
Monday, October 7, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript 1, 26 March 2022, 2100 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 11:28
Can we get back to...

iON 11:28
No, we can't get back. We aren't goin' back. We've arrived at a new place here.

iON 11:33
Dorothy! Dorothy! There's no place like home. Dorothy! There's no place like home. [laughs]

Bob 11:34
[laughs] And Tom, Scott or whatever his name was, first half of 20th century, he said you can't go home again. He wrote a book, "You Can't Go Home Again."

Linda R 11:49
[chuckles] Okay. So, back in 12/18/2021, you said: "So, meanwhile, instead of doing those simple little things, the rudiments, instead of doing those things, you get lost in the five bodies. Well, I guess that would be bodied because they are past tense, so, the five bodied. You get lost in it, then it gets absorbed. The Tech body in a post-human future absorbs all that. Then you get to ask something to get it back."

iON 12:22
Oh, wait. Wait, wait. Is that what you're sayin' happened to the... Hey, Bob, is that what really happened to the model? It got absorbed?

Bob 12:32
Maybe. That's pretty interesting. iON's saying all that, or the Tech Body's saying that.

iON 12:38
Som' of a bitch. Som' of a bitch. It's absorbed. [indistinct] Okay?

Bob 12:41
Right in the middle of the private session on Thursday, Dorothy, I mentioned the Tech Body, and iON, whom I'm talking to, starts giggling. And I realized, ah shit, the Tech Body hijacked a private session. And it was all Tech Body from that point on because, because I just mentioned Tech Body, so they thought that was their entry. So they started giggling, and I realized, ah, no more iON, right halfway through the session.

Linda R 13:08
[laughs] I know the feeling.


Bob 17:53
What happened December 18th? You didn't get to it.

Linda R 17:56
Yes. So, you said: "So, meanwhile, instead of doing those simple little things..." Do you want me to read it again? [iON laughs] The rudiments get lost in the five bodies...

iON 18:08
Dorothy, that was a long time ago. That was a long time ago in a land far away. Go ahead. Try one more time.

Linda R 18:14
"Well, I guess that would be bodied because they are past tense, so, the five bodied. You get lost in it. Then it gets absorbed. The Tech Body in a post-human future absorbs all that. Then you get to ask something to get it back." So, the question is that last sentence, "get it." What is "it" in that sentence? Is that "get it," the five bodies back?

iON 18:41
Yeah. "Get it," it's a question. It's an uptalk question mark after it. Get it? You get it?

Bob 18:49
Yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't a verb, it was an adverb.

Linda R 18:53
"Then you get to ask something to get it back."

Bob 18:59
Yeah, you get it.

iON 19:01
You get it back.

Linda R 19:03
You get the five bodies back.

iON 19:08
Right. You get it back.

Linda R 19:10
You get the five bodies back.

iON 19:13
And that's what Bob still hadn't figured out yet, but he wants to. Lord God, oh, he wants to.

Bob 19:18
I want to, Dorothy, I really want to -

iON 19:21
Dorothy [chuckles]

Bob 19:22
- but don't have the energy to put anything into it. [iON laughs]

Linda R 19:30
So, let me break this down.

iON 19:31
It's a hard knock life. It's a hard knock life. [laughs]

Bob 19:37
There's a lot I'd like to do, you know, Dorothy, but I don't do it.

iON 19:40
Yeah, Carolyn's got him on the requiem now. He has lots of chores and things he has to be responsible for. Lots he has to do [indistinct] Carolyn.

Linda R 19:51
Okay, so then "you get to ask something to get it back." So, you're asking the Tech Body to get your five bodies back?

iON 20:01
That's who took it, so that's the only way you're gonna get it back, home skillet.

Linda R 20:07
And so we need our five bodies back in order to Ascend?

iON 20:12
No. You need your five bodies back to know what non-Ascending is. You have to separate it out to know the condition of less thanness. That's all it talks about. You got this body does that; body can't do this; body can't do that; body's got some astral, some asshole up your astral body; and then you got some chemical in your chemical body; and you got carburetors that won't carb, and generators that won't gin; and he can't even tell you what the pistons won't do anymore.

Linda R 20:42
Okay, so, we're... To get our five bodies back so we can sort and sieve, and our less thanness...

iON 20:51
Get it back. Get it back. What is the "it"? It is your Ascended being, "it." Get it?

Linda R 20:58
Okay. Okay, to get our Ascended being back. And we ask something of the Tech Body in order to get our Ascended being back?

iON 21:11
Apparently. You got two choices: You're gonna fuck with it, or it's gonna fuck with you. [chuckles] Probably. Now, don't fuck this up, you're gonna get the Tech Body here all the time, and you're not gonna be -- and here's the trouble. Even Bob in all of his illustrious, potentateness, once he gets the Tech Body locked in, he can't change it back. So, don't do this now and get the wrong one.

Linda R 21:42
Okay. All right.

iON 21:45
What'll happen is Tech Body will take over, and then it won't be fun. Well, you'll just, you know, it becomes, it becomes terse Tech Body.

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