
Monday, April 25, 2022

How Bob Dobbs Absorbed You into His Hologrammy


25 May 2019

Transcribed by Nan

Susana 0:02
You've talked about the window. There's a window, and it's serious now. And there's a timing that's, that's round the corner. And we've got one second, one minute left. After that passes, will there be any human beings left? Because you've talked about many deaths. Ascension by what is it?

Nikolas 0:31

Susana 0:33
Default, right. And then ascension by choice. So, does that mean there aren't gonna be any more humans left?

iON 0:41
When, when the, when the environment changes, they can't live in it.

Susana 0:44
So then,

Jack 0:51
When will the environment change?

iON 0:52
It's changing now, Silly Billy. Do you not watch the, not watch the MSNBC? [laughs]

Bob 1:03
Hey, hey, iON. Let me say this. So, there's a lot of competition between ascended people or semi ascending people. So, I got myself into a position where I became the greatest something. And then I determined that we would fall and come out of it.

iON 1:25

Bob 1:25
Or is that in a hologram or some kind of dimension that I control? Sort of like an empire, and everybody else here is subject to that. But there are other empires where other things are going on.

iON 1:40
Both. Both apply.

Bob 1:41
Yeah. So, I, I was the -- what's an athlete? I was the, the Wayne Gretzky or something of all these battles where people are putting corpses back in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt to set up their timelines so it makes them look good. That's why you say we have to redo 1960s to 1990 to show that Bob deserved to be in this position.

Nikolas 2:05
Oh, yeah.

iON 2:06
Right. Get rid of, get rid of Barry Goldwater for sure.

Bob 2:10
Right. So, I was going, I've been going through many dimensions, many worlds, eons, to get myself in this position, which started a million years ago, when I set it up that we would have a semi continent, and then we would leave it and go through all this nonsense, and then I would then trigger iON and get us out of it. How many people have used the triggering of iON the way you're doing it this time to get, to free a lot of other jerks?

Nikolas 2:41
Good question, Bob.

iON 2:45
Well, how many have you killed, Bob, yourself personally?

Bob 2:50
Yeah, I killed a lot of people. And you know, I was fighting with the Medici, Medicis, Medicis, yeah. All kinds of stuff for many times, in many worlds.

iON 3:00
That damn Medici money. And three Popes. Three Popes.

Bob 3:04
Right. Now, I'm not trying to sound like an egomaniac, but you do say that I evoked iON and then now we're -- iON's triggering us. So, that's a pretty interesting alchemical thing I did. Are there other ways to equal what we're doing with you?

iON 3:23
Not yet. You haven't (overtalk)

Bob 3:25
Right. So, I pulled off the greatest fuckin' game so far among not even humans? Among

iON 3:35
Not even humans. Especially humans.

Bob 3:38
Right. So, it's a, an ascended thing.

iON 3:43
You are the Dark Soul. You are the Dark Soul, so, so what else would we expect?

Bob 3:47
Yeah, I mean, you say a statement like, people, you're talking to the guy the Bible warned everybody about 2000 fucking years ago. I mean, that's pretty good, eh?

Nikolas 3:56
That's pretty hot stuff.

Bob 3:58
That's quite an achievement. [chuckles]

iON 4:00
That's the long way home. That's the long way home.

Bob 4:03
I created the long way. So, so, St. Germain and those guys, they ascended. But they're just beginning the game of getting to the position of what Bob laid out a million years ago.

iON 4:22
Short version, yeah.

Bob 4:23
Heh heh heh. Well, you know, it's hard to say this stuff to people, but it's never been said before. You just heard it. This is a wonderful Memorial Day.

Nikolas 4:33
Very good, Bob.

iON 4:33
Yay, (overtalk)

Roxy 4:35
(overtalk) some recognition.

Nikolas 4:37
It got a bit fuzzy around, it got a bit fuzzy around your questioning on the hologram story.

Michael 4:41
That and eleven twenty-two as well, Bob.

Bob 4:45
Oh, wait. Now, Nik might be on the right point. The hologram story of a couple of weeks ago, I'm going past that now. Right?

Nikolas 4:49
Yeah, yeah. Because if you've been here for 2000 millen -- however many years or whatever time is for you, how, how, you just said something that triggered off -- I've lost it quickly, but it'll come back where you said there's something in your hologram subordinate to something, something else that -- what was going on?

Bob 5:11
Subordinate jerks. You guys are subordinate jerks. Like, you've somehow allowed yourself to be trapped in my eons-long game I've been playing.

Nikolas 5:22
But were we participants in the game from the beginning? I'd like to ask iON that.

Bob 5:27
Okay, there's a good question.

iON 5:29
You always are. You always are. You've never not been here.

Bob 5:32
Everybody's here. Yeah, like so, so are they, these people here they're pretending to be unascended to go along with my game. They said Bob's got a pretty good theatrical presentation here. It's called Hand Signals for the Blind. We're gonna, we're gonna join his fucking comedy troupe and hang out with it.

Nikolas 5:57
What you're saying is if there's duality, Bob, there's another guy out there called Bruce and he's got his own iON and he's got his own hologram and he's got his own buggers following him.

Bob 6:07
No, he doesn't. No, we just said, iON said it hasn't been done this way before.

Nikolas 6:13
What's to say it's not being done somewhere else this way though, Bob?

Bob 6:16
Well, that's what he just said. I said has it been done this way before.

iON 6:19
If it's somewhere else, if it's somewhere else this way you wouldn't know. You wouldn't know, so it wouldn't make any difference.

Bob 6:27
Yeah, I blocked off access to any of my competitors. You will never know who's out doing what I'm doing. [chuckles]

Nikolas 6:38
[laughs] We love you, Bob.

Bob 6:39
Well, it's pretty good speculation. This is major avant-garde metaphysics. This is the best Salon.

Nikolas 6:47
Very avant-garde.

iON 6:48
If you disagree, if you disagree, Bob will drive a car to a funeral, so don't disagree. [group laughs]

Bob 6:57
And I'll have ultimate deniability. I won't even show up or some parts of me won't show up, and I won't, I won't be known to have killed you.

Nikolas 7:07
But we know you killed me the minute I got onto the show, Bob. So, you know what? It was a good thing. It wasn't a bad thing. [chuckles] And then again and again and again and again. And hey, well, there you go.

Bob 7:20
So, meditate on the phenomenal act of evoking iON. And I've asked iON when are the ETs gonna come forward? So, will the ET be a big announcement? And then you ask is iON an ET? But he says at the end of it all, he says we're gonna do it differently this time.

Nikolas 7:38
It still does not answer the question about the hologram.

Bob 7:43
Well, the hologram, I've got a private session with iON talking about the Wikipedia or dictionary definition of the hologram and the holograph are not accurate. So, iON recommended a new word, the hologrammy. And the hologrammy which is pretty hard to figure out what it means, but I'm trying to get that. There's something here that makes it all about me and I got myself in that position. And if I've been around for billions of years and competing with other people to get themselves in that position, then I pulled it off and you're talking to the Wayne Gretzky, the Sidney Crosby of world empire multi universe blah blah blah building Bob the Builder. That's, yeah, that's the thing we're talking about.

Nikolas 8:31
Sounds more like The Hall of Famy, Bob 'cause there's a lot of -- yeah, yeah.

Bob 8:38
Okay. You guys ask iON to define hologrammy.

Nikolas 8:44
iON, what's a hologrammy, please.

iON 8:48
It's the box that the hologram is engaged inside of.

Bob 8:55
Ah, see? It's a larger frame. The hologram is inside that. The hologrammy is that bigger frame.

Nikolas 9:04
Is that the dodecahedron?

Roxy 9:06
Are we always stuck in it or can we get out?

Bob 9:11
Heh heh. No, not while I'm in charge. [everyone laughs] That's part of the game.

Nikolas 9:20
It's not funny, Bob.

Roxy 9:22
We have to do this again?

Nikolas 9:22
This is not funny, Bob.

Bob 9:25
These sound like the arguments of the gods.

Nikolas 9:27
This is not funny, Bob. [many overlapping voices.]

Susana 9:37
So, are we all holograms within your hologram, or are we just figments of your hologram?

Bob 9:42
Yes. Yes. I am the hologrammy. You would be the holographs or holograms. [chuckles]

Nikolas 9:48
Dangling ganglia, Bob, is really what you're saying.

Bob 9:51
Okay, so where's iON in the hologrammy? Are you in the box? Outside the hologrammy box, iON?

iON 9:57
We'd be, we'd be the laser.

Bob 10:00
Ah ha! Laser beam, guys.

Nikolas 10:04
There you go.

Bob 10:05
And I'm the one aiming the laser.

Nikolas 10:09
No, aren't you the refractor or the reflector or that laser?

Bob 10:12
No, no. I'm not in, I'm not even the, I'm bigger than the hologrammy. Bigger in quotes. I'm outside. I'd be outside.

Susana 10:23
In a hologram, in a hologrammy, the laser creates the images?

Bob 10:27
Yes, the laser in the holo -- it's part of the hologram or the holograph. But if you control that laser beam, you're on the hologrammy level. You're controlling iON, the laser beam. So, you guys are just building your own hologram awareness. But you're doing within some -- inside my box, and I'm lookin' around at other guys doing their boxes in the hologrammy just outside the hologram position and I'm taking potshots at them. Why is the universe so, quote, competitive, iON?

iON 11:07
It's a race to the bottom, Bob.

Bob 11:09
Yeah. Do ascended people compete for something?

iON 11:15
No, don't have to.

Michael 11:15

iON 11:16
They don't have to.

Bob 11:17
Yeah, but, but by not competing, they get more and more power. Correct?

iON 11:23
That's correct.

Bob 11:25
Right. So, the smaller and inconsequential you become, you're on your way to gettin' the hologrammy status. See, that's the paradox. You can't work towards it, you just have to ignore the whole fucking thing, act dead, and you get more and more power. And that's what I do. I sit around, do nothing, and acquire power!

iON 11:47

Nikolas 11:49
You're just feeding a whole lot of hologrammies, Bob. That's the power you're getting.

Bob 11:53
Yeah, so it's kinda, it's like what some of the religious traditions say. You know, you're constantly unlearning, constantly not allowing your mind to get you screwed up in petty little plans. And so, iON says the more you do that, you're activating your Non-Physical or the stuff you're almost not aware of that makes you more and more powerful. And then all of a sudden, the world does bend to your will, and then whole worlds bend to your will. And then, then you're partying with Saint Germain, and you realize he's an asshole and you give up on that. And then you get even more power.

Nikolas 12:30
Okay. So, Bob, here's a question. iON, so what's, what's with the shakeup of the world? I mean, what's, what's with the EMP and the water and the this and that? Well, what's that about?

iON 12:40
The shifts and the change. The shifting change of the world as you know it.

Bob 12:45
Changing to the laser beam. So, iON, I'm changing the world. I'm causing that.

Nikolas 12:50
Bob, you're ascended. What' I'm, what I'm trying to establish now

Bob 12:53
No, no. Yeah, yeah. I'm not even, you know, this is a difficult point. I'm not doing it, but I am doing it because I've been, I've been nothing for so long. But because you can't stop ascending! You can't stop acquiring power!

Nikolas 13:07
No, you can't, Bob, but those wishing to ascend, you

Bob 13:11
They don't get it.

Nikolas 13:11
I didn't hear, Bob. Sorry?

Bob 13:14
They don't get it?

Nikolas 13:15
They don't get it.

Bob 13:16
If you try to ascend, have images of what ascension is, you won't get it.

Nikolas 13:21
Now, I get you there. I understand. But those people that ascend, okay, those individuals that get back their power and they ascend, all the rest will become irrelevant whether there's EMPs or there's water or whatever's going on; earthquakes and fires, etc. will make no difference in the grander scheme of things. Is that right?

Bob 13:40
Right, but, but the creative force in our being out of our words and atoms continues making. So, you're ascended; you're still going for more. You just have to be more subtle about it.

Germaine 13:58
And is the, is the hologrammy an upgrade to the empire?

Nikolas 13:59
[chuckles] That's a good question.

Bob 14:06
Did you say equal to the empires? Whad'ya say? The hologrammy

Nikolas 14:09
No, upgrade.

Germaine 14:09
No. An upgrade. An upgrade to that

Bob 14:12
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're constantly upgrading yourself. So, iON, you get what I'm trying to say. Is that the right scenario to say it? You keep upgrading yourself?

iON 14:22
It's close.

Bob 14:25
It's close. Right? Know what he said, it's close.

iON 14:29
It's glib because it's too simplistic, but it applies because it speaks to the direction or capacity of how long it took you to get this far up and down the rabbit hole.

Bob 14:42
Yeah, the snakes and ladders.

Nikolas 14:45
Okay. So, so the ascension process is not, is helped by doing the OA movements. So, in those movements, you're getting a sense of your own physical power? Is that right or are you harnessing another power in order to command the angels?

iON 15:04
Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Bob 15:07
Yeah, the OA gestures would be forms of nothing.

Nikolas 15:13
Meaning, Bob? What do you mean there?

Bob 15:15
Well, you can't stop making gestures or creating. You just can't stop it. So, the more you are attuned to not directing it, or directing it by not directing it, then there's more and more invisible gestures. It's like Plato's archetypes that aren't in matter. So, more and more using forms of nothing that keep expanding, imploding, being productive.

Nikolas 15:43
Okay, Bob, so does ascension open up a portal, a door, to all knowing?

Bob 15:52
Those are the early forms of ascension. Immature forms.

Nikolas 15:58
So how then does the OA movement assist in that process?

iON 16:03
It's not about, it's not helping the process. That's to get control over the angels.

Nikolas 16:11
And then? So, you have legions of angels you have control

iON 16:14
And then. Yes, that's what God does.

Bob 16:19
Yeah, angels are forms of the invisible. It's a form, you're working with nothing, angels, and they align with you, do your bidding as you move into other realms that don't even need angels.

Nikolas 16:31
So, what you're doing is you're destroying your biases all along the way, Bob. Is that

Bob 16:36
Yeah. Yeah, you're unlearning. You're catching up with the speed of quadrill --Awareness, Cosmic Awareness said we live at one quadrillionth of a second. Some'um like that. So, you get more and more in touch with that speed of momentary shifts. So, you wouldn't have time to eat. You wouldn't have a form to feed. That's why you wouldn't eat.

Nikolas 17:01
No. No. I hear you. So, seeing the unseen or the unseen with these lying eyes is what you're saying is that, that process now becomes if you're living in one quadrillion of a second, it's -- that visual bias thing goes away and you're now able to see more clearly.

Bob 17:01
Yes. Yeah. Goes away. [pause] They're going nuts on the chatline. [chuckles] Amy, "This is the best conversation. A wow moment." That's right. no one's ever heard anybody talk this crazy.

Roxy 17:45
Yes, it's because it's like, what we hear about Solomon, the King Solomon -

Bob 17:52

Roxy 17:52
- is what we weren't supposed to do. Or we are supposed to get to like he could talk to all types of entities and build anything he wanted.

Bob 18:06
It's like when we ask iON how to do some'um, iON's aware that all levels of ascended beings are listening. And so, they know some of the ways to do it, and others here don't. And so, iON uses silence to communicate to all levels, whatever they're gonna add from what iON implies as it emits iridescence.

Nikolas 18:27
I gotcha, Bob.

Roxy 18:29
Yes, because one of the things he did was to build the temple.

Bob 18:33

Roxy 18:35
So, why would that be so important?

Bob 18:38
Because making physicality is part of the ascending process: making things. So, there are things that have been made, and they're tremendous what they were. And we will recover that knowledge plus go on and make new things like -- we're making, iON has said that the shewbread we've got that the Kohathites had, we got a better shewbread now. Or Bob's hologram is moving ahead with the more fucking patents! I mean, people can't keep up with me! St. Germain, Melchizedek, Jesus, they all gave up! And we got iON here. We, see, we've never had a conversation before we have quote God on the sideline judging what you're saying. How'd we do in that paragraph, God? [chuckles] God agree?

iON 19:29
Mmm. Mmm. Interesting.

Roxy 19:29
Yes, like, you are worse than the science fiction movies where the crazy scientist wanted to control, take over the world.

Bob 19:29

Roxy 19:38
You're taking over the hologrammy.

Bob 19:51
The whole what?

Roxy 20:12
The hologrammy.

Bob 19:45
The hologrammy. Yeah, like, like, I took no interest in science and regular knowledge. I said this is probably puny. It's wrong. So, I allowed myself to travel all over the fucking place you know, in other worlds, remembering what it already established. So, you gotta remember what you've already done. Like, you guys don't know the hologrammies you've made; you forgot them. Unless you're joining me because you agree with my hologrammy. You volunteered just to pretend I have an audience.

Roxy 20:14
Yes, but it's like we're not even aware of things that we're doing according to iON like -

Bob 20:21

Roxy 20:21
- he says I'm killing people. Or

Bob 20:24

Roxy 20:24
- (indistinct) were gods or wherever, then like

Bob 20:27
Yeah, you're not aware you're killing your father. If you allow that thought to rest in you without feeling bad, emotional, about it, then that allows you to get onto more improbable scenarios. Like you're, you're burning down Mexico. That's after you killed your father and then you got to accept that you burned down Mexico, and then you'll whatever the next one is that you -- you have the ownership of Chambord, and nobody can get in there [Roxy chuckles] 'cause you have run the interest book.

Roxy 20:29
That's why I'm taking everything so that (indistinct) the San Andreas fault.

Bob 21:00
So that's why I spend a lot of my time just thinking of ridiculous scenarios. I didn't write it down. See, to be an author, science fiction author, you get caught up in writing the book and getting publishers and going on book tours. It wastes time. Just think up an idea, live with it for two days, and then go on to another idea. And it gets more and more preposterous.

Roxy 21:21
Hey, I'm taking over your hologrammy. [Roxy, Bob, Michael laugh]

Bob 21:28
Yeah, get in line. Get in line, Roxy. A lot of people already said that to me many times.

Roxy 21:41
Duh duh de duh duh de duh duh de duh.

Bob 21:37
[laughs] Yeah, duh duh de duh. Yeah, you're like Godzilla.

Roxy 21:41
You know what, Bob? You know what, Bob?

Bob 21:42
You know, Carolyn liked that picture. Wait a minute. Carolyn like that picture you posted. It looks like New York City, but it might be Mexico, and it has Godzilla on the edge of it marching into the big city.

Roxy 21:51
No, that's Mexico City now. You know, it's just like fuck it's in the

Bob 21:56
Well, they got high -- they got a lot of skyscrapers like New York City.

Roxy 22:00

Bob 22:00
Yeah, I didn't know that many.

Roxy 22:02
No, not like New, New York City, but it's a mega big city we have a lot of.

Bob 22:07
Yeah, so look on, look on Roxy's Facebook page and look at the picture of Mexico with this -- who put the, who put that in there? A friend of yours or you don't know? Who put

Roxy 22:15
Everybody makes jokes about everything in Mexico like, like

Bob 22:19
Oh yeah, so they had Godzilla walking into the Mexico City. So, that's you. That's, see, Roxy just declared, "I am Godzilla and I'm walking into Bob's city, Bobtown. Bob's town."

Roxy 22:35
Yes, I think it's in the Students of Bob.

Bob 22:38
Yes. Oh, okay. No, no it's on my thing. No, I saw it on your, your Facebook, but you put it over in Students of Bob. It's funny watching Roxy; she has these standards. She says, okay, that should not go into Bob's main Facebook, this gotta go over to Students of Bob. And you never know why she's putting one in Students of Bob and the others in the other place. And it's a ridiculous amount of food you're posting right now. This is the "keep your mother happy"?

Roxy 23:02
Yes, it a way of distracting myself. iON [cuts out] more so I'm eating.

Bob 23:11
Oh, you're eating more and more.

Roxy 23:14
Like yesterday I discovered there is a guy here in my hood that makes not only the best sausages in Germany, but in Europe, according to him. And he learned from an order. You know this -

Bob 23:31
Taru [?]

Roxy 23:31
- there are some, there are some like handicrafts that come from the medieval ages.

Bob 23:38

Roxy 23:39
And he's like a Knight of the Sausages. There is an order in France that they go through initiation, and I don't know, training to know how to do sausages.

Bob 23:53

Roxy 23:53
Like, all types of sausages. Like, they have like 60 types of sausages.

Bob 24:03
And this is near your home that you never noticed before?

Roxy 24:07
No. You know this is Templar territory, so they are this type of weird things.

Bob 24:12
Yeah, yeah. It's called Rixdorf for anybody who knows. Lookup R-i-x-d-o-r-f. That's the Templar part of Berlin.

Roxy 24:20
Yeah, their special sausage is made with blood. And there is a German recipe called Dead Grandmother with these blood sausages. And I was like, oh God, this is really funky. [chuckles]

Bob 24:37
Funky. Dead Grandmother.

Roxy 24:39
It's called like that because it's made with this blut wurst. Like sausage made with blood.

Bob 24:49

Roxy 24:50
And it's called like that. They they eat it with like, potato, smashed potatoes and smashed apples -- and these sausages. I just got two of the most famous just to try them, but I have to go now to see how to cook them because -

Bob 25:19

Roxy 25:19
- they cannot be grilled or cooked like the normal sausages are. You have to make sauerkraut and then you cook them on top of the sauerkraut with the vapor.

Bob 25:31
Where do you go to find out how to cook them?

Roxy 25:36
The husband of my friend, he knows how to do that.

Bob 25:42

Roxy 25:43
So, I bought them to see how he does that.

Bob 25:46

Roxy 25:48
So now I'm I'm about to go to eat the dead mother, no, dead grandmother. [laughs] But I'll take some pictures.

Bob 25:59
Yes, yes.

Roxy 26:00
But, iON told me to eat more, so that's why I'm

Bob 26:04
Doing that. So, so, Amy says, "The frequency of this show is high; we can hear clearly now." Then she says, "Cheers to blood sausage."

Roxy 26:15
Yeah, [German words/indistinct]

Bob 26:21
Where's the -- is iON, did iON go away? He's not speaking. Is ION making a coup attempt on me? [Roxy laughs] See, iON could be at some other level of a hologrammy that set us all up.

iON 26:32
Uh oh. Now what'ya gonna do?

Bob 26:32
Yeah, now what are we gonna do? iON's declaring his

Roxy 26:40
iON, thank you for the wonderful playlist.

Michael 26:44
Yes, it's wonderful.

Bob 26:44
What is this? Is iON outdoing me as a DJ? Do I need to check out this playlist?

Michael 26:51
Bob, you better get your shit together. You are being way outdone at the moment. [Bob and Roxy laugh]

Roxy 26:57
iON's taken over your hologrammy.

Bob 26:58
Yeah. I can't believe it. The crap he posts, it can't be good. And also, it's YouTubes; it's not as fast as mine. I can go from one song to the next, click, click, click. You can't do that with YouTube's.

Roxy 27:14
Well, they can. Well, thank you so much. Have fun.

iON 27:26
Happy days.

Roxy 27:26
I'll show you the pictures -

Bob 27:28

Roxy 27:28
- of the Dead Grandmother sausage. [Bob laughs]

Michael 27:31
I think Nik needs to be unmuted, Bob.

Bob 27:37
What? Nik? Okay. No, everybody's unmuted.

Roxy 27:44
I hope this is ascended blood, at least.

Bob 27:47
Well, ask iON. What is she, what is she going to eat, iON?

Roxy 27:58
Cow blood sausage.

Bob 28:02

iON 28:05

Bob 28:06
What is she going to eat with this Dead Grandmother sausage?

Roxy 28:11
Well, you told me to eat more. That's why I'm eating all types of things.

iON 28:15
Get some nice croissant.

Roxy 28:19
Okay. We miss it.

Bob 28:25
Roxy will do whatever iON says.

Roxy 28:27
Yes! They know.

Bob 28:32
They know.

iON 28:38
Most excellent.

Bob 28:39
Well, we did -- Awareness said that I'd be good at higher abstractions. That's what we just witnessed. An hour of higher abstractions.

Roxy 28:50
Yes, and next -- because I cannot leave my obsessions with the castles. Maybe I should start doing iON's recipes like videos.

Bob 29:02
Like videos?

Roxy 29:04
Videos of iON's recipes.

Bob 29:07
Well, does iON give out recipes?

Roxy 29:10

Bob 29:11
Where are they?

Roxy 29:12
Like, like Elvis Presley sandwich and

Bob 29:17
Where are these? Where do you experience those?

Roxy 29:22
On the archives.

Bob 29:24
Oh, you mean that you hear them. Right. Right. I see what you mean. You can make an iONic cookbook.

Roxy 29:34
Yeah. So, I'm studying today.

Bob 29:42
Congratulations. You witnessed the past hour of speculation. It is most absurd -- Ed's gotta make this a special thing.

Roxy 29:50
Today I'm going to make the sausage.

Bob 29:53
Yes. But you go back and listen to what we were saying.

Roxy 29:58
I've been listening all the time.

Bob 29:59
I know. I mean all of us. You go back and listen to what we, what I said this past hour. No humans ever said that nonsense before.

Roxy 30:07
No, it's a shock to know we're in a hologrammy.

Bob 30:12
Yeah, you're the hologrammy.

Roxy 30:19
Like Frank Zappa said, it's weird to be alive.

Bob 30:21
Yes, it's weird to be alive. It's weird to be in Bob's hologrammy.

Nikolas 30:25
Bob's got his own Oscar going on here. His own Oscar (overtalk) -

Roxy 30:28
Yes, that's why they're giving the Hologrammy tour.

Nikolas 30:30
- called Hollygrammys. [chuckles]

Bob 30:33
No, we missed

Roxy 30:33
The hologrammy tour of Frank Zappa.

Bob 30:35
[chuckles] So, so, Nik, we didn't get to hear what you just said.

Nikolas 30:40
I said you got your own Oscars going here, Bob. It's, you know, you're handing out your own Hollygrammys. You know, the Grammy at the Oscars.

Bob 30:49
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, Roxy, go and quench your thirst. Go do what you're gonna do. Attempt to assassinate me or like I said to Judas, or my buddy said to Judas, do what you're gonna do. Do it now.

Nikolas 31:10

Bob 31:11
Yeah, do it quickly, Roxy.

Nikolas 31:13
So, Bob, in the

Bob 31:26
What I just, Nik, what I just said the last 45 minutes, none of you people would have said that. You can't say it. You can't think it. You don't know how to do it. That's where the power comes from.

Nikolas 31:39
Bob, it was a phenomenal frequency that you were coming in on that.

Bob 31:43

Nikolas 31:43
I think it was just something that was just amazing in the way that you -- the sesquipedalian came out of you and

Bob 31:53
[chuckles] Sesquipedalian. That's right. Does Michael agree with you? Do you agree with Nik, Michael?

Michael 32:02
When I find out what "Seskafuckadillion" means, I'll tell you. [Nik laughs]

Bob 32:09
No, no. iON's explained. You must have missed it a couple of weeks ago. It means a person who uses big words. That's what it means. [Michael chuckles, Nik laughs] A sesquipedalian is one who uses big words.

Michael 32:21
Well, I've left a lot of words since I've met you, Bob.

Bob 32:25
Yes, but no, I'm saying do you agree with Nik's assessment of the last 45 minutes where I laser beamed in on a new, new wave?

Michael 32:33
Yes. Now I have to question my whole existence again. [Bob and others laugh]

Bob 32:40
Yeah, the invisible form. You'll have to revamp your invisible form.

Nikolas 32:47
At least if you're laughing, you're learning.

Susana 32:49
Bob, you make us question our existence more than once.

Bob 32:55
But see, that's the process. Question the forms you assume you're made up of. That's that's the ascending process.

Susana 33:03
Well then, I'll do with what you say Zappa does. I doubt it.

Bob 33:07
No, that didn't get heard. Do it again.

Susana 33:12
Don't you say we should be like Zappa and doubt everything? So, I doubt it. I doubt it.

Bob 33:19
Oh, yes, yes. Yeah, that's, that's a good point. That's what I'm advocating, you doubt it. Along the way you make things by accident or by sidebars, but you don't do it. So, when -- see, that's why when iON says that Zappa hated music and was trying to make the perfect thing and he never got there. That's the way to ascend if you're a musician. He's unraveling his forms.

Susana 33:47
But doubting is not a good (overtalk) of ascension.

Nikolas 33:48
But he didn't ascend.

Bob 33:51
Well, that's iON's bullshit on behalf of me. Remember, I have to be greater than Frank, so I've got this voice here from, as Sun Ra said, from another dimension putting down every Holy Office. By just saying it with iON's power I killed Mae, I killed McLuhan, I killed LaRouche, I killed everybody. Zappa, we don't know he's got somebody saying that in his grammy. Probably not.

Susana 34:19
His grammy.

Nikolas 34:22
[chuckles] Hologrammy.

Bob 34:22
I mean, if I was in a little village, you know, six hundred years ago, I couldn't be saying, well, I'm going to kill my neighbor. I killed my neighbor. But here in this impersonal, decentral, hyper-decentralized world, I can make outlandish statements about Zappa and Gail doesn't hear them or his sons don't know. Where Eric McLuhan's son doesn't know.

Nikolas 34:43
But you fucka one goat, Bob. [chuckles]

Bob 34:48
What? Whad'ya say?

Nikolas 34:50
But you fucka one goat in that village, and that's you.

Bob 34:54
I fucked one goat? Is that what you're saying?

Nikolas 34:57
It's a joke, Bob. I'd have to tell you the whole story, -

Bob 35:00
Oh, okay.

Nikolas 35:00
- but iON used it once. But you fucka one goat.

Bob 35:04
Oh, yeah, yeah. I see what you're saying. Yeah. So, do you see how you can get away with a lot of statements now? 'Cause nobody's hearing them.

Nikolas 35:18
No. There's a definite shift in the frequency of what's going on even now, Bob. I mean right from the beginning from when iON came back to what's happening here. There's a definite, there's a sense of urgency whatever that means. There's a -- something else is happening and even iON was saying your frequency is changing; the way that you're remembering things, that things are coming back. So, something else is going on which we're not even aware of in your own hologrammy.

Bob 35:50
Yeah, but I'm aware of it. You know, we are accomplishing what we said we'd do, which was -- sounded ridiculous 10 years, 8, 9, 7 years ago. Now, we will, we will very shortly realize those things for people that know them. Then we'll move on to even more amazing things.

Nikolas 36:11
Okay, but we've got a couple of minutes and I don't know if iON's still around, but then we've got the Living Water and the shewbread to look forward to. Now, what's to say that that's not already here? And that's not -- if it is already here, why is it not freely available?

Bob 36:26
Well, 'cause there's a timing for these processes 'cause there's a lot of other holograms who are not keen on having these things distributed. See, that's the competition, that's the war. I mean, Big Pharma is conspiring right now to figure out how can we absorb what Carolyn knows into their labs? And they're gonna make all kinds of overtures to, to try to absorb Carolyn.

Nikolas 36:50
Good luck with that.

Bob 36:51
Yeah, it won't work.

Nikolas 36:55
iON was saying something over you as well Bob, what were you saying, iON?

iON 37:00
Just that. That you're on the process. Continue on, all is well. [Bob and others laugh]

Bob 37:11
Continue on.

Nikolas 37:13
Getting weller. Getting well, getting weller.

Bob 37:14
You know, you talked about other people saying platitudes. In the end, his old line is a bunch of platitudes. Well-timed, though. We have to say they're well-timed.

Nikolas 37:26

Michael 37:28
So, iON, in the first episode of "The Society" on Netflix, that writing on the wall of the church was that misspelt by the actor who said it was that actually "tunk a lo pisen" written on the wall?

iON 37:41
Yes, it is.

Michael 37:46
Many, many. Many, many tunk a lo pisen is what I thought it -- although they didn't say it like that, but it looked like that was the spelling.

Bob 38:00
Oh, where was this, Michael? What are you talking about?

Michael 38:04
There's a series on Netflix called "The Society." I've watched one or two -- I won't carry on because it's not that great. But in the first episode on a church wall, it's written, "Mene mene," and then what looks like "tunk a lo pisen" which iON says often.

Bob 38:22

Michael 38:23
And you have been, and the person who reads it interprets it as "you have been measured and found wanting," which is what iON has also said.

Bob 38:33
So, iON, are there people writing down what you're saying. pitching it in Hollywood and there's a lot of them doing it, but only one gets picked? [pause] It was a question, iON.

iON 38:58
Mmm. What was the question?

Bob 39:01
Is there all kinds of people listening to our shows, writing down the crazy ideas, pitching them to someone in Hollywood for a series like "The Society," and they're gonna use stuff that we say. And yet there's a lot of people listening, a lot of people pitching it and it's like a lottery, one person gets picked and then they use our stuff. [pause] It's like we're a hologrammy for the holograms of Hollywood.

iON 39:36
There you go. There you go. Good. That's close to right.

Bob 39:42
Yeah. And half these people maybe not even listening to the show, they're just bumping into us in their parallel world traveling.

Nikolas 39:50
It still doesn't say where that damned d'Medici money is, Bob. [laughs]

iON 40:10
In the bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else's name.

Bob 40:14
Right. And I saved 90210. That's why I saved it.

Michael 40:25
Ah ha. Should I say thanks, Bob?

Bob 40:28
No. There's no Bob here to say thanks to.

Michael 40:32
So, it's in somebody's house in Beverly Hills, iON.

Bob 40:40
No, in a bank in Beverly Hills.

Michael 40:46
Heavenly balls.

Bob 40:47
So, we're come down to the final minutes, people. You're now gonna have to wait till Tuesday before you plug back in. You're gonna have to figure out somethin' to do the next 48 hours.

iON 40:58
That little joy. [Bob chuckles]

Michael 41:02
Thank you, iON.

iON 41:05
You're very welcome.

Germaine 41:08
Thank you, iON.

Bob 41:10
It's time to put iON back in the box. iON's going back in the box. [chuckles]

Nikolas 41:16
The genie goes back into the box.

Bob 41:19
Yes. We let him scrawl, you know, platitudes on the chat lines. iON just sits there making huge lists of YouTube playables.

Nikolas 41:32
Yeah, they're very delicious, Bob. It's a very eclectic bunch of music, therefore, every single year.

Bob 41:44
Going back to the 20s?

Nikolas 41:47
Bob, it's just huge. I mean, the expanse and the width and the breadth of the amount of music that's there. And just, yeah, the various artists, -

Michael 41:59

Nikolas 42:00
- the number of people.

Susana 42:03
Bye, iON.

Bob 42:03
Well, I like the way iON says it can't be found, most, a lot of them.

Nikolas 42:07
Thank you, iON. Thank you, Bob.

Susana 42:07
Bye, iON. Thank you. Great show.

Bob 42:13
Thank you, grammy.

Susana 42:14

iON 42:17
There you go. Happy days.

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