on with the Convention of States? Is that even a possibility or probability now?

iON 30:34
That's, that's what, that's what was on set with Roe versus Wade. That's exactly where one of the last acts of the SCOTUS was to move things back to the States. And by moving things back to states, states immediately started to make their own rules regarding abortion and what's an abortion and when's an abortion and da, da, da, da, da. You know, you know, we've got a solution. We got a simple solution for that, it's no problem, but they don't wanna listen to us, so I guess it'd be okay, because, you know, it doesn't really matter anyway. That's the first step. Then the next step is shifting the rest of the governors, shifting the rest of the governors so that they would be, you know, inclined. We don't want to say Democrat or Republican, because we don't know what that means anymore, but, but a Federalist -- maybe that's a nice way to say it -- or something futile-based, maybe that's one way to say it; to do it from that line to say, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, gotcha, let's do the Convention of States -- if it lasts. But I don't know what they're gonna decide unless it's old-school, 1850, Wild Wild West.

Linda R 31:49
So, what about...

iON 31:50
If you look, if you look around, that's kinda what California has become now, hasn't it?

Linda R 31:59
Yeah, for sure. So, I thought one of the reasons to get the states together would be NESARA and GESARA. Is that still a possibility?

iON 32:12
Well, except there's no money, so I don't know what NESARA and GESARA's gonna give you.

Linda R 32:21
Well, wouldn't it be like...

iON 32:23
See the problem? See the problem?

Linda R 32:24
Yeah, right.

iON 32:28
'Cause see, here's the trick. There's a trick with NESARA. Here's the trick. In order that they forgive your debt, then somebody has to file bankruptcy. Right?

Linda R 32:40
Oh, okay.

iON 32:42
Well now, wait. No, wait. No, wait! No, no, it's a point of order. Isn't bankruptcy the forgiveness of a debt you can't pay?

Linda R 32:50
Yeah, -

iON 32:52
Okay. And you write it off.

Linda R 32:54
- unless you're doing a jubilee year.

iON 32:59
But you still have to be -- something has to -- okay, it doesn't just go away. See what I mean? It's not like taking cash money and burning it in the fireplace. If you take cash money and you burn it up in your fireplace, and you take the ashes -- you know, if it's not like completely eviscerated -- they'll replace your money. They'll give you your money back if you burn it up. It's still money 'cause it doesn't matter that the paper is burnt, it's the debt. You get that?

Linda R 33:27

iON 33:29
So, yes, that would be a juba -- that would be a jubilee. Yes, that would be. Yes, we agree, la, la, la, la, la. That doesn't change this 'cause the thing of it is, is that everybody says, well, don't worry about the debt, 'cause we owe it to ourselves. Like, okay, then start making payments! If we owe it to ourselves, then start making payments. Because now what's happened is that you finished it with the inflation. We don't even wanna say the word inflation 'cause now what happens is you have stagnation, and the difference between the Great Depression and 2008 or whatever that was when it all failed the last time, or whatever, whatever, whatever, you didn't owe $30 trillion that you got to service the debt of. Nobody's talkin' about that. And then the bonds that they've already bought themselves, they've already bought themselves, is now they have to divest themselves of because it doesn't have any value. Just kinda like, oh shit, now I gotta dump those.

Linda R 34:35
Okay, so, how does the... All the money that Trump collected when he first got into office, he went around to all these different countries and got a bunch of money from including, you know, the Vatican, what happened to that money? Is he sittin' on that, waiting for when he returns as Viceroy?

iON 35:11
We're gonna say this, and it's gonna be ugly. He probably owns a lot of barrels of oil right now.

Linda R 35:22
Oh, so he's using it to buy oil.

iON 35:25
Already did. He did when it was $34. He did it when it was $34 a barrel.

Linda R 35:33
Oh, so that was ...

iON 35:35
He told you what was gonna happen. He said if Biden gets in, he said, you're gonna be paying $5, $6 per gallon of gas. It's $1.75.

Linda R 35:47
So, he used the money to stockpile the oil that Biden is now using to keep the gas prices lower.

iON 35:55
To keep... Well, no, he's just selling the oil to the market because of now it's $130 a barrel for Pete's sake.

Linda R 36:08
Wow. Huh. Okay.

iON 36:13
But we're not supposed to be talkin' about that.

Linda R 36:17
Right. Okay. Interesting.

iON 36:21
Watch. Here's how you can tell. Here's how you can tell. Here's how you can tell how Trump's doin'. Follow West Texas Industries.

Linda R 36:33
Okay. All right. And what would I be watching for?

iON 36:40
The price. Because right now it's $108.40.

Linda R 36:50
Okay. And that will go up or down?

iON 37:02
Well, it's already crazy high. You can't go anywhere but down because it's that, because see, we're already startin' to walk to work because they can't afford to drive. [chuckles] So, I guess they're all stomping down hell hill now, huh?

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