
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Important History

Very Important History - you want to know this!:

LLOYD BERKNER (February 1, 1905 - June 4, 1967 [62 years]) - the man behind Robert Oppenheimer (April 22, 1904 - February 18, 1967 [62 years])! YouTube, start at 18:15 and go to the end.

Great History of the Solar Government as art form validating my Tiny Note Chart (see the McLuhan and Thompson Quadrants).

{{ … Moving along historically, following this model of process pattern-recognition, the next period would be from 1918 to 1945 with the hidden ground being radio, of course, for the visible motorcar, airplane, and movie worlds. Politically, this would effect the lockdown of World Government under the cover of warring national bureaucracies. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

It gets even better!

From 1945 to 1960, in the visible worlds of nuclear bombs, advertising, public relations and icon-making, politically you have warring world bureaucracies (i.e., "superpowers" and "multinationals") parallel with the lockdown of the Solar Government - thanks to the hidden Present of television;

from 1960 to 1977, conflicting solar bureaucracies while locking down the Universal Government (inner and outer space) via the hidden operations of the computer with the visible worlds of laser beams, genetic engineering, and endless tribal retrievals;… - Bob Dobbs, MEMO TO PRINCE CHARLES, June 4, 1987 }}
Bob Dobbs

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