Transcribed by Nan
20 June 2020
Yuri 42:28
How does Quadrophrenia relate to quadrants?
Bob 42:31
On the Tiny Note Chart there are five quadrants. Now you're supposed to notice that quadrants means four. So, I'm referring to the Tiny Note Chart and I say there are -- it's miming Quadrophenia in the Android Meme, so that's four, but if you count them, there's five. So what's going on there? Well, you realize that the four -- LaRouche, McLuhan, Thompson and Kroker -- are aspects of the Dobbs world, Dobbs hologram. So, I'm actually the fifth quadrant, but I contain all four. Then Frank Zingrone told me that in alchemy, the West has four parts in alchemy, and China has five parts. So there was always an argument in historical alchemy between the four and five, so I put that into the chart. But basically, it's simple. The first four -- but it's laid out linearly, so it's not spelled out to you -- but the first four are contained within the fifth guy who is from 1960 to 1990; that's me. So, quadrants are the different memes, the different aspects of the Android Meme between '60 to '90, by date, by generation, by decades generally. The Thompson one is only five years. And it's all recycled in Dobbsland, and that evoked iON which went beyond the five quadrants into the hexadic. Now I asked iON -- I think I brought it up in the last show -- what body parts -- so I was listening to it, so it was on What Youth a couple of Tuesday's ago, a couple of shows of What Youth. And we were talking, and we asked iON or I asked iON what body part am I. If you match people or memes onto the body, where am I? Where's the Dobbs body? And he wouldn't tell us for the two hours and eventually we forced him to say it. He said the penis is the Dobbs part. So, that was good. But I then asked him more on the 18th in a private session about this, trying to map how do you map the the body parts onto the Angel Diagram and whatever other charts we have, the Keys and Aethyrs or something. So here, look what they said. They said, it is Vitruvian Man. And you have two arms and two legs and the head. The head is the fifth thing, but the two arms and two legs are directions. So you get four directions; that's Quadrophrenia. And it's inside a head or comes out of a head, or it's a projection of a head. So that was the beginning explanation of how you map on something, some charts -- in this case the Vitruvian Man -- onto body parts. So for the Vitruvian Man they use the arms and legs and head. So there's a new pattern for you I thought was pretty good.
Yuri 45:55
Sounds good. Thank you.
Bob 45:57
Yeah, like somebody may have thought of the Tiny Note Chart and related to the Vitruvian Man; anybody do that? Bert? Chad? Alissa? Did anybody attempt that?
Chad 46:11
Not that I know of, Bob.
Bob 46:13
Yeah, probably not. So anyways, it was there to be done, and there's still more to, you know, overlay the human body, maybe the chakras, then the Angel Diagram, the Tiny Note Chart. What else do we have? The Keys and Aethyrs, I guess. And is there another chart there? The Tiny Note Chart, the Angel Diagram, seems to be another. [Carolyn in background, inaudible] Oh, yeah, the seven layers in the book of Revelation that Ginney laid out. Is there another design? The Angel Diagram, and the Tiny Note Chart, do we have a third one? I guess the Keys and the Aethyrs.
Sara 46:59
Holy Office?
Bob 47:02
Yeah, well, that's in the Tiny Note Chart.
Sara 47:06
Bob 47:07
They're all Holy Offices there. So, that was good. Anybody with any reasonable knowledge as iON would say, have a comment? What do you get out of it?
Yuri 47:23
Is Quadrophrenia the effect of Lockdown Bobrule?
Bob 47:29
No. Quadrophrenia is in social mortar, which is our human media languages that we created to communicate to be social, but it's every form of communication starting at the early man, early people, becomes a prison. So, each medium is a prison. And that's social mortar and iON's Ascension plan is that you get away from social mortar; you're not inside it, you're not imprisoned by it. So, what did you ask? Say it again. What did you ask?
Yuri 48:07
Is Quadrophrenia the state or the effect?
Bob 48:11
Yeah, so social mortar accumulated into the 20th century. And it's got all these media, the extensions of language, and you got humans communicating within it. I said that the way humans organize instinctively is not by paranoia, schizophrenia, and those old psychological Freudian conditions, it's a multi-bodied, multi-meme thing, and I first called it Quadrophenia in the late-90s talking about the Android Meme. So, Quadrophrenia is a condition everybody's in. And then we found a great Wyndham Lewis chart that someone quoted -- maybe it was Robyn. Who quoted the Wyndham Lewis chart half an hour ago when I asked what is this stuff?
Alissa 48:55
Bob 48:56
Yeah, Robyn. Yeah, the Wyndham Lewis thing: I'm part fascist, part communist, part moralist as a Marxist, and an anarchist with a healthy passion for order. So that's a brilliant layout that he did in 1929. So he intuited Quadrophenia. Everybody is all those things in relation to what media they use. Like you could say that Americans are fascist about the Oscars -- or they used to be -- or about Christmas, they demand that you fucking have this holiday or this annual ritual of television show. You're imposing that on people. They don't tolerate people who say fuck you, I don't like the Oscars, Hollywood's a con. They just say just go away, our culture's gonna have it. So you're imposing that on the people, America, and that's fascism. And then there's you're “part communist” is your pension funds. You put all your money into the pension funds, and they own more of anything on Wall Street than anything else. So that's your collective communism financially. So you're actually living as a communist. So it's just part of your lifestyle and part of the Chemical Body, but there's other bodies. Then he said I'm a Marxist but amoral. I would say Marxism is an image of “everybody is in it together,” so that's like NonPhysical. Everybody's -- they used to say in the '60s, Marxists or hippies would say that Jesus was the original anarchist and original communist because he tried to make everybody share the same media. So you do that in your desire to spread the American way around the world. You're inflicting your Marxism, your software communism, since the '50s on the world. And then the way you live your life dealing with these three aspects is basically you're living an anarchistic life, unconsciously. You're not aware of how you're contradicting yourself all the time. And so you have a healthy passion of order in that anarchism, and so you're a fanatic about something whether you're Republican or an anarchist or a Democrat or a woke. Those are fanaticisms that is in that fourth section: I'm an anarchist with a healthy passion for order. That's where people live.
Yuri 49:21
So are you the grounding measure of the Quadrophrenic state?
Bob 51:36
Am I the grounding?
Yuri 51:38
Yeah, the grounding, the grounding measure or the remedy?
Bob 51:43
More of the remedy.
Alissa 51:44
Yes. Yes.
Bob 51:45
Well, whatever iON is, whatever iON contributes, and then me appreciating that, whatever we're offering to people, and I say it's the answers to all kinds of things. And we deal with all the Bodies and we deal with all the institutions and all the technologies, and we got the best of everything. So we are Quadrophenia as an art form, we're not stuck in it. Because Quadrophenia is basically the mind trying to organize social mortar. So it's just gotten too complicated for people, for their minds. So we have a source that advocates no mind; that's iON. So that's the beginning position you should have. And then you have no time. And then you have no mortar. And you can't get rid of it. That's like how do you get rid of your thinking? So I say I let my thoughts think anything you want to or say anything I want to; I'm not worried about its reactions, people's reacting to it. So I think, you know, people come on here, "I'm not gonna say anything, they'll think I'm stupid." See, there's a very naive, immature Quadrophrenia that doesn't understand anything about social mortar, and they think that they're superstitious. They think that if they say stuff, they're gonna get in trouble or lose friends or something. That's the first autonomy you got to develop, your fear of social disapproval. And that's where you're a pagan. You're living, you're living within the world and don't realize you're of it, but not in it. Or in it, but not of it. So it's easy to talk this way about what's going on and what the solution is.
Yuri 53:37
So it's important to engage with your Quadrophrenia, your formula?
Alissa 53:43
Yeah, yeah.
Bob 53:45
Yeah, I do it good. And you know, and I have a detachment about it. So where am I? Where am I if I'm not involved in the social mortar? I’m in it, using it, but I'm not of it. So I would say the "not of it" is the Ascended space.
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