
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

iON | Lamb’s Blood

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 5, 2016 Part 5 (37:56 mark)]

Caller: When you talk about “lambs”… like, you know, the “blood of the lamb”. Why are you focusing on “lambs” and not “sheep”? A lamb is a young sheep. Describe the reason why you’re pointing to that?

iON: The blood is different! If you take the blood of a sheep or a ewe or a ram and look at it under a skirt slide of a microscope, it has certain properties. OK! Normally, the plaque is different in a ewe or a ram, unless you’re in Suffolk. Now, Suffolk sheep, or Southdown, sometimes they have properties that leach over a bit. It depends on the maturity of the animal’s blood that you’re testing – but a lamb’s blood is very different. You can tell it instantly, the difference. A lamb’s blood will look like your blood as you are Ascending. The older the lamb, the further it is degraded into the Little Man fate. Just like for you, every day, it gets to be less of an Ascended state.

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