
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Payday, Partial Transcript, 25 May 2019, 2000 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Nikolas 1:32
Okay, iON, you mentioned California and New York and the sea, or the water. What is that all about? Is it...

iON 1:47
It's goin' into. Goin' into the sea. See?

Nikolas 1:53
What is? The shelf? The tectonic shelf?

iON 1:57
The state of California is goin' under water. It's gonna be there, but it's gonna be under water. Gonna be very challenging -

Nikolas 2:06
Is it...

iON 2:06
- to buy flood -- stop. It's gonna be very challenging to buy flood insurance in California soon, except for that one little place where the one little woman in her neighborhood loves us; that little place up there off the Willamette Valley right in that little corner; that's gonna stay, but everything else is gone. Mark it sure[?] [Nik chuckles] 'cause she done ask, and she done worked it out, and it's done; that's written, that's done. That's not gonna be California, you're gonna call it some'um else. When they call it some'um else, it may be Bob's Town, or Bobville, or Bob -- might be Bobville. We'll rename it Bobville. [Bob chuckles] There'll be a lot of zip codes available. 90210 will be available. You can be 90210, it'd be good. It'll be available. That's a good'un, that's available. So then New York City, same way, and a good little bit of New York State. That little wrinkle right in that little hook from Manhattan in the boroughs, that's gone, and some of New York.

Nikolas 3:04
And New Jersey?

iON 3:04
Well, no, now see, "Joysey," "Joysey," it's a little different. It's so vile that it won't be swallowed by the sea. The river, from the river side up, the riverbank will be gone. But past that, it won't be that bad. It'll dry. From Camden over, everything from Camden over will be fine. But you're not -- that's not gonna be the story. Nobody's gonna fuss too much about "Joysey." The boardwalk's gonna be kinda wet.

Nikolas 3:09
So, iON...

iON 3:33
Well, you're askin' a question. Boardwalk's gonna be kinda wet, but it'll dry.

Nikolas 3:39
So, what's gonna make the sea rise?

iON 3:43
The tide.

Nikolas 3:46
So, it's not gonna be the San Andreas Fault and a tectonic plate shift moving and dropping California into the ocean.

iON 3:54
Well, you call it whatever you can make up. Whatever you wanna call it. You can call it -- you can say an angel had a bird, and the bird took a shit, and the shit hit the ground, and the ground was splashed that made the rocks cry out, and they fell over, and the caldera blew. And when the bird shit, it dried, it made up a spot and caused the acid, and it made all the nuclear radiation come to the acid, and it made a hole, and the hole came through, and it made for the bottom of the ocean from Haleakala movin' up toward Alaska, and pulled the cork and pulled all that water up through there and drowned the motherfuckers right there in two inches of water. You can call it any damn thing. We don't give a -- you call it what you will. Call it a bad day. You call it what you can call it. You can call it the new morning sun if you want to, it don't bother us, it just is. And that's gonna cause the Mississippi River to flow the opposite direction. If you realize, if you could only realize what it's gonna take to make that so, you'd think that's unbelievable.

Nikolas 4:55
Okay, is there gonna to be…

iON 4:56
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop. But we're the ones that said California was gonna burn too, didn't we?

Nikolas 5:02
You did?

iON 5:04
No, we did.


Bob 13:37
Okay, good questions, Nick. Overall, very good inventory, and it looks like the Renners are polite people, so they're gonna let anxious Roxy go first. Go ahead, Roxy.

Roxy 13:48
Yes. What is the connection between the light and the id -

Bob 13:53
The id.

Roxy 13:53
- and the head?

Bob 13:54
And the head.

iON 13:58

Bob 14:03

iON 14:06
Mm-hm. Yes.

Roxy 14:05
Is the id a representation of the like the [indistinct] representation of the id?

iON 14:16
Maybe, but not the way you're thinkin' about it. It doesn't represent a strata. It represents a condition of how you feel about it. The id is what decides if it's good or not, or okay or not, or proper or not, or acceptable or not. And that's the problem with it, because it's always biased. The id always thinks it knows everything when it doesn't know anything.

Roxy 14:45
And what will be then the use of the crown?

iON 14:47
It's to hold your head on your neck and shoulders.

Roxy 14:55
But does it help to somehow increase this id?

iON 15:02
No, you wanna decrease the id. Decrease the id. The crown just lets you know that you've Ascended. Your crown of glory.

Roxy 15:15
But does the gold crowns what you also -- if it's like some type of technology that's taking...

iON 15:23
It will be. It will be. It will be.

Roxy 15:29
And what about gold? Does gold really have an influence?

iON 15:37
Yes. The conductivity. The electricity that's gonna flow through it, it's very sustainable.

Roxy 15:49
So, is it -- because once you told me to wear copper.

iON 15:55
Copper, yes.

Roxy 15:56
Is it also good to wear gold?

iON 15:58
Well, yes, but see we can't say that to everybody because you have vaults full of it, they don't. So, yes, gold is fine, but you know, we could say [indistinct] a gold bed, and you could do that, it'd be no problem. But if we started that, they would say -- they would have us run out of town on a rail, and Bob would have us dipped in tar and rolled in feathers for saying that you had to have a solid gold bed to ground you, you know. But you could and say, oh, bring me a gold bed, and they'd come set it up for you, and it'd be so fun. But see, that's over the top. So, yeah, put a lot of gold on you. Don't go buy the gold. You have enough gold to sink the HMS Charlotte. HMS Charlotte. So, just use what gold that you have.

Roxy 16:49
And why was during the revolution the Jacobi or Jacobites -- I don't know how you say it -- decapitated everybody like it was the privilege of the noble to be decapitated, and that they say we are all equal, we all get decapitated.

iON 17:06
Yeah. Yes, that's right,

Roxy 17:10
[chuckles] But why would they do it? Do they believe that it was like vampires that they cannot come back? Or it's like...

iON 17:22
They'd call it whatever they wanna call it, they just call it. They call it whatever they wanna call it, it's no problem. It don't change it.

Roxy 17:31
But does the decapitation affect somehow your afterlife, what we thought it was, the afterlife?

iON 17:41
There's no life after life. There's only life. There's no afterlife. There's no afterlife life, there's only life.

Roxy 17:50
And why everybody talks about the "light" like, that's like the goal?

iON 17:56
That's how they can judge the dark. They don't talk about the dark. See? See, light, the opposite of light is not darkness. Or the opposite of an inky, misty darkness is not light. See? They say night is evil and light is good, but that's all depending. Just depends.

Roxy 18:26
But you also said, I remember that somehow the cells will be light with the RnA drops.

iON 18:36
Yes, they are. They already are. They already are. See, there is an effervescence and an iridescence to cells. You can put one in a petri dish, if you had any spare cells to give up, in straight RnA drops. Or we like ReBob. The reason we like ReBob better is you have a larger concentration in the ReBob. Now, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but it does. The bigger the container, the better. And drop it into an agar and look at it. It's very interesting. Take some human cells, -

Roxy 18:50
And how do they...

iON 19:13
- take some RnA drops... Listen, we're telling you. Take some cells. We don't care what kind of cells; human cells, your cells, and put them, put it in some RnA drops and look under the microscope and watch what happens. You'll be surprised. Don't tell the FDA, that's -- for God's sake, don't do that. But yeah, it'll be fun. You'll like that.

Roxy 19:41
Yes. I was listening to a guy in France that cuts hair, and he says the hair is like has the capacity to record your experiences. So, that's why some people when they have their...

iON 20:04
It does. It does. It still grows even after they say you're dead. And your fingernails do, too.

Roxy 20:13
And so is it when you have like a trauma, is it good to just cut all of your hair to get the [inaudible/overtalk]

iON 20:21
Sometimes you have all the pigment, all the pigmentation can fall out of your hair over nothing. It can do that. That's what happened to Moses. It happened to Bob one time, and his almost fell out, but it all came back, so it don't matter. And more. See, that's the problem. If you get rid of it and it comes back more, then you have some'um like, you had to get, like, one of those -- you have to get one of those shag cuts. It turns all shaggy or "Dick" Dynasty or some'um crazy. You know, it's long as hell, get him some ponytails, ponytail holders, 'cause he's startin' to get too much hair.

Roxy 21:03
Yeah, that's why I was thinking that the head had some connection with the id because also there is this legend of Samson and the Delilah, that Samson’s hair was his strength.

iON 21:18
They're all contained. They're all contained. And you're doing great because you're not talkin' about castles and stuff, so that's good. That makes it more interesting right there. So, that's good. Now, we can talk about you, but you don't like to talk about you very much. We do, but you don't like to. But we get you, darling, and it's all right.


Roxy 35:02
I was thinking about what you said about the half tones, that in romantic music, they use a lot of chromatism of half tones to express emotions. Somehow these small changes in frequency express for us this or translate what we call emotion.

Bob 35:35
Yeah, make a question.

Roxy 35:39
Yes, what is the relationship between frequency and emotion?

iON 35:52
Frequency is an emotion. So, that's like saying how hot is the hot water.

Roxy 36:01
But what will be, like, the effect of, like, the songs you give us when we listen? Like, what is happening?

iON 36:17
Less than, less than 211 degrees, 'cause otherwise it's boiling. It goes away. The juxtapose, it shifts. The environment shifts. The gauging of that you're asking the question is, it's not stable. That means it's frozen, or it's water, or it's evaporated, and it goes back and forth and back and forth the same way your condition does. Your condition does that too. See? That's why we do it in a frequency standpoint 'cause the frequency is heard. Sometimes you listen to a song and you're mad. Sometimes you listen to a song and you're happy. There's every kind of music; every reggae, Gregorian chants, all kind of good gospel, real good bluegrass, old-timey 30s, 40s, 20s, early stuff, early. We used to send it to Bob, but he doesn't like it anymore; it's too much for him to do. So, we put it so everybody else can have the benefit in line in order. And that's why it shifts. And it's remarkable. It's notable to note. And that frequency is the emotion, and that emotion is the frequency. So, you can click on any song, anytime you want to, and it has a frequency. And depending on where you are, you'll be drawn to it, or you will be repulsed by it. See? Zappa was famous for repulsing people; that's what he did best. [Roxy chuckles]

Bob 37:48

iON 37:51

Bob 37:53
Repulsing people.

iON 37:55
Pushing them away.

Bob 37:57

iON 37:57
He didn't want people to listen to his music. He didn't like his music. He was always tryin' to find the perfect note, and he never found it.

Roxy 38:03
Yes, because music is used for a lot of therapies, like for Alzheimer. And when you listen to a song, it brings you immediately to some point in your life. It's like time traveling.

iON 38:23


Roxy 40:11
Is a happy song a link between frequency and eternity? Because once you said it’s very hard to get old.

iON 40:19
You are eternity. Okay, so you can't. You are eternal, and there is no time, so you can't get old. So, it doesn't get old. The frequencies align or adjust. That's why you got people that are 30-years old, and they look 100, and people 100-years old, like Bob, and he looks 30. That dapper son of a bitch, he's just wonderful; he's so wonderful.

Roxy 40:44
So how do you maintain this frequency?

iON 40:48
The gamma rays help, but the genome strata of Ascending cells don't age, so that solves it. [pause] Is that better?

Roxy 41:13


Bob 48:32
You began with the map. iON gave the map of the earthquake tremors, and then you said, what about Mexico? So, continue the map, iON, into Mexico that you outlined awhile ago.

iON 48:45
Okay. Do you know where Baja is? Do you know where Baja is?

Bob 48:51

iON 48:51
You go to Baja, and you drop down, and you keep going to Tijuana.

Roxy 49:00

iON 49:02
You go straight line from the edge over there, from El Segundo, down in the corner. It kinda drops down where they come into the port just down there in the edge of Mexico, into the Tijuana side. It comes as a straight line. All that's chopped off all the way down to Acapulco. Nobody goes to Acapulco anymore anyway, do they?

Roxy 49:32
It's too violent.

iON 49:35
There you go. So, chuck it in the river.

Roxy 49:42
Yes, some people say there is like a portal under the angel in Mexico, in Reforma, there is a column with an angel.

iON 49:55
Maybe. Maybe. We don't want to fight you 'cause that's not the way to do that, but certainly there's a lot of activity, but it's just activity. There's a lot of places where there's activity. That's the difference between Cancun and Cozumel.

Roxy 50:14
Yes, we all know there's a lot of volcanoes, and also, like, faults that cross Mexico.

iON 50:21
We said portals. We said portal. We didn't say volcanoes.

Roxy 50:25
Yes, but that's how I suppose it's going to somehow open with all this shaking.

iON 50:40
They're already open. All the portals are open, darling. We did that so long ago. There's one code that's important, that's safe. Thank goodness it's safe. It'll be used to -- a little bit of adjustment on some of the portal works, but we'll give that direction when it's time. Just keep it safe, that's all that's important. But it is, it's all good. Here at the wall. Oh, wait. Bob, the note is: here at the wall, hold the shape safe.

Bob 51:25
Ah, shake the faith?

iON 51:30
Shape is safe.

Bob 51:33
Here at the wall, the shape is safe.

iON 51:37
Yeah, and point to the wall to the left.

Bob 51:39

iON 51:41

Bob 51:40
The shape is safe.

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