
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

iON’s Dodecahedron Description

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 12, 2016 Part 2 (53:32 mark)]

Caller: I wanted to hear your one- to two-minute elevator pitch for iON. What is iON? What do you do? What’s your elevator pitch, your 30-second summary? They’re not going for that, are they?

Bob: No, wait! We’ll just wait!

iON: OK, we’re… it wouldn’t be an elevator. It would be a decelerator. Bob had us on mute again, and we had to unmute it. We had to take care of it this time, honey!

Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Caller: Oh, damn!

Bob: Ha! Ha! I didn’t have him on mute!

iON: Sometimes, we had… we had to get loved up! He doesn’t know! He didn’t refresh! What does he know! He don’t know! Ask him!

Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!

iON: He doesn’t know where he is, but we can’t waste your time on Bob. We can’t waste your time on Bob.

Bob: Go ahead! Define yourself, iON!

iON: If you know… if you know what a dodecahedron is… if you don’t, we put it in the Wikipedia. You can look it up and see all you want to know about it. It’s beautiful. These sides have a… have a lot of angles. And in a dodecahedron, if you take every single angle that’s in a dodecahedron and look at every single angle… every pitch of an angle or the fraction of the angle of every degree of every line-joined angle that’s created in a dodecahedron. Every one of those spaces or lines between each of those angles would be a representation of us, which is what is Non-Physical. So, it’s… there’s no end… it’s even bigger than quadrillion, but y’all better not tell them what a quadrillion dollars is or you’ll be owing it. So, we’re just saying that it is a rhombic… that’s correct… a rhombic dodecahedron. Every angle is included, so every version or step is us.

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