
Friday, January 19, 2024

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 5, 24 March 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:37:48
All right, how many Russian soldiers have died so far since Putin made a move?

iON 1:37:54
25,412. 25,412, no, 13. Goin' on 13.

Bob 1:38:04
Yeah, Drudge says 40,000. They're exaggerating.

iON 1:38:08
They don't know. They don't know. There ain't that many soldiers in Ukraine. This thing was supposed to be over in 30 minutes, Bob. This was supposed to be the Six Day War at tops. They didn't realize that the Ukrainians-

Bob 1:38:20
Well, why...

iON 1:38:21
- and them pistol-packing grannies was gonna shoot them damn soldiers in the face! And that's what they're doin'.

Bob 1:38:28
Right. But...

iON 1:38:31
Locked and loaded.

Bob 1:38:31
And Putin's an alien; he doesn't care how many Russians die.

iON 1:38:35
Nah, he don't care. He's got his boat.

Bob 1:38:39
His boat. His yacht.

iON 1:38:41
He don't care. His boat. Yeah, his yacht, his $700 million yacht. He don’t care.

Bob 1:38:46
Right. So...

iON 1:38:46
No, and that's okay 'cause that's what -- but that's always been the case. That's what's wrong, that's what was wrong with Stalin! He didn't care. What does Stalin care? Fuck 'em. At least Brezhnev was tryin' to go for some'um.

Bob 1:39:00
Okay, so Putin's an alien; he's indifferent. And there's lots of stories on Drudge about generals quitting and general advisors running. They're finding out that...

iON 1:39:13
They don't quit long. They don't quit long. They quit, they end up, they wake up dead. So, yeah, they don't quit long. [chuckles] Just sayin'.

Bob 1:39:21
Yeah, but they are quitting 'cause they find out that Putin's not human. Correct?

iON 1:39:27
Correct. Well, and now everybody's startin' to question Putin's sanity.

Bob 1:39:34

iON 1:39:35
They're doing that, they're setting this up. They're setting this up. You are. No, don't give them no credit for it. YOU did this. YOU did this.

Bob 1:39:43

iON 1:39:45
You did this. You're gonna make him become insane so when he sets off the nuclear bomb so we can have a nickel's worth more radiation, they can say, oh, well, he has taken leave of his senses. How would we know? We didn't know what he was doin'. How would we know? [Bob chuckles] He's insane! He's a mad man. Mussolini was too! Whatcha gonna do about that? We can't control a mad man for Pete's sake.

Bob 1:40:07
[laughs] We can play that too.

iON 1:40:07
[indistinct] a lot of people died, but people die every day. So, it's not too odd. It's not too odd. I mean, there's the lesser of most of the evils that I've thought of today, so what's all we can go with. Right, Bob? Isn't that your rule of thumb? It's like, well, yeah.

Bob 1:40:21
We can, we can play all this? It's bad news.

iON 1:40:24
Yeah. And you can say, you can say it this way. You can say it this way. It's like, well, the least I can do is to take them out of their misery 'cause otherwise, it's a long, abysmal journey starvin' them all to death ‘cause they got no wheat coming out of Ukraine, and you got no wheat coming out of Russia, and the United States of America don't even have enough wheat to make loaf bread right now! And they stole all the Wonder Bread out of the Bergdorf Goodman. You're gonna starve your bitch asses to death if you didn't do what you was told and have your stock supplies in place. Just sayin'.

Bob 1:40:57
Now, who...

iON 1:40:59
And now they're talkin' about it. Now, we were talkin' about that long ago, and everybody giggled. But now Fox News is talkin' about it. Says, "Y'all fixin' to get hungry. There ain't gonna be no grocery. We ain't got nothin' to make... We can't buy no du-anner. We got no ammonia nitrate. We can't plant right now, we got no seed. I don't know what we're gonna do. I don't know. We can't make enough." And so, it's like ta-dah! So, once again, Lockdown Bobrule.

Bob 1:41:28
Right. So, Putin being an alien can't be killed. Pretty hard to kill him.

iON 1:41:35
We'll let you know. We'll let you know.

Bob 1:41:37
Yeah, because the Pentagon aliens, they would fight the humans there in Washington DC, and not one alien died; this is last year. So, I'm assuming...

iON 1:41:47
Right. That's right. And that's why they've run 'em, and those aliens now have run 'em all out of Washington. Nobody's in Washington. Nobody! Go there.

Bob 1:41:56
I know.

iON 1:41:57
Go look and see, there's nobody.

Bob 1:41:58
I know. We don't need to go into that. We discussed it many times. So, Putin will carry on, act out Bob’s script, and that will work out for the ones who survive all this. It will be good news in the long run.

iON 1:42:12
Well, well, well, have you ever read the Silence Dogood letters, Bob? [chuckles]

Bob 1:42:19
[chuckles] No, I haven't. Ben was a fraud. I'm not gonna read his [indistinct].

iON 1:42:23
Ben was a fraud. Ben was a fraud, but you know, it might be worth your while to pay one of your little minions, pay one of your little minions to actually read the Silence Dogood letters. [Bob chuckles] It might give you a little in-depth brooch into what experiences you can, might look forward to in a hypersensitive state of "warah."

Bob 1:42:53
Yeah. Okay. Very good. That's the end of that topic for now.

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