
Friday, December 8, 2023

iON Communique #7


Transcribed by Nan

iON 0:00
...and they were removing the rods from purple.

Carolyn 0:05
They are.

iON 0:08
It's basically getting hotter, and typhoons are already here, but we already told you that. And you ain't seen nothin' yet, and it's the end of the world as we know it. [Carolyn chuckles] It's so fine.

Carolyn 0:21
Yeah. [question not recorded]

iON 0:22
Is there what? Say it again.

Carolyn 0:24
Is there ribonucleic acid in the RN...

iON 0:27
Of course.

Bob 0:29
In the drops.

iON 0:30
Yes, they are that. Yes.

Bob 0:33
But it's a substance from another world, you said that recently.

iON 0:37
Well, it is.

Bob 0:38
That's the iCell.

iON 0:40
[inaudible] came from another world is because you separated from the perfect one.

Bob 0:42
Yeah. Is the iCell from the stuff that's from another world?

iON 0:46
Yes, that's what you just said. Yes.

Carolyn 0:49
Bob likes to ask it two or three different ways.

iON 0:52
No, it's okay. That's okay. Just 'cause he gets -- the reason is because he gets different answers when he actually focuses on an asking.

Carolyn 0:59

iON 0:59
So, that's right. He ain't been smote yet. He's doin' alright. [Bob chuckles] It's all about Bob, it's always been about Bob, it's only Bob. There's only Bob. He's the party of one.

Bob 0:59
And the world's gonna have to put up with five days of me.

iON 1:18
Well, as you say, fuck the world. [Bob chuckles]

Carolyn 1:15
Now, at one point about the ReNew and the RNA drops, mixing it. Here's the question. Did some of the bodies that had not been recovered in the Twin Towers go to another world with the building?

iON 1:29
Okay, atomically speaking, yes. Remember, the stenographer, you never get rid of the stenographer. You never lose the stenographer. So, the soul of that what you call essence can kind of be, but that's a very interesting place because just now you're startin' to have slide through. Some of that's actually -- some of that -- the reason you're asking this question and have this conversation is some of that stuff is startin' to slip back to this world. Some of that stuff is trying to slip back to this world, and that's bumping into other things. Remember, with basic anatomy and that's your string theory, if there's strings involved, they keep attaching back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth. So, just because that started to bump again, that's the reason you have this question. That's where that -- 'cause the better question for us would be, "Where the hell did you get that notion from?" But it's because they're bumping back into us.

Bob 2:22
You're talking about the electronic recorder, the stenographer, the soul, not the essence of soul, that's what you're talking about.

iON 2:28
That's correct. The same way in the other world of "Fringe," the only way they could contain it was by using the amber to seal off those areas 'cause it kept bumping back into the other world. Same kind of thing here, but it's -- what you're talking about now, it's the folks that were trapped in that epiphany. Because if you take all that rubble and piled it back together, it's less rubble than those buildings are. Even you give space for the amount of floor seating areas that [indistinct] it takes. There ain't that much stuff.

Bob 3:00
Well, how come there was?

iON 3:01
There wasn't that much stuff.

Bob 3:03
Well, who said there was more?

iON 3:06
Oh, the ones that you're asking when it, the building, went to another world.

Bob 3:10
Okay, you're saying there was -- the buildings collapse, there's a big pile of rubble.

Carolyn 3:14
And it looked like less rubble than there should have been.

iON 3:19
Yes, there should have been a lot more rubble for that much building.

Bob 3:21
Oh, okay. And that's because part of the building went to -- where did it -- it doesn't go anywheres.

iON 3:27
The other worlds, yes it did.

Bob 3:28
It went to the other world. Okay.

iON 3:29
Well, some of it went back to China.

Bob 3:31
Yeah, then it went back to China later, but when it went to the other world in the first explosion, that's not the soul issue. We're talking about the people, right? The people's soul.

iON 3:41
Some of those spaces that are that didn't transfer, some of those spaces that didn't transfer also went with those bodies. So, they bump into, their residue bumps into this now, which is causing this question right here.

Bob 3:56
The essence goes to the Guf, not the soul. You're talking about the soul is going back and forth?

iON 4:01
I understand. And also part of their essence didn't go anything[?] went to the Guf, it went to another world. That's the point.

Bob 4:06
Oh. Their essence and their soul.

iON 4:09
In this case, yes.

Bob 4:10
This is way back in September, I made a note. Someone wrote, "The more I think about this and the thinning of the veil, is that the veil is not a screen but a conductor, and iON is the shielding or dielectric through -

iON 4:25

Bob 4:25
- through ionic voltage that purifies the source."

iON 4:29
It's the switchgear. It's a switchgear. Write down switchgear. Look it up, get smart with it. That's what it is.

Bob 4:29
The veil is that; the veil is a switchgear.

iON 4:40
You've also created, you've also created that as the only way your other little project is working.

Bob 4:48
Okay, the switchgear is your term for the veil?

iON 4:51
Us in the veil.

Bob 4:54
You, iON, is the switchgear.

iON 4:57

Bob 4:57
I always say you are the structure of the Guf, not the entities.

iON 5:01
That's correct, that would be the switchgear. Yes.

Bob 5:04
Right. Because you are the phenomena -- when we created NonPhysical, we created heaven to go to when we commit suicide, and the environment we created is what you are. And that environment has had enough, it's stopping.

iON 5:17

Bob 5:17
Coming forth to create.

iON 5:19

Bob 5:21
Okay. iON is a switchgear. We have a def... not electricity squared, the better term is switchgear. So, we go with the definition of a switchgear.

iON 5:30
It'll flow. 'Cause it'll flow. Look at it very closely and go to it from an electrical switchgear from a -- not a train, a switchgear from the standpoint of electricity; look at it from polarity.

Bob 5:42
And is it...

iON 5:43

Bob 5:44
But how does it connect to the phrase, "You are not the entities in the Guf, but the structure, the habitat of the Guf"?

iON 5:52
The capacity that allows it to flow from this to not. This to another place.

Bob 5:56
And that's what switchgear is.

iON 5:59
It's what the angels assist.

Bob 6:01
So you, you create a place for the essence to go somewheres else when it committed suicide.

iON 6:08
Basically, yeah.

Bob 6:09

iON 6:10
You never get rid of, you never destroy energy or matter, it always just transfers, translates, into some other thing.

Bob 6:18
Okay. Good. Couple of phrases from statements you made. What would be the oscillary walls of the labyrinth? I think that's o-s-c-i-l-l-a-r-y. Oscillary walls of the labyrinth.

iON 6:30
Yeah. In bonding and any molecular bond or capacitation, you had to have that oscillary or boundary where you are encroaching out of this field into another field, or from this reign or realm into another. Certain things are controlled, as you know, from the layers. Well, now, if you keep going, you're gonna go into a whole nother thing, and so you don't want that. But basically what you're seeing is from the rings, the different rings, sometimes they -- as they, you know, overlap, would be the oscillary walls.

Bob 7:11
The labyrinth does not refer to the labyrinth of the mind.

iON 7:14

Bob 7:15
Yeah, it's the labyrinth of cells, cellular talk.

iON 7:17
Well, eh, yeah. Of course, of course. It's when you separate oil and water, the layer that separates them, those would be shared spaces.

Bob 7:30
And why was it did this come up? What's the context for this statement definition? What are we describing, the Guf or the cell or what?

iON 7:40
The cell.

Bob 7:40
The cell. Okay. And you say we'll go...

iON 7:42
From your Angel Diagram.

Bob 7:43
Oh, overlapping with the Angel... oh, it's Angel Diagram talk.

iON 7:49

Bob 7:50
And we go somewheres we wouldn't want to go conceptually?

iON 7:54
Not necessary. You don't know that till you go.

Bob 7:56
Well, why... start the area that you say you didn't want to take us to.

iON 8:00
Well, the diagram level, that's another, you're going into another topical application. That's not what you're asking, but that's where you end up with the oscillary wall.

Bob 8:13
We would have to get into talking about the diagram to further understand the phrase, "the oscillary walls labyrinth."

iON 8:18
Here at the wall, yes.

Bob 8:21
All right, make a statement or two about it. We may not understand it, but say it.

iON 8:24
We just did. Here at the wall.

Bob 8:26
That relates to that phrase and the action of the cell which is shown in the Angel Diagram.

iON 8:31
Yes. Yes, the shifts.

Bob 8:34
Right. Now, we once asked, you know, back last...

iON 8:36
The difference between composite and composition is?

Bob 8:41
Oscillary wall.

iON 8:43
Basically, yes.

Bob 8:45
Okay. The black glass screen...

iON 8:47
You may be the brightest bulb in the chandelier after all you ol' wicked one. [Bob, Carolyn chuckle]

Bob 8:52
I have been dealing with a lot of iON description of myself [iON chuckles] in April 2010. It's hilarious.

iON 8:58
Bibbly, bibbly, bibbly Dobbs. [chuckles]

Bob 9:00
Oh, yeah. Actually, they posted it on Ed Long with a nice, new picture of me and these people are saying, "Look at his picture. It looks like Bob's not all there. That's certainly what they said for how he creates. He doesn't know how he creates; he doesn't know he fuck what he does. He can't forget, he can't remember," blah blah blah. My picture apparently looks like that. I looked a little empty in the eyes. [all three chuckle] And I agree. I'm not really here, just...

iON 9:27
That and nine pounds of peyote ought to get anybody off, huh, Bob? [chuckles]

Bob 9:29
Yeah. Yeah. What's that? The peyote will get me off? Yeah. Okay, way back in the Spring, one of your Communiques, we asked what's the iCell, and you said, "the people who are not."

iON 9:43

Bob 9:43
The people, is that chemicals are people? Why would you put the phrase people in the iCell?

iON 9:49
Because that's the only way you can know that you -- that they are, that they're not.

Bob 9:53
Yeah, we are essentially...

iON 9:54
You gotta have, you gotta have descended ones to know what Ascended ones look like.

Bob 9:59
Right. So...

iON 10:01
You can't have Ascended ones until you know what descended ones look like. So, those marvelous "people who are not" are the very standing example of that which you're trying to create. That's also the answer to Carolyn's slide questions.

Bob 10:12
Carolyn's live questions?

Carolyn 10:13

Bob 10:14

iON 10:15

Bob 10:16
Is the "people who are not" referred to Little Man or Ascended people?

iON 10:22
Ascended people are the "people who are not."

Bob 10:23

iON 10:25
Are "not," but yet you are.

Bob 10:26
Right. The "people who are not." So, is it because we are essentially cells? So, when you talk about people...

iON 10:33
You are peculiar people who are not, true part sons of God, true part sons of Abraham.

Bob 10:40
Who are the people "who are not"? You said...

iON 10:43
The people, the Ascended ones.

Bob 10:44
Right. And you're calling them the "people who are not" because you're talking about cells and the difference, the iCell versus...

iON 10:51
No we're not. We're talkin' about people that Little Man can't recognize as is -

Bob 10:55
Oh, okay.

iON 10:55
- that you're tryin' to come back to. You're tryin' to come back to your place as God. Well, you are, but you don't know that until you meet one.

Bob 11:04

iON 11:04
See, it's "not." You're tryin' to become something that is "not". The same conversation that we're having about the iBlock. You're tryin' to find something that's "not." But it is, but it's not. The only way you can know if it is or not is to prove that it's not. You prove that it's not, then you know that it is. But what did you use to prove that it's not is Carolyn's question: What do I use to know that I have this? Well, you use that. Well, how do I know that I have this? You don't know this until you have that. Well, when you have this and you know you don't have that, then this is that and can't be this because you can't have this, and you can't have that. Well, if you can't have that, then you're [indistinct] the very thing you haven't created.

iON 11:04
And so what, what do you need to get, Carolyn?

Carolyn 11:41
Just like he said, look at them all and see what's different. It's like playing the game of What's Missing in this Picture?

iON 11:49
Yes, segregate them out till there's a stack, and you'll notice there's a numerical values to those stacks. Those stacks then will also give you a code. That code will be the one that you look at, and then you'll bump into "you're the one who did this 122 bullshit?" So, go with it, Bob.

Bob 12:04
Hmm. [slight chuckle] Okay, the...

Carolyn 12:08
Ask about solar flares. Right at the outset you were talking about typhoons and everything. Is there anything to say about solar flares at this time?

iON 12:20
Solar flares are what we're drawing. We're drawing this gaseous state that things liken to itself attracts.

Carolyn 12:28

iON 12:28
So, that same energy that's from that gaseous ball of crap you're also drawing to you. You just want to get it to where you can control it, but yet what you're controlling it to is very similar to those same flares. And that's what we've said, get your house in order 'cause the EMPs are pretty significant.

Bob 12:50
EMP is coming?

iON 12:51
Yes. Lots of them.

Bob 12:52
Where they're gonna knock... how many? Both of them?

iON 12:57
Lots of them.

Bob 12:58
This is gonna knock out our computers? How did we get onto that topic, Carolyn?

Carolyn 13:01
Solar flares.

Bob 13:02

iON 13:02
Well, you're gonna be, you're gonna be in the cloud enough 'cause it won't matter.

Bob 13:06

Carolyn 13:07
We'll be fine.

iON 13:07
They know this and that's why they're moving everything to the cloud. Don't you worry. Walkin' on the cloud. Oh, wait, that's what Vestal Goodman told you. How very witty of her. [Bob chuckles]

Carolyn 13:17
Well, the cloud then... are they guaranteed that the cloud won't be affected?

iON 13:25
WE are guaranteeing that YOUR information will be protected.

Carolyn 13:30

Bob 13:31
Bob and Carolyn's information.

iON 13:33
There's a lot of THEIR information that you wouldn't give two nickels for either.

Bob 13:38
You mean Bob and Carolyn's information.

iON 13:40
Right. 'Cause we're not really interested in saving the twerking phenomenon now, aren't we?

iON 13:46

Carolyn 13:46
No. Okay.

iON 13:48
Well, good, because that takes up space, you see.

Carolyn 13:53
Cancer cells are perfect cells. We know that. Some'um about telomeres here. Most cancers are the result of immortal cells. All this...

iON 14:09
No, no, that's the mortal gauge of it. Cancer's a perfect cell.

Carolyn 14:10
Oh, that's right.

iON 14:10
You can't [indistinct]. You haven't killed one yet. [indistinct] We've said it and said it and said it.

Bob 14:17
Are you saying mortal, Carolyn?

iON 14:19
[indistinct] cancer, you'll live forever.

Bob 14:21
Are you saying, Carolyn, mortal or immortal?

Carolyn 14:23

iON 14:24

Carolyn 14:25
But it's more than that, they're perfect cells. You could be immortal and not perfect.

iON 14:32

Carolyn 14:32
Actually, I'm gettin' toward the end of my questions. I'm skipping over some of them. So, what would you like to update us with today, iON?

iON 14:41
There are super tsunamis.

Carolyn 14:46

iON 14:49
Typhoons, typhoon heaven.

Carolyn 14:51

Bob 14:51
So, we got to be listening to the birds on Maui, watching them.

iON 14:54
That would be good, but it's not about water coming to you, it's about the shifts of the weather. This is called Super Weather. It's strange weather, it's over the top weather. It's not weather that you've ever compared to before because you've changed the world, you've changed space. Base it at this. You know, when you hit home base, you're safe. Well, you've moved home, so you don't know what safe is. Now, not you all, I'm talkin' about your crazy world that you keep destroying and building, and building and destroying simultaneously all the time.

Bob 15:29
You're saying Bob and Carolyn are in another world.

iON 15:32
No, we're saying that you keep creating and destroying this world.

Carolyn 15:37
But it's not gonna affect us.

iON 15:38
It's weather phenomena. What you apparently wanna see is your creation.

Bob 15:44
But it doesn't affect Bob and Carolyn.

iON 15:46
No. Of course not.

Carolyn 15:47
It's kind of the validation for the environmental change that we keep telling people about.

iON 15:54
You gotta have somethin' to blame. You gotta have somethin' to blame. Oh, we'll blame it on the weather. Okay. You don't care. Let 'em blame it on the rain.

Bob 16:00
Okay, iON, that statement by Nostradamus about Carolyn: the people, the land, the state will change. I think that's what the change -- there will be a change of the people, land and sea. That's a pretty perfect prediction of us.

iON 16:13
Yes. Imagine that.

Carolyn 16:16

iON 16:16
So, it's all good.

Bob 16:17
All right, well, I got some stuff. Let me see. Brian, a case of... Brian John... you know Brian Johnson, his crazy dreaming from another place, is he a case of a dream within a dream?

iON 16:28
Not yet. We have been very patient and very developing of him, letting him do his thing, and we will amp it up when it's time.

Bob 16:39
Yeah. Are there other [tape skips] Bible, are about making the bread, the generations, the name since Seth, is that about making...

iON 16:50
Getting it back, getting it back to God.

Bob 16:52
Right, but is it about making RNA drops or those kinds of substances?

iON 16:56
If that's what you wanna use to get you back to God, yes. If you don't, it's still about gettin' you back to God. There's always a path. There's always a path. You had to fall off a wagon. If you fall off a wagon, there's gotta be a wagon. If you fell from grace, there has to be a grace to fall from. So, every empirical reference must get you back there, even if it won't achieve, it will show you where perfection is.

Bob 17:23
Right. So, the list of generations after Adam is a pathway in different terms, but it's still a path, some kind of pathway.

iON 17:32
Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. It is, indeed.

Bob 17:34

iON 17:35
You have Damascus road and Emmaus road always, Bob. You know this.

Bob 17:38
Alright, so here's reincarnation. Here's how I say it to people. You are -- there's a Carolyn that's Ascended and is eternal, never began and never will end, but to create a different reality, the Ascended Carolyn creates a subset, little Carolyn, that goes and lives in a little physical and as a little death and goes to the Guf and then disappears in the Guf, [Carolyn chuckles] and then might be scooped up, and then has another life, but it's not the same thing. All that's a subset of the Ascended eternal Carolyn. Correct?

iON 18:08
A bookmark can hold a page or space of any novel or work at any given time. A good bookmark can actually hold the place of a couple of places at the same time.

Bob 18:25
Right. So, the Ascended bookmark...

iON 18:26
[indistinct] the bookmark you might be more closer to your position, however weak.

Bob 18:33
Right. So, the Ascended bookmark can have all these sub-realities going on, including creating a NonPhysical and pretending it's dead and go the Guf. That would be a sub-bookmark thing, a bookmark essence or...

iON 18:47
Of course. And that's all you know to get you by anyway, isn't it? How would you know?

Bob 18:51
Well, then, how would the Ascended person know? Are we addressing that question to the Ascen...

iON 18:55
Precisely. They wouldn't care.

Bob 18:57
Okay, so the, so the nine JW's are subsets or the bookmark factors of the Little Men having different lives.

iON 19:08
Basically, yes.

Bob 19:09
Yeah. Okay, Carolyn, do you have a point you want to bring up?

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