
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Beet Comparison

“The beet on the left was grown with our RNA fertilizer while the one on the right was grown without our ‘mash.’

…the soil had suffered a drought. So, the non-mashed beets were scrawny like the one on the right in the picture. The beets grown with our mash were not effected by the lousy soil and made great beets even though there was very little water in the soil.

Conclusion: the miracle effect of our VERY SPECIAL mash happens regardless of the conditions vegetables are grown under!! Think of what this means for deserts!

Actually, iON had already told us this 8 years ago but you didn't know that.

Now you have all the more reason to watch what Carolyn, iON, and yours truly, are going to do by tracking our activities at least once a week.

This is why we are in Atlanta, Georgia, right now meeting with the Dept. of Homeland Security.”
Bob Dobbs


Anonymous said...

Every garden should have some...


Power said...

Holy Hobab! This is groundbreaking headline news. Congratulations!