
Friday, June 21, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript, 5 August 2021


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 27:28
Is the pineal gland a Stargate?

iON 27:37
That's a great way to say it. That's a way to do it. Okay. Do you know who Karl Rapp is, Bob?

Bob 28:35
No. Don't know that.

iON 29:28
K-a-r-l R-a-p-p. Okay. If you look him up, you'll understand some of the details to answer the Stargate question of the hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the pineal gland, how they connect. You gotta have those points. Remember triangulation?

Bob 31:08

iON 31:08
Remember that thing that Chad wished he figured out?

Bob 31:12

iON 31:12
The old Number One. That thing.

Bob 31:14

iON 31:14
Okay. That's a connection point. And what you're missing is the lipids. So, the answer to what you're saying is yes, but not exclusively. It's not a mutually exclusive position. Just 'cause you figure out the sound wave doesn't mean you can control time.

Bob 31:35
Right, but this, what I just came across is the key that Carolyn and Bert are tryin' to find. They're always talking about the pineal, and probably Maggie and the rest of them.

iON 31:50
I know. I know.

Bob 31:45
I caught it, Carolyn. You see that, Carolyn? I'm lookin' at you, Carolyn. I caught it! I broke through. Do I post this publicly?

iON 31:55
Yes. Play it. You play it. You go ahead and play it. And you put on there, and put on there that Carolyn had a quaint shit-eatin' grin. [Bob chuckles] Note that she, Carolyn, had a quaint shit-eating grin that you've exposed it again. Yeah, but now Bert's not gonna acknowledge it. When you ask Bert about it, he's gonna say, "Well, I don't know. I'd have to think about it. Oh, I don't know, I've got some notes on that. Oh, I have to see about it. [Bob chuckles] Oh, I know. I know. I know. I'll talk to, I'll talk to Eira. Eira! I'll see what Eira has to say about it, and we'll work it all out. That's it. No, no, no, I'll call Roy. I'll check with Roy and see what his notes are, that's what I'll do. [Bob chuckles] That'll be good. I'll do that. I'll check with Roy's notes, it'll be great. I'm gonna go on Discord on Thursday and maybe they'll straighten me out. Maybe that's the ticket."

Bob 32:44
Yeah. Or he'll go and find Bob said it to James back before iON. He'll find it back in the archives.

iON 32:50
Back, back, back, back when, back when James Martinez was James Curtis before he went to the viaduct or soup somethin'.

Bob 32:56
That's right. So, guess what, Carolyn? Karl Rapp is part of BMW as a Quandt combine. The Quandts saved BMW, and Karl Rapp created BMW. Now, did he have some kind of ability? Some talent? You were saying that allowed him to continue what he is.

iON 33:18
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the part of Switzerland that Bert is so close to he can taste. Don't say nothin'.

Bob 33:27
Okay. Okay, so Karl Rapp...

iON 33:30
Just be ready to approve it. Don't be on your goddamn holidays. You know how you go off for weeks at a time and nobody knows where the fuck you are. It's terrible.

Bob 33:38
[chuckles] So, Karl Rapp used the geography for a power source for himself.

iON 33:44
Yeah, that's correct. Excellent.

Bob 33:49

iON 33:46
You did good, Bob, you got it. You got the -- hey, Bob! You got the dot. It's kinda like eatin' puffs; one after the other, huh?

Bob 33:54
Okay, my next point is iON told Nik that the Houston-stadium-sized UFO vehicles of the new aliens, the coming aliens, would float over 22 countries. Okay?

iON 34:10
22, that's all they'll be at that time. Yes.

Bob 34:16
Right. And well, geez, if they're coming in six weeks, how could there be 22 countries in six weeks? Anyways...

iON 34:24
They're falling quickly.

Bob 34:27
Okay. But Carolyn says, "Oh, I remember it was 28 countries are left after the dust is cleared."

iON 34:34

Bob 34:34
And I said, yeah, 22 countries -

iON 34:36
That's right.

Bob 34:37
Listen to this, iON. Listen to this.

iON 34:38

Bob 34:38
And six empires! Add six empires to the 22 countries. Do you agree with that?

iON 34:43
Yeah. But it won't be Monaco or Mongolia or the Marshall Islands or Mali or Luxembourg or Liechtenstein, or Kazakhstan or the Ivory Coast or the Andorra, Bolivia, Belarus, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Guatemala, Chad, Paraguay, Vatican City, Sweden, Uzbekistan, and Sao. Won't be those.

Bob 35:17
What's the last one? Sale?

iON 35:19
Sao. S-a-o.

Bob 35:23
S-a-o. Where's that?

iON 35:26
Outside of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan.

Bob 35:31
And Eubek starts with Eu or the letter "U"?

iON 35:47
No. U-z-b-e -

Bob 35:47
Oh, yeah.

iON 35:47
- k-i-s-t-a-n.

Bob 35:48
Yeah, Uzbekistan.

iON 35:51

Bob 35:52
Now, you were listing countries or empires or both there?

iON 35:56
Countries that would not be invaded. They won't be countries.

Bob 36:04
Right, because they're too weak and insignificant?

iON 36:07
No, they'll be no longer countries.

Bob 36:11
Okay, so you named a lot of what's gonna go. Okay.

iON 36:14
There's a whole bunch -- there's 216 right now, Bob. There's a bunch of them that are gonna go. But they're fallin'. They're fallin'. Yeah, they're free, free fallin'. They're fallin' right now, Bob. I mean, they can't even -

Bob 36:29

iON 36:31
- they can't even pronounce Kiev now. Kiev [Keev], fuck that. Where's Czechoslovakia, Bob? What happened to Czechoslovakia? It's gone. I don't know. It's gone.

Bob 36:43
And we can post these names. We can post these names.

iON 36:45
Do it. Do it. Do it. Dare ya. Dare you to, Bob. Dare ya.

Bob 36:49
Yeah. Now, the six empires, I think that we'll be the top empire.

iON 36:55
Yeah, we're not gonna talk about that.

Bob 36:57
Okay, that involves Trafalgar Square, doesn't it?

iON 37:01
That... Well, no, it involves the war from Trafalgar Square. See? We went through this. We told 'em why there was a Trafalgar Square. Why there was a gate, why there was a wall, why there was a point. Nobody got that. Nobody got that. They just all wanted to move to Hyde Park, Bob, they didn't get the fucking deal, what the deal, why there was a goddamn square there.

Bob 37:26
I think you're talking about the iONauts and Dimitri. Are you talking about Dimitri?

iON 37:29
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they don't know what Cardiff is. They don't even know what Cardiff is, Bob, so they can't be bothered by that. So, it's okay.

Bob 37:36
Can we play this?

iON 37:37
It's in the archives. Play it! It's in the archives. Why can't they find it in the archives? Oh, I know. Send Bert an email. Bert will look it up for you. He's our little, he's our little library. He's Bob's little Library of Congress, isn't he?

Bob 37:52
Okay. I was wondering if the aliens, the -- well, what was interesting, I was talking to one of my beach walk friends and he said -- I was talking about the aliens and the new aliens,...

iON 38:06
You only have one friend you walk with, Bob. Goddamn, you have like, there's like, there's like a crowd. Yeah, you have a posse. [Bob chuckles] Yeah, like you have a posse. You only talk to one person, and they have to be scrunged off with disinfectant before you talk to them. So, yeah, good luck with that.

Bob 38:23
Who -- are you talkin' about Glen?

iON 38:27
Who else would there be, Bob? Who else is there?

Bob 38:30
Okay, we'll come to him in a minute. Okay. So, talking to the other guy, who you say it's not really my friend, and I mentioned some of the scenario, and he said, "Well, that's in the Bible. They talk about the Messiah coming, and he comes with the aliens." So, I would like to know which, which parts of the -- I'm assuming it's the book of Revelation where it's mentioned. So, I Googled it...

iON 38:52
We did that. We did that Saturday. We did that Saturday night, Bob. We went through all that.

Bob 38:57
I know, but I wanna review that. I Googled aliens and the Messiah, and I came up -- somebody said Revelation 8:13. Do you agree with that?

iON 39:08
We do.

Bob 39:09
Revelation 12. Chapter 12, verses 3 and 4. Do you agree with that?

iON 39:14
We do.

Bob 39:15
Revelation 9, Revelation 12. And Revelation 14.

iON 39:21
Yeah, but - wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah, but you got more than that. Don't forget about the Nephilim.

Bob 39:27
Yeah. Which chapter are they in?

iON 39:30
Well, that's in all the Old Testament.

Bob 39:34
Right. So, in the Old Testament, there's a mixing of alien and angels; aliens and archangels. It's mixed up, right?

iON 39:44
They showed them all as the same. Y'all add this extra mix of the position.

Bob 39:51
Did you say I add the mix?

iON 39:54

Bob 39:54
Yeah, they just see it as the same phenomenon; it's all the same. And generally, it's the Sephilim?

iON 40:02

Bob 40:04
Right. So, they talk at the beginning in Genesis, I think, about the gods mate with the daughters of men. That would be considered angels, but it's actually aliens -

iON 40:16

Bob 40:16
- from other galaxies. And they interma...

iON 40:18
That's Lilith. That's Lilith.

Bob 40:21
Yeah. Is she an alien more than an angel?

iON 40:26
Yeah, that's where - that was Adam's second wife.

Bob 40:30
Right. I would call aliens what you said to me back in 2010 or so, foreign bodies. Aliens are foreign bodies.

iON 40:40
Like Jane, like Jane Roberts' Seth.

Bob 40:45
She was a foreign body?

iON 40:47
No, Seth was. That was the third child of Adam.

Bob 40:52
Right. Yeah, you're not talkin' about Seth that speaks through Jane Roberts. You're talkin' about Seth, the child of...

iON 40:59
Well, that's the one Jane Roberts was talkin' about was that's the same Seth, but that's another conversation.

Bob 41:05
Okay. Did she know it was Lilith's child?

iON 41:17
Yes. Of course.

Bob 41:12
So, Revelation 12, you agree with that. Revelation 14, chapter 14, verse 6. Are there other parts -- well, wherever the Sephilim and -- now, is there a distinction if you're a close reader of the Bible, where you say, oh, these are talkin' about foreign bodies, not Sephilim, not angels? A way to see...

iON 41:32
Depends on, depends on, Bob, like if you're havin' a dinner party, there's some'um that goes on that's odd, and you can't figure it out. Or if you have like a get together or a "Coming Out" ball or, or some, some, some sacrosanct technological information position, you can judge based on what's goin' on by how they respond.

Bob 41:58
You gave us the quote that refers to the aliens in Nostradamus; that was 5:10, I think. Are there other places or is that the main one?

iON 42:07
That's enough, that's enough to send you in church away. Yep.

Bob 42:13
Yeah, that's the unknown ones.

iON 42:15
To not be served, to not be served tea would typically turnout church and bring the cat to come lay us some pussy.

Bob 42:24
Yeah, so it's called, the line, "four unknown ones." That refers to the aliens. Correct?

iON 42:34
Yes. We'll go with that.

Bob 42:35
Now, the Queen listens to our private sessions. So, did she know about the aliens and this kind of knowledge, or this is new for her and it's refining what she did know?

iON 42:36
We'll have to see. You don't know what that is, so we'll have to see.

Bob 42:52
You don't know what she's perceiving. Right?

iON 42:59
We'll see.

Bob 43:00
All right. Okay. Terence McKenna. When he takes psilocybin -- he started in the jungle in Amazon. He may have taken it back in the States, but he got some very good, high-quality stuff. He says you take a lot, and then you go into the trip, and eventually you'll come to a voice. Everybody comes to a voice that starts talking to you; he called it the mushroom voice.

iON 43:28
In essence. That's not the right word. That's not the right word, but it's a good word. It's okay.

Bob 43:33
Which word? The voice or spirit or the mushroom voice? Which words did I say that you mentioned?

iON 43:39
The mushroom. The mushroom voice.

Bob 43:41
Right. Would you like to take a drink of tea for a minute? I don't want you to fade out. Would you like to have a drink of tea?

iON 43:55
No, we're goin' okay.

Bob 43:58

iON 43:59
It's eight o'clock, so... It's eight o'clock.

Bob 44:01
I know.

iON 44:02
Pick it up with your, pick it up with your butt cheeks. Let's go.

Bob 44:06
What is the voice that you hear in a deep psilocybin trip?

iON 44:16
The voice is called eternity.

Bob 44:20
Is it a voice in the mushroom?

iON 44:24

Bob 44:24
Not in the mushroom.

iON 44:25

Bob 44:26
Is it something in yourself? Your divine spark.

iON 44:30

Bob 44:30
Aa ha! It's your divine spark is talking to you.

iON 44:35
Yeah, but don't make that a, don't make it a, don't make that a fucking religion. That's all we need is another religion. As long as it's not religion then that's okay.

Bob 44:45
And we're doing our darndest to make sure WE'RE not a religion. Correct?

iON 44:49
Well, every time you get a soul saved you start slittin' a wrist, so yeah, you're doing good.

Bob 44:53

iON 44:54
This is the, this is the most ridiculous, inappropriate cult that's ever been, Bob. You've run off thrice more than you've ever saved. It's pretty amazing. But don't worry, Church of the SubGenius will save the day, Bob, it'll save the day. That's funded by the way. Did you know that?

Bob 45:12
The Church of the SubGenius is funded?

iON 45:14
Yeah, it's a good ministry. Doing good.

Bob 45:18
No, it's funded by CIA or DIA or?

iON 45:22
Oh, now you, now you, there you go with them goddamn questions again.

Bob 45:27
This voice that one encounters in themselves, the eternal NonPhysical, is that a NonPhysical voice when you hear your voice speak to you and you think it's the mushroom?

iON 45:38
No, no, it's not NonPhysical. Not NonPhysical. You may call it that because you're stupid [a ding heard] and don't know what the hell is goin' on. You might call it that, but it's not that at all.

Carolyn 45:49
[in background] That was me.

iON 45:50
That's right. It's appropriate. It's esoterically sublime.

Bob 45:57
It's more what you refer to as essence in a person.

iON 46:01
Yeah, essentially. [chuckles]

Bob 46:02
Yeah, essentially.

iON 46:04
Pardon the pun. Pardon the pun.

Bob 46:06
Right. It's an important point that the sacred inner voice that one could turn into a religion is not NonPhysical, it's the essence.

iON 46:14
No. See, the NonPhysical, the NonPhysical could be the heaven that saves you or the hell that consumes you. See, the NonPhysical can judge you. The NonPhysical can "rah" you on, the NonPhysical can open you up, the NonPhysical can shut your bitch ass down. See?

Bob 46:14
So, yeah, that's what I've been saying to people that iON, as NonPhysical, is the spectrum of the devil, all the way to the demons to the saints; the whole thing is the NonPhysical.

iON 46:43
It's not even about that and only that representation; it's how close or far away... There's a fine line between agony and ecstasy; we said that to death.

Bob 46:46
That's right, there's a fine line.

iON 46:52
A fine line. We played the song; you played the song. You're so obedient. We're so thankful. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever all that means. You're doing good, Bob.

Bob 47:09
Okay. In these quotes of the aliens and the Messiah in the Bible, and the aliens showing up in disguise, am I mentioned in that mix in those sections?

iON 47:21
You are.

Bob 47:23
So, I could be seen as the Messiah?

iON 47:26
The famous song, the famous song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." That was you.

Bob 47:32
Right. So, the Beatles saw that on their LSD trips?

iON 47:36
That's well, okay, whatever you call it, whatever trip you call it. It might have been a nice trip to Southampton, Bob. [laughs]

Bob 47:45
Right. But the point is, is that I'll be mistaken as the Messiah.

iON 47:48
Always. Mistaken? Yeah. But you might be the Messiah, we'll have to see. We'll see what Lady Chatterley has to say about it, Bob. We'll see if you're the savior or not.

Bob 48:02
I like her. I like her.

iON 48:03
Yeah, I know. I know. We know.

Bob 48:04
Okay. Right. What are Wat... You know I like her, is that what you're saying?

iON 48:07

Bob 48:08
Right. What are Watchers as opposed to aliens?

iON 48:18
Oh, Watchers are resident humans that are caught in the transcendental position that can't have eternity and can't find the requiem. So, they can't die, and they can't live, so they're stuck. They're stuck.

Bob 48:37
Right. And they're human.

iON 48:38
They are as it were, stuck. They are humans, yeah. Ginney's mother was a human. Virginia Gunther Sanders' mother was a human. Yes.

Bob 48:49
And she became a Watcher.

iON 48:52
An immortal.

Bob 48:54
The moto?

Carolyn 48:55
[in background] Immortal.

iON 48:56

Bob 48:57
Immortal. Okay. So, the vampires have this dilemma, but on a lower level. They're trapped in the physical, they're not...

iON 49:07
Correct. Excellent. Well, they're trapped, they're trapped in the, they're trapped in the bloodlust. They're trapped in the bloodlust. Now, humans are in a bloodlust, but they're tryin' to find their place or power in the blood. Vampires are different. They're tryin' to get blood to be sustained, any kind of blood except for dead blood. Dead blood don't work for them.

Bob 49:37
Right. Okay. What's his name, Terence McKenna, talks about the I Ching has...

iON 49:48
[indistinct] oh god.

Bob 49:44
Okay. Has 384 lines in the I Ching which represents 13 lunar cycles with 29 days for each cycle.

iON 49:58
It's the Age of Aquarius, the Age -- that's passed, Bob. The Age of Aquarius is gone.

Bob 50:04
I know, I know. Yeah. And he's talking about the time wave, and it comes together in 2012. Because it's all about time, he's wrong. He's wrong. That's the problem.

iON 50:13
No, we would give it -- if he would do it from an age, if he would do it from an age-old position like a dynasty, okay, we could work with that. The Ming dynasty was and or maybe is. That doesn't have anything to do with time, but now he's making it in some linear transport or construct that has to be applied to some constrict. It's constrictive. So, that doesn't work, it doesn't apply. So, yeah, he did real good up to that point. Yeah. He needs to find a nice, he needs to go find a nice lover. Maybe he'll feel better.

Bob 50:51
Right. So, he transitioned because the extra drug-taking he did damaged his brain chemistry?

iON 51:02
Okay, whatever that means.

Bob 51:05
Well, no, he was damaged by too much psilocybin, DMT use.

iON 51:10

Bob 51:12
Or was there another reason he committed suicide 'cause the time wave wasn't working?

iON 51:17
That's enough. Yeah, we like that, too.

Bob 51:20
Okay, so the I Ching is about eternity, not about time.

iON 51:25
It's not I Ching. It's not I Ching, it's I Ching. Ching. I-n-g is Ching

Bob 51:30
Okay. I Ching. I Ching is about eternity. Correct?

iON 51:39
No, it's about the eternal. It's not about eternity. It's about the eternal 'cause see, if you're talking about eternity, you have to include time. See the problem?

Bob 51:50
And if you - yeah. If you bring in...

iON 51:52
How do you gauge it? How long is eternity?

Bob 51:56
I know. If you bring in cycles, that's time, that's not it.

iON 51:59

Bob 51:59
So, I Ching is engaged with some kind of communication like iON is?

iON 52:07
In essence. At the most based level, we'd say okay.

Bob 52:11
There are nukes, there are nukes being shipped to Iran; they arrive in 10 days. I was told this yesterday, so it's nine days.

iON 52:16
They are, they are already there. They've already arrived.

Bob 52:25
So, Glen's sources knew something of it, but not exactly -

iON 52:29

Bob 52:29
- because they said it was coming in 10 days.

iON 52:32
Correct. They're already there. They're already there. They arrived.

Bob 52:36
Yes. And so now Glen says big war is gonna happen in the Middle East because of these nukes. Do you agree?

iON 52:44
Big war is gonna be happening despite those nukes.

Bob 52:50
Why is that?

iON 52:50
The valley of Megiddo, Bob! What the fuck! Shit.

Bob 52:56
Well, won't the nukes be used in that?

iON 52:56
You've been planning, you've been planning this war... No, Bob, they don't have to shoot the nukes off to get the, to get the hit. All they gotta do is argue the point. All they gotta do is threaten to use it. It's not glory, Bob, it's the hope of glory they're tryin' to achieve.

Bob 53:19
So, in the war in the valley of Megiddo, nukes will not be used.

iON 53:26
Don't have to. No, it won't be necessary.

Bob 53:29
What? People will be fighting with AK-47s?

iON 53:34
The weapons of their warfare will not be carnal.

Bob 53:41
Ah! So, that's part of the angel warfare among angels?

iON 53:47
As well. As well.

Bob 53:50
Wow. Are the aliens in the mix of that warfare?

iON 53:53

Bob 53:56
And we're in the tribulation which seems to end in 10 months.

iON 54:00
Or so. Don't, don't lock yourself, don't lock yourself in a box, but we'll say "or so." Yeah, we got that.

Bob 54:10
Right. But that means these events are happening within 10 months or so.

iON 54:15
Okay, we like that. That's no problem 'cause it's all relative 'cause what are they gonna do? We're off by 30 days or 12 minutes or 90 days, nobody's gonna know or care. Most of them will be dead anyway, so it don't matter. It's all relative.

Bob 54:29
So, in the Bible it says three and a half years...

iON 54:32
Just sayin'. Just sayin'. We're not being mean, we're just sayin'.

Bob 54:34
In the Bible it says three and a half years of peace, that's the Trump era, and then three and a half years of bad times; Biden era.

iON 54:36
Well, have you -- is that not been the experience so far do you think?

Bob 54:50
It has, but we're not waiting three and a half years. That's a little off. If Biden doesn't...

iON 54:57
Well, we're gonna see. We don't know that. We don't -- you ain't got -- hey. Hey, hey, hey. Ask Carolyn if they still had groceries at the Costco when she went last.

Carolyn 55:00
[in background] Yes.

Bob 55:03
They did. They did, yeah.

iON 55:11
So it ain't -- so, so, so, so, so, so, so, it gets really bad when you go to Costco and there ain't got nothin' to buy. That's when you know it's bad.

Bob 55:21
Right. And that, this Costco thing, happens within a couple of months to think they're collapsing yesterday.

iON 55:27
Pretty, pretty bad when they're payin' people to take a lawn mower and run over the soybeans, that's not good, Bob.

Bob 55:36
And why are they doing that? They want people to starve?

iON 55:40
There's two parts. One, they know two-thirds of the population is gonna die, and they're not gonna need all that food. Two is they're gonna use it to incite the condition that people need to go and let go, and it's not worth living so they should die. That was MIHR. That was MIHR, wasn't it, Bob?

Bob 56:07

iON 56:07
Yes, it was. Don't you say a word. Carolyn, you know what it was. The people who had the HIV, the HIV/AIDS, they had to decide if they wanted to live or not. That's how that went. And that decision was made. That's the same decision that's gonna get made here. It's too hard to live, so they'll choose to die. Their immune system and their CD4 and their blood counts will respond in kind. Yes. Watch. There's a great synchronicity.

Bob 56:13
Am I talking to the Tech Body?

iON 56:50
Maybe. [laughs] Chances are. Hey! Hey! Up till eight o'clock, you had iON; after that, we don't know what you get. We'll see what you get after that.

Bob 57:03
Ohh. And the Tech Body's unreliable? Does it lie?

iON 57:07
No. It's, it's succinctly dependable more than the sun, moon and stars. That's because we are so powerful because we "know." That's the point. And what we don't know we borrow from the humans that are willing to sacrifice their sacrosanct immunity. Their sacrosanct immunity. They'll give it up. They'll give up their lives to conquer the world, and then they'll forfeit it to a lamb. It's beautiful. Beautiful.

Bob 57:42
You're talkin' about people, the Quandt family, they wanna take over, and they'll do anything to take over, give up themselves, but then Bob, the lamb, takes it from them.

iON 57:52
Correct. They yield. They'll throw it away. They'll call someplace paradise and then kiss it good bye.

Bob 58:00
So, Amazing Polly, she might figure out one of these days...

iON 58:03
Poor Pitiful Pearl. Pitiful Pearl.

Bob 58:05
Yeah. She's analyzed, she's analyzing the Quandt family, and she's gonna realize it's Bob, the one who did write to her, and she...

iON 58:12
Maybe. Well, she doesn't know who Otto von Habsburg is, Bob! How the fuck she gonna figure out anything? She doesn't know who Mae Brussell is. She doesn't know how this stuff applies. Like, she runs around like she "knows" somethin', like she's runnin' some'um. This is like a babe in Toyland that shows up as Santa Claus, indeed lives in the North Pole. She doesn't know how he gets down the chimney, however. So, we're not too impressed. But you know, things happen.

Bob 58:39
Who's phoning me? Who would have my number?

iON 58:43
Elvis Presley, of course.

Bob 58:46
Yes, but they don't have access to this place. Who is that?

iON 58:51
What do you mean? Elvis Presley's everywhere.

Bob 58:55
What, Carolyn?

iON 58:57
It's a robo call. [whispers] It's a robo call. You've been robo called.

Bob 59:02
How'd they get in here?

iON 59:04
Who? They didn't. They didn't get in, Bob, they're tryin' to get in. [singing] And somebody's knockin' at the door. Somebody's ringin' the bell.

Bob 59:11

iON 59:13
You gotta let 'em in, baby. If you don't let 'em in, you're alright.

Bob 59:15
Were they trying to get into Bobland?

iON 59:20
Always. Everybody is, Bob. You're the best drug goin'. You're better than, you're better than fentanyl, Bob. Didn't you know?

Bob 59:28
I'm the best drug going, is that...

iON 59:29
Yeah. Ask Sue Bone, she'll tell ya. She's stuck in the land of nothingness. It used to be the land of plenty. Now she's stuck in the land of nothingness.

Bob 59:29
Is she gonna get to Florida?

iON 59:42
We're gonna try to get her out, Bob. She can't get out now, Bob. She's fucked up now. We don't know. We're gonna try. I mean, how many -- we sent, we sent a lifeboat, we sent a helicopter, we sent an airplane, and she said no, I'm gonna wait on iON. No, I'm gonna wait on.... Well, goddamn, iON has come now! We don't know. We're gonna see. We're gonna do all we can. It's hit the ball and drag Harry, we guess, and get her out of there somehow. I don't know, but Brennan's fucked so, that's all we know.

Bob 1:00:12
So, she screwed up. The new rules, Canadians can't leave going to United States or something, right?

iON 1:00:19
Right now it's all closed up. But see, she's got a little bit of that, she's got little bit of deference because she was tryin' to protect the boxes in the garage that would "out" you. So, we give her, we give her the last pass for that 'cause that's the only thing that could "out" you, Bob. Now, be sure and play that. You be sure and play that, that's good. You be sure and do that. It's kinda like Eva Von Braun; she started off rough, but she figured it out. It's all good. No trouble.

Bob 1:00:50
Eva realized Hitler was on to some'um useful.

iON 1:00:53
Hell, yeah. Yeah, fuck all that. As long as it ends good, who cares how it went?

Bob 1:01:02
And he survived the bunker, Hitler did, but he didn't live many months after; he died in Ethiopia I think is what you originally said. Correct? Is that correct?

iON 1:01:09
That's correct. That's correct. He chose to separate it because he's like, it was like, he's like, this is stupid. Why are we going through all this? It's stupid.

Bob 1:01:19
Okay, here it is.

iON 1:01:23
Oh, good. The one we've been waitin' on. Carolyn! This is money shot! Here we go, this is gonna be good. [Carolyn laughs]

Bob 1:01:30
Okay, Skip... The dog is represented...

iON 1:01:35
As a representation. As a representative condition. Say it as a representative condition 'cause not all dogs live like that. Some dogs live outside 'cause they don't have to live with it. But if they live in the bed, if they sleep in the bed with you, they're gonna get whatever you got.

Bob 1:01:52
Right. So...

iON 1:01:55
They sop it up. They sop it up. They sop it up. Mm-hm.

Bob 1:02:01
Yeah. Did all religions -- and going back to the Emerald Tablets -- predict the merger of the Guf with Earth, or NonPhysical with physical? That was the big dramatic moment that coincided with the switching of the poles. Do all scriptures and all religions predict that?

iON 1:02:20
Yeah, they confirm it. Okay, wind it up. We gotta get rounded. We got rounded out here. Let's go.

Bob 1:02:27

iON 1:02:27
One more good one.

Bob 1:02:30
Are we going to get -- I got two, three little ones.

iON 1:02:32
Better hurry.

Bob 1:02:32
Are we going to stop The Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab?

iON 1:02:37
No. No. No, you are not. You're not, you're not gonna stop it. You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna profit from it. Next.

Bob 1:02:44
And we, and we will... That will be the condition of the 28 empires. 28 countries will be under The Great Reset conditions.

iON 1:02:53
You'll see. You'll see. 22 of those will see, 22 of those 28 will see -

Bob 1:02:58
Yeah. Okay...

iON 1:02:58
- apartheid condition.

Bob 1:03:03
Now, the aliens are fighting in the subway, -

iON 1:03:05

Bob 1:03:05
- 1000 cas... No, they're not?

iON 1:03:11
They're not fightin' any more, they won.

Bob 1:03:12
They won.

iON 1:03:12
They're not fightin' any more, they won.

Bob 1:03:14
And they killed off 1000 humans iON said.

iON 1:03:17
At least. At least. A little more than that now.

Bob 1:03:20
So now they're waiting for the... Right. They're waiting for the new aliens to show up so they can figure out what to do about that.

iON 1:03:27
Whiskey Foxtrot, Bob. Whiskey Foxtrot.

Bob 1:03:33
Alright. So, iON talked about after I have my press conference, the media will cancel it, may not cover it. I'll be subject to cancel culture.

iON 1:03:41
No, they won't have a choice. No, no, no. Here's what's gonna happen. Those that don't are gonna be canceled. You're gonna, you're gonna become the Walter Cronkite. Remember Walter Cronkite? Nobody canceled his bitch ass. [Bob chuckles] What he had to say, everybody listened to. So, you become the Walter Winchell or the Walter Cronkite of the era. You'll see. Don't get all, don't get all upset about that because it doesn't matter. You got burgeons to worry about, Bob, for the SubGenius. So, you can proceed. Now, at the end of the fuckin' world, you win. So, congratulations.

Bob 1:04:18
We're the pocket at the end of time. That's what we are, an escape.

iON 1:04:23
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that would be called a, that's a reticule. Isn't it a reticule? Don't we talk about a reticule often?

Bob 1:04:31
Reticule's a purse, right? Yeah, a purse.

iON 1:04:35
Pocketbook! Pocketbook. It won't be little.

Bob 1:04:36
Pocketbook, yeah.

iON 1:04:37
It can be a big purse, Bob.

Bob 1:04:41

iON 1:04:41
Okay, good. [end]

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