
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript, 14 June 2020


Transcribed by Nan

The Toast and the Toaster

Bob 1:22:43
Yeah, so here it is. It's the June 2nd “What Youth.” So, what is this? The 11th, yeah, the 16th is coming up this Tuesday. So, it's two weeks ago, and we can ask two weeks. So, June 2nd. And Nan came up with some interesting questions. And so I want to develop these or find it. Now, I've got the link. I'm just gonna see -- we're gonna play until we find the point. [plays part of recording] You can hear that, right?

iON 1:23:24
Oh, yeah.

Bob 1:23:32
So, moving this forward, to get the point. [Recording] ...and that's the difference between the toast... [Recording ends] Ah, there it is. All about the toast. Okay, the toast and the toaster metaphor.

iON 1:23:40
Oh yeah. And the crumbs.

Bob 1:23:44

iON 1:23:45
And the crumbs.

Bob 1:23:47
Right. No, but you apply it to I think Ascension here, so it's useful. So, I just want to make sure we get what the point is here. Okay.

iON 1:23:57
[Recording] The Spirit can. It's like the Spirit can, but that's not -- yeah, but that's not same thing, you see, 'cause once you're separated, you're talkin' about the ethers now. That'd be like demons that were cast out of you that are, then go into the animals. [Recording ends]

Bob 1:24:13
Oh, yeah. She thought that dead people could when they reincarnate by going into animals, she thought that somehow the essence maybe was going in. And iON pointed out no, not that, the Spirit was going into the animals.

iON 1:24:32
Correct. The legion.

Bob 1:24:33
And I don't know -- that means that -- yeah, and that did not need to acquiring rephysicality.

iON 1:24:40

Bob 1:24:41
Right. So, the reincarnation effort to get into the animals by Spirit -- which doesn't mean soul, by Spirit, but it's not the essence -- is a delusion to think that will lead to getting back.

iON 1:24:56
Right. It would be like, it would be like having a toaster, plugging it up, turning it on, and not putting any bread inside of it. It's still toasting, but it's not toasting bread 'cause there's no bread in it. You see?

Bob 1:25:10
Okay, so, all right, we got that. That's the statement. Now I'm gonna let you -- it gets into the toaster talk. Here we go.

iON 1:25:17
[Recording] Yeah, but it's not your personage, it wouldn't be your personage. [Recording ends]

Bob 1:25:18
Ah, your personage is your essence, what you used to say that goes to the Guf. And the essence never dies?

iON 1:25:20
Right. We'd say that's your bread. That's your bread. That's the unrealized creations. Yes.

Bob 1:25:34
Right. And that's the closest to us conceiving what is eternal about us, our essence.

iON 1:25:40
And that would be, that would represent the bread.

Bob 1:25:42
Okay, now the essence, it is in touch with the physical. Because if I've always been Ophenel, then I didn't transition. Or if I did transition, it was a subplot, and something, some fragment of my essence went back to the Guf or some'um which we haven't clarified. But

iON 1:26:03
Right. Well, we can clarify that right now. On the Resurrection morning, when all the dead in Christ shall rise, you'll have a new body, you'll have a new life.

Bob 1:26:16
Right, and that is the body, a new life you already have, which is your eternal physic-

iON 1:26:21
But it will be, but it'll be changed and perfected.

Bob 1:26:25
And that's, and that's your eternal physicality which you always said.

iON 1:26:29
Ascension. That's Ascension, which we say you've always had, but you didn't know it and you didn't use it, so it didn't do you no good. So, so, so, so.

Bob 1:26:37
Right. Now, what is the eternal physicality? Is it the toaster, the toast, electricity? Right now, what is the -- which word applies to what we're just talking about, the eternal physicality. Not the toast.

iON 1:26:40
Well, all those become the - no, no, all those conversations would be the totality of the process. Okay?

Bob 1:27:04

iON 1:27:05
You have bread, you have bread. Bread was always toast, Bob, bread was always toast.

Bob 1:27:10

iON 1:27:10
No, it wasn't. Yes, it was. No, it wasn't. No, we have new toast. We have new bread. Okay, we're gonna put the bread in the toaster. And when it comes out, it's gonna Ascend, and it's gonna become toast. Well, we say that it was, it was toast before you toasted it; it was always toast! It was before the foundations of the world it was toast. No, it's not, it's goddamn loaf bread. Loaf bread? [Bob chuckles] Don't you know nothin'? No, we see it clearly as toast! It's always been toast, there's never been anything but toast! Let 'em eat cake if they can't believe in toast. But then you have this process, however, however “metamorphical,” that shifts the bread, which is toast, into convincing you now that you are indeed toast, even providing you some crumbs to prove it. To prove you were there.

Bob 1:28:07
What was your last word? The preview of that?

iON 1:28:10
To prove, to prove you were there. There.

Bob 1:28:15
Okay. All right. Without that, the sentence -- all right. So, we've said some things right now, got it on record. Now we're gonna play what Nan evokes and see if it matches what you said 'cause we're gonna get into this toaster metaphor.

iON 1:28:31
[Recording] And that's why you have to be able to do that IF reincarnation applied, but it doesn't, that doesn't work. The essence separated from it. It's kinda -- electricity. You know, electricity runs the toaster. Right? [Recording ends]

Bob 1:28:46
Okay. What is electricity, your essence? What is electricity that runs the toaster?

iON 1:28:53
Power. Power.

Bob 1:28:55
Your own power or some external power?

iON 1:28:58
It's all your power, Bob. As God you control all power.

Bob 1:29:03
So, electricity is the closest we can experience in a form outside of ourselves of our own power.

iON 1:29:12
Yeah. Electricity can cook your dinner, Bob, but can also cook you.

Bob 1:29:17
Right. That's like chromosome 14. It can go up or down in relation to a fetish or something. Right?

iON 1:29:24
Yes. Well, yeah. It worked out good for the Marquis de Sade, but we can't say the same for Caligula.

Bob 1:29:32
Right. Now, what is chromosome 14 in relation to electricity as you've just defined electricity?

iON 1:29:41
A gin to a generator.

Bob 1:29:46
A gin? The angel spin-off?

iON 1:29:50
No, no, no, a cotton gin.

Bob 1:29:53
Oh, it's a generator.

iON 1:29:56
No, it's the gin of a generator.

Bob 1:30:00
What is the gin?

iON 1:30:01
The magneto. It's the mag - we're gonna tell you. It's the magneto.

Bob 1:30:04
It's the part.

iON 1:30:05
It would be the magneto that makes the generator work.

Bob 1:30:11
Okay, so chromosome 14 is part of the structure of the apparatus that creates what we call electricity. What are the other parts that make up this apparatus that makes the power phenomenon, which is already there, but we somehow had body part [indistinct].

iON 1:30:25
Well, you gotta have a cord, and you have to have a knob, and you have to control the thing, how much it makes and how fast it goes, and the thermometer. And you gotta make a slot to put the loaf bread into. And you gotta push a button so it goes down. When it gets done, you gotta put a spring in it to make it pop out. It'll go pop! And then the toast is done. Is it toast? It's toast! Yay! Toast is done. Hurry up, your toast is gettin' cold. [Bob chuckles] Put the marmalade on your toast. So, you gotta have a crumb pan. You gotta have a crumb pan at the bottom 'cause crumbs -- toast is crummy, Bob. Did you know that?

Bob 1:31:01
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 1:31:01
Toast is crummy; it's crummy.

Bob 1:31:03
Okay, now,

iON 1:31:03
You gotta catch the crumbs.

Bob 1:31:04
We've done all that. All these parts, now -

iON 1:31:05
Oh, okay.

Bob 1:31:07
- match them up with our body processes like chromosome 14 is the gin. What other parts of the toaster electric apparatus that you're just describing that would fit our body or refer to our body parts?

iON 1:31:22
Yeah. Well, the mask, the mask of the meatsack, metaphorically speaking, would represent the becoming of toast. So, you come out a Little Man, and you come out toast where you have power. You used to have that divided up into three Kingdoms. If you notice, it's merging now. Now you got the power in the cord. [singing] There's power, power, wonder working power in the cord, in the cord of the toaster, of the toaster. There is power, power. [singing ends] Okay, so you got power. You got a cord. You got a toaster. And now you got loaf bread; it ain't Wonder Bread, but it'll make you wonder if it was bread. But it ain't Wonder Bread, but it would make you wonder if it was bread. And then you're gonna make toast. So, we're gonna merge the power in the toaster and we're gonna make toast, like God. So, toast would be God. Is that how you work that out? But the process that you're going through "to become," it's because you can't go back to bread once you become toast. Did you know that?

Bob 1:32:28
Right. So, you're not doing what I requested. So, chromosome 14 is the generator. So, the amino acids are a part of it. Oxygen might be part of it. Blood flow, the different parts of the body, the different processes, match them up with the different parts of the cord and the toaster thing you described.

iON 1:32:46
No, it doesn't work like that. It's not -- it doesn't work. One is a process and the other is an outcome. That's like the outcome of your living. You're trying to -- what you're -- you're asking all the wrong way. You shouldn't be asking -- the toaster doesn't have anything to do with the process of Ascension, or it's not a part of the body. Just like your meatsack body as a Little Man doesn't do you any good as a God; it will kill you, but you can't kill a God. So, it's the morphing, the "morphification" of the Little Man's meatsack into a Godsack.

Bob 1:32:46
Right. And you said the meatsack was one part, five minutes ago.

iON 1:32:46
Yeah. That's right.

Bob 1:32:55
What part was that?

iON 1:33:32
That would be the meat, the body. The body.

Bob 1:33:35
Right. So, what is it in relation to chromosome 14?

iON 1:33:38
The bread.

Bob 1:33:38
Oh, it's the bread.

iON 1:33:39
The bread.

Bob 1:33:40
Okay. Yes. Now, we do -- when you Ascend you change your body process, you get the Ascension disease Emory says, Emory University.

iON 1:33:46
And you get toast. And you're, and then you've heard people say it. How's your brother doing? He's toast! That's what they say. [Bob chuckles] He's toast! So, that's how that applies. [chuckles]

Bob 1:33:58
Yeah, Little Man,

iON 1:33:59
Oh, you? Oh, you're toast. You're toast.

Bob 1:34:02
Well, that's Little Man gets it backwards. When they want to insult somebody, they say you're toast! And they don't know that's a compliment.

iON 1:34:09
Right! That's exactly right. But now like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who is all up in her feelings, she's all up in her feelings about all this foolishness carrying on, going on, all this stuff. Because she's right, but she doesn't want to be right. [Bob chuckles] She wants to be heard and she wants to be made powerful because she knows things that no one else should know but her. But she got news. She got news. She's validating it, but now nobody's believing it.

Bob 1:34:42
Okay, back to this. Now, Nan, let's see how she

iON 1:34:44
And then, and then -- wait one second. And then check this out. They start talkin' about these quadrillions and quadrillions of dollars, and everybody laughed. "Why, you can't do that. You can't afford that. You can't do this." [Bob chuckles] Then this bullshit come along and they gotta duped you into givin' everybody some money so you can cram it down their throat hole that you "f'ed" them off for a tax write-off. It's pretty fun 'cause it's pretty good. You paid in advance, hard. You'll get it right back. It'd be okay, it's no problem. But then they turn right around and they said Trump said, "Well hell's bells, the goddamn yellow dog Democrats was gonna spend $50 trillion dollars, twenty-five times which is more money than ever was ever, ever, ever! I think we can get Bob to give several trillion dollars! Hell, they'll give everybody in the country $10,000 apiece! They'll give it to 'em! They can buy products. They can buy products, they can buy recordings. Whoo, yes, that'd be good. Bob will appreciate that. Bob's a great American. He hasn't always been a great American, but now he's a great American. It's great, he's a great -- great to be Bob. He's a great American." And then what happens, and then what happens is they, they proved their point to say that you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. And everybody said no, you can't do it. Well, when the list of -- the zombie apocalypse started, [bell rings] Hello. When the zombie apocalypse started, Bob, then he said, 'Well let's just give 'em some money. This is just a few trillion dollars. [Bob chuckles] It's no big deal." Beforehand, their heads would spin and lit their hair on fire and run through the hay field, Bob! They would've run through the hay field. [Bob chuckles] "Whoo, we're givin' away trillions of dollars! We're givin' trillions of dollars and we can't do that. Ohh, you can't do that! You can't legislate morality by givin' people money for nothin'. What do you think? They'll do bad things with that money? You can't do that." And then Trump said. "Well y'all spent $52 trillion." "We're fixin' to send people to school. We're gonna pay for their school." Well, now, fuck that. We'll just close the schools. [Bob laughs] We'll just close school. You can watch the Tech Body. Tech Body will tell you how to shoot dope better than they can. They don't even do all that. Get high and right. Get high and right. Bring back Bob Carr. Give everybody brown tabs of acid [Bob laughs] And yet, hope the day works out good. Hope you don't trip bad or have a bad trip or trip up or trip out or trip in or trip -- you do somethin' with a trip. You go on a trip or you come back, somethin' about travelin'. But now you got to shelter in place under your own bridge. But then we're gonna have the economic status where we spend another trillion dollars on new bridges so that multi families can have a nice place to live under the bridges. You know, like The Shoals.

Bob 1:37:17

iON 1:37:18
Gonna make nice bridges, condominium bridges. They're beautiful. It'll be nice.

Bob 1:37:24
Oh, okay, continuing with the recording. Thank you for that.

iON 1:37:28
[Recording] Does the toast become electricity? Nan: No. iON: Right. But you can't run the toaster without electricity or some sort of kinetic fire or heat source. So, that's the thing. So that's the difference between the toast and the toaster. So, what you're describing is the toast coming out of the toaster, the essence coming out of the body is not the toaster, it's the toast. So, you can cast the toast into the swine, but it would be very challenging to cast the toaster into the swine. See how that works? Then you get bacon if you do that. Nan: [chuckles] Okay, but the toast doesn't have any realization that it was toast? iON: Correct. That it was bread. That it was bread. It's toast. Nan: Okay. iON: You're toast. Ah, you know, he's toast. See, there you go, that's the -- was that not the best damn analogy? They all suck sooner or later, but that one was pretty good, wasn't it? Nan: Yes. Very good. Okay, so is spontaneous combustion... [Recording ends]

Bob 1:38:41
Okay. Now I go back and now the toaster is not the toast.

iON 1:39:00

Bob 1:38:56
Did you say what the toaster was in that talk to Nan, the way you just did the meaning of toast?

iON 1:39:01
That was -- it was the same except that was bringing up the construct of the difference between a Spirit invading your body or your soul or essence. So, the point is that you can't

Bob 1:39:16
No, soul is not essence. Soul stays aligned to the physical.

iON 1:39:21
Well, fine now, but she's asking the difference but

Bob 1:39:26
No, we [indistinct] when you use, use the terms. So, essence, don't bring in soul because soul is just some stupid residue, hangs around the physical of something. What? The physical of your Ascended self? Ah, that's what it maybe hangs around.

iON 1:39:40
Of course. Okay, so then I guess that would be the toaster if that's true, if that's what toast's to you.

Bob 1:39:49
The body is your power generation or your words. There's something about you. Your essence is your -- what's eternal, physical, is the generator. In the electricity is the power, okay? Which is electricity. Then you've got the toast and the soul and the essence. We're trying to figure out these different terms. The soul hangs around the transitioned body leftover. iON defined it as people that knew the person would see a ghost. The ghost was the residue. But the residue was not the soul. The soul is your unrealized creations. Now, they've been sent to the Guf. And so, soul is an empty balloon, drooping there, but it seems to be staying near the physical, doesn't go to the Guf. So, the physical soul droops by 'cause without a Spirit. Is the eternal physical? That's ineffable and hard for people to experience?

iON 1:40:48
You're asking that?

Bob 1:40:50
Yeah, yeah. What? You know, the soul hangs around the physical, doesn't go to the Guf.

iON 1:40:56

Bob 1:40:57
So, what is this physical that's hanging around?

iON 1:41:01
The physical part that's hanging around, that's that -

Bob 1:41:04
No, no, the soul is hanging around, -

iON 1:41:05
- that's, we say that's God.

Bob 1:41:06
- the soul is hanging around the physical. What is this physical? My eternal? My eternal Ophenel self that never died?

iON 1:41:14

Bob 1:41:14
That's physical?

iON 1:41:15

Bob 1:41:16
So, what is the soul in relation to that?

iON 1:41:20
The space in the cells around the wholeness of you.

Bob 1:41:25
So, the soul is there as a vehicle to one's mistakes, and you

iON 1:41:32
No, let's call it a spacer. Let's call it a spacer. It keeps you from being dense.

Bob 1:41:38

iON 1:41:38
It keeps you from being so dense; it's a spacer.

Bob 1:41:41
But maybe it has -- I'm wondering if it also when you, when you get born and the soul attaches to you when the seed has met the ovum and there's conception or something.

iON 1:41:58
The zygote. A zygote is attached to the uterus.

Bob 1:42:01
Yeah, the soul enters at that point. But that's under the illusion that you got born, which never happened 'cause you never did have a beginning. So, there's a subplot -

iON 1:42:12

Bob 1:42:12
- that we never got fully explained that happens to somebody. They get into a little position.

iON 1:42:17
The same way, the same, the same way, the same way people have the headache, and you don't ever have a headache, there's no such thing as a headache. There's no nerve endings in the brain that give you a headache that you can recognize. They can take a drill and drill it into your head, and you wouldn't feel a thing 'cause there's no nerve endings there. So, you also would die of a headache, but there's no such thing.

Bob 1:42:42
So, what is it? That the headache is like as a life that one thinks they have.

iON 1:42:47
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.

Bob 1:42:48
What does this gotta do with being born of a mother which doesn't happen, but you think it happens?

iON 1:42:52

Bob 1:42:52
Is pressure a word for headache?

iON 1:42:54
Yeah, pressure being born, being born. Hey, then the Christian church has great fun with it. Not only were you never born, they're trying to get you to be born again!

Bob 1:43:03
[chuckles] Okay. Okay, so the soul is hanging around,

iON 1:43:09
Bob, Bob. Don't, don't do that. Don't do all that. Hold on. Look, -

Bob 1:43:12
No, it's for insight.

iON 1:43:13
- all you're describing -- listen. No, I know, but listen to what you're saying. It's okay. If you just look at it from the Kingdoms, Outer, Inner and Middle Kingdom, and now you're merging those Kingdoms together, that makes a new thing which isn't new at all. It's what you always were. But your recollection, you're knowing that you're indeed God and you don't have to wonder anymore, that's the epiphany.

Bob 1:43:38
Yes, and the soul I propose is hanging around for when you're gonna go into the headache, the illusory little life. You think you come out of your mothers butt, and you think you have a life. That's a headache.

iON 1:43:38

Bob 1:43:43
In other words, it doesn't fuckin' exist! And you think it is.

iON 1:43:57

Bob 1:43:57
And the soul is there for that subplot, that sets the descended Little Men part of human excuse.

iON 1:44:05
Right. Well, you let go and let God. Let go and let God.

Bob 1:44:11
Right. And give up your soul. Give up the

iON 1:44:13
Praise Jesus hallelujah, praise Jesus hallelujah and jump in the toaster. [singing] We're in the toaster now. We're in the toaster now.

Bob 1:44:22
Okay, so that's electrical, the toaster. So, you used to talk about the toaster and the toast. And I think there's another term in there. So basically, we found out that the toast is the outcome of the Ascension process. And the toaster is what [indistinct] the Ascended.

iON 1:44:40
Yeah, it's when you -- toast is God. Toast is God.

Bob 1:44:44
Right. And the toaster is the process that you go through.

iON 1:44:49
And the bread, and the bread is potential toast that's Little Man.

Bob 1:44:56
Right. Yeah, bread put in toaster. The electricity represents, which is the toaster, and the cord, all that represents the process you go through to Ascend. And what's the phrase you just said? Go for God or let go and God.

iON 1:45:13
Let go and let God. Let God. Let go and let God. 'Cause if you let God, then you're God, and God can save your soul! See, God saves your soul. You get that? But you gotta Ascend in order for your soul to be saved.

Bob 1:45:30
Well, soul,

iON 1:45:31
God, everything the Christian Church says that God does is you doing that. That's why your original founders would say I'll have a big deal with them. They were all deists! They believed in God. They believed they were creating in the image of God. They said everybody was created equal; fucked up, but equal. They're equally fucked up.

Bob 1:45:51
Yeah, I say that God, if the God creates the soul or has something to do with soul, that's the external God. That's the diluted God, that's you misplacing your power. Putting it outside yourself.

iON 1:46:02
No, no, it's not. It's not. You believe that you're so powerful, you can do that. So, that just accentuates how powerful you are.

Bob 1:46:11
What does?

iON 1:46:12
That's very powerful.

Bob 1:46:13
What accentuates?

iON 1:46:13
To become a Little Man. To be -- enough power to make you descend to become a Little Man, whoo wee, that's a lot of power, Bob, but you're powerful enough to do it.

Bob 1:46:24
Whenever you talk about God, use that word, that to me is external stuff. And that doesn't work.

iON 1:46:31
Right. Well, it does work. You are a real God, an internal God, and internal -- all three Kingdoms God ruling a system, ruling a realm, judging the world, answering the prayers of the Little Men, ruling your domain, your reign. Remember the show "Reign" that you had to watch 1000 years ago?

Bob 1:46:56
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 1:46:55
"Reign," with Charles and that damn d'Medici money.

Bob 1:46:56
Well, the God I'm talking about is social mortar. It's language. It's concepts. It's distraction from the power.

iON 1:47:06
Well, God uses words. God uses words to create, to send the angels to go tear some'um up. So yeah, okay.

Bob 1:47:13
Yeah, but there's difference between mortar and word power.

iON 1:47:16
Well, that's true. But, but, but God's not a Gutenberg Printing Press either.

Bob 1:47:22
Right, but that the Gutenberg Press altered the image people had of that powerful God.

iON 1:47:28
It allowed, it allowed texting to type.

Bob 1:47:32
Yes. So, and that gotten away and enhanced the Dark Ages.

iON 1:47:37
And now the typing is done by the Tech Body by speaking. Now you speak into the machine, and it types the message. So you went full circle all the way back. You started with a six-inch TV, then you went to 1000-inch TV, and now you're back down to a six-inch TV. You got -- you raced yourself to right back where you started. Isn't that great?

Bob 1:47:58
Yeah, now you control the content through your speech.

iON 1:48:01
Well, you are the content. Without you, nothing matters. This shit you're watching doesn't mean anything. It's ridiculous. Thompson doesn't mean anything. Your quadrants don't mean anything. You, actually if you don't finish your Chart, we're gonna nullify your Chart too. We're gonna get rid of all of it. It'd be as though it never was.

Bob 1:48:17
Well, I wouldn't...

iON 1:48:17
We'll show you how a three-day, we'll show you how a three-day journey supposed to go instead of forty, fifty, hundred fuckin' years.

Bob 1:48:23
Yeah, I don't need a Chart. I don't need a Chart.

iON 1:48:25
But everybody else does so they can figure out how fucked up they are.

Bob 1:48:29
[chuckles] Okay, so we're talking about

iON 1:48:35
Furry Lint. Furry Lint. Furry Lint.

Bob 1:48:37
The word power. So, yeah,

iON 1:48:39
Bloomsday! Bloomsday! Bloomsday! Get ready. Bloomsday.

Bob 1:48:45
So, we have words and then we can play and interact with society or make a society through the social mortar. So, the interplay of word power and social mortar words is in particular is how you use the word God. One minute you're saying you can become God as if it was some'um out there. But it's not a God that you worship, it's a God you become. Or the God is already you. So, you go back and forth with your use of the word God.

iON 1:49:13
Yeah, okay. What you're talking about is the knob on the toaster that tells how dark the toast is gonna be or how light the toast is gonna be. That's the knob. It's a control.

Bob 1:49:28
Is that, is that the 1 of 3-2-1?

iON 1:49:32
Yes. We like that. That's a good thing you came up with that. That was beautiful, Bob. You be good. [Bob chuckles] We'll give you credit for that, you did good. But then you do such perfect work the things you create. They're marvelous.

Bob 1:49:46
That's right. But okay, so it's not so complex. Once we know the toast is the Ascended and it came out of the bread, and the means for this process was the toaster and electricity, maybe it's not so confusing as it appeared when Ann was talking, Nan was talking.

iON 1:50:04
Aw, good. We can, we can tangle it up if you want us to, it don't bother us. It ends badly sooner or later. You know how that goes.

Bob 1:50:14
Okay. When we start, when we start talking about the thought and the pipelines and the conduits, and the brain and the skull and the gray matter, all those terms, that was your original conundrum, working out the differences between thought and what was the word? Conduits? Conduits in the brain?

iON 1:50:32
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the, that's the labyrinth. The labyrinth. The labyrinth of the mind.

Bob 1:50:38
Right. Okay. So,

iON 1:50:40
A pipe, laying pipe. Remember laying water pipe? You didn't know what water pipes were, where they were, how they got in the ground, or where the water comes out of. And you were astounded to find out that when you turn the sink on that that water came through the pipe! [Bob chuckles] It came from somewhere, we don't know where, but it came from somewhere. And then it didn't flood your house except for the, except at the top of the stairs for the shower, when you can't touch the thing to turn the water off. Yeah, when water comes downstairs, then you have to open the door and let it run out. But settin' that aside, then what happens is, what happens is there's a drain in the sink and it runs out of the house so you don't drown! It's beautiful.

Bob 1:51:16
Well, it seems perception is made up of this interplay, and we don't need sensory. It does exist but doesn't exist, and so we're flipping back and forth. Does the physical interact with the NonPhysical? 'Cause you've gotta have one to know the other. So, the process of knowing has to have twoness or contrast. That's the essence of all these semantic conundrums we're talkin' about.

iON 1:51:41
When you find your way and you become God that you are, when you accept your coronation, you take your seat of power and authority, it is the most liberating, euphoric, blissful condition of all. Then you see things through a different rose-colored "lives." It changes the way your capacity deals with problems; they become dim and fleeting. Now, you still have contrast, however wavering, you still have capacity to move your world, but you still mix it up, which is still fun, because you get to say how it goes. That's what your great fun that you're enjoying now is being boss is the nicest.

[Payday 2020-06-14-2020---0300]

Nikolas 51:39
iON, say more words about the crumbs, please, in the toaster. Or they're not relevant.

iON 51:52
Okay. What about it?

Nikolas 51:55
Well, you didn't say much about the crumbs in the toaster. You spoke about the toast and the toaster, and the bread and the toaster, but were the crumbs of any relevance?

iON 52:04

Nikolas 52:07
What did I miss?

iON 52:11
Ah, wanna know what you got.

Bart 52:13
Is that like the flux? Or

iON 52:18
That, that would be -- that's good, like the flux. Yeah.

Bart 52:23

Nikolas 52:27
Furry Lint?

Bart 52:31
I took the flux as it's like a byproduct. When you're welding you have, I think, like the flux, the pieces that come off during the process.

iON 52:43
And that's precisely what it is.

Bart 52:47

Nikolas 52:49
Would residue be a good word, iON?

iON 52:53
No, we just said what the best word was.

Nikolas 52:56
Ah, flux.

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