
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

30 September 2024

*Lockdown BobRule is becoming more obvious!

It’s Brian Taylor’s birthday TODAY!

That shows you there’s still something worth preserving in Toronto… and the significance of the HQ “reality" of our weekly Wednesday show, OFFICE HOURS (4pm ET to 1:30am) .

It’s also the final implosion of the Book of Revelation, James Joyce, and Marshall McLuhan “Industries”.

Now I can go forward and write the most comprehensive essay on FINNEGANS WAKE.

All will be explained.

Posted 6 days ago on Facebook:

[[ The THIRD PHASE of the "Sept.22 - KAPUT Syndrome" has occurred right on time:

Sept.22, 2022: —the TRIUNE (Vatican City [sovereign state], Buckingham Palace [and surrounding Environs], and Washington, D.C. [the hijacked "federal district"] had dominated for 100 years) "collapsed".

Sept.22, 2023: —Bob's bank account became the only one extant.

Sept.22, 2024: —iON declared the "WAR HAS BEGUN" (the "world" is not prepared for this). ]]

Southern Company’s stock going up.

Here is the June 4, 2024, news release.

SOUTHERN COMPANY is our company.

Carolyn, JW, and Bob did this:

It is a new energy source - nothing to do with nuclear reactor energy.

We don't let them say what the source is or how it works.

That will come out later.

* "Lockdown BobRule" has always meant in the main, among other lesser satirical levels, the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BEST SOLUTIONS/TECHNOLOGIES THAT iON WOULD HELP US WITH since 2010.

It has gone way beyond what I thought was meant way back then.

Not many people—nobody basically—have understood this fact except the people directly affected technically by what we're doing… and they're not happy about it.

As iON and Sun Ra have said: "This is the first time Non-Physical has spoken to humanity."
Bob Dobbs

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