
Monday, December 11, 2023

What Youth?, Partial Transcript, 22 March 2022, 1900

What Youth?

Transcribed by Nan

Bert 33:08
Okay, iON, there was something that took place in October that struck me to start watching the British pound against other currencies. And...

iON 33:24
Against the Swiss, Swiss franc? [laughs]

Bert 33:28
[laughs] That's what it's [indistinct] gettin' crazy! But the FOREX is crazy now, man. It's crazy, but I've been monitoring...

iON 33:35
You have no idea. We told you.

Bert 33:36
- the pound against the euro, the US dollar and the Swiss Franc. And the pound has...

iON 33:44
Now, you say, say -- Don't say, don't say pound, say pound sterling.

Bert 33:49
Pound sterling.

iON 33:49
'Cause there's two different sets of pound. You gotta say pound sterling so then they know how it applies to Crown Incorporated.

Bert 33:55

iON 33:55
We don't know anything about Crown Incorporated. Nothing. We know nothing about Crown Incorporated, we promise. We're not gonna talk about it either. But yeah, go ahead.

Bert 34:03
Okay, but a... [iON clears throat thoroughly] Yeah.

iON 34:09

Bert 34:11
The, the pound sterling. I mean, I used to really observe that many, many, many moons ago how...

iON 34:21
It's Deutsche. It's Deutsche. It's Deutsche Bank. Yeah, we know.

Bert 34:24
It's pretty astounding to see where the pound sterling is now against the euro, the dollar, and the Swiss franc compared to how it used to be many moons ago.

iON 34:39

Bert 34:42
And it's gained a little against the euro because the euro looks like shit 'cause the euro was not far from the Swiss franc now as far as almost one -

iON 34:50

Bert 34:51
- to one, but the dollar...

iON 34:53
Which is ridiculous. Which is ridiculous -

Bert 34:54

iON 34:53
- 'cause Swiss Private Bank, Swiss Private Bank held all the money in the world, and they weren't anything.

Bert 34:55

iON 34:56
Which where they were not involved in anything so they could control everything. So, they've even lost their flavor. Go ahead.

Bert 35:08
But it looks, I mean it appears and just looking at the comparison of those three currencies that the euro is about to make a mad dash, as far as what you said...

iON 35:23

Bert 35:24

iON 35:24
Ah-huh, a mad crash. Yep, that's right.

Bert 35:28
A mad crash.

iON 35:26
It has no choice. It has no choice because, well, and here, and the U, and the US dollar is not any better. That's what's so fun 'cause now the world is chasing Bob now tryin' to give him the Sun, Moon, and stars and he says, "Okay, I'll take it." When they say okay what you got, what you want? He's like, "Oh, what do you have?" And they say we have money. He says, "Oh, no, thanks. I have plenty." [iON, Bert laugh] He don't want goddamn money! Bob don't want fuckin' money! Fuck money. He's like, "You ain't got drops, I ain't even talkin' to you. You better get some drops, that's what you better get. 'Cause yeah, y'all, y'all got the wrong one now. I know how this tune goes. I can name that tune in three notes, and y'all ain't got it." So basically, the power what is it? Skull and Crossbones? What is it? The Secret Council of Ten. What is it? ... um, um, um...

Bob 35:30
Habsburg! Habsburg. [chuckles]

iON 35:38
The little thing you said. Otto Von, Otto Von Habsburg, that crew. See, they don't have any leverage 'cause now they're tryin' to woo Bob in, and Bob's like, "Okay, whatcha got?" They go we have money. And then Bob says, -

Bob 36:48
That's true, Bert.

iON 36:48
- "I have the world to offer you! I have the world to offer you!"

Bob 36:52
It's their power.

iON 36:52
And then they go, yes, you have the world to hold till the time that God declares that time on Earth shall be no more! [Bob chuckles] Fire and brimstone shall rain down, melting like the snow.

Bob 36:58
It's all true, Bert.

iON 36:58
What do you have to offer then -

Bob 37:02
You should all be able to see that.

iON 37:04
- to a dying soul!?

Bob 37:05
Who did I meet with yesterday, Bert? Who did I meet with yesterday? No, maybe it's a few days ago.

iON 37:07

Bob 37:07
Oh yeah, we don't bring that up.

iON 37:12
No, don't do that. Don't talk shit. Don't talk shit.

Bob 37:18
You are! You're fuckin' [overtalk/indistinct].

iON 37:21
Ahhh, don't say that. We talkin', we talkin', we talkin' to Bertron. It's alright. Bertron is safe. Ain't nobody's listenin' to this shit. Ain't nobody listenin' to this crap. Nobody...

Bob 37:29
Yeah, when Bert comes on, nobody listens when Bert's on.

iON 37:32
No, but they all go, they all go get the 45 and hold it up to their mouth, and wait to pull the [Bob laughs][indistinct] the hammer 'cause see, it's like, oh god, here's champion Bert, the kingdom of the world. Here he comes to save the day. Yeah, poor -- but they love to hate you and then they hate to love you. You know how it is. You know they're gonna charge you with malfeasance, don't you know that? Don't you know that, Bertron?

Bert 37:55
Ah, no. It's news to me. [iON laughs]

Bob 37:55
[laughs] They hate you, Bert.

iON 38:03
We'll have, we'll have to, we'll have to have a habeas to see, to see who was at the scene of the crime.

Bert 38:11
Oh, that why you [inaudible]. Okay.

iON 38:11
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good.

Bob 38:13
Does this remind you of your high school days, Bert? [Bert chuckles] Among your buddies yell at each other. The Black culture.

iON 38:20
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He was in the locker room. He was in the locker room, and everybody was lookin' at him. He wasn't lookin' at nobody. [Bob chuckles] He didn't give a shit. They were all lookin' at him. They were like goddamn, is that all you? Is that all you? Oooh, Lord Jesus. Yeah, he was the one that everybody -- he was the starlight that everybody was tryin' to see. [Bob chuckles]

Bert 38:42
Okay. Well, iON, since you...

Bob 38:46
Bring it home, Bert, bring it home. [laughs]

iON 38:48
Bring it home. [laughs]

Bert 38:52
Alright, Bob. Okay, iON, since you won't bring up. since you won't bring up the Crown, but, um...

iON 38:58
No, no, we will. If you ask, ah-ah, if you ask, we will. If you ask, we will.

Bert 39:03
Is this -- what I'm seeing, what I'm looking at...

iON 39:05
Just be careful. Just be careful. Just be careful.

Bert 39:05
Look at that. See, walk on the plank and don't jump off. Okay.

iON 39:13
No! You're on a tight rope! You're on tight rope. And you said now we can't go on the tight rope. I said, oh, hell yes, you can, but don't be ascared of fallin'. Don't be ascared of fallin'. Yeah, fuck yeah, all the time. We don't care.

Bert 39:24
Okay, well, I'll pull up then. I'll pull up. I'll pull up.

iON 39:27
No, no, no. No, no. Ask, no, no, no. Ask about the Crown. You're good. You're agile. You're large. You're extra-large, but you're agile. You can handle this. So, go ahead, just be aware. And we might cut it off and say no, no, no, no, no. Or we may answer your question. There's nothin' wrong here. Ain't nobody hurt. Eugene's about to make -- Eugene's about to cream her panties right now just waitin' on you to come up with some'um good.

Bert 39:54
Okay, iON, this position....

iON 39:57
We love Eugene. Poor Todd. Poor Todd. Poor Todd.

Bert 40:00
Okay, iON. If I look at all the other currencies, it's a, you know, flip flop. Some of them are on the same -- is this a sign that there's a problem with the Bank of England?

iON 40:18
How much is a ruble today?

Bert 40:26
Ruble. Damn, it's not on this list. Okay, iON...

iON 40:28
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we'll tell you, you don't have to look, baby. Normally, we would make you look it up. If you were, if you were Maggie, we would make you look it up, but it's .00091 cents to a dollar, the Russian ruble. Now, if somebody was smart, and they'd want to buy dollar's worth of ruble, it might be a good play. It's not quite as good as the Kuwaiti dinar in the day. Remember when the Prescott Bush war, three-day war, tore up church? Not quite as good as that, but it's pretty good. It's not like the Iraqi dinar, which still doesn't have a central bank and so they're all fucked up. But it was good money when it was good money. You know, it's -- I don't know what good money is, that's an oxymoron. It's like a good lawyer, there's no such thing. But if you start lookin' at parallels from a strident position of condition, a strident condition of position, Putin is gonna come out of this, and Gazprom, which is gone, but Gazprom is gonna come back hard. And so therefore, that currency is going to be amazing from that side. Now, we're bettin' on the wrong horse, remember? But that's not what we're saying. You're askin' the condition of the condition of the currencies of what they're pegged to, not what they are. Currency is nothing. Currency is nothing. The only reason there's a currency is 'cause it's what it's pegged to. Now, let me tell you something, home skillet. Here's your news, goddamn news flash.

Bert 40:37

iON 40:41
Here's your news flash. Nixon. Remember Tricky Dick Nixon? Remember Nixon, "I'm not a crook. I'm not a criminal. I'm not a criminal," shaking his little finger. He went over there. He went to China. And then he went over there, and he taught the sand niggras, and he said, hey! Y'all got a little thang goin' on here! Hey, hey, hey, hey! They didn't know itch from scratch. They said let me tell you what. We'll give you the whole wide world, you can have it all. Trillions of dollars! And they didn't know what a trillion dollars was. There wasn't a trillion dollars in the United States government in those days. You can have trillions of dollars as long as you sell your sweet light Texas crude to West Texas Industries, WTI. As long as you sell your sweet Saudi light crude in US dollars, I'll give ya anything you want. You can have it all as long as you sell your oil in dollars, you win. And they said, well, we aren't selling any oil anyway, so, okay. What do we care? We don't care. And that moved the world. That's what allowed the American government to go 100 to one in their -

Bert 43:41

iON 43:41
- Federal Reserve condition position. We're talking shit, now. Somebody's gonna get killed over this conversation. Just so you know. Somebody is gonna die over this. Don't worry about it because it's toast. This, this is gettin' testy. You wanted to know about the Crown, goddamnit? Alright, you fixin' to hear about it. Now, the new conversation is there pegging Saudi -- we call it Saudi light. You know what Aramco is home skillet?

Bert 44:13
Yeah, I remember that. I remember that name.

iON 44:15
Ah-ha. Alright. Aramco has adopted the condition that they're fixin' to start pegging a barrel of oil to the yuan. What?

Bert 44:27
Ding ding ding ding ding ding.

iON 44:30
What? The dragon is gonna fall. Wait, the dragon can't fall. Oh, but if they do it, if they peg oil to the yuan, the US dollar's got nothin' holding it up. You fixin', you fixin' to see what's causing a quote, quote, literally, quote, quote, "New World Order." End quote. That's what's gonna force that. That's the lamb that has seven horns and seven eyes. Remember?

Bert 45:04

iON 45:05
It's gonna force that. It's gonna force the position. Somebody's gonna die over this, just so you know. Just, just get ready. Send, send orchids. Just send pretty orchids. They don't smell much but send orchids. Just don't send carnations, that's disgusting, they stink. They don't smell pretty. Don't send carnations. And so, once that happens, now you changed everything. The only thing you have to worry about and you have to watch is Taiwan. You have to watch Taiwan. That's a, that's a, that's a tachycardia event. And it might be, might be a myocardial infarction, but we'll just have to see. But that depends on what we have after they finish blowin' the -- what about all 'em companies in Kiev that they don't even know how -- they call it "Keev" now. Why the fuck they wanna call somebody "Keev"? I don't understand. It's Kiev. I don't know, it's been Kiev for 1000 years. Now all of a sudden, it's "Keev." What about all them Bio Labs in Kiev? What about that?

Bert 46:10
You gave a TikTok at 26, I counted 26, I believe, pharmaceutical companies in [inaudible].

iON 46:19
Mm-hm. Well, they're not. They're better than that. They're better than that. They're labs. They are labs. There's some of the nastiest stuff. See, they're always working on the new, new, new, new, new solution. So, they have to embrace or build the new, new, new, new, new problem. And see, that's what Carolyn Dean said about the HIV 1000 years ago, about the MIHR, and about all that bullshit. She pegged it then. It's like it's not about, it's not about the problem, it's about what you presented. You're presenting the issue that then the human has to embrace or overcome. They either embrace, overcome or taken by. You heard the phrase "taken aback"? Well, that's what happened. They're taken aback. And so she got that and she got on top of that long ago, long before Nancy had any stay[?]. You don't even know who that is. It doesn't matter. But anyway, she won out of the conversation. And then what happened is everybody looked at it and go, this is ridiculous. You can't have a cure for something that's not a problem. You hear that? You, Dr. Carolyn Dean, can't have a secure reason, solution, for something that's not a problem. And you go, mmm, that's interesting. But yet she didn't care. You know Dr. Carolyn Dean, she don't give a shit. She's like, I'm gonna do what I do. Fuck it. Huh. I didn't have your money before I started, so I don't need your money now. I'm good. I'm good. I'm gonna do what I do. She follows her rational condition of response. And listen to that! Rational condition of response. And that would say that's also explained total fucked-up biology All right? We don't like that, but that follows it. That's why she's gonna save Big Pharma. Dr. Carolyn Dean's gonna save Big Pharma. You watch. You goddamn watch. Back the fuck up, home skillet. You stand back and watch. You watch this, this is gonna be amazing. Gonna be the biggest turn! Let the worm turn! It's gonna be the best one ever because it has a function, you see. It has a function. And it has more to do with it than dog sperm. We can promise you that, too. Alright, alright, alright. So, set that aside. So now you're asking about the is and the is, and the you and the you, and the me and the me, and the us's and the them-m's, and the them-m's and the us's. Right? So, if you got one more question that we can bring this home, we said a lot of stuff that you didn't ask, but we did it on purpose 'cause we had some stuff to do. We had to get some shit caught up so when it comes along, people say, "Well, iON, you just said it after the fact. Why you talkin' that? You don't know nothin' about nothin'." We say, you're right. Don't listen to us. Fuck, go -- yeah, go to the farmers market and see what's for sale. [laughs] That's what you need to do. You need to go, you need to go check out what's at the Costco! You can go buy you some empty shelves at the Costco; it'd be great. All right, what else?

Bert 47:46
Okay, now this is something that maybe will help Dimitriy. The TikTok about...

iON 49:38

Bert 49:40
[chuckles] But anyway, the solar panel. The confusion of the solar panel...

iON 49:52
Send that to him! Send that to, send that to Dimitriy!

Bert 49:54
No! He can fuckin; look at it on "iON & Bob"! It's on "iON & Bob." It'd be able to help him look at it.

iON 50:00
Okay. Okay.

Bert 50:00
Look at cords in the...

iON 50:03
But does he? But does he?

Bert 50:03
Well, you ask him. You ask him, iON.

iON 50:06
See, there's the rub. Does he? Does he?

Bert 50:08
You ask him, I'm not.

iON 50:11
I'm just sayin'.

Bert 50:12
But would it... okay, but just...

iON 50:13
Is it hidden? Is it hidden?

Bert 50:15
No, it's...

iON 50:14
Is "iON & Bob" not logically acceptable? Is it available? Is it whosoever will? People in Ukraine, thanks to the "starlight" can watch "iON & Bob" in Ukrainia. Isn't that amazing? But yet, people right here, right now, won't look at it. So, you know, whatcha gonna do? We can't make you be enlightened. So, so, so, so, so, so so, so, listen to what you're sayin'. The importance of that TikTok that you're describing has to do with quark carbon. What have we've been talkin about since itch? What have we been talkin' about since scratch?

Bert 50:57

iON 50:58
What have we been talking about? What else have we been talkin' about? Hydrogen.

Bert 51:01
Silicon. Silicon dioxide also.

iON 51:02
Silicon, silicon dioxide which is not fucking sand.

Bert 51:07

iON 51:06
It is quartz. There's a difference. Everybody says, well, sand is what we got the most of. Carolyn Dean would slap your jaws. If you ever been slapped, let Dr. Dean slap you. She will slap your jaws. You don't know what the fuck you're talkin' about. She'll call you down right quick to the point to bring it right back home to say you have no idea what you're talkin' about. 'Cause now you're talkin' about quartz. Now, that's finite. When you talk about carbon, that's coal. So, the energy that it takes to do all that is more than what the natural resource of petroleum is. So, that's why they're all full of shit. They're tryin' to pour money -- it's a -- Al Gore, the cattle thief for what is it? Tipper Gore, she's the smartest person in the world. She left his bitch ass. She got it right. She was smart. So, yeah, she was smart. He's a cattle thief. His daddy was a cattle thief, and he was a cattle thief in Tennessee! Cattle thief. You can't trust a cattle thief. You steal cows, you'll do anything. Alright, so the point now becomes as people are ridin' around in a private jet tryin' to save, make a less carbon footprint, the carbon footprint that they're gonna make is bigger in solar than it would be if you just used natural gas.

Bert 51:23
Right. Right.

iON 51:28
Which is the point.

Bert 52:16

iON 52:16
But we're not sayin that 'cause we have a solution beyond that. Okay?

Bert 52:34
Yes, I know.

iON 52:34
But here's how that's gonna go. Here's how that's gonna go. When they shut it all down and there's nothing else... [pause] [Bert chuckles] Now, let's see. It's kinda like Living Water. It's like Living Water. What was that song, the hymn that Bob plays? One drop of water cried the rich man from hell. One drop of water, but still no water fell. Mm-mm. You want that water, that Living Water. It's not gonna fall till it doesn't matter, till you can't have it. Then when you can't have it, then it's the most precious thing ever. You take advantage of every benefit of pleasure that you've engaged so far. You think somebody goddamn owes you something and they don't! Don't owe you a goddamn thing, and then you expect it! Negotiating the generosity, we say, not fruitful. Just sayin'. But don't worry, don't worry. You wait till they have them that... the, the dirty nuclear suitcase in Ukraine. That'll be interesting. We said again, they're not, they're not, they're not really upset. They're not really upset about Chernobyl; they lived through it. They can grow 200-pound radishes too. [Bert, iON laugh] Dr. Dean, Dr. Dean does that naturally. Poor Bob is still eatin' on his first 200-pound radish right now. He don't even like radishes. He doesn't know what radishes are, but he eats it. It's on the counter and he munches down on it. It's pretty good. It's like a really firm cabbage, you see. Okay, that's good. Bring it home. Bring it home. Come on, now, we've said a lot of shit. Bring it home, now. Don't leave 'em hangin'.

Bert 52:40
Yes, you did. Okay...

iON 54:23
Eugene, Eugene gonna have a bust out. Eugene will have a bust out. Now, come on now and get right.

Bert 54:27
Okay, iON...

iON 54:28
Maggie won't have nothin' to complain, Maggie won't have nothin' to complain about this thing. That's not gonna work out, so get right with God. [indistinct] is not good.

Bert 54:28
Okay, this...

Bob 54:36
Okay, Bert, let's let Susana come on unless you have a wrap up.

Bert 54:39
Okay. Good. Thanks, iON. Thanks, Bob. Thanks, Carolyn. Thanks.

Bob 54:43

Susana 54:45
Hey, iON. Hi Bob. Thank you.

iON 54:49
You better make this, better make -- well, we're on a crescendo, baby. You better make this good now. You hit prime time, just sayin'. Hurry up.

Susana 54:57
Last time we spoke I asked about the blood, and that it is becoming more viscous, and you said it's because there's going to be more red blood cells.

iON 55:07

Susana 55:08
And you said the nucleuses of the cell will fade, they're going, they're going away. So, my question now is, that's where now that is where the chromosomes reside in the cell, so where will...

iON 55:23
The polypeptide, the polypeptide bonds in the whole plasma are decreasing, which is making the blood plasma thicker, or it's increasing the red blood count. You do a CBC, and you can see it in your, in your hematocrit. All those are increasing. Now, your white blood cells aren't really increasing, but they seem to be less than because you have more red blood cells. So, your whole plasma is gonna seem more viscous, more thicker, which is also with everybody that got the jab, it's gonna cause them to have blood clots and die. 'Cause they already are. They're already pullin' three feet, they're pullin' three feet strips out of their major arteries right now because of the jab.

Susana 56:16

iON 56:16
But that's, that's what we call that, we call it Ascension. We call that Ascension syndrome. And so if you can't, if you can't handle that, then you're gonna be consumed or you're gonna die. But if you can handle that, that becomes the, once the dermis closes -- by the way, your skin is amazing. Did you know that? Your skin is amazing. What are you doin'? You doing some, you doing some product, baby? You doin' some product, baby? That's pretty hot.

Susana 56:16
I'm doing the ReMag Balm and lotion.

iON 56:32
Ooooh, Lord Jesus, that Balm is a -- hey, hey, that's a balm buster now. Let me tell you what now. Y'all better get that ReBalm. If y'all don't get that ReBalm, you're a fool. If you don't get that ReBalm 2.0, you a fool. That's the most marvelous stuff that ever... and the girls say that is creepy. We use it on our head, we use it on our face, we shave with it. We use it -- you know how you get the scaly shit behind your ears when you get, you got too much skin? That's the most amazing stuff that's ever been wrought. If you don't got it, you better get it, 'cause they may quit making it. They may quit makin' it. You better get it while you can. Just sayin'.

Susana 57:29
Got it. Got it. How about the nucleuses though, iON, with the chromosomes? If they're going away, where...

iON 57:35
Ions, ions, ions are charged. Ions are charged, positively charged in the atom. And so it's gonna change the differential between the neutron proton ratio. What you're seeing as normal is not normal. That's life is -- ask any goddamn doctor, they'll tell you that life is fatal. You get that?

Susana 57:40

iON 57:41
The best you got goin' for you is to die, goddamn it. And then they laugh at us and say, "iON, you talkin' that bullshit. You don't know about...." Honey, at least we give you an out! Life doesn't give you an out! Life says you got to go! You're goin' to the crematorium if you can afford, unless you want to afford a gravestone. Bob will have a picture made with you, he's good about that. He is really good about that. But if you start ...

Susana 58:29
So, what...

iON 58:30
No. Stop. Don't do that. Until you come into a place where you can start makin' a circular value of how your meatsack body is changing, and how there's no nutrition, and how you have to take the, you have to process lycopene in your body different, and the milk thistle, and the lowering your core, the ReCore, bringing you back into a position where your body can normal take it, these shifts and changes that are taking place, you're not gonna make it 'cause you [indistinct] becomes too much. It's more than the body can overcome. And so homeostasis takes over and you shut down. But unless you build yourself up to a position where you can embrace that, then all of a sudden, it becomes normal, and you don't need food anymore. Period. Ta-dah. Now, we're sorry we cut you off, but we got things to, we have things to do. Alright, what's your last quick one? Hurry up.

Susana 59:24
Are there more than one Dark Soul?

iON 59:26
Yes. Certainly, yes. There's lots of them. And there's some -- whichever one you're gonna follow. There are many. And there are many variables. There are many variables in the Dark Soul, and that's laid out in Revelation 23. All those angels could very easily, very simply be a Dark Soul. You better not -- the angels, angels from [singing] Angels we have heard on high. They're not tryin'...

Bob 59:50
That's why they can't find me. There's too many of me. They can't find me!

iON 59:54
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the whole point of it is, the whole point of it is is they're tryin' to undo everybody.

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