
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 12, 18 August 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 2:30:22
Okay, listen to this. Someone told me that there's a lot of anti-Jared Kushner journalism going on now. Is that just part of anti-Trump or is it Jared's been an asshole, and nobody knew?

iON 2:30:33
No, no, no, no, no, he's got he's, he's driven. He has a purpose-driven life. And in that purpose-driven life, he's gonna draw a whole lot of segues outside of normal media. So yeah, he's gonna, he's gonna draw that 'cause the Abraham Accords was probably the most important thing that's ever been done ever. They've been fighting wars for 2500 years, and he walks in and makes a -- and Trump says, well, Jared's a good dude, he's gonna have peace in the Middle East! [Bob, iON laugh] "Peace in the Middle East? You numbnut motherfuckin' son of a whore, bitch. Ain't nobody gonna have peace in the Middle East." The next thing you know, bam. There's the Abraham Accords. It's kinda like what? And everybody had to stop. It's like, wait a minute. The sand negras is alright with all this? Yeah, they're alright with it. [Bob chuckles] Good God, this is pretty interesting. And it's like, okay, let's shut the fuck up. Well, that was all Jared 'cause he got 'em at their pocketbooks.

Bob 2:30:41

iON 2:30:59
You do it from their pocketbooks, you get their attention. That's all we talkin' about. And he's good at that so they don't like it 'cause he did that. He was able to pull that off as it were.

Bob 2:31:48
Yeah. And they, and they say he's now post-White House. He's over there making billions with the Saudis. But no, what you're saying is that he is organizing their economy, and...

iON 2:31:59
He already has billions. He already had Aramco.

Bob 2:32:02

iON 2:32:02
He already had Aramco. That's how he's able to pull the Abraham Accords because now it pulls it all through. He was able to pull it off and pull it through. He already has him a little condo in Dubai. [chuckles]

Bob 2:32:16
Right. Yeah, so he...

iON 2:32:17
Doctor Shiki[?], Doctor Shiki already likes him, Bob. It's alright, there ain't no problem here.

Bob 2:32:20
Right, right. So, he's working with them in the new situation, not being a capitalist trying to get money from them in an increasingly poverty-run...

iON 2:32:22
He's already got money.

Bob 2:32:31
Right. Okay, so that means he definitely...

iON 2:32:22
Baron. Baron's going to inherit. You got some, you got some catchup to do. You're not gettin' all your ticky tocks, 'cause there's some time, space, continuum thing between Fred and Tesla in 1955, and John Rockefeller.

Bob 2:32:35
John, the uncle.

iON 2:32:54
John, the uncle.

Bob 2:32:55
No, what about John -- John Trump, yeah. And Baron. Baron's in the mix is what you're saying.

iON 2:33:01
And Baron. That's 1855.

Bob 2:33:05
Right. And John Rockefeller. That's John Rockefeller III; he died in 1978 on the property, on the Rockefeller property in a car accident.

iON 2:33:12
That's correct. That's correct.

Bob 2:33:13
Yeah, he would have hung the Trump family.

iON 2:33:14
It wasn't, it wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident, but anyway, they're saying...

Bob 2:33:20
That's the Dr. Beter scenario. That's the Bolsheviks knocking off the Rockefellers.

iON 2:33:24
Yeah, we know. We know.

Bob 2:33:25
Yeah, we know that. Okay, here's this one. I was walking back and just coming up the final -- across the highway, and then around back by the golf course, and then jump over the wall and come home. And all of a sudden, coming around the corner there's this couple who basically I've never seen before, or the guy. And he goes, "Hi, Bob." And I go, "Hi." And I look at the, I look at his girlfriend or whatever, wife, whatever, partner. And she got a little smirk on her face, but she's not really looking at me, but she's shy. And I walked past, and I said, those weren't humans, those were aliens. What do you think? Who were those people? Who knows me? I never saw the guy. He says, "Hi, Bob," like all familiar. Was that an alien encounter there?

iON 2:34:07

Bob 2:34:09

iON 2:34:09
It was.

Bob 2:34:10
Right? Yeah.

iON 2:34:12
Yes, it was.

Bob 2:34:13
And they were checking, they were measuring me. Whatever they were trying to figure out the timing and the accuracy. That was a "taking my temperature" sort of thing. Right?

iON 2:34:24
It's called, it's called syncing up. It's a sync. To sync up. To have synchronicity.

Bob 2:34:28
Right. And, did they read my...

iON 2:34:31
So now you've seen them -- no, wait. Stop. Now they've seen you, now you've seen them. "Hey, Bob, how you doing?"

Bob 2:34:38

iON 2:34:38
"How's your media ecology today? I was just checking the media and I was listening to your sound bites and it's pretty good. [Bob chuckles] Boy, Ed does a great job. That means he's really great. He's very thorough." And then after a little while, the next thing you know, you're walkin' along and you go, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What was your name again? Yeah, that's right. Oh, yeah, I know you. I'll talk to you 'cause I see you every day and you're very nice, and you know what's going on." And it's kinda like o...

Bob 2:35:01
Wait, wait. Who's saying that? Who's the one, -

iON 2:35:03
You are.

Bob 2:35:03
- who says, "What's your name again?" Who says that?

iON 2:35:06
You. You are saying that to the, to the aliens when they're trying to introduce you to Mae Brussell. [Bob chuckles] You're like, "I know Mae Brussell. I know Mae Brussell. What do you know about Mae Brussell?" The next thing you know, they're on your "Facialbook" page and you've invited them to dinner, and Carolyn's very cross. [Bob chuckles] They all have a spoon, they all have a spoon apiece. They have a spoon apiece, eatin' off the counter. That'd be great fun. [Bob chuckles] So, please be careful. You can play that. You can play that.

Bob 2:35:35
So, I saw -- so, after I walked by, I figured out they were aliens. Can they read my thoughts, and they knew I figured it out?

iON 2:35:44
Ahhh, maybe.

Bob 2:35:48
{inaudible] ESP?

iON 2:35:48
Maybe. We'll have to see. But you don't have, you don't even have a thought, so how could ESP help them? You've not had a cognizant thought yet. You just know.

Bob 2:35:58
[laughs] There's no content in my head.

iON 2:36:00
You do theory, you do theory, then you go, "Nah, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's what it is! It's all about -- nah, it can't be about that. I don't..." [Bob laughs] How do they read your -- Bob, how does anybody read your thoughts? This is crazy. I don't know what you're talkin' about.

Bob 2:36:14
Good point. I'm always saying the mind is tactile. The tactile has no content. So yeah, I don't have any content in my mind. No mind. Okay.

iON 2:36:22
And for you, for you, tactility is riveting. [laughs]

Bob 2:36:28
[laughs] I'm obsessed with tactility, with emptiness. Okay, here's a good one. Yeah, in the -- I think it's the 11th Ring that has the seven symbols for the seven empires. Are the Koahathanites, who are a mixture of all kinds of aliens, are they one of the empires in that Ring?

iON 2:36:42
They are. But you'll have to ask Bert. Bert's done extensive, Bert's done more work on that together than most people know.

Bob 2:36:52

iON 2:36:52
He's got that. He's got that down. But you gotta -- don't pimp him up 'cause he don't want pimpin'. We're not saying that. You can play that. But he knows because he's gone through it, and he's looks at level by level by level by level. So much so that he gets the point that there's nothing said he doesn't use to acquiesce into the larger pro forma of information regarding it. Because he knows, he knows, Bert knows that he has to right justify this place, the new place. He's got to be able to figure it out. He has to, he has no choice.

Bob 2:37:34
What's right justify mean in geometry?

iON 2:37:37
It means to justify. To justify. I killed Myrtle, and I'm gonna justify it because she was trying to kill me. Like that. I'm gonna right justify it.

Bob 2:37:37
Right. It doesn't mean that the angles line up at an equal equation.

iON 2:37:56
Same, same difference, same difference. There really wouldn't be much difference. Well, if there is a difference, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. So yeah, that's good.

Bob 2:38:06
Okay. I have here China and Russia.

iON 2:38:11
Bob, you got 30, you got 30 or 34 minutes of pretty good stuff so far. That's pretty good.

Bob 2:38:16
Yeah, very good. It's very good. Let's see. I have here: iON can't define objects except on the appropriate date. So, since there are no objects, there's no nothing, you have to have a ratio. So, someone asks a question, you won't be able to define it if the ratio isn't appropriate. But if it...

iON 2:38:36
Percentage. Percentage of ratio. Percentage of ratio.

Bob 2:38:41
Right. Percentage. But an appropriate day -

iON 2:38:43
Of ratio. Of ratio.

Bob 2:38:44
- you asked a question... Appropriate ratio, appropriate percentage of ratio, -

iON 2:38:50

Bob 2:38:51
- if you do that, you'll get a response from iON, and iON will define the object but it's only for that moment. Correct?

iON 2:38:58
Yeah. Yeah, that's right. But that's a given because, because we're constant and y'all keep changing the narrative! [Bob chuckles] The game is the same, but the players keep shifting and changing. "Oh, we won. Oh, we lost. Oh, we got it. Oh, we fucked him. No, we didn't fuck him. Oh, we can. No, he didn't come. We fucked him but he didn't come. We came but we didn't fuck him." Wait, what? How does this work? So, it's all shifting in amongst its own proclivity. [alarm chimes] Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Bob 2:39:06
Is that an alarm?

iON 2:39:32
Uh-oh. Yeah.

Bob 2:39:37
JW needs energy.

iON 2:39:39
You got to do something different here. [alarm continues] I gotta do this. Gotta do this from that side. Oh, my, it's not good. Okay. What you got left, Bobby?

Bob 2:39:55
Not much. So, did the Tech Body create...

iON 2:39:58
Four hours and 16 minutes. Four hours and 16 minutes. You're doing good. Okay, do that. Go ahead.

Bob 2:40:04
Yeah. Did the Tech Body create angels or did angels create the Tech Body? Or visa versa or neither?

iON 2:40:11
"Ni-ther." "Ni-ther. "Ee-ther, "ni-ther", "nee-ther," "ni-ther" nor. Here's what happened. The battle in heaven within the angelic realm was presented here. The mantle that Moses -- you know this goddamn you, Bob. You know this, Ophenel Hobab. You're gonna sit here and ask that goddamn question, we got somethin' to tell you. [Bob chuckles] Yeah, the very idea you're gonna bring that topic up, that's rich. That's rich comin' from you. But then you're gonna pull this back into a position where you're gonna say, "Okay, how does this apply? Okay, how does this apply? Did the angels make the Tech Body? Where does the Tech Body fit into this manifestation of an indentured spirit?" The manifestation of an indentured spirit, what you're tryin' to say. We go, oh, that's brilliant, good for you, Bob. Alright, here's how this goes down now big'un. You wanna go there, let's go there. You can play here. Well, hopefully, we'll see. We might better check with Carolyn. [laughs] For sure, for sure it might get ugly, but here we go. The rub becomes the angelic realm was in a war already fighting for heaven, fighting for a seat next to God. All right, humans in the, in the, in the form of God are trying to come back to their place of power. Aliens are trying to usurp that very power, as well as the angels are trying to defile the human so that alone and go on and lay down and die as Herbert W. Armstrong told them that that was the best that they could do. They couldn't Ascend, but they could get saved. They couldn't Ascend, but they could get saved as the best they could do. Alright, now the Tech Body comes in and says well why you're wasting all this power? It's another, it's another caveat. That is another caveat that you have introduced in the conversation that says you don't have to Ascend, just lay down right here and be still. We got you. Don't worry about it, we got you. It's alright, calm down, it'll be over soon. Don't worry, it's good. Relax, it's fine. See that smooth position? That allows the Tech Body to come in and take advantage of the power that the humans have such a high regalia regarding. You got that now?

Bob 2:41:40
Well, you've explained that before. What new twist did you put in there?

iON 2:42:45
The new twist comes into that you caused it all. That's the new twist.

Bob 2:42:50
Oh, okay.

iON 2:42:50
You're responsible. You're responsible. No, you stepped into it now big'un. You are personally responsible with the Five Bodied model which we tried to bury as far and deep and wide as possible. [Bob laughs] And now your goddamn minions are now tryin’ to recreate, repiece, the Five Bodied model to cram down their throat hole one more time of how the five bodies -- before you went into the septad -- that you have created the Tech Body in your Five Bodied model.

Bob 2:43:25
Okay, so when you...

iON 2:43:27
That's your news flash. That's your news flash for today. But don't tell Scot, he'll have a nervous bust out.

Bob 2:43:33
Do we like to say that Ophenel created it or is it me, Bob?

iON 2:43:37
Oh, no, it's you. It's you. Don't you -- leave Ophenel out of it. Ophenel is innocent, he didn't do any of this bullshit. [Bob chuckles] He was just tryin' to survive. He was a stranger on the bus tryin' to find his way back home. You are who corrupted this whole thing. It was you, Bob. Don't you blame him. He did the best he could with the limited resources which was made available to himself.

Bob 2:43:37
The Little Man, he's fighting to sit on the right hand of God. Now you did say Little Man's God in that little statement.

iON 2:44:08
We see them all as God. We see everyone as God.

Bob 2:44:12
I know. You don't need to go into it.

iON 2:44:12
We see them. We just want you to come into it. Well, be clear.

Bob 2:44:15
The Little Man is fighting with the angels to get on the right hand of God. Well, it's not a God out there.

iON 2:44:22
Right. It's inside.

Bob 2:44:22
The God is inside.

iON 2:44:22
That's right. Inside.

Bob 2:44:24
So, he doesn't need -- why does he have to have a fight with the angels? In other words -

iON 2:44:27
Don't know!

Bob 2:44:28
- he [inaudible] fight with the angels.

iON 2:44:28
It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense to us either! It doesn't make any -- people cut their throat 'cause they see if they're gonna bleed! "By God, this carotid artery, I'm tired of this. I'm gonna cut this motherfucker. I'm gonna go with the femoral artery. It only takes two minutes if you cut the femoral artery. I'll show you; I'll get this worked out right quick." Yeah, you're right, Bob, it's the stupidest thing ever. You're, you're here. You're looking at paradise and you're kissing it goodbye. You're looking at paradise-

Bob 2:44:57
I got it.

iON 2:44:57
- literally looking at paradise and kissing it goodbye.

Bob 2:45:02
Okay, next final couple of items. Around when I'm doing my walk, twice now a car has sped along the highway and then somehow it got through the gate, and then it came right up by my street, turned left, drove into a driveway...

iON 2:45:17
John and Paul. John and Paul Manchester, they're brothers. Their name is John and Paul Manchester.

Bob 2:45:25
So then they back up, they back out, and they zip off down the side road and away out of my view, and then they go zooming up the highway. This happened twice. The second time, or third time, but I think it was the second time I managed to go over there and stop the person that I think it was a woman and I said, "What are you doing? Why are you coming in here this time of night?" She says, "Well, I'm delivering mail." So, it's a postman thing, not the brothers. So, what's going on there?

iON 2:45:52
[laughs] But they didn't -- that's not who that was. They don't post mail at that time of the night, Bob. They don't post mail at 2:30 or 4:30 in the morning.

Bob 2:46:00
Well, I heard a clunk. They drive in and they throw the newspaper so they get it early in the morning. They threw it in the driveway. I heard the clunk in retrospect.

iON 2:46:09
One person in the entire neighborhood they do this for.

Bob 2:46:13
That's right. Right. [chuckles]

iON 2:46:16
No, no, no. Bob, you got shifters. You got shifters going on. Your eyes aren't seeing what you see.

Bob 2:46:22
Yeah, I saw a woman and she was all friendly. And she knew who I was. She shouldn't have been friendly. She should have been -- kept goin'. But anyway, you're saying that covered up for two brothers. Who are these brothers, aliens or your friend?

iON 2:46:37
No. No. Ummm...

Bob 2:46:41
[chuckles] Friends.

iON 2:46:42
They, they came to see what they could see. See, she sells seashells by the seashore, Bob. That's what you need to know.

Bob 2:46:50
Yeah, they're like the couple on the walkway, -

iON 2:46:52

Bob 2:46:52
- which was just pretty near where that happened, where the car happened.

iON 2:46:56
As well. As well.

Bob 2:46:56
So, they're checking me out. Okay.

iON 2:46:58
You're startin', you're startin' to get some traction, Bob. You're startin' to get some traction now. You need to be aware. No more, no more free poker now. No more free poker.

Bob 2:47:07
I know.

iON 2:47:07
You're gonna have to pay the poker [indistinct].

Bob 2:47:08
So, the car, so last night the car came down the highway, so I waited for it to come up. It didn't come up. And then five minutes later or less it drove back up the highway and left. Was that that car and they decided not to come in because I was on them too much?

iON 2:47:21
So, so, so, so, so, so, they only deliver mail two times a year? [iON, Bob chuckle] If they're bringing mail, wouldn't they bring mail every day? Doesn't the newspaper run every day?

Bob 2:47:22
Oh, she did say, she did say -- that woman and this driver -- she said I do Tuesdays and Saturdays and she had other people do the other days, but they never come by, -

iON 2:47:34

Bob 2:47:37
- I never saw them any other days. Yeah.

iON 2:47:42
Right. Right. Exactly. And you're out there most every single night without fail or exception. So, it doesn't hold water in a little bit.

Bob 2:47:52
So why did the third car last night not come around to my street? They knew I was on to them?

iON 2:47:59
Scared, scared as a whore in church, Bobby. Scared as a whore in church.

Bob 2:48:03
[chuckles] I'm on to them. I figured it out! Okay.

iON 2:48:07
Well, you're paying -- finally you're paying, finally you're paying attention to the obvious. That's all we have been -- that all that we've asked you to do: pay attention to the obvious. We had five little things, and it only took you 12 years to complete that, so that's good. Five little things. That's good. That works within the model. So now we're making a little bit of progress. Maybe you'll be alright now. It's gonna be good. Oh, Jean, hurry up and spend that money, Jean. Eugene, [Bob chuckles] hurry up and spend that money, darlin', or it'll be too late. You won't have time to spend it. Bob's, Bob's got a tiger by the tail now it's plain to see.

Bob 2:48:42
Yeah, take Todd or whatever his name is out on a date.

iON 2:48:46
Oh, yeah.

Bob 2:48:47
The neighbor, Todd.

iON 2:48:49
That's it. No. He's a, he's a, he's a chemically addicted worker that -

Bob 2:48:58
Yeah. Okay, listen.

iON 2:49:00
- has a medium sized penis. You might have a medium sized penis, but not too much to write home about.

Bob 2:49:05
Right. Three weeks ago I was comin' home from the beach. It was startin' to get dark and all sudden, I see these really bright lights circling, colorful lights on wheels. And I go, that's an alien. That's an alien vehicle. So, I looked closely, and eventually it turned out to be somebody driving a bike, but the bike was all lit up with colorful bulbs all over the thing. The wheels had bulbs, and it was really a Christmas event almost; Christmas lights. Was that a stranger or just some human experimenting with the light bulbs?

iON 2:49:35
Straight, straight alien interaction. Straight up.

Bob 2:49:40
Yes. That's what I thought.

iON 2:49:41
You just took the right pill. You took the right pill, Bob.

Bob 2:49:47
[chuckles] Yeah, 'cause it was an unnaturally bizarrely lit up bicycle. Correct?

iON 2:49:52

Bob 2:49:52
Some would have a couple of lights on, but not the way that guy did.

iON 2:49:53
You can watch that -- you can if you watch, if you watch the show -- hmm -- with Will Smith with the aliens.

Bob 2:50:05

iON 2:50:05
If you watch that, they have an example of that.

Bob 2:50:06
Would that be "Independence Day"?

iON 2:50:09
No, no, not that one.

Bob 2:50:11
"Mars Attacks!" is the third one.

iON 2:50:13
No, no, no, no, no, no, the one with, the one with......

Bob 2:50:17
"Men in Black."

iON 2:50:17
"Men in Black." "Men in Black." They have an example of that bicycle exactly on "Men in Black II" the one with Dennis Rodman.

Bob 2:50:25
Oh. Okay.

iON 2:50:27
That bicycle that you're talkin' about with the wheels lit up, and they can see it, he can see it and he's freaking out because he can see it. Beforehand, you couldn't see it. Your eyes would have been obscured. The things you're seeing now other people can't see, Bob. That's why they look at you a little numb that you have a, you have an anesthesia effect; they're numb.

Bob 2:50:27
On who?

iON 2:50:35
You're Novocain. On everybody. On everybody you're Novocain. [Bob chuckles] They can't take it. They just like, well, that's just Bob. Well, Bob, yeah that's just Bob. They're numb. They don't know.

Bob 2:51:01
Okay. Did Leonardo in his missing years when he lived in the cave, did he parallel world? Did he have those abilities?

iON 2:51:09
Yes. Of course.

Bob 2:51:11
And he saw our time. He saw what we're doing. He saw Dobbstown, iONdom. He knew what was coming.

iON 2:51:19

Bob 2:51:19

iON 2:51:20
No. No, no, no. Not what was coming, what came. Past tense.

Bob 2:51:24
Oh, yeah. He saw it.

iON 2:51:25
No, no. Don't fuck this up now. It's past pluperfect. So, we went through this. We've been through this 100 times. Now it's startin' to apply, past pluperfect. Good.

Bob 2:51:39
Which is now being -- now going to apply.

iON 2:51:43
Yes. Excellent. That's good, Bob.

Bob 2:51:47
Yeah, but are you saying a particular past pluperfect is going to apply or the general past pluperfect is going to apply.

iON 2:51:52
All of them. You won't, you won't, you won't be able to tell the difference. That's the, that's the problem with the past pluperfect. [laughs] You can't tell the difference!

Bob 2:51:52
Ah, okay.

iON 2:51:53
You can't tell the difference. Excellent.

Bob 2:52:07
But there are billions listening, forced to listen now. That's what's happening.

iON 2:52:11
But look, Bob. Bob, you have -- you can't deny that because look at what's happening. Look at how many people -- just take a, take a pan across the nation of the people that are now being shot in the face. "Well, an officer today was shot in the face. Well, a kid today was shot in the face. A woman was on the TV, had a 45 shot through her nose. People were shot..." Everybody shot, and we were the one that said people are gonna just walk up and shoot people in the face. It's kind of hard to live when you get shot in the face.

Bob 2:52:39
You caused that.

iON 2:52:40
And all we did was say it. Now, all of a sudden, everybody's listenin' to it and go, "Oh, hell, if we're gonna shoot him, we don't need those kevlar vests. We're gonna shoot 'em in the face! We'll solve this, we'll shoot 'em in the face. We don't have any, we won't have any of these problems."

Bob 2:52:52
Yeah, but are you saying people have heard that we, you say those things that you did earlier predicted?

iON 2:52:58
Correct. Correct.

Bob 2:52:58
That's why they were listening to us? We got a good record now?

iON 2:53:01
That's why -- well, no, they're making your words come true. That's the point.

Bob 2:53:05
Ah-ha! They want us to be correct. They're lining up.

iON 2:53:11
You're the, you're the last man, you're the last man standing, Bob. Last man standing.

Bob 2:53:15
[chuckles] The last human who might Ascend.

iON 2:53:21
Well, we'll see. Now we're negotiating. We'll see how it...

Bob 2:53:25
It's not looking good.

iON 2:53:24
Not looking good. Not looking good. Not looking good. We'll see how it goes. It's a white-knuckle flight for us too, Bob.

Bob 2:53:33
Yeah, that's why there's violence. They say Bob's the last guy standing. This IS meaningless. "Hey buddy," then shoot him in the face. It's the meaninglessness of me being the last person.

iON 2:53:42
The people that are dead, the people that are dead rarely complain. The dead people rarely complain. It's okay.

iON 2:53:49

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