
Monday, June 10, 2019

iON | RnA Reset Drop Sediment

Transcribed by Bert.


[25 April 2015 Part 2]

(1:03:49 mark)
Caller: iON, in the RnA Drops, when there’s sediment at the bottom - where it gets really thick and when you shake it - does that change the potency?

iON: No, it doesn’t change the potency, but it redistributes the block back into your body.

10. War in my Heaven:

· [iON on “PAYDAY” April 25, 2015 Part 2 (1:05:34 mark)]:
Caller: iON, if there’s a war in my Heaven, am I confusing the angels with my command?

iON: When you speak to them.

Caller: And if I’m not speaking to them, they…

iON: They got the day off.

Caller: They got the day off, and do what they will. You described that Lucifer had a preference for sitting at the right hand of God. That sounds like more of a pattern rather than a feeling or an emotion – emotional response. You said that he did it over and over and over again. So, did Lucifer develop a pattern or a preference? Do those words apply at all?

iON: They can!

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