
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 3, 3 November 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 2:14:00
Okay, so listen to this. iON said that... I think it's the fifth mistake of Bob.

iON 2:14:05
Don't speak about us in the... Don't talk about us in the fuckin' third person.

Bob 2:14:09
You guys, yeah, you guys, you people, whatever you are. [iON laughs] You vortex, you plasma, you fuckin' plasma. [laughs]

iON 2:14:20
You, you Esther, you Esther Weaver wannabe. [laughs]

Bob 2:14:29
Yeah, Edgar Casey, Dave Worchester wannabe, that's what we got here, Carolyn. [laughs]

iON 2:14:32
You Jane Roberts thought you "should have been."

Bob 2:14:35
Yeah, yeah, yeah. "Should have been," better than "wannabe." Okay. Dig this. My fifth mistake attempt to get to Andromeda after working with Lilith and the angels, and then the Tower of Babel, Roman Empire...

iON 2:14:53
Babel. Babel. [corrects pronunciation]

Bob 2:14:55
Tower of Babel, and there's some'um else in there I did. The fifth one iON said it was Iran Contra! And so what I'm discovering, all these things we're talking about in today's session: aliens, prostitution or pimping, and child sex, and drugs and LSD, and arms dealing, and Epstein, it's the complex I must have been in the middle of.

iON 2:14:55

Bob 2:15:00
I put all that together.

iON 2:15:13
You did, perfectly. It's the example of the scattered x-ray proton, from the x-ray proton into an electron. Exactly what you've done perfectly. Pretty good. You can't make this shit up. That's the Copenhagen interpretation...

Bob 2:15:43
It didn't work. [chuckles]

iON 2:15:44
Yes, it did. It set the stage. It set the stage to -- hey, Bob, Bob, Bob.

Bob 2:15:44
For today.

iON 2:15:50
If you can take, if you can set a task that fails, you prove the task. If you fail at a test, you prove that there's a test. Okay, so now you got the Copenhagen interpretation. So, you got a wave function. You have a position in space. You go to a measurement. Now you have a position in space. Now you can [indistinct] wave function collapse. So now you prove the point from x, y, x y. A-squared plus b-squared equals c-squared. There you go.

Bob 2:16:26
Okay, and we'll wrap up with this brief ones.

iON 2:16:30
This is amazing. Carolyn, Carolyn, you better, you better, you better edit this one, honey. [Bob chuckles] I don't know if he could qualify to edit this one. It might be too much sugar. This may officially be too much sugar for a dime, but if he goes into compound-nucleus models, then we're gonna see if it goes or not. Go ahead. Uranium 236.

Bob 2:16:49
Okay, here we go.

iON 2:16:50
What you got next?


Bob 2:21:06
So, Arthur Kroker said America is like Job; it makes all these new technologies, and it flips on itself, and it goes through the buzzsaw of technology and calls it freedom. But we're like Job. We're really doing ourselves in, or it turns out good, eventually, sort of, but we go through a lot of suffering. When Trump is saying, you know, brings up... What is it? Make America Great Again. He's talking about the individual archetype. The individual that can get so wealthy he says fuck you and doesn't have to worry about the group. That seems to be the characteristic in American character. So, Trump is acting out Job?

iON 2:21:47

Bob 2:21:46
It looks like he had a lot of problems becoming President, and he's taking a lot of shit, but will work out good in the long run, but he's Job. Would you -- is that the archetype?

iON 2:21:58
We would. Let me tell you. Here's how this goes. There's 42 chapters in Job. 42. Almost the secret number of life.

Bob 2:22:08
Right. Right.

iON 2:22:08
There's... 43rd is the answer, but the 42 chapters of Job bring you to the position of the penultimate "top of the game," and the worst bottom, to the point with the bitch you're fucking says that you need to go on and curse God and die, motherfucker. Now, that's a hell of a note now. And then you go back to that bitch gets killed and all your kids get killed and all your cattle gets killed and all your sheep get killed and then all of a sudden, you come back because you don't curse God. That means you don't separate yourself further from your power. Then you come back into that opulent position and you get a better wife, better sheep, better children, better everything. It's an example of an example-perfect-42-Chapter-layout of exactly how this thing goes. Because the devil, Lucifer, the battle and the angel of heaven, la la la la la, got up in God's face and He said, look at Job. God said look at Job. He is just upright, he's righteous, he doesn't sin, da-de-da-de-da-de-da. And then Satan says, well, you covered his bitch ass! You wipe his ass, you cover him up, you give him food, you throw things in his face, you put money in his account. You give him hot pussy to play with. What the fuck, why wouldn't he be honorable in your sight? [Bob laughs] No, you motherfucker. God, you son of a goddamn, whore, bitch, you need to goddamn back off that motherfucker, and I'll show you what's got goin' on here. I'll show you how this is gonna work. And God's saying, Jesus, Lord, okay. What is goin' on? Okay, alright, we gonna back it off. We gonna back off the hedge. Goshen, the hedge of protection. We're gonna back it off just a little bit, just a little bit. And it got ugly and the whales and the bumps and the leprosy and the Black Death and everything else came on. It was nasty, and Job still held true. He's like, you know what? Worst I've ever had, worst I ever had has been real good, and I'm gonna stay with God. I'm going back to God, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hold tight through all of it! And then the reparations were, wow, he made it back and a little bit better.

Bob 2:24:21
Okay, just to wrap this up. We'll develop it probably later, but I also thought of other models that -- biblical models that Trump's acting out, so I Googled it, and I got this site that says: 13 role models from the Bible for children; what to tell young people. So they talked about the value of what Moses did, what Noah did, Abraham, David and Goliath, and then names a few women. Would Trump include Moses, Noah, David, and some of these heroes?

iON 2:24:56
Certainly. Certainly.

Bob 2:24:57
Yes, that's why he's like Bob, he's a congestion of all that came before. He's a quadrophrenia plus, of all the archetypes in one phenomenon. That's why he's Bob in the White House. But Trump brings together a lot of those archetypes, which is the archetype of America and the fact that America was a special place that was chopped off the yarmulke continent, right?

iON 2:24:58

Bob 2:24:58
So, he's quite an archetype, being the seventh trumpet. Okay?

iON 2:25:28

Bob 2:25:29
Okay, very good.

iON 2:25:31
Amazing. Okay, next party. Next show, bubble bubble. If you show up, if you show up Saturday night, we might play a little while if you want to.

Bob 2:25:40
Okay, I just thought: does the Lone Ranger fit? It's not in the Bible, but is Trump a Lone Ranger? The cowboy TV show guy.

iON 2:25:49
More of a kimosabe.

Bob 2:25:52
The guy with Lone Ranger, okay.

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