
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Payday, Partial Transcript, 17 July 2021, 2100 & 2200 Hours


Transcribed by Nan

Susana 58:35
iON, I wanna ask about the Thirteen Colonies. Do they represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the completion?

iON 58:49

Bob 58:54
They represent the completion of what?

Susana 58:56
Well, that's my next question. You mentioned that there's 12 tribes.

Bob 59:00
Well, what was he saying yes to?

Susana 59:03
That the Thirteen Colonies of the United States represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the completion.

iON 59:10
[singing] The nifty 50 United States and the 13 original colonies. Nifty 50. Yeah, that's right.

Susana 59:23
And this is all in the conversation with Eben, and she was referring to a line of Judah where it all...

iON 59:29
Yeah. She's a, she's "le-be-shan." She's "le-be-shan." We like her; she's fun.

Susana 59:32
Yeah. So, in that explanation of what they were holding back in abeyance, you compared the 12 tribes of Israel and the completion to the Thirteen Colonies in the United States, and compared the eagle holding the arrows as the symbol of that being the same as the line of Judah.


iON 0:00
The quiver. The quiver.

Susana 0:00
The quiver.

iON 0:00
The quiver.

Susana 0:03
And the arrows. Right.

iON 0:04
They were holding the arrows. Ah-huh. And the talons.

Susana 0:07
Okay. And then, and you were very specific about...

iON 0:09
The talons what's significant.

Susana 0:09
Oh, the talons. The talons. And you were very specific about saying that you were referencing the 12 tribes of Israel: "Spiritual Israel is not natural Israel." And I wanted to -- can you be, can you explain a little more about what you mean about the completion in that regard?

iON 0:37
No, but what we can talk about the "god's peculiar people who were not." But "not" is what's significant because it's "not" natural Israel.

Susana 0:47
So, "the god's peculiar people who are not," are they the spirit, the spiritual reference of people?

iON 1:02
No, it's not spiritual, it's a capacity that are not in that realm. So, the completion would be those who make it, who make the cut. You see?

Susana 1:17
Ah-huh. And... I'm making some notes.

Bob 1:27
You started off saying the Thirteen Colonies are an image of completion. And I didn't hear you mention the 13 tribes, but you did?

Susana 1:38
Yes, I asked specifically if the Thirteen Colonies are representative of the 12 tribes of Israel and the completion. And iON said yes.

Bob 1:50
The 12 tribes are representing completion?

Susana 1:54
No, there's 12 tribes of Israel, and the completion; that makes 13. And that is a reference -- the Thirteen Colonies of the United States are a reference to the 12 tribes of Israel plus the completion. Completion tribes...

Bob 2:10
Whoever designed the -- so somebody designed America to have 13 colonies because they believed Herbert W. Armstrong's thesis that America is the Israel? I mean, Ephraim and Manasseh were the tribes that became Britain and America, so they were lost. They were two -- America is one of the lost tribes of Israel. Is that what you're thinking of?

Susana 2:16
No, this is what iON said to Eben last week, or Tuesday.

Bob 2:41
Right. So, who designed the Thirteen Colonies as a reflected Israel?

iON 2:47
They weren't designed. They were just comin' back. That's where it started, Bob. That's where they're comin' back to. So, of course, it showed up that way.

Bob 2:56
No, they're coming back, and it showed up that way. You mean, they brought their thirteenness which had come from America, so they came back to their thirteenness.

iON 3:08
Yeah. Mm-hm.

Bob 3:09
Okay. Did you get that Susanna?

Susana 3:16
So, this is a -- then you're referring to, Bob, to the original population that was here in the States and then went to Europe, and then they came back as the...

Bob 3:31
Ah, you got muffled there. Did you say something about coming back?

Susana 3:36
There was the whole discussion about how the Indians weren't the first ones that were here, it was the actual people that went to Europe. And then they came back during the colonial times.

Bob 3:49
Yeah. So, they came back with the knowledge that America was Israel. If you want to say something special about Israel, it has to be [inaudible] America.

iON 4:02
It has to be about Myles Standish. It has to be about Myles Standish.

Bob 4:09
No, it's not necessary. The American continent was the best continent from the knock-off of the Yarmulke continent, and yet it wasn't even from here, unless its yarmulke was considered not from here. These haven't been clarified by iON.

Susana 4:31
Well, why did these people leave and go to Europe?

iON 4:36
They had to. They got run off.

Bob 4:41
By what?

iON 4:46
The caldera.

Bob 4:49
Oh, yeah. Okay. That makes sense.

Susana 4:56
And how did the Indians survive then?

iON 4:59
They came later.

Susana 5:02
Oh, they weren't there when the... I thought... [chuckles] Okay, so then the whole thing about that they left the, they left the Americas to the Indians. The Indians really did own it because it was given to them, that was kind of a joke.

iON 5:18
Well, there was nobody left. They were the, they were the last man standin', so it was no big deal.

Bob 5:25
Where did they come from when you say they came later?

iON 5:28
The Mayans, the Mayan tribes of Mexico. They were the original Spaniards. They were the original Spaniards, Bob.

Bob 5:39
Right. So, the Myan tribe disappeared.

iON 5:41
We-jot. We-jot 64!

Bob 5:42
Right. The Mayan tribes disappeared, and that's when they went to North America?

iON 5:53
Okay. Yep. We like that.

Bob 5:56
Well, that's a new wrinkle.

iON 6:00
Wrinkle. There's a little wrinkle. Carolyn don't like wrinkles.

Susana 6:05
And why is the quiver significant in the symbolism of the eagle?

iON 6:13
It's what holds the arrows. It's what holds the arrows.

Susana 6:15
And the arrows...

iON 6:15
It made Mercury dimes, it made Mercury dimes special.

Susana 6:21
And the arrows are special because they represent the colonies? Is there 13? I don't remember.

iON 6:26
Well, duh.

Susana 6:27
I don't remember.

iON 6:27
There are. There are 13. Yeah, you made your magic.

Bob 6:33
What's that?

iON 6:33
You had the playbill.

Bob 6:35
What was the number 13? How is it applied?

Susana 6:39
13 arrows in the quiver. There's 13 arrows in the quiver, and they represent the Thirteen Colonies.

Bob 6:47
Right. And where's this quiver?

Susana 6:50
It's held in the talons of the eagle in that icon of the -- that's in the seal of the United States.

Bob 6:58
Yeah. Okay. So, why would they make so much out of the 13 unless they did mean Israel? And it doesn't really refer to the States. You know, why lock themselves into 13 states, iON? They meant something else, didn't they?

iON 7:19
They didn't. They didn't mean states. They were colonies. There were no states yet.

Bob 7:23
Right. Oh, so then they don't relate -- when you add stars, you're not adding to the 13.

iON 7:33

Susana 7:37
Now, when the conversations started with you and Eben, iON...

Bob 7:41
Hey, Susanna. So, if you've got 13 colonies, they are actually the return. So, their 13 colonies were 13 foundations way earlier, at the time of the caldera. So, they're showing their origins with the 13 arrows. Would that be correct, iON, that they had 13 -- they left America as 13 colonies or they left as individuals? No, no, they would leave as 13 foundations.

iON 8:20
They were almost, they were almost seen as countries, as individual countries.

Bob 8:24
Right. And they were 13 foundations, going back to the caldera. And then they leave, and when they...

iON 8:32
But you don't, but you won't, but you won't include Myles Standish, so we don't know what you're gonna do, how you're gonna figure this out. So, whatever you wanna do.

Bob 8:32
Well, why do you include him? I knew him. He was worse than the Bidens, he was trash. [Susana chuckles]

iON 8:32
He was an asshole. He was an asshole.

Bob 8:47
Yeah, yeah. See? See, Carolyn? I knew. Okay, well why are we including him? What did he do?

iON 8:57
Because they didn't, they didn't have high viscous powder yet.

Bob 9:01
You mean they had bows and arrows? Is that gunpowder?

iON 9:09
No, we mean hibiscus. Hibiscus powder is not gunpowder.

Bob 9:16
It's a plant? Is it like a delicacy?

Susana 9:19
It's a flower.

iON 9:20
It's a flower.

Bob 9:24
Yeah, those...

Susana 9:25
You probably have a lot there in Hawaii. So, iON...

Bob 9:29
Okay, so Myles Standish was part of the gang that came back.

iON 9:35

Bob 9:35
He was a British military officer. He was an advisor to the Plymouth Colony, which is the beginning. So, did he know his history? Did he know he was returning home, iON?

iON 9:50

Bob 9:52
He did. Well, what's -- what do you need, why do you need to include him? He had some occult knowledge or something?

iON 10:04

Bob 10:06
So, he was the -- he's a friend of Ophenel, right?

iON 10:10
Oh, my god, he's gotten, he's been, he's got Moon Unit uptalk now. How do we deliver Bob from Moon Unit's uptalk, the Valley Girl. Right? [Susana chuckles]

Bob 10:24

iON 10:25

Bob 10:25
I just did it.

iON 10:29

Bob 10:26
It's right. I went the other direction, I went right. Right? Right. [chuckles] I know how to get out of that. So, Myles -

iON 10:36
Right? Right.

Bob 10:38
- as military advisor, he represented Ophenel; he had the knowledge.

iON 10:47

Bob 10:49
Okay, so he, he understood why they were naming it Thirteen Colonies.

iON 10:57

Susana 10:58
So, which of the 13 were the people who are not -- "peculiar people who are not"?

iON 11:08
Well, in essence, all of them.

Susana 11:15
So, the combination, the total of all of them...

iON 11:19
Some, all; some, all made up the 13, yeah.

Susana 11:23
Ah. Okay.

Bob 11:25
What did he say? Some all?

Susana 11:27
The sum of all made the 13. Thirteenth.

Bob 11:32
The sum of all is Thirteen Colonies.

iON 11:35
There were some -- "the people who were not," some of "the people who were not" were in all 13 original colonies.

Bob 11:43
And they came back. Why did they come back? We know why they left and went to Europe.

iON 11:49
'Cause, 'cause the USÖ because the USSR hadn't been invented yet.

Bob 11:54
And they had to do something with them?

iON 11:58
They weren't funded yet, weren't found yet, so they couldn't do anything with them yet 'cause they weren't there yet.

Bob 12:04
Well, why would they factor in their direction? What's the significance?

iON 12:08
They weren't. They weren't. They weren't. There was no significance, we were being cheeky 'cause you're asking silly questions.

Bob 12:10
Oh, okay. No, no. Why did they come back? They had a reason to leave. Did they wait many thousands of years -

iON 12:15

Bob 12:20
- and said okay,...

iON 12:22
Coast is clear. Coast was clear so they come home.

Bob 12:24
Coast was clear. Right. And the Indians knew them, and that's why you have peaceful interactions at first.

iON 12:29
Do you know what that phrase means when they say, "the coast is clear"? Do you know what that means? Can you look that up?

Bob 12:41
No, I don't know what that means.

iON 12:44
Can you look it up?

Bob 12:46
No. I'm thinking this through, iON.

iON 12:49
Okay. Well, we're just, we're gonna wait till, we're gonna wait till you do.

Bob 12:53
Yeah, yeah. The... they came back. What did I say, Carolyn? They came back with... oh, the Indians, whatever they call them, the First Americans. There's general pictures of nice, friendly talking when they do first meet. So, the Indians, were they worried that they were gonna have their country taken away from them that these colonists...

iON 13:16
Nah, they didn't care. They thought that those people were so stupid that they would sell Manhattan for a string of beads. They thought the people were stupid, they didn't know how to trade. They didn't own nothiní. People comin' back to their land, and they got a string of beads out of it, so they were real happy. It's like, you people have lost your damn mind. [Bob laughs] This thing's gonna get flooded. This thing is gonna get flooded. What the hell y'all doin'?

Bob 13:41
You're saying that the Indians didn't have private property, -

iON 13:46
They got the best...

Bob 13:46
- they didn't understand trade.

iON 13:47
No, they did. They got paid a string of beads for it, for Manhattan. [Bob chuckles] So, basically, they got the better end of the trade.

Bob 13:58
Oh, how did they get better the trade?

iON 14:01
The beads are more valuable than Manhattan is now or the island of New York.

Bob 14:04
Okay, I think you have said that before; the beads were magical talisman. It's some artifactual -

iON 14:05

Bob 14:07
- pre-Atlantean relevance.

iON 14:15
Okay. They got the better end of the deal of the trade.

Bob 14:19
Well, they got the beads. Who had the beads? Myles?

iON 14:25
They came from here, but from another realm as you call it.

Bob 14:30
Right. So, who was carrying them on the ships coming to America?

iON 14:33
We can't, we're not gonna say the Mountain. We're not gonna say that 'cause then it starts a whole nother conversation, and everybody goes butt-fucking crazy [Bob laughs] and gets all -- blood's running in the damn ditch -

Bob 14:48
[laughs] The [indistinct] is back!

iON 14:48
- blood's runnin', blood's runnin in the damn ditch and you go screaming [indistinct rant continues].

Susana 14:50
Hey, iON...

Bob 14:51
Susana quits her job, drops out, looks for Duke Edwards, the young one.

Susana 14:57
iON, where are the beads now?

iON 14:59
Oh, that's Duke, that's Duke Ellington. That's Duke Ellington.

Bob 15:03
Duke Edwards. Yes. Where are the beads now, iON?

iON 15:08
We didn't say. We didn't say.

Bob 15:10
Yeah, they're in the Mountain.

iON 15:11
Lavaliers. Lavaliers, lavaliers for everybody. They were, they were divided.

Bob 15:16
I'm glad Scott's not here. Scott would be blowing a gasket, and he would have to argue with every sentence we're saying. [laughs] Scott, if he heard it.

iON 15:27
NO! No, no. He would tell us, he would tell us no, I had a PhD and knows [indistinct] [Bob, Susana chuckle] I talked to Peter Bumknuckle, and Bumknuckle wrote a book. [Bob laughs] And I studied with Bumknuckle, and Bumknuckle was the residence president of all the residents of the itty bitty titty committee that set up the bead archive. [Bob laughs] And I know [Bob laughs] my ideas, and I went to Princeton, Eton, Harvard, I went to Yale, I went to all of 'em, and I know all about this. And so, what you're saying is just not appropriate. I don't know what's inappropriate about it, but it's not appropriate. So, you're gonna say that and then okay, good, but don't argue when you don't know what you're talkin' about again. [Bob chuckles]

Susana 16:12
So, iON, I looked up the definition of "the coast is clear." According to Merriam Webster, it says: used to mean that someone can go somewhere or do something without being caught or seen because no one is in the area.

iON 16:26
Ah-huh. The coast is clear.

Bob 16:28
What has the meaning?

Susana 16:30
The coast is clear.

Bob 16:31
Say it again.

Susana 16:33
It used to mean that someone can go somewhere or do something without being caught or seen because no one is in the area.

Bob 16:44
Okay. That's all?

Susana 16:44
Meaning, okay, the coast is clear, you can come out now. So that, iON wanted. Is that what you were looking for, iON?

iON 16:54

Susana 16:55
Oh. Okay.

Bob 16:57
[chuckles] That'll teach you, Susana.

Susana 17:01
[chuckles] Well, I'm just -- you're trying to find the origin, how it originated. I'm trying to find that. I'm not sure...

Bob 17:07
That was a good effort.

iON 17:08
What it means is, what it means is is when the coast is clear, it means there's nothing, there's no storm and the coast -- it's okay to move because the coast is clear. There's nobody there, but there's also no impeding storm on the coastline. So, if the coast is clear, you're good to go.

Susana 17:28
Ah. Okay.

iON 17:28
You have to do your entomology. Gotta do your entomology.

Susana 17:33

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