
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

iON | The Distance between the North & South Poles

11 May 2019

Transcribed by Bert.


[28 February 2015 Part 1 ]

(35:06 mark)
Caller 1: A while ago, iON, you said, “We just extended the polar integers, the half spin now melting the South Pole pretty rapidly but nobody seems to be asking questions about that”.

iON: Um-hmm!

Caller 1: Can you tell us a little bit more?

iON: Pole to pole, you’re starting to have the connection. The distance between North and South is becoming greater, which is a good day.

Caller 1: The distance between North and South is becoming greater.

iON: Yes.

Caller 2: iON, so the North and South Pole, the distance is getting greater - that means the earth is getting bigger, the planet is expanding?

iON: No, it does not.

Caller 1: How does the distance become greater if the earth still remains the same size?

iON: The poles are not bound to this plane.

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