
Monday, April 27, 2020

Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: April 25/1962 (Lancaster)

Dobbs: Frank, how's the greeting card business over in Claremont?

Zappa: It's not music, but I got a hunch that what I'm learning about business, especially advertising, is going to help me be a better composer.

Dobbs: Do you think Don Vliet will learn as much in the shoe business?

Zappa laughed and turned on his tape recorder.

Dobbs: I met a genius the other day over in Cucamonga.

Zappa: Oh?

Dobbs: His name is Paul Buff and he has this amazing studio. It has the most advanced recording equipment I've ever seen - out here in the sticks, no less! I told him about you and Don. He says you're welcome to visit and look it over any time.

Zappa: Give me his address and I'll go over tonight.

Dobbs: Sure, but if you keep that tape recorder running, you're going to owe me millions.

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