
Saturday, October 26, 2019

iON | Gut Brain

Transcribed by Bert.

[13 October 2019 02:00 AM Hour]

(05:40 mark)
Eira: So, I want to clear up this brain… brain and Ascension in the gut.

iON: OK!

Eira: Ah… I didn't know what you had said earlier this morning – but the last thing…

iON: We said a lot of things!

Eira: You did, hey! So, we do have a brain up in the head, and we do have a brain in the gut.

iON: Well, the brain in the gut is the… well… OK… No… well! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! We don't like your words - we don't like your words! OK, you have… let's say you have two brains in your head, and one of those is driven by the gut. Now, the “Gut-Brain", if you want to call it that. So, there's nothing really that wrong with your words, but we don't want to say that it's a split. You know, it's not a split - one part of your brain is autonomic.

Eira: Umm-hmm!

iON: OK! So, the autonomic part of your brain is the “Gut-Brain" - the thing that does “natural". For example, we don't even have to tell you to breathe - you just naturally breathe.

Eira: Yes!

iON: If you had to think about it, you'd probably not make it - but because you do it autonomically… so, the gut represents the autonomic response and repose.

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