
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 4, 12 August 2021


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 2:42:19
So, does Astros' transition affect the disappearance, the evaporation of the Milky Way?

iON 2:42:28
We're gonna see. It very well may. It may close the gaps. There's gonna be some gaps closing. It very well may.

Bob 2:42:36
Right. Is that what happens when the... The Milky Way is an occupant of the gap, and when the gap closes, that's an -

iON 2:42:44
We'll see. We'll see.

Bob 2:42:45

iON 2:42:45
It folds... Stop. Stop talkin'. It folds. You remember -- well, if you ever folded a towel, you'd know that, but you take it out of the dryer and it's warm and you fold it, and you fold it to make it compacting within a certain space. That folding is what will happen to the Milky Way. It'll be as dense as it ever was. Just like every human being on the earth, if you took the space, the ionosphere, out of every cell in the body, every human on the planet would fit in the size of a sugar cube. Granted, it would be a very, very dense sugar cube. But if you took the space out of all those cells, it would fit in the size of a normal sugar cube.

Bob 2:43:24
Right. Now, you use that phrase talkin' about time, "the folding over". That's an important phrase, the folding over. So, a lot of the...

iON 2:43:33
But now, we're talkin' about the Milky Way. We're not talkin' about time; we're talkin' about the Milky Way Galaxy.

Bob 2:43:37
I know.

iON 2:43:37
Dismissing of it, it's not gonna dissipate, it's gonna fold over. And that's huge because then worlds will bump into worlds. That's why you're bumping into some of these other worlds already now that are very close -

Bob 2:43:48

iON 2:43:48
- that weren't so close.

Bob 2:43:49
Who's "we"? Me or our world?

iON 2:43:52
The new world. The new world. They're finding new worlds. They're finding new worlds, Bob. They're noticing things. They finally, they finally have started closing their eyes and seein' things, Bob. They started closing their eyes and [cuts off]

Bob 2:44:08
When Carolyn showed me the picture of the heart, it looked like, you know, several foldings. So, the folding action is one of the main actions of reality of matter.

iON 2:44:21
It is. It is.

Bob 2:44:21
Of frequency involvement.

iON 2:44:23
Well, we call it, we call the folding an interloper. Interloper. You can play with that another time, but the folding would be known as an interloper. See what Bertron does with that bitch. See what Bert does with that bitch.

Bob 2:44:39
Right. So when my face didn't hologram and I'm runnin' the solar system, I've folded into it or I folded it into my fold.

iON 2:44:48
That's a nice way. That's a nice way. That's a nice way.

Bob 2:44:51

iON 2:44:52
Now, wait now. Your prescriptive adjectives are a bit waning, but the meaning is sound. You don't know what you're talkin' about, but you makin' pretty words.

Bob 2:45:01
Yes. And... I don't know if I had more to say that the folding...

iON 2:45:10
[laughs] Hurry up, Carolyn's goin' to bed.

Bob 2:45:12
Right. So, you're gonna do more on the disappearance of the universe, which involves -

iON 2:45:18

Bob 2:45:18
- "not" light years. No light years involved in the [indistinct] action.

iON 2:45:21
Yeah, no light years. Bob, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna show in the folding action that someone's got to die. We're gonna show you what the defeat is like. It's gonna be good. It's gonna be fun. And we're not pickin 'cause we're gonna try to give everybody a way out best we can, but if they don't get out, it's not gonna be our fault. We're gonna give them a chance, but what some would say, we already have, and they obsolesced their opportunity. So, we're gonna see. But we're gonna try our best to give them an opportunity to hit it.

Bob 2:45:53
Right. So that's when we become globally known after the alien contact and I start broadcasting globally...

iON 2:45:59
Nah, you're globally, you're fucking globally known now. How in the fuck did Skip find you in the first fuckin' place?

Bob 2:46:04
[chuckles] No, but...

iON 2:46:04
How did Skip find you in the first place if you're not globally known now?

Bob 2:46:08
Okay, so I'm globally known and doing this, and that's what we're gonna get into hyperdrive, communicating through the monolithic structures from the bunker someplace or even before the bunker. Starting now, we're broadcasting the offering to people to Ascend; that has to be heard by everybody.

iON 2:46:30
And don't become a hard-hearted Hannah; it won't work good for you, we promise. You stand back and watch.

Bob 2:46:38
Does Hannah [indistinct] know about us?

iON 2:46:41
Yeah. Of course.

Bob 2:46:43
Would she like to involve us in her organization as a subcult that she collects cults?

iON 2:46:49
Yeah, no, but that, but fixin' to say, it's not a very clique cult these days, is it? So, yeah, that's why we said leave the hard-hearted Hannah out of it.

Bob 2:47:00
Right. You're saying we're not a very powerful cult, or she isn't.

iON 2:47:04
No. No, her cliques, her cults, her cliquish cults or cultish cliques don't last very long 'cause she keeps jumping them and then having another one, then another one, then another one. It's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, The Awareness; they're fleeting.

Bob 2:47:23
Movement. Okay. I think you mentioned the term nucleosynthesis. And I have here, "the cosmic formation of atoms more complex than the hydrogen atom." Is that part of the new world or is that something that happened in another timing? What is this cosmic formation of atoms more complex? Are we coming into...

iON 2:47:43
That's the way... We're saying that that's the way it always is, you're just now, just now able to see it. You're just now able to notice it. But it's always -- we would say, now, now watch. Now, you have to be careful now. Remember, we told you to rip that rearview mirror out of the car long time ago. Remember? We said get rid of that rearview mirror. And then from then forward, all we've done is give you the rearview image of what's goin' on. Notice that?

Bob 2:48:12
Yes. So, you're giving us the polygons today.

iON 2:48:17
That'll hit you, that'll hit you about three o'clock in the morning.

Bob 2:48:20
Yeah, you're giving us the polygons today. That's indicating new complexities that the nucleosynthesis refers to; more geometrical.

iON 2:48:29
No, no, no, not at all. All it does is it gives you the linear variants. The linear variants. You're living, you don't have time, but you still have linear trajectory. But you don't have time, but you have linear trajectory. That's why people still try to believe that there's time. But you still do the function, you do the thing. Bob, you do the exact same thing every single day, just with different people.

Bob 2:48:57

iON 2:48:57
The things you do linearly is the same. So, the variance is what we're prescribing. The variance is what you're trying to lean to, to note the difference thereof. Okay. I did the OA movements at 9:05. Okay, I did the OA movements at 9:15. Okay, it went this way, and it went that way. This happened, that... No, no, no, that's not about that. It's about the linear line, not the time. So, leave time out of it and just go with the linear construct. Linear construct, this shows you the variants. That's what you're trying... And that's very important. Now, from a nuclear field, the variance is how you prove fission, isn't it?

Bob 2:49:34
Yes. So when you say linear, that's just using your eye; that's involving the eye.

iON 2:49:40
Well, as far as it can... Yes, as far as it can see. Yeah, it's like light beams on a car. You don't need to see from here to California if you're driving to California. You just need to see 200 feet ahead of you. If you can see 200 feet ahead of you, you can go all the way to California, but you don't need to be lit all the way from here to California for you to make it.

Bob 2:50:01
Yeah, the eyes is a butler, it's there to help you for the short-term.

iON 2:50:05
That's it. Well, except, except for the motherfucker will lie to you. Y'all gonna believe us or them lyin' eyes of yours? That's what's wrong with it, they lie to you. You see things that ain't there. You watch the TikTok when they say throw the ping pong ball nine miles and it fell into somebody's beer cup somewhere, [chuckles] it don't happen like that, Bob. But it sure looks good on the ticky tok I guarantee you that! It looks good. Looks good. People's eyes change color right before your eyes; that's on the ticky tok. Yeah, the ticky tok.

Bob 2:50:33

iON 2:50:34
Wind it up. What you got? [ends]

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