
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript, 4 June 2022, 1900 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Ginney 32:50
Now, iON, when I saw this movie a long time ago called Contact, one of the biggest obstacle of having the conversation with the aliens was the language, and Bob's gonna use Finneganese is what I've been told. Is that right?

iON 33:05
Correct. That's correct. That, and you're still... you have not released your charge to do the Playfair cipher either for Finnegans Wake, so we're gonna, that's gonna be interesting, too. Talk about, talkin' about obfuscating a challenge, girly. That'll be fun. You can finish that up. That'd be good.

Ginney 33:24
Okay. And then... but I think Bob has to talk to the aliens first before the ring opens up for the magical...

iON 33:33
No, no. No, no, no, no, don't wait on -- oh, fuck, if you waitin' on Bob, you're messed up. Don't do that. DO NOT wait on Bob. Do not...

Ginney 33:41
Well, everybody's waiting on Bob, iON. Everybody's waiting on Bob.

iON 33:44
No, no, no, no, be busy. Be it. Don't talk about it, be about it. Get your house in order, get your world in order, and Bob will catch up when Bob catches up. But if you're sittin' on the levy, waitin' on the Robert E. Lee for Bob to walk by, you're in trouble. Trouble. No, your Ascension is what's important here. Now, Bob's gonna do what Bob's gonna do, and that's great. Perfect. That's wonderful. But you be about getting your house ready. And if you're ready, it'd be good.

Ginney 34:12
Okay, but seriously, iON. But seriously...

iON 34:15
You got some, you got some groceries. Nah-ah. No. You got some groceries in the bunker, right?

Ginney 34:20
Yes. But listen, I thought nobody could -

iON 34:23
NO! Stop. Stop.

Ginney 34:24
- Ascend until Bob gets everything straightened out because we have to go to Andromeda.

iON 34:29
No. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're goin' to Andromeda one way or the other. Live or dead, you're goin'. Ha! But we want you in an Ascended state when you go; that's the difference. So, those words are fine, but that had nothin' to do with this process. You have -- it's an individual... the lamb's blood is an individual interaction for you. The blood of the lamb, the Passover Lamb, the second Passover is for you, not Bob. And so, yes, Bob's gonna do what Bob's gonna do, but don't worry about that. Don't worry about, don't worry about Potiphar. Potiphar is gonna do whatever Potiphar is gonna do. Potiphar's house is a different conversation. You worry about your house, and you tend to your business, and then when in the time of trouble, that's when you need sustaining. And therefore, then you know where you are, or basically who you are in God so that when Bob shows up, fabulous, you're prepared and ready; your lamp is trimmed and burning. See? You keep your wicks trimmed. Because now see what happens, you're now on the -- this is the eve. It's not Purim, but this is the eve of the breaking of the sixth seal, and that's gonna make a huuuge different conversation.

Ginney 35:51
So, okay, I'm being very sincere and serious now.

iON 35:55
Will you tell, will you tell Bob, will you tell Bob what the sixth seal is? He would really get off on that.

Ginney 36:01
Yes, I can look it up, but let me just...

Bob 36:04
I know, Ginney. I've looked it up. I know what it is.

Ginney 36:06
Okay, never mind. So, just to be clear, I really thought that Bob had to do his thing before anyone could Ascend. So now you're saying that's not the case.

iON 36:21
No, no. Okay, wait. Okay, stop. If it is the case, it doesn't make any difference. Your focused energy has to be on your Ascension. You can't worry about GQ's Ascension. He's gonna make it. He's gonna do fine, but you can't make your -- you gotta put your mask on first. See, you gotta get you first. Once you get you right, no problem. Then you can help the world. Then you can help the world. Even [indistinct]. You help 'em all.

Ginney 36:23
Okay. Alright.

iON 36:27
You can do it all. You can do great things, but you got to get you right first. Otherwise, you're gonna tunk a lo pisen. You're gonna get everybody else straightened out and they'll be on the road to Wellville, and you'll be sittin' there wondering what happened, waitin' on fuckin' Bob! Yeah, don't do that. Don't do that. You do you. And when you do that, then what happens, then in that day, you're prepared. See? So, it doesn't mean you got no way out. You got no way out. You got to take care and make sure that your Airbnb in Canaan is all prepared.

Ginney 37:26
[chuckles] Okay, very good. I can relate to that. Okay, so on...

iON 37:26
That's John 2. That's John 2:1 through 11, the first of the signs. Go ahead.

Ginney 37:39
And the sixth seal, that's with the trumpet, the sixth trumpet, right? And the sixth angel, and the sixth thunder and all that.

iON 37:49
Of course. Of course. Yes. See, hey, wait now you're in the... you're the star tonight in the private session, so that's pretty good. And you just sit there, right there, and laid it exactly because it's linear. It's not up top to the bottom and then up top to the bottom, you're typing back and forth, back and forth. It's all linear, and that's exactly where you went with that, so that's perfect. You proved your point once again, darlin'. That was pretty good.

Ginney 38:15
Okay, very good. All right. Okay. All right. Well, thank you very much, iON. Thank you very much. Thank you, Bob, thank you for everything.

Bob 38:24
You see, Ginney, that's why I can't be a cult. iON makes sure that this does not create a cult.

Ginney 38:32
Why is that, Bob? Oh, like the Hale-Bopp, where everybody's waiting for the comet to come through, and we're all waiting to follow the leader and "drink the poison" type of the thing?

Bob 38:43
Yeah, that's, that's a good metaphor, but just the fact he tells you don't wait around for me. I have nothin' to do with your Ascension.

Ginney 38:51
But I thought you couldn't Ascend if you don't talk to Bob.

Bob 38:56
Well, that's another matter.

iON 38:57
You have to talk to Bob. [Ginney laughs]

Bob 39:00
That's another matter.

iON 39:00
No, that's right. That's right. That's right. Just because you devoid yourself of forensic evidence doesn't mean that the judgment's not gonna be presented.

Ginney 39:09
Ah, there you go. Okay, very good.

iON 39:11
That's the difference. That's the difference.

Ginney 39:15
I don't have a problem talking to Bob. I love talking to Bob, so that's no problem. But okay, very good.

iON 39:21
Yeah. You just wanna, you just wanna make -- you just kinda have to make sure that Bob will talk to YOU. That's where it gets a little cheeky.

Ginney 39:27
There you go. Amen and amen.

Bob 39:32
That is the cult part.

iON 39:30
And I looked when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood; And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as the fig tree dropped its late figs, when it's shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it's rolled up -- they're looking for the Torah -- and every mountain and island was moved out of its place -- like Bob's on the 33rd parallel -- just all of a sudden. And the kings of the earth, and great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man hid themselves in the cave -- in the bunker in Colorado Springs -- and in the rocks of the mountains. And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the what? The Lamb. For the great day of his wrath has come, and who is able to stand? You'll find a reference to that in Revelation 6:12 through 17. That's a good thing to notice.

Ginney 40:00
And it says, it says, Revelation 6:12 is about the blood moon and how nature will respond if you don't take your power.

iON 41:00
Correct. Absolutely.

Ginney 41:03
Very good. And it also says it references China and the presidency, the media that creates a spectacle for the Little Man, but the Ascended ones watch and keep quiet.

iON 41:18
Correct. That's the -- that references from the handiwork that Bob's worked out from Psalm 91:1. See, this goes back to...

Ginney 41:29
Oh, yes, 91:1. Okay.

iON 41:31
And then Joshua 10:11 and 12 [13], for the longest day. And then Second Kings 20:8 and 11, and Matthew 27:45. It just goes on and on and on. It's just riddled as you go through. You gotta get you back from Egypt. That'd be like, that would be like, that'd be like, that'd be like Pharaoh said, well, I'm gonna wait and see what them Hebrewites do. Then we'll decide what we'll do with Egypt. That's Exodus 10:21 through 23. And we know you hate that. We're sorry about that, but we can't help it. It doesn't obfuscate Isaiah 13:11.

Ginney 42:12
And then it says that the heavens rejoice, and you arrive at your throne. And then it says organic bodies and carbon.

iON 42:22
Two witnesses. That's right. That's right.

Ginney 42:27
So, there you have it. It's all laid out right here.

iON 42:30
And so, everything... And now see what you're seeing occurred. Things are happening in your world. Now, here's the good news. You don't watch that shit. You don't watch... you don't sit there with a constant feed of what's goin' down, all that kind of stuff. Your, your filters are throated for the things that you wanna see. You want to see Dan Bongino's version of the world as we know it, you see. You wanna see that version of it, not just the "Clinton News Network's" version of it. Well, nobody watches them. I don't think they're on anymore, but if they were, they're gonna give the CNN building in Atlanta back to The World of Sid and Marty Krofft. It's gonna be great. We're gonna get, we're gonna get Duffy a part-time job if he lives long enough. It's gonna be great. [Ginney chuckles] The World of Sid and Marty Krofft with the 40-story escalator. They had an escalator; it went 40 stories. It was great. The World of Sid and Marty Krofft. Yeah. So, that was good. And then you don't get that feed. Okay? But there's a lot of stuff goin' down that people just really can't believe. They can't believe so they see it and they go, well, that's impossible. You can't have 200,000 people walkin' across the Rio Grande every day. Hell, Jesus walked on the water, but the wetbacks are scrawlin' across the Rio Grande River! It's crazy! So, there's a lot of things that are occurring. Occurring, that you can't believe that are, that are happening. That are happening. You know, and it's sittin’ here, going now we gotta ask OPEC how much gasohol, how much gasohol we could have, and they set the market. No, the barrel of oil sets the market. No, West Texas industries. No, Valero did. Remember when we said that all of the refineries were down and Valero was gone -

Ginney 44:12

iON 44:12
- and Exxon was in trouble? We said all those things like that. Guess what? They're not making nothin'. They're not producing anything. They could produce it all; we used to. You went from energy independent to now we gotta ask the sand Negras, how much we gonna pay for a gallon of gas. Do you realize they're importing unleaded gasoline!? Here! It's crazy!

Ginney 44:41

iON 44:43
So, there's the rub. And so, and so... Hmm. These are the days, these are the days of Elijah.

Ginney 44:52
Yeah, they are.

iON 44:52
And nobody gets that, but you've been… you have not laid up doin’ nothin', you've been busy. So, you know this. See the point?

Ginney 45:04

iON 45:05
You have it solved. It's all been accounted for. Just ask Carolyn.

Ginney 45:10
[chuckles] Just ask Carolyn. That's right, Carolyn's accounted for everything. Yes, she has.

iON 45:17
Yep, yep, yep. And there's no question because it adds up. See, liars always figure, but figures never lie.

Ginney 45:27
That's true. Yeah, that's very true. Yeah, Carolyn's got it all taken care of.

iON 45:35
Now, the good news is you've got these, these inroads sort of hemmed up so that there's no place where you are powerless. Okay, we're on a road. Okay, we can't get to the gas station. Okay, we got a gas station, but we went to the store and there was nothin' to buy at the store. Okay, we went to the Costco, and all they had was empty shelves, and they were selling those really cheap because they didn't see any day that they were gonna be refilled or restocked. And all the angel babies, the new angel babies, gonna starve to death 'cause they just now decided they better start makin' some formula. Who'd knew it was only three companies in the whole wide world that made goddamn baby formula. Well, they knew the uterus was closin', so they closed long ago, and they was making nasty formula to kill them babies. Well, they didn't kill them, but two babies died and three got sick, but they don't know where it came from. Well, it couldn't come from but for one of three places, so they take the biggest one and shut it down. [chuckles] It seems it's kinda like, it's kinda like your 425 peanut butter. It's like your 425 peanut butter from the Costco. You had to take it back. And they give you back every jar of peanut butter you ever bought. Hundreds of dollars’ worth of -- you would have ate that peanut butter a year ago. They're giving your money back on the peanut butter 'cause they don't want you to bring it back because what they gonna do with salmonella-laced peanut butter? This goes back to every source of protein that's gonna be questioned or eliminated. You can't buy steak. Hey, go buy you one of them cowboy rib eyes, honey. You take your mortgage application, spend $100 on a piece of meat. Not the smartest thing to do, eh? Or gonna kill a cow. Alright? You got no feed to feed the cow to kill it yourself. You're gonna butcher it? You can't even afford the feed to feed the cow yourself. So, it's the days of Elijah. You're gonna see it, and that's why you have to be prepared so you are in close enough to being in your power that the rocks and the reals won't have any travail or cause any travail on your pertinences. So, good job. We couldn't say that to you if you wasn't ready; it'd be kind of rubbin' it in your face. That'd be kind of rubbin' it in your face. You know, it'd be nice if you prepared, Ginney. Well, who'd do that and say that? Nobody wants to hear that shit. Who wants to... you know, yeah, almost persuaded, but lost. Who wants to hear that? They don't wanna hear that. So, the good news is, because you've been true, good and faithful in your position, you're in a good stance or a place to adjust accordingly to the winds and the waves if for some reason they fail to obey your will.

Ginney 48:26
Okay, very good.

iON 48:33
That was fun. There's your little sermonette. That was your little sermonette.

Ginney 48:34
[chuckles] That was a sermonette. Thank you, iON, though. Thank you for everything, always. Thank you.

iON 48:39
Happy days. Happy days.

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